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Report: #518207

Complaint Review: Employee Recruit Portal - Internet

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  • Reported By: C2 — Portage Michigan U.S.A.
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  • Employee Recruit Portal Internet United States of America

Employee Recruit Portal Copelyn Maltby Scam to get credit information, Internet

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After applying for a job you will receive this email... sending you to an online application that tells you the company will have a company credit card for you if and when you get the job. Asking for you credit info. Just tired of applying for jobs that waste my time. Hello _______ , T ha nk yo u f or yo u r in te re st in th e po si t i on at our fi r m. A l i tt l e mo r e in fo rm a ti o n about u s: As a recently founded an d ra pidly growing marketing firm, we h*o p e t o fo st e r a fu n y et ef fi ci e nt en vi r o n me n t for ou r n ew employees. U nl ik e o th e r co mp an i e s, we be li ev e a n easyg oing a nd friendly atmosphere is fa c i li t at iv e t o q ua l it y a n d ac tu a ll y i nc r ea s es pr o du ct iv i ty. To be c o n si de re d, c an d id at e s must possess s tr o n g co m mu ni c a t i on/in t er pe rs on al sk ills, th e ab i l it y t o interact w it h people a t al l l ev e ls of th e fi rm, an d e xcellent o r ga ni za ti on a l sk il ls. Ca n d id a t e s mu st be self starters a nd be ab l e t o u nd e r t ak e responsibilities with l i mi t ed su pe r vi s i on. They mus t al s o be a b l e to mu lt i- ta sk, and hav e a wo rk in g kn o w l e dg e of MS Office. Fami liarity with ot h er ty p es of software is a pl us. Ou r policy i s to gr ow an d maintain a lo n g l a st i ng and mu t u a l ly benefic ial business relationship w it h ou r e mp l o y e es. In ke ep in g wi th th a t standard, ou r f ir m offers a c o mp re h en s iv e b en e fi ts package t h a t is second to none. In a d d it i o n, we pay our em pl o ye e s hi gh e r than any co m p et i to r in th is industry. Co m p e n sa t i o n w i ll be fu r t he r discussed d u ri n g t he in terview p r o ce s s, af t er re v i ew in g ca nd id a te applications. Pleas e ta k e a few m om e n ts to fi ll out ou r onl ine ap p li ca ti o n b y c l ic k i n g on t h e 'apply' l in k below. APPLY HERE Th a n k y ou, H R Staffing Em pl o y ee Recruit Po rt a l

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/01/2009 04:02 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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