Complaint Review: Robert Cipriano - Washington DC Washington DC
- Robert Cipriano Washington DC, Washington DC United States of America
- Phone:
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- Category: Liars
Robert Cipriano Rob Cipriano The long list of lies and the damage to true humanitarian efforts continues under the narcissistic nonsense that IS Rob Cipriano Washington DC, Washington DC
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With multiple other reports of similar nature on this site regarding Rob Cipriano it should probably comes as no shock that he is still up to his usual disingenuous misrepresentations of realty at the eventual expense of everyone he comes into contact with. It just adds insult to injury that he does this all while attempting to pass himself off as a "Humanitarian."
Myself and a group of others were the most recent victims of his antics, having been duped into thinking he was actually working on bringing together large scale funding for humanitarian relief efforts the rest of us were busily working on the technical and logistical aspects thereof. After nearly 2 years we discovered that, despite numerous promises that he was just about to bring through profound levels of funding through his vast network, he had actually done absolutely nothing. The possible exception to this was that he did in fact borrowing money from several board members at various times due to an assortment of challenges including loosing all his possessions, terminal medical problems and litany of other nonsensical excuses, all the while never repaying a dime, but promising all the money problems would be going away soon due to his amazing networking abilities.
Well he does indeed have some networking abilities, much of which seems focused on having contact with your contacts before he contacts you, thus making you feel that he must be a good guy because he knows people you trust. Then he works to make contact with everyone in your contact list. My advise to anyone who has been contacted by Rob Cipriano: DISCONNECT HIM FROM ANY NETWORK YOU USE AS HE WILL QUICKLY BECOME A VERY DISHONEST PARASITE.
After two years of working with him, he could not produce one sheet of evidence he had ever done anything but mislead the entire group. With much of what he stated he had been doing there would need to be, in oder for any of it to be truth, to have a fairly lengthy number of documents. When pushed, he couldn't produce even one.
He even stated the former Attorney General John Ashcroft (yes he doesn't much care whose name he abuses) had offered the group a special opportunity for a 5 million dollar grant which has also been proven to be a sham. He stated the RFP John Ashcroft had offered was "for our eyes only" yet when we looked a little closer we learned this was actually an RFP that had been posted to the State Department's web site weeks earlier FOR ALL TO SEE. Oh did I mention this was at about the same time he was whining to our group that he had a need for more "temporary funding" or he would be evicted from him home?
Do you see the pattern, new promises of great breakthrough which you want to support. You feel you need to keep him working on it so everything will move forward so it is not all surprising that some group members actually gave him money....falling right into the trap of his game of smoke and mirrors.
Some of us in our group have long histories actually performing humanitarian outreach in some of the worst locations on earth and often at some of the toughest times. As such the games of Rob Cipriano sting all the more as we actually do strive to help people in need. Working to do so is truly a labor of love. When you have someone step in who blatantly uses the term humanitarian only to line their own pocket and mislead people into thinking he is doing something that he actually is not, I believe it to be simply unconscionable and reprehensible. It is a labor of deceit and darkness.
We pulled down the web site and humanitarian network to stop the scam only to see Rob resurrect it again and he now is touting great programs in China and various locations in Africa. He also loves to use the terms "transparency and accountability" but can't seem to actually muster even a hint of either.
Do the homework folks. He is very good at making things sound very organized and loves to drop well known names. He loves to make himself out to be a great humanitarian who is well networked at the highest levels. When in reality he is only well networked at the highest levels of deceit. He epitomizes the very definition of the term Narcissist. Just ask the hard questions and force him to prove what he says. You will quickly learn it is all just talk.
You and any humanitarian efforts you may be involved with would - in my opinion - be well served to run as fast as you can away from this guy. He exemplifies the very worst of what is wrong in the humanitarian relief field. He simply uses the title of humanitarian to make himself seem trustworthy. His motives are really only focused on himself.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/25/2012 01:58 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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