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Complaint Review: Muncie Corrupt Racist Harassing Police Officers - Muncie In

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  • Reported By: crystal — Muncie United States
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  • Muncie Corrupt Racist Harassing Police Officers 805 South Shipley Street Muncie, In United States
  • Phone: 7657166690
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  • Category: Police

Muncie Corrupt Racist Harassing Police Officers Muncie Police Department KKK KU KLOS KNIGHT HATE BLACK N1GG3R WOMEN Corrupt Raping Human Trafficking Racist Whitw Male Cops Muncie In

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Crystal Lax Certified Paralegal Xxc S Shipley Street Muncie, Indiana 47302 Phone: 765-xxx Email: 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552a(g), including damages, and criminal penalties, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552a(i), for violations of the Act. The civil action provisions are premised on agency violations of the Act or agency regulations promulgated thereunder. Indiana Code 35-46-8.5-1.

Unlawful photography and surveillance on private property (1) Electronic or video toll collection facilities or activities authorized under any of the following: (2) A law enforcement officer who has obtained: (A) No search warrant never presented to me by Muncie Police Department nor City Hall Officials due to current Lawsuit Complaint against City of Muncie Indiana for neglect of my many claims about being harass, my daughter Dominique being sexual harassment by neighbors who came across too obsess with her at 802 S Shipley Street, Muncie Indiana 47302 go by the name of Jay and Lil Man (B) I never gave nor intend to give anyone private/government nor tv cyberspace producers any to electronic wireless cam video live stream on my private property.

Indiana law states it's illegal for any third parties to place a camera or electronic surveillance equipment on private property. (3) Any law enforcement officer as Complete Property Care or even neighbor Jay friends and family who uses a law enforcement recording device in performance of the officer’s duties is illegal while working under color of law (b) I believe these individuals/law enforcement knowingly or intentionally places a wireless, GPS connection camera or electronic surveillance equipment that records images or data of any kind while unattended on the private property of another person without the consent of the owner or tenant of the private property.

I Crystal Lax do swear to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I have no intention of selling my home. Being bullied forced out of my home. Nor gave any permission to video tape/record on my private resident property Knowingly and willfully using spy cameras on my private residence come to public display of me as an African American single 53 year old woman with a single 31 year old daughter that's currently been missing for over 58 days from her biological family. B. Spy camera on my private residence property are also a way to view inside the property without my consent or authorization.

In order to steal or conduct unethical teal ea individually identifiable information which is prohibited from such disclosure by the Act or by agency regulations; or Willfully, wrongful unethical real practice to gain real estate property. ILLEGAL racial harassment Flyers I'm circulating on the internet. 2018 my daughter was extremely harass with an outrageous amount of numbers. Since we moved to Muncie Indiana. Dominique name is on my Deed to received my property. She's not just a typical stereotype black woman.

My daughter moved to Muncie Indiana as a healthy swimsuit model. Someone violated her and threaten to jail or put criminal charges against her if she come back home to her mother house. I bought this house to keep my children and family off skid row homeless streets. I didn't move my family to become racial profile, sexual slavery, mistreated wrongful cruel treated. The city are protect all us citizen from danger, hurt and harm even from bad evil police officers.

Who allow their personal racial belief to interfere with their professional careers even if they're friends and family. My daughter don't need to be malicious conspire to keep her as a mental health black woman separated, divided from her property of her black family. We are human beings not sex object to have women rights being overlooked ignored. In this case. We might as well go back to the 1950's. Now we need to GPS track Dominique down like these officers are doing on my phone and getting on my nerves. If they're not sex trafficking.

Where is my daughter getting the fund to buy these Airline tickets? Her SSI is only 771.00. Don't you find it strange for her to come to Muncie Indiana and your white officers. Tell me. My daughter don't want to have anything to do with her black mom and family who she love? If you're not racist. You would question this as well. With your police skills and years of experience. Enclose are screenshot of email airline ticket purchase. Tickets costing 180 to 200.00 how can she pay for this? As a Paralegal. Is there a strong possibility. Dominique is being scared away by someone in a position of authority.

Who can manipulate, intimidate a woman who mind become like a scare 10 or 11 year old without her medication respidone? Or do all the men in Muncie believe black women lives doesn't matter? I said these men across the street from me with law enforcement in family and white cop friend too sexual obsessive with Dominique. 802 S Shipley Street, Muncie Indiana 47302 Jay and lil man Do you think it's odd for my daughter Dominique to keep coming up kidnap. Strange people conspiring behind my back to stuff my daughter away in mental health June 22, 2020 to June 28, 2020 Good investigation Detective work would find this pattern far too strange.

We've been here in Muncie for only 3 years. We've been followed, Civil Rights violated. Police equipment being use on the inside of my private resident It's like the women are being SPY in on by a group of men. What about black women privacy? Is this not a violation of the 3 Amendment right viplation? No government shall determine who can have privacy in their home. Or the 4 th Amendment spying in my home without a warrant to search even if it's wireless in modern time. 8th Amendment being cruelly, going through racial unusual wrongful mistreatment by false reports, detain, conspire to intimidate Dominique away from her blood family or her blood family right to life, liberty and property.

13 th Amendment right to feel like a black slave woman living in a concentration plantation home being monitor. With your daughter being pass around as a black slave woman. 14 Amendment rights to feel all my past and current concerns complaint got overlook until the problems back in 2018 became aggressively out of control. Now my daughter mind is damage. When I wanted to report my daughter holding her crotch, despondent, outburst of crying, memory loss of a rape woman. I got badgered by office at the front desk in 2018 when I wanted to make a report. I was ask question as how do you know? Where did you get your Paralegal training? What law firm did you work in.

Not sure if this was Wrinkle at the time. Our family was very knew here. I knew no one. I left out the police station feeling like I'm doing something wrong for wanting to report this. So I file a tip to the FBI in 2018. If people look at the number of complaints I've filed with Attorney General Office and FBI from 2018 to current. If good investigate pull all those tips file regarding racial harassment. Also pull Dominique harassment string of arrest in 2018 from Muncie to Indianapolis. Dominique arrest record never been like this. Not until we move back to Indiana.

Why the pattern around this particular black beautiful young woman. Look at here before picture compare to her beat down damage mind. Destroy the mind but use the body for repeat raping with woman and cover our badge or sex trafficking male tail with cruelly having her locked up, stuff in mental health facilities behind family back. Or save them the guilt from seeing this young woman they hurt everyday. They conspire to send a very vulnerable minded woman away on field trip traveling trips all expenses on the violators to ease their wrongful acts against her. Could you image someone doing your daughter, mother or sister like this?

The victim is accuse of raping her own self. Hateful mistreat even by women whose trying to cover up and protect a ruthless dad, brother, uncle or grandpa. This black woman and myself been psychological damage and if the City officials would've listen to me. I don't think my daughter injuries would be so far gone. This is going to require some form of compensation in court or quietly out of court. We've been racial damage as black women in this city. I have heard back from the city risk management team. Feel like I'm being overlooked even in the NOTICE TO CLAIM. Here a copy of the Airline tickets and lyft, my Paralegal Certification, copy to Mayor, City Clerk and District Court for my case file.

I can't allow my daughter image to just go out as the stereotype crackhead black woman. Dominique never had a history of harsh street drugs even IU Ball State never found drugs in her system. Although it appear she was on drugs. She was breaking down from shock of rape, loss of her 7 year old son in 2017 Antonio. Dominique became a patient with Meridian Health Service in Muncie Indiana became. better. It's appear these evil hateful men and women don't like to see Dominique doing well. Like a young black free spirit healthy woman being degraded EXPLOITED now into a slavery captive life of human trafficking. Look at her news interview with news 13.

When her son got slap in 2017. You see a very well manage, spoken healthy physical fit young mother with her son being well spoken. The maroon Cadillac is Dominique in the background. This is a drug out woman. Someone wanted to destroy her overall life I want to sue the hell out of these racial people. The injuries on a social psychology distress level been a nightmare.  Whose playing for my missing daughter Dominique tickets?

Her SSI benefits can't cover all these trips. What are they trafficking her into a woman with schizophrenic child like mind without her respidone medication. Last I spoke to her July 6, 2020 she was scare and ran off. Saying they say I would face criminal charges. I don't want to face criminal charges? Whose the they?       Crystal Lax (Certified Paralegal) Power of Attorney for Biological Daughter Dominique Sandra Marie LAX Address:S Shipley Street, Muncie Indiana 47302 Phone: Regarding: Wrongful, mistreatment, discrimination, unfair treatment due to Dominique race, she suffer from mental health Dominique disability, her age and sex. Fraud with her Medicaid.

VIOLATIONS: Dominique Federal Conscience and Religion Freedom. Are being violated through coercion by white individuals whose been placing Dominique in varies state hospitals and jails without Dominique Lax Biological blood family members. not having an ideal where's the where about of our blood family members. These ruthless racial motive frequently placing Arrest her been malicious cruelly punishing Dominique Lax behind the biological family back. I've been reporting Dominique as physically missing from the family since May 22, 2020. Way over 35 days. I received a bill and discover.

Dominique were at Eskenazi Health from June 22, 2020 - June 28, 2020. Facility Provider: Kenneth Smith 11 inpatient service. Muncie and Indianapolis police told me. Dominique doesn't want to have anything to do with her mother, family or anyone. In 2018-2019 Dominique went through a string of constantly being wrongfully. Unfairly arrested far too many time since she been in the state of Indiana. I also suspect date rape drug were given to her. Men violated her while she wasn't in her right mind. Dominique seem to got arrested ever weekend. I suspect for force sexual favors from white male officers. no female officers ever present.

My daughter Dominique shouldn't have to do no sexual favors for any black or white man just because they're law enforcement connection who came in contact the most with her from Muncie Indiana to Indianapolis Indiana As if Muncie Police connect with police in Indianapolis Dominique memory slight loss, left hand shakes she became moody, quickly upset, withdraw. from me, stop caring about her appearance. I believe she were being racial cop-to-cop human traffick and when she spoke up her rights. She would be considered a troublemaker. VIOLATION OF 8 TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS CRUEL UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT false, bogus, arrest, detained, imprisoned in jail and mental health facility throughout Indiana Dominique arrest records will show mischievous Malicious evil wicked pattern of arrest in Muncie Indiana and Indianapolis.

These method to cruel punish her if she doesn't comply with male officers. I believe they probably threaten her from Munciae. Leaving her to feel. She can't come back home. I also believe as her Power of Attorney for Dominique health decisions another reason to stick her unlawful, in varies medical mental health or state institution groups. Is to manipulate severe psychological distress with Deprivation of her rights to life, liberty and her close knit family being her property. Are to make it appear as if. Dominique is incapable of caring for herself on her own and unnecessary force, bully, manipulate, coerice into state facility in order to become Payee over her social security disability benefits each month.

I don't consent, authorize my blood, biological daughter Dominique Lax in any state government institution. I need to alert Department of Health regarding this disorder behind Dominique Lax family back. Wrongfully moving her around throughout the whole State of Indiana to different facility. Trafficking her around without the family any know of it. I believe medical fraudulent activity are being used by these individuals white officials. Moving her around to varies facility throughout Indiana and surrounding counties. In a cruel, discriminating way in order to Deprive her of contacting her family.


Frightening her and stealing Dominique Lax Security SSI money through threats, sedation and manipulation. Muncie Police department did nothing about the deep concerns. I had about the black neighbor who live across the street from me name Jay at 802 S Shipley Street Muncie Indiana, his son AKA Lil Man cousin and his family law enforcement connection in Indianapolis about the sexual harassment of Dominique. Will explain why my private resident are being video record from the inside, audio eavsedrop and phone tap sex trafficking Dominique Lax with abuse, threats. Because they have law enforcement in their family.

Trafficking her from Muncie Indiana to Indianapolis Indiana. Pursuant to the Court's General Order dated March 24, 2020, the Court will accept filings from pro se litigants via email complying with the following procedures: • Documents must be signed in electronic format (s/Name) or signed by hand and scanned; • Documents to be filed must be ATTACHED to the email in either Microsoft Word or PDF format; • The emails must be sent to; Any emailed filings sent to any other email address will be disregarded by the Clerk’s Office; • The email must contain the filer’s name, address, and telephone number; • For new cases, the subject line of the email must read "PRO SE FILING – NEW CASE”; • For existing cases, the subject line of the email must read "PRO SE FILING – [include the case number]”; • NO ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, OR OTHER MESSAGES ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE EMAIL; ANY ADDITIONAL CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE CLERK’S OFFICE. Show quoted text

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