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Report: #143607

Complaint Review:,,, - Lebanon, Indianapolis Indiana

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  • Reported By: lebanon Indiana
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  •,,,,,, Lebanon, Indianapolis, Indiana U.S.A.

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DO NOT TRUST any "snurf" selling site!
the product snurf itself is said to be made of three "legal herbs" Fevizia, Palenzia, and De La Amazon.

There is no information on these herbs I can find ANYWHERE!
Its as if they dont exist, my brother got on a bad abusive kick with them, and they have got hom thinking all kinds of crazy stuff. Im not getting in to that here but its not right.

No joke this "snurf is bad news!!! if anybody has information on these herbs please let me know!

Lebanon, Indiana

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#11 Consumer Comment

I disagree with your rebuttals

AUTHOR: KnowsMoreAboutMostThingsThanYou - (United States of America)

POSTED: Thursday, April 28, 2011

To ingest a psychoactive drug with no knowledge of what's actually in them is an extremely unwise and risky thing to do.  The fact the ingredients have no (or none that  I've been able to find) information about them tells me clearly that the manufacturer doesn't want consumers to know what's ACTUALLY in them.  All you really know about the drug is that it has effects usually reserved for illegal drugs, the manufacturer doesn't anyone to really know what's in them, and that you haven't had serious side effects yet.  If you just put anything in your system that claims it gets you high without any knowledge of what it is, I can't find a word besides idiotic to describe that philosophy (one that I was guilty of subscribing to for several years as well)

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#10 Consumer Comment

Blissherbs was genuine business

AUTHOR: Deepak - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 03, 2007


As cathy as already explained here that blissherbs was probably one of the most honest and fastest online vendors in US, it is sad to know that they had to close.

I bought all kinds of products from them including, Crystal, Snurf, Awake, Salvia, Druids, one of their most awsome product known as Mind walk or sumthig that contained 4-h*o-dipt, but anyways there products were never a cuase of bad reaction to me or my freinds unless sumone wanted to willingly f* themself up! There products ofcourse gave good and sometimes intense high, but isn't that what everyone wants from sites like these?/ also, THIS IS FOR CATHY!!

You wrote that you have found another online vendor for similar products, but your contact info is not available so please if you will be generous enough, contact me through here or e-mail me and also let me know...I ll appreciate it


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#9 Consumer Comment

Questionable "Herbs" Like Fevizia....ect

AUTHOR: Brandon - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, April 13, 2007

I recently purchased a product by the name of "Lifted" containing the same ingredients. Fevizia, Palenzia, and De la amazone. All internet research about these herbs and products containg the these herbs returns inconclusive.

So I decided that since this "Mood Enhancer" resulted in thinking I'm a bird for several mins, hearing colors and seeing sounds. That this is not herbal.

So I researched all hallucinogins. Expecially ones of the amazon considering de la amazone is french for of or from the amazon. I finally decided that the active ingredient has to be dextromethorphan (DXM). Its widely known due to the fact its found in Robotussin. I read probably 125 different experiences people have had uder the influence of DXM and its very very simmilar to what I experience.

Also DXM is a bromine, possibily explaining the chemical refered to "Indian Bromine" in Red Dawns Hallucinoginic "Shot".

DXM is a relitively safe in responsible recreational doses. Though remember anything is bad out of moderation. This product could lead to psychosis out of moderation, as well as other cognitive problems. Also if you or your familiy has any sort of mental illnes (IE Schitzophrenia, Bipolar disorder) should not use this product!

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#8 Consumer Suggestion

I found out what happened to them!!!

AUTHOR: Kathy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, October 06, 2006

Today 10/06/2006, i get an email from someone off of ebay, and in the subject line it says:
(but, i didn't know you were allowed to sale this kind of stuff on ebay? not approved by FDA and mind altering things? the crystal tablets they are selling i was paying 40 bucks for 8 of htem and they are very addicting and come in little plastic baggies)

Buy Snurf or Crystal Tablets

and it's

So i open it and it states:

This is Yamila from I'm emailing you because you were
once a customer of either or

Unfortunately both businesses have had to close recently. Our manufacturer went backrupt and Ren passed away in August due to Hepatitis.

I am putting the remaining Snurf tablets and Crystal tablets for sale.

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#7 Consumer Comment

Responding to mark that says it should be removed

AUTHOR: Kathy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 26, 2006

No mark, i don't think it has to be removed, tha'ts not fair, so you are having a GOOD experience with them, this person had a bad one, what makes you right and them wrong??

i was a customer to blissherbs for well over a year, i know i was dishing out 400 bucks a month on the stuff. I didn't know any better like i do now. I thought that i hit a gold mine and they were the only place out there with all of this COOL LEGAL HIGH Stuff...

but i can say, that half of what i got, didn't do what the said it would, no biggy... and that some just didn't feel right, made you wonder what was REALY in it. and then the purelife products taht i got from them in HALF doses, bottles not sealed and a very awkward feeling of withdrawls if you went 12 hours without taking it, now i wish i had saved it, i could find out what was really in it. Now i'm getting the stuff from another company and it's sealed bottles, tastes WAY different and no side effects.

so, i just think there is something fishy, also, try and get on their site now. you can't, they are GONE, "POOF"!!!
and they disappeared right when i was having issues with them, no responses, products taking weeks to deliver, no customer service, products showing up crushed, half mising, ect ect. now they are gone. so makes me wonder what was really going on and Thank HEAVEN whatever i was taking didn't kill me . you are more then welcome to contact me , i can show you my bank statements of faithfully ordering from them every SINGLE MONDAY for over a year.

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#6 Consumer Comment

I was a customer to blissherbs for almost a year

AUTHOR: Kathy - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I don't judge companies because one person had a bad experience. (the brother may hve mixed the product wiht something he wasn't sopposed to or took too much)

My husband and i ordered from blissherbs all the time, i was ordering weekly, and spedning alot of money - anyone can email me and i can answer any questions you have, i still have some of their old shipping boxes around here i've used for other stuff. They claimed to be out of colorado but all of my products were shipped from mass.

The company has shut down, as of 5 months ago, the site is good, "POOF!" NO warning, nothing, just gone. In my opinion from MY experience towards the end, something went wrong..

in the beginning they were awesome, quick to respond to emails and questions about products and fast delivery, i'd order on a monday and always had my stuff by Thursday and i received emails tracking my products that i paid so much for. one was called PURELIFE U4EA and i was paying 80 dollars a bottle for it. Nothing fancy, just a product that lowered my stress, kept me happy and also got me off of prozac which iv'e been taking for 10 years. with no withdrawls, it was awessome!!

ok so then, all of a sudden, no response to emails and 1 to 2 weeks would pass and you'd FINALLY get a response and then yoru products would ship. So i stopped ordering from them, i found another place that has the SAME product for 39 a bottle.

ok, another thing, when i got my bottles, they were never sealed, always half empty, and i never quested it, it was new to me to order from a place like this, so i figured that's how they came, now i'm getting FULL SEALED bottles from these other places... also, the product i got from bliss herbs, the stuff was a bit stronger and youd' have really bad withdrawls if you went ONE SINGLE day without it. i'd get dizzy, headaches and depressed... not now, what i get from this other place, i can go days or forever wihtout it, i'm fine... now i'm wondering what was i taking on this other stuff?? to purposely make me addicted??

we tried some of their stronger stuff. and i guess we are just not chimically inclined to get high beause the stuff that sopposedly was the STRONGEST out there and EVERYONE raved out, we'd order, try it out, didn't work and try something else, i cna't think of anything on their site that we didn't try. their "AWAKE" product worked good, 5 bucks for a few pills, but worked good. and one other, can't think of the name of it, was AWESSOME!! but 40 bucks for 8 pills.

So, i'm not sure what happened to them, but i'm guessing, they finally sent the wrong thing to the wrong person and something bad happened and that's why they are shut down.

God only knows what they were sending me, but it's not what i'm taking now from a legite company.

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#5 Consumer Comment

"Snurf" not a rip-off.

AUTHOR: Kyle - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006

Being fairly experienced in the world of mind altering substances, I used to be very against taking Snurf and most other forms of legal drugs. Coincidentially I had never tried it.

Now after what I can best describe as somewhat "trippin out" multiple times, I have full support for Snurf because if used properly it will have wonderful effects on the mind and body.

I can very well understand having a bad experience because of taking too many, one or two will suffice. The use of others drugs such as alcohol will greatly increase the effects. Also note that it is possible to have an allergic reaction to Snurf as I have, easily medicated by taking a benadryl beforehand.

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#4 Consumer Comment

"Snurf" not a rip-off.

AUTHOR: Kyle - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006

Being fairly experienced in the world of mind altering substances, I used to be very against taking Snurf and most other forms of legal drugs. Coincidentially I had never tried it.

Now after what I can best describe as somewhat "trippin out" multiple times, I have full support for Snurf because if used properly it will have wonderful effects on the mind and body.

I can very well understand having a bad experience because of taking too many, one or two will suffice. The use of others drugs such as alcohol will greatly increase the effects. Also note that it is possible to have an allergic reaction to Snurf as I have, easily medicated by taking a benadryl beforehand.

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#3 Consumer Comment

"Snurf" not a rip-off.

AUTHOR: Kyle - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006

Being fairly experienced in the world of mind altering substances, I used to be very against taking Snurf and most other forms of legal drugs. Coincidentially I had never tried it.

Now after what I can best describe as somewhat "trippin out" multiple times, I have full support for Snurf because if used properly it will have wonderful effects on the mind and body.

I can very well understand having a bad experience because of taking too many, one or two will suffice. The use of others drugs such as alcohol will greatly increase the effects. Also note that it is possible to have an allergic reaction to Snurf as I have, easily medicated by taking a benadryl beforehand.

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#2 Consumer Comment

"Snurf" not a rip-off.

AUTHOR: Kyle - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006

Being fairly experienced in the world of mind altering substances, I used to be very against taking Snurf and most other forms of legal drugs. Coincidentially I had never tried it.

Now after what I can best describe as somewhat "trippin out" multiple times, I have full support for Snurf because if used properly it will have wonderful effects on the mind and body.

I can very well understand having a bad experience because of taking too many, one or two will suffice. The use of others drugs such as alcohol will greatly increase the effects. Also note that it is possible to have an allergic reaction to Snurf as I have, easily medicated by taking a benadryl beforehand.

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#1 UPDATE Employee

This report is a fraud itself...

AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 20, 2005

This man admits to not having used this product himself. Having used snurf and other herbal enhancers like it before, it is most likely that his brother simply took too much or mixed it with counter-acting substances such as an MAO-Inhibitor (prozac, etc.), alcohol, or an illegal drug.

When I tried to write back to him, all I got was an account closed notice for his email address.
I do not work for this company, but I sure will continue to buy their product, because it has had no ill effects for me, and did exactly what it was supposed to. Obviously, not every herbal remedy is meant for everyone (I can't take common St. John's Wort, for instance, it makes me psycho), but that does not make it fraudulent.

I personally feel that this fraud report should be removed, because there is no actual basis for it.

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