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Complaint Review: Christi McCoy Law Firm - Internet

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  • Reported By: Framedelvisguy — Corinth Mississippi USA
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  • Christi McCoy Law Firm Internet USA

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Christi McCoy has turned my life upside down. She was assigned to my case in April of 2013, yet she lied to me and told me “God spoke to my heart and told me to step in and fight for you". She did anything but fight. She betrayed me, threatened me, cursed at me, lied to me, lied to others about me and communicated with my ex wife behind my back without my knowledge after we had agreed that she would cc me on any and all communication between them.  She disclosed financial, and very personal, information to my ex wife that, in turn, caused my entire family, including our children, to be upset. Christi McCoy's actions have caused me serious health issues and has caused chaos and separation in my family. Her unethical behavior continued.  She talked about my mother to my ex wife calling my mother “nuts”. My mother fell to the ground outside after reading the emails and seeing what Christi had said about her. An infection set in after my mom broke her hip due to the fall. My mom's health has gotten much worse over the last year because she has been very upset about Christi's words and actions. My mom's health was already deteriorating at a rapid pace due to me being framed, falsely arrested then unlawfully thrown in prison by the Feds in the ricin case.  My health was deteriorating at a rapid pace also due to being framed, falsely arrested and unlawfully thrown in prison by the Feds in the ricin case. Christi McCoy's and Hal Neilson's words and actions has kept me in that state of declining health because they have not helped me, they have hurt me.

Christi & her partner Hal Neilson also threatened, used coercion and used fear tactics on a potential witness who is not a citizen of the United States and who was not a witness to the crime committed against me. They violated that person's privacy and Mr. Neilson's actions caused them to cry. The witness' health has seriously declined due to Mr. Neilson's and Ms. McCoy's words, actions and threats against them.  

I have spent the past year trying to reason with them to stop the unethical practices, unprofessionalism and terrorism tactics they displayed.  They worked against me in every sense of the word.  They threatened the potential witness by telling them "You are in our jurisdiction now." When I informed Christi McCoy and Hal Neilson that the potential witness was suffering serious health issues as a result of their words, demeanor and actions toward them, Hal Neilson said to me “Kevin, people die all the time in litigation, it’s rough buddy, if that were to happen, it is not on us, we don’t own that”. As a result of all of this combined, I fired both of them on Friday, May 13, 2016 in my new attorneys office.  Christi screamed at me, cursed at me in front of my new attorney.  She called me as a*****e, dumbass, retarded and idiot. Christi also attempted to persuade my new attorney to have me committed and sign her over as Power of Attorney. My new attorney laughed and told her that I am as sane as he is and he would not participate in doing such a thing. I found other clients of Christi McCoy who said she had filed to have them put into a mental institution as well. It seems as though this is a pattern for her with her clients. Christi McCoy has violated every client/attorney privilege.  I am still suffering health issues from the anxiety and uncertainty she instilled into me.

The first of the seven times that I attempted to terminate Christi McCoy but retain Hal Neilson, Mr. Neilson informed me that his loyalty is with Christi  McCoy.  He stated "if she goes then I go."  As of May 13, 2016, they were both fired. Thank you.

Kevin Curtis

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#7 General Comment

Really Now

AUTHOR: Really Now? - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, November 21, 2016

I'd like to know just how old you people are.  I ready the complaints, the rebuttals, and am shocked at the unprofessional behavior of any attorney.  I'm not shocked at the person who filed the complaint.  Some people like to play victims.  But for two so called experienced attorneys to act like children is beyound comprehension.  Shame on you.  I'm sure your practice really expanded from your comments.

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#6 Author of original report


AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Wednesday, August 10, 2016
August 10, 2016

Christi and Mr. Neilson,

I will not be returning to this site. I am discontinuing any further replies, and rebuttals, on here as this is unhealthy and counterproductive.  Please provide the same respect to me.

Thank you.

Paul K. Curtis

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#5 REBUTTAL Individual responds

"Victimized Again"

AUTHOR: Christi McCoy - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, August 09, 2016

 Kevin - That is the story of your life. You are always the victim. And honestly, you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the nose. Your lies just grow with time. Kevin - I could go line by line and show your lies. I really do not have time for that. I will say that your claim of suffering poor health is not backed up by the records. And that is the issue with you. You talk a good game but when one starts investigating - it falls like a house of cards. Example - you make the statement you have spoken with clients of mine who claim I tried to put them in a mental hospital. Pray tell who would that be? I don't recall a single client I have "tried" to institutionalize.

Now you will recall that Hal and I fought tooth and nail standing against the power of the entire federal government who wanted you institutionalized. We are the ONLY reason you did not get lost in the system. So anyway - please stop with the games. Do you remember the first time I asked you to be careful about posting half truths and misrepresentations?? Remember my concern for your credibility? You are hurting yourself. And yes, Hal walked out and said good luck. I tried to deal with you because I really want to see you compensated for the hell you went through. But your mind is set in Kevin Land, where truth doesn't matter. And I am sorry for that. As Hal said - wish you the best. Happy to answer any legitimate questions or concerns. Look forward to receiving the $ you owe and also receiving our share of any settlement. Good luck!

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#4 Author of original report

I am KC & I approve this Message

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Nice try Mr. Hal Neilson but fortunately, I have the TRUTH all on video/audio and emails and when this gets to a court room, I will be armed with every single shred of evidence to prove the violations, threats and lies. I am thankful I have "GIRL FRIENDS" all over the world Hal Neilson and last time I checked, it was not against the law to have a "WITNESS" sit in just as my brother sat in and my mother sat in but I don't hear you talking about that interestingly enough. Threatening an innocent person from another country while visiting this country is ILLEGAL and to force an innocent non-citizen into thinking they are being depositioned, when in fact they are not because you don't even know the correct name for an abstract court order is also ILLEGAL. Shame on you. As for your lies about me coming into the May 13th, 2016 meeting on the day I fired the both of you, I have 2 solid college educated and very successful witnesses whom I shook hands with, had a smile on my face even AFTER changing a mysterious flat tire on the side of the road for almost 2 hours in scorching heat while in a suit and I even reached out and shoot your hand Mr. Neilson. You will stand accountable for the lies. My new attorney witnessed Christi raise her voice at me, call me an "a*hole, nut job, loser and idiot. He witnessed her insult me, storm out, then come back in 3 times sweet talking me saying "I like you Kevin, I really do but not enough to marry you" when I have VIDEO recordings of her saying "I don't like you" as well as hundreds of emails that back the fact she hated me and worked against me, not to mention you both betrayed me by having my claim DISMISSED behind my back with no written documentation whatsoever to let me know I wasted $400 on a filing fee after you both told me if I did not come up with the money in a week in April of 2015, that my case would be dismissed. You misled me over and over, lied to me, caused me to almost lose the movie deal by saying the holdup was on Well's end and not yours. I had to call Wells and BEG him to hang with me and he did even after he read what you both were saying about him and his partner. You constantly pointed fingers toward Wells. Christi went as far as to say she didn't like the GQ article at all after she went back and read it. How rude and rediculous to say such a thing about one of the most talented and gifted writers I have ever met! You really let me down Hal. For someone who got involved in a Federal conspiracy in 2010 involving the FBI and illegal practices, was forced to defend yourself against the very organization you worked for over 20 years, you sure seem as though you are jaded and numb to the uncertainty and reality involved in the hell I have been through since being framed & falsely arrested by the Feds. You Mr. Hal Neilson, also tried to pit my brother against me by telling me that he thought I sent the ricin letters and was guilty. Christi also said my brother thought I was guilty and was not going to fork up one dime for legal fee's. My daughter informed me that she was there at the dinner the week I was falsely arrested and my brother OFFERED to pay money down and Christi was the one who said "no, no, I am doing this pro bono". Yet, you both had me sign a document on September 9, 2013, telling me it was just a "formality" and nothing to be concerned with, would not change a thing but a document that HAD to be signed in order to sue the Feds. You both played it DOWN and I had NO idea it changed the status of you both going from pro bono to 50% if my case goes to trial and 40% if a settlement was reached. That was sneaky and dishonest. In fact, everything you two did was sneaky and dishonest. When I asked (begged) for a meeting to explain why there had been a 2 year holdup on the movie deal and why the documentary was not finished after almost 3 years in the making and why I had NEVER gotten paid for the mass destruction of my entire home, personal property, computers, appearances on exclusive Talk shows in New York City, etc, you told me that you couldn't afford gas to drive from Oxford to Corinth. I find that hard to believe, especially when I saw you drive up in a new Mercedes Benz. Thank God for my "GIRL FRIENDS" Hal...I don't know how I could have survived the last 3 years of chaos and unprofessional, unethical behavior by you two. Such behavior put me in the hospital more than a half dozen times with high blood pressure, panic attacks and irregular heart rhythm. I hope you are both proud of yourselves for your accomplishments. Looks like Christi's theory that no other attorney in the state of Mississippi would TOUCH my lawsuit or deal with me turned out to be a "conspiracy theory". I have the best attorney in the world. One who would NEVER threaten me, betray me, secretly email my ex wife behind my back, try and pit my brother against me, lie, sabotage opportunities that would bring me back into the media on a GOOD note with the community. You both did nothing to get me aa press conference to clear my name and put me back in GOOD standing with the public. That says it ALL. You were both too busy trying to act as "Agents" that you forgot your job responsibilities as ATTORNEYS but nothing excuses or justifies HOW you both treated me and others. You violated every code of ethics known and when I said to you Hal Neilson that the stress and uncertainty of all the hell taking place around me like the threats, attacks on and offline, stalking, etc was causing health issues for myself and a potential witness and I was scared something might happen to myself or a potential witness as a result of nothing being done to protect us, you said people die all the time in litigation, that it was a risky business and if someone dies, it's not on you or me. I will NEVER forget that. I recorded the meeting at my attorneys office and will be happy to upload the entire meeting to youtube and post the link here tomorrow since your memory has failed you. By saying I screamed at the May 13, 2016 meeting is just a cold lie but what's new? You stated you wanted to "Move forward" at the meeting when you knew I had fired the both of you in a certified letter months before but Christi told my brother that you two could not be fired and that you had it worked out in contracts to where you both got paid whether I terminated the client/attorney relationship or not. Wow. Learn something new every day. To say you got up and "quit" is simply not true and there were 3 witnesses in that office to testify to that. If it makes you sleep better at night to think you "quit" rather than got "fired" then go ahead and think that. Best of luck to you and your partner in crime. I hope you have learned something from all this. I don't hold grudges but I don't forget either. I actually trusted you, believed you and put my life and future in your hands. You screamed at the meeting when I called you out on your unprofessional FBI scare tactics that you used on a potential witness to my lawsuit. Maybe you are not used to people standing up to you or calling you out on bad behavior. Interesting you waited until you got outside where I could not hear you say you wanted to come across the table. You made the right choice by standing down, trust me on this. May God bless you and forgive you both for what you have caused so many people.

Victimized, once again
Paul K. Curtis

PS I have a few more Girl friends that will be with me in court when the day of ACCOUNTABILITY arrives.  

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#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Let the truth be known

AUTHOR: Hal Neilson - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, August 09, 2016

It has come to my attention today that Kevin Curtis posted about me.  After reading, I will let the truth be known.  I have always helped Kevin Curtis, but his comments about what transpired, and what I said, are just simply not true.  

I was asked by Christi McCoy to help defend Kevin Curtis after he was accused of committing a crime.  We were able to successfully defend Kevin and give him back his freedom. This was done with no compensation, but because Kevin needed help.

Kevin Curtis then ask Christi McCoy and myself to represent him in a civil suit for his false imprisonment and also with a potential movie contract about his ordeal.  A contract was agreed upon and signed by Kevin.  Christi McCoy focused on the civil lawsuit, and I focused on the movie contract.  As to the movie contract, after countless hours and contract revisions, I successfully obtained a movie contract for Kevin Curtis that he agreed to and signed.  Once all the work for the movie contract was completed and his first check was forthcoming, Kevin Curtis decided that he needed another attorney.   

Over the years, Kevin had asked for our assistance with a number of other legal issues, and we gladly helped him.  Both Christi and I incurred out-of-pocket expenses for Kevin, but not once were we thanked or paid for our services by Kevin.  

Recently, Kevin's new attorney requested Christi McCoy and I meet to decide on the best way to proceed with the civil lawsuit, as both Christi and I stood ready to go to trial.  I agreed to the meeting, as did Christi McCoy.  The moment Kevin Curtis arrived in the office, he started screaming that I had caused his girlfriend to cry when I demanded her to reveal her true identity.  Yes, I did previously request her true identity.  The truth is Kevin and his girlfriend met with Christi and I previously to discuss his potential lawsuit and to prepare Kevin for what was to be expected in court.  Kevin and Kevin's girlfriend previously insisted on her being present for all meetings with attorneys.  Kevin's girlfriend had starting seeing Kevin following his arrest, and since that time, she had been hiding her true identity from Kevin's attorneys and Kevin's family.  However, Kevin's girlfriend was adamant about knowing the strategy and status of the civil suit and movie contract.  In order to continue allowing her to be included in Kevin's legal affairs, I informed Kevin's girlfriend that we had to know her true name and identify as it would be required for our witness list in court.  It was not a confrontational request, but it was certainly a needed and firm request....and never did anyone yell at Kevin's girlfriend.  I subsequently learned that Kevin's girlfriend was upset that she had been forced to provide her real name to us, even though she may or may not have ever been called as a witness.  At the time of learning her true identity, I told Kevin's girlfriend that we would do everything we could to protect her identity.  That has not changed even with my response to Kevin's false statements on this report.  

After Kevin's continual screaming in that last meeting with his new attorney, I told Kevin, "Good luck with your case, I quit, and I am out of here".  I walked out of the office, and I have not spoken with Kevin since.

The above is the truth.

I am proud that I was able to help keep Kevin out of jail and prove his innocence, and I am glad I was able to successfully obtain a movie contract for him.   I wish the best of luck to Kevin and his new attorney. 

Hal Neilson



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#2 Author of original report

Unprofessional, unethical and rude

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Mama taught me to share :)

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#1 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Computer Day at the Asylum

AUTHOR: Christi McCoy - (USA)

POSTED: Saturday, August 06, 2016

Oh my.  It must be computer day at the asylum.

Kevin - please get a life and leave me out of your crazy!  This "report" is filled with so many lies and misrepresentations I can't possibly take the time to answer them all.

But I will say this - I was not ASSIGNED your case.  I went to check on you and YOU asked me to help you.

Didn't fight? You do realize you would be in some maximum security federal prison had I NOT fought for you, right?

Hal and I were the only people who would fight for you!

I have never requested Power of Attorney and don't want it.  We did discuss the fact that you are completely incapable of taking care of your legal matters.  And no one, no one, has ever accused you of being sane.  In the three years I have known/represented you I have spoken to many, many people who knew you.  Your family.  People who know you but are quick to say they are NOT your friend.  And not one single person has ever said they believe you are sane. 

I am asking you nicely to keep me out of your drama.  Please understand that there is no attorney client privilege between us and if you keep on stalking me, harassing me and constantly talking about me on social media I am going to fight back. Enough is enough.  Get over yourself.


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