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Report: #964567

Complaint Review: JP Morgan Chase Rock Beauseigle - Houston Texas

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  • Reported By: Chase Victim — Sarasota Florida United States of America
  • Author Not Confirmed What's this?
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  • JP Morgan Chase Rock Beauseigle 1111 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77002 Houston, Texas United States of America

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For the last several years, JP Morgan Chase lies and tells the United States Government they cannot find a qualified American to be a Database Architect in Houston and pretend to run ads to find such a person who would be highly skilled in Oracle - the leading program for banks.  Every year they sponsor a man from Quebec, Canada, Rock Beauseigle, name him as Vice President globally of JP Morgan Chase and pay him over $143,000+ a year (at least in 2008) to take a United States job they pay most Americans under $100,000 to perform.  Not only is this man over paid compared to many other active JP Morgan Chase employees, he only has a two year degree and is a Sybase expert, the dying program for the banking industry.  Even when the 2008 Bear Sterns takeover offered an excess  of skilled U.S. citizen IT staff, many of their heads went to the chopping block and the man from Quebec got to keep his job in Houston.

Even more interesting is the amount of trust JP Morgan VP Rock Beauseigle was given to take data in and out of the country from the JP Morgan investment bank side and work with vital and private data in his home in Houston and in Quebec-out of country.   In a lawsuit soon to be filed, his former Fianc of several years allegedly left Houston in 2008 after over hearing a deal where he was selling that data to the Canadian Government and Royal Bank of Canada.   Since that moment he began threating her life and she departed from Houston to return to Florida, where Rock had personally moved her from.   

Since that time and over the last four years, this woman, an author was being stalked on line and called a "prostitute" "w***e" "felon" and a myriad of other things that cost her $180,000 loss in on line revenue of Childrens' books.  She learned in September of 2012 the "anonymous" person tormenting her was her ex Rock Beauseigle - more so after he posted photos of her only he had possession of that same month.  She also alleged that Rock Beauseigle  pulled her private address locations from her Chase banking records from Houston under the guise that she applied for a mortgage in Houston or at other times that she owed Chase a Debt.     After Chase was notified they still did nothing to protect her as a customer, the author and her bank records.
The author will testify photos of dead people had been sent to her Florida home and she moved at least every nine months. She could not figure out who was terrorizing her.  Then anonymous postings on the web would laugh about her moving so much.  When the author told Chase about the sale of private data in October of 2012 and the abuse she incurred over the last four years, JP Morgan Chase did nothing but "restrict" his activities and allow him to still work from his dining room in Houston.  They even told the employee the author had named him as the person stalking her which did not promote her safety at all.  Chase is liable for any illegal conduct of a person they sponsor from another country.  The author had talked to Jamie Dimon's secretary and was sent to Kim Teta and Lorraine Chester, both of Chase Bank to assist her.  "Nothing was done to help me, and they simply turned around and warned Rock I accused him of stalking me - so maybe he would have time to delete activity from his company lap top."  

"When I learned my tormentors name in September 2012 from a credible person intimate with Rock, it all made sense. I would get e-mails "You don't know my power" and "You will soon find out who I am" and "I am coming to get you and lock you up and so on.  My ex had been trying to discredit me since the moment I left him-so if I did make a statement, I would not be believable.  Prior to 2008 my on-line reputation was impeccable.  Suddenly things that were way prior to the Internet, from 1987 began being plastered on the web.  It was awful and it still is going on."  The last thing the author adds "This psychopath should never have even been allowed in our country or near our data.  He was given way too much power and tormented me for years - keeping me from dating or having a life with the kind of content being slapped on the Internet.  I have filed a police report for the first time since this began and it does discuss why I left Houston and why he would want to hope I kill myself--because what was posted was that bad.  It does not matter how old your are, that kind of ridicule that isolates you from society really hurts deep."  

The author victim IS the writer of this article and after four years of living hell and being positive I could NOT wait!  Chase has done zip to protect me or my data as a customer.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/04/2012 11:53 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#4 REBUTTAL Individual responds


AUTHOR: Heather McKenzie - ()

POSTED: Thursday, July 18, 2013

None of this is a great surprise to me since no one in Canada wanted to take a chance on hiring him or give him work because he is Mentally Unstable. I dated Rock on and off for 10 yrs when we met at Bell Canada where we both worked, after some time he was laid off and had to pursue a different career direction.  He then went to the US to work in Florida for Fed Ex. since no one would give him the chance here.  He didn’t hold his job at Fed Ex because they fired him for being a loose cannon and was a risk to the company.  At this time he was still trying to get my attention and convince me to move to the states with him.  I knew that would never happen I wanted to be as far from him as possible as he had already spent my whole life savings of around 80k.  He is a con artist who uses women abuses them takes them for all they have then stalks and prays but most of all belittles them.  He has been married at a min of 3 times that I know of and has dated and took more women then I can count to final financial ruins.  After his short employment with Fed Ex he got into the well known scam of Excel -Bartec they hired him then fired him soon after as they found out that he was in fact not stable mentally. (Sad that a scam didn’t want the best scammer)  I don’t know this Author but I can relate to her in the fact that he stalked me for a very long time.  He is the worst excuse for man and he thinks that he owns women and is a god where we should all be grateful to have him in our lives.  Truth is the only good thing would be to get as far away from this a*s hole as you can.  If in fact this author did write this column as you all are accusing her of she is right on and has every right to be upset.  Who cares what happened to her or anyone 25 yrs ago everyone and I mean everyone has skeletons in their closets I know I have one his name is Rock.  Thank goodness I have met a wonderful man who is in the Canadian Royal Monty who treats me with respect.  I now have nothing to worry about or be scared of this monster good luck to him if he wants to try to mess with me now.  I am finally FREE. To all who meet him run as fast as you can get away from him he is the DEVIL and will RUIN YOU.

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#3 Consumer Comment

Oh Look! A Coo-Coo!

AUTHOR: Bob the Snob - (USA)

POSTED: Sunday, January 20, 2013

Well now. well now. Guess Deb's feathers got ruffled with the truth about her and she's vomited another outburst rage as VictimofScott.  Oops. Your bad, Deb. Guess you forgot to switch your user ID when you wrote this and now you completely give yourself away as being Deborah Dolen. You really have some Major coo-coo going on!  What You've defined as stalking and cyberstalking outlines----> YOU. 

You don't have a pot to piss in so you attack your ex who you admit does have a job and money. So, you interfere in his job and even call his employer with your coo-coo conspiracy theories. So they see that your a nut and they warn him so you try and undermine his employment status to punish him financially. Per you, "Unhappy (ex) partner who cannot let go wants to cause financial violence on victim."  SIGN OF A STALKER 1 ----> YOU!!!

You seem to really keep up with this guy's relationships and name someone he has had a relationship with here and accuse her of crazy s**t stuff. Per you, "The unhappy partner still desires control over the victim and cannot let go.  SIGN OF A STALKER 2 ----> YOU!!!

Looks like you have the need to harass people!  SIGN OF A STALKER 3 ----> YOU!!!

"Anonymous menacing actions that attempt to cause great fear."  Yep. That's you! and a

Didn't you slap a restraining order against this guy and lock him out of his own house?  Per you, "There may be criminal or civil charges before stalking began or a divorce action."  SIGN OF A STALKER 5 ----> YOU!!! 

You say you have 5 stalkers? One two three four five, they're all ----> YOU!!!

Should I continue, or are you seeing that YOU are the stalker, Deb Dolen. You are a nutcase nobody who likes to go around dangling a set of brass b*lls. You say whatever crazy thought that comes into your narcissistic, psychotic, sociopathic mind and gleen about the cost to others that you cause. 

I think you must know what a truly ugly person you are because you have to pretend your somebody else when you write this stuff. 

You're no victim Debbie. No poor little me victim calls someone else a "balding, fat, huge, faker, baker, pancake maker" "sicko" "inbread looking ugly" and acts like you do. Want to see your stalker? Want to see a true sicko? Want to see true ugliness? Look in the mirror! IT'S YOU Deborah Dolen!!!! It's YOU! A Coo-Coo!

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#2 Author of original report

Anyone Who DITCHES Rock is a Prostitute

AUTHOR: VictimofScott - (United States of America)

POSTED: Sunday, January 13, 2013

And lucky they can survive quite well without his money or his big job (which is in question) and they can actually have a thought of their own being independent of the MAJOR CONTROL FREAK on Steroids who cannot keep a relationship usually more than 12 months because he is a balding fat huge faker baker pancake maker. His last highly published wedding was also a farce, (just to make Deborah jealous which it did not do at all - she was HIGHLY RELIEVED Rock had someone else to focus on) but as he knew, he was still seeing another lady Heather McKenzie in Ottawa and he had done this though ALL his other short term relationships and long term ones also.  Heather is also who he also sells private data from JP Morgan too and she helps him fraud his Canada Revenue filings!  And I have PROOF of all of this - as well as his RECENT divorce no more than a year later that he would like to stay low profile.  YEP one ball Rock usually does the "ditching" ...

But in this case Deborah DITCHED him and Rock did not do the ditching - so no way could she know how much of a prostitute she was about to be (per Rock and his friends [you guys] ) all over the internet.   All you sickos can do is point to legal problems 22 years ago ! HA HA HA HA  And yep, your efforts cost you over $200,000 that you cannot recover and you are all named now as CYBERSTALKERS....

Anyway, better to be a prostitute than to be a no life cyberpath as you FIVE people are !  And you are all ugly as the day is long, as in very in-bred looking ugly.  In fact here is the profile I wrote of no life cyberpaths and just what it takes to be one ! You all have been creating RipOff reports on her for FOUR years now, and typically, you do control this platform.  But guess what?  I can say what I think you are - RIGHT HERE ! And here it goes !

Definition of Stalking and Cyberstalking
Harassment from a variety of methods: 
Domestic violence may be involved before stalking began.

The unhappy partner still desires control over the victim and cannot let go.
Unhappy partner who cannot let go wants to cause financial violence on victim.
Uhappy partners occasionally enlist other like minded psychopaths to help his terrorism.

"Anonymous menacing actions that attempt to cause great fear     
Improper usage of computers, electronic communication systems (Cyberstalking)

Does not always have to include sending threatening messages by electronic means or other

There may be criminal or civil charges before stalking began or a divorce action.

General attempting to terrorize, and create fear for safety and bodily harm to self and others

Signs of the capacity to become a stalker

A person who follows internet activities of a certain person; lurking, looking for latest information and updates as in this

A person who often misses appointment, events, and doesn't keep to a timetable.

A person who keeps things inside and is very secretive.

A person who exhibits predatory behaviors.

The stalker can be sometimes physically abusive, and/or explosive.

Experts agree that most stalkers, whether cyber or otherwise, all share pretty much the same type of characteristics, and are typed with what they call borderline personality.  These traits include:

Anti-social Example feels no one at works likes him and feels persecuted.

Histrionic Always complaining of psychical ailments to gain attention.

Narcissistic Thinks they ARE God and does not believe in another God.

Shaky sense of Identity They are cowards and dust when it comes down to who they are.

Prone to sudden outburst

Oversensitivity to rejection, whether real or imagined Will follow an ex forever.

Has brief romantic affairs, sometimes turbulent Cannot stay in any long term relationship.

Has frequent bouts of depression

Has an irrational fear of being alone because they hate themselves so much, why would anyone else want to hang out with them?

Seems to have an empty life or existence  [BINGO!!]

Has not had any children because they ARE the child and they ARE God.

Could have been victim of dysfunctional family or parents who were DYING to get away from the stalker type.


Types of Stalkers


Although all stalkers share some of the characteristics of the borderline personality, they still can fall into five distinct categories:


Rejected Stalker

This type of person has had a relationship ended on him by the other party.  He is narcissistic and feels jealousy and anger. 
The Rejected stalker is the most persistent and intrusive into his victim's life.

Resentful Stalker

The resentful stalker will try to frighten, distress, and bring revenge upon his victim.  This type is most obsessive and usually paranoid.  It does not matter if he will loose his career over it, he does it anyways!  But remember, he IS God, so he feels he controls other peoples thoughts also.

Predatory Stalker

The stalking of a predatory type is usually sexual.  They, themselves have low or poor self-esteem and often indulge in a deviant behavior such as:







Paraphilic Asphyxia

Intimacy Seeker Stalker

This type of stalker is seeking love and is delusional about how the victim really feels about him.  He could Schizophrenic, possess erotomaniac tendencies, be narcissistic and will very persistent.

Incompetent Suitor Stalker

The incompetent suitor has impaired social skills or is totally anti-social.  He lacks empathy, can be an erotomaniac and morbidly fascinated.  He may believe he is loved by the victim he stalks and could possess acute paranoia. 
Erotomaniac symptoms are clearly consistent with borderline personality.  Incompetent Suitor Stalkers are motivated by desires of all types.

The Psychopath and Stalker Connection

Pychopaths share many of the same characteristics and traits of the borderline personality, and therefore the stalker's personality traits as well.  It is safe to presume then, and generalize, that most dangerous and persistent stalkers are psychopaths as well.  Of the five stalker types listed above, only two really do not fit the psychopathic personality: Predatory and Intimacy.

The typical profile for a psychopathic stalker is that he is usually male; has no mental disorders affecting intelligence; welcomes familiarity; harasses anonymously and has some precipitating stressor attached to his behavior.  This omits the Intimacy Stalker who openly exhibits mental disorders and doesn't have much in common either with the Predatory Stalker who is primarily sexual in nature.  But, the psychopathic personality fits live a glove with the other three types of stalkers: Rejected, Resentful and Incompetent Suitor. 

The psychopathic stalker can be narcissistic, have a personality disorder, be especially vindictive and a classic bully.  He is anti-social, aggressive when rejected (both Rejected and Resentful Stalker types), perverted in thought and can be
guilty of criminal acts.  He has amoral behavior, has not empathy or remorse (Incompetent Suitor type)
and can't be cured by traditional medical means or incarceration.  He is actually two and a half times more
likely to be paroled back into society than other criminals.

If a psychopath has become involved in stalking, it will be extremely hard for the victim to manage on their own.  Even with help from numerous people, agencies and other resources, there is no cookie cutter plan that works.  Each psychopathic stalker is a unique entity and extremely dangerous.

Threatening means nothing to them, and a complete disregard for authority and the law, just fuels their drive.  There is a very real and shocking vicious circle that is happening:  when a psychopathic stalker is arrested, the police and law enforcement bow to the judicial system for closure, then the judges send the victims right back to the police to obtain restraining orders. With or without incarceration of the psychopathic stalker, it never ends until they are dead, or deeply behind bars.

Psychopaths feel justified with paranoid dillusions, that everyone hates them (because they DO!!) and often harbor self-hate and self-doubts deep within.  They can harass their victim with apologetic behavior, feeling betrayed, hurt, victimized
themselves and stoked by an abnormal desire to be near or in contact with the victim.  They are certainly not in touch
with the reality healthy people see, and can also be psychotic. 

In a book written in 1941 called The Mask of Sanity, by Hervery M. Cleckley, he lists 16 characteristics of a psychopath
that still fits today with the modern day terms of Stalker and Cyberstalker, that were not used in 1941.  His analyzation
was that all Psychopaths:

Have high IQ and superficial charm.

Have an absence of delusions or irrational thoughts.

Have an absence of nervousness.

Are unreliable.

Are liars and insincere people.

Lack remorse for their actions.

Are anti-social and inadequately motivated for life in general.

Show poor judgment and do not learn from prior experiences.

Are egocentric and incapable of true love.

Show no affection.

Have no insights.

Are unresponsive in relationships with people.

Show extreme behaviors when under the influence of alcohol.

Are not suicidal.

Have a very impersonal attitude toward sex and are detached.

Have no life plan.

This is not comforting information for a victim of a psychopathic stalker.  It is a very hard road to travel, and as mentioned before, can NOT be done alone.  A victim should never keep it to themselves, but enlist as much aid and help as possible. 
The law enforcement today can sometimes arrest Psychopathic Cyberstalkers on lesser charges like improper usage of computers and electronic systems, which, although not the answer, can buy precious time and peace of mind.

Orders of protection must be put in place such as restraining orders, even with the threat that they won't be adhered to, as the proper documentation to arresting the stalker and getting him off the street.  If the stalker managed to get friends to participate, these friends can also be enjoined in the same retraining order.  Sometimes stalking escalates to domestic violence and abuse, and even murder.  Different states have different laws and statutes regarding stalking, but it is being taken seriously everywhere.

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#1 Consumer Comment

DEBORAH DOLEN is NOT the Victim of Stalking. DEBORAH DOLEN is the stalker!

AUTHOR: NotBeingScammed - (United States of America)

POSTED: Saturday, November 24, 2012

Deborah Dolen is the writer of this piece of slanderous junk and WAS a prostitute and IS a felon. That's what's called a real fact. Why not just face the truth Deb? You were arrested how many times on prostitution? Plenty! Don't you remember? You even got arrested and put away for credit card FRAUD in that career. Doesn't that make the words "prostitute" "w***e" and "felon" all fit? How can you be a hooker without being a w***e? How can you serve time for a felony without being a felon? History don't lie. Only You do. All you want to do is act like you're a big somebody. You're really just a con and a crook and a liar. Years of practice. Years of pretend. Lots and lots of lies. Guess you think this guy and his company will pay you off to go away. Didn't your own mother end up doing that after you two got bagged by the FTC for FRAUD and then you sued her? Yes, you sued your own mother! And then she sued you. And then you sued her. Real sweet.

Have you ever been convicted of a FELONy? (Answer is yes. Go to the next question.)

Have you ever been a PROSTITUTE? (Answer is yes. Go to the next question.)

Have you ever been found to run a FRAUDulent business? (Answer is yes.
"Prostitute" "w***e" and "Felon" is YOU, Deborah Dolen)

This is a true example of what isolates you from society.  What youve done here is horrible! 

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