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Report: #1049969

Complaint Review: MISTY LOUISE ROBLEDO LARABELL - Victorville California

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  • Reported By: The Real Victimim — California
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  • MISTY LOUISE ROBLEDO LARABELL Big Bear, California Victorville, California USA

MISTY LOUISE ROBLEDO LARABELL Misty Robledo Kidnapped my daughter from Texas to California against standing court orders and so far has gotten away with it. Victorville California

*REBUTTAL Individual responds: The truth about Warren Keith Demers Jr. Houston, Texas - Continued

*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Warren Keith Demrs Jr. Houston, Texas / Con artist

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Our children are suffering destruction of the family unit and something needs to be done about it like YESTERDAY! All this crap stems from the WHITEHOUSE and HOLLYWOOD where the trashy programming fed to our children with the help of our "government" has demoralized the entire WORLD and threatens the future and very existence of civilization as evidence will show! It starts with the children being ripped off of moral guidance, our families being dismantled and destroyed by hateful women abusing "our" courts and our government and courts know it!

Gender bias is real folks and there is a reason for it! Anyone who says it isn't is living in denial or is another evil demon who is for the American "Family Destabilization" effort against the United States citizens and the entire world by what we used to call our government. 50 years ago people didn't bed-hop and divorce like marriage meant nothing like they do now, it's an evil disease and a weapon of war against our people BY our people!

Misty Robledo has been a nightmare in my life. After planning and having a child with her she turned into a legal monster and kidnapped my child and had the courts look at me like I'm the bad guy. In July 2010 she gained access to my email where she found a letter I wrote to a friend about custody advice of the unborn child. In August 2010 she staged an episode that she reported as Family Violence wherein she claimed I was her assailant and ran me through the dirt with the help of one of the facists of the state of Texas AKA the assistant district attorney. She did this knowing it would give her the advantage in family court. (she was a former employee of the Texas Attorney General, go figure)

After spending hundrends if not thousands of dollars and making about 20 trips to court the state finally took advantage of another "crime" when I attempted to change my own mailbox lock and dimissed the Family Violence case piling batterers intervention in the final judgment for the mailbox case wherein I was expected to sign a page admitting guilt of family violence against the woman who assaulted me, I faught that garbage and won while Misty kidnapped my daughter and ran to California where I'm finding gender bias runs rampant, even worse than Texas.

I had her served in California and won joint custody here in Texas only to have my rights stripped right away when she filed for a modification in California after I informed her I would file for contempt if she kept denying my posession and access and another woman reported some more lies and garbage named Diane at MPI Investigastions in Victorville, Ca after judge Martinez in V-12 stripped my rights to supervised visitation solely based on a false allegation, never requiring any evidence, and I have been tossing in my sleep knowing my daughter misses me ever since. Then I find a report where some womens lib doctor named Cathy Meyer says gender bias in family court isn't real and it sparked this writing. 

I began to be convinced when I personally began to meet and hear the cries of hundreds if not thousands of men who are fathers who have been ripped apart from their children for no good cause whatsoever! It's time to wake up, MEN! It's time to be treated like PEOPLE who are capable of feeling LOVE and giving LOVE to OUR CHILDREN! It's time we stop being trated like a DISEASE and MONSTERS! WE ARE NONE OF THOSE!!!

The statistics say WOMEN are the majority of abusers, it's a known FACT women suffer emotional drama and medical mental issues more than men, IT'S A WELL KNOWN FACT! Women commit some of the most heinous murders ever committed and murder an INFINITE number of BABIES and CHILDREN each YEAR, EVERY DAY! EVERY SINGLE DAY! MANY MORE WOMEN THAN MEN ARE KILLERS, MEAN, and HAVE NO REGARD FOR LIFE WHATSOEVER! READ THE NEWS! IT'S FACT, NOT OPINION.

If gender bias in family court isn't real then I should at least be able to talk on the phone with my two year old once a month for 5 lousy minutes even though I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG!

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#2 REBUTTAL Individual responds

The truth about Warren Keith Demers Jr. Houston, Texas - Continued

AUTHOR: VictimofWarrenKDemers - ()

POSTED: Sunday, August 25, 2013

I am inclined to add information about Warrens First child, now an adult male. 

His first childs mother actually "hid' Warrens son Scott from him. Warren went to court on this matter and never paid child support on this child or excersised his parental rights. Warres first time seeing his son was when he was 17 years old. After first meeting Scott, Warren was again heavily invlved in a cult, and would starve his son and lock him out of the house if his son refused to go worship with this fellowship. Warren Keith Demers Jr now owes the sum and interest of $100,00.00 give or take in back dues Child Support to the state of Texas. A credit check will reveal this information to be will The Texas Attorney General. 

Warren has addressed me as the name "Penny " mother of his first child before. As if he thought I was her in many instances. I had to remind him I was not. It is interesting to see that he has not mentioned this during his "fathers rights" rant. 

Warren has neglected to accept the rest of us have rights too. One of those rights is saftey. It is clear as to what.s going on here. I have seen fathers who do not deserve some of thier consequences. I have advocated for fathers before. Warren Demers is not one of those fathers. He has had many, many oppurtunities to redeem his ways and get help for his disorders. He has rejected and sabataged every God given oppurtunity to do so. 

Anyone female who comes accross this man must know, he is not of sound mind or logical, sensible thought. He is very convincing but cannot hide his stripes for too long. If you are a smart woman you will catch on quicky...if you are derperate and needy or not paying attention, you WILL be fooled.  Warrens Vendetta twords woman begins with his disgust in his mother who  "destroyed" his family as he puts it. This man hates woman...his cult teaches the belittlement of the womans place in the world as well blaming woman for the worlds problems. Warren blames woman for everything. Make no mistake, Warren is very bias against woman. Its pretty obvious in his rant on this site, as well as his failure to take responsibilty for his own actions. 

I could not file this rubuttal without warning woman that this man will suck the life out of you. He will do it for his own survival. Anything that needs to be known about this man...I will gladly provide 100% truthfully with documentation or at least the resources to run a discovery...I am not the first woman to be hurt by this man...I will not be the last. God help anyone who is next. understand you are not dealing with a person who has control of his mind. Untreated mental illness is a serious thing. I am lead to beleive that is whats truley to balme for his misfortune in life ...I know it is a huge factor in our situation. I am only begining to understand that no matter what, the illness is in control of him..and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Please take caution. 

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#1 REBUTTAL Individual responds

Warren Keith Demrs Jr. Houston, Texas / Con artist

AUTHOR: VictimofWarrenKDemers - ()

POSTED: Saturday, August 24, 2013

My name is misty Robledo. Warren Keith Demers Jrr has posted 1oo% slanderous information about the Custody case of our child and the events that led to the removal of his rights. First off lets give a good factual history on Warren Demers Jr. Career criminal record, 23 solid years of sexual crimes including well as violent cries begining in 1990 with assult on a female. This criminal record can be obtained by State of Texas clerk and verfied to be tru and factual.Second , Warren Keith Demers Jr. Has a legit history of mental illness . He receives a social securtiy cjeck every month for this mental illness, but neglects to admit this to the courts.

This information is again factual and records of this can be obtained by supeaona from the Social Security Administration.

May I add, Warrens nick name is Dirty Keith because of an unethical reputation he has made for himself in Houston. Furthermore, because of his ill reputaion for being cunning, unstable and conning,  Warrens closest friends would become the trials most useful testimony.

With this being said...Warren courted me under false pretenses stating he was a man of faith clean in religion with a minot history of drug use. It was only after he and a cult he is heavily involved in attemtpted to kidnapp and isolate my daughter in a apaatment located in a suburb of Houston. This is the true story of  where all my legal actions began with a protective order and relocation from the State of Texas office of the Attorney General for our protection. 

At this time Warren Demers was not technically My daughters father , as he declined ot come sign the AOP when I was in the hospital. His reason for that was because his cult needed him more than I did. I did let warren know we needed his signature.

After oure relocation , Warren Filed paternity with the Texas courts. The only order pending was the protective order the agencies put in place in order to relocate us without consequence. The paternity order was filed after we left which was July 27, 2011. The filing from occured September 2011. There is no injustice courts agreed Waren was dangerous.

An added note during the protective order process, The DA sat in on several calls from Warren to my cell phone , that had very disturbing warnings stating if I did not get on my knees pray join his cult and brng them food ....I would never see my daughter again. His cult Located in Splendora, Texas called the Church of Jesus Christ, a Pentecostal type  charismatic entity, helped him and assisted him. Warren stated Jesus helped him commit these actions. All of tyhis inforation is factual and can be aquired by supeoana from Crime Victims Unit of the Attorney General in Austin Texas....District Attorneys office in Montgomery County, Texas as well as the Patton Village Police Department who served him with the court order of protection. 

After Texas had ruled my daughters home residence be with me her mother, The courts advised me on record, after trial, to file juridiction in California. Again this was stated in trial, where the Judge specifically addressed  Warren and informed him of the UCCJEA. Not soon after Warren tries to prevent me from initiating the courts instruction by comeing to visit then reside with me and the child in our california home. Again all this can be proven by documentation including mail received at our residence. 

Now we see Warrens claims of

1. No fault by Warren

2. Kidnapping

3. Not knowing the childs whereabouts 

4. Injustice

5. Abuse

Are all locateable by public record, and poven to be completely untrue and slanderous. 



Warren has never provided more than max 500.00 to support the child. He claims no income to the IRS and Child support Family court agencies in order to avoid support and losing his SSI check. We know for a fact Warren works under the table in renovation and remodeling jobs where he can average 2,000 - 4,000 per job maybe more.  I have an invoice he asked me to write up while working for a company located in Hisperia, ca.

When the living situation here in California failed, I filed jurisdiction, The first time Warren intercepted the papework by accepting a parcel it was sent in. I have proof of this via electronic signature proof on USPS postal site. Costing me ....$1000.00 in preperation loss.

Warren Retaliated by placing a fake CPS call saying my child was starved and abused. This was proven on several accounts to be a retaliative the police department and local agencies deterimed it was plain absured. in fact , the police department had to tell warren several times to stop using them to harrass me. CPS can be supeaonad for these records as well as 8 false well check calls of false accusations with the Big Bear Police Department, Warren had made a series of well check calls using the police department to stalk me . Most recently in June or May of 2013 when I had to block him on my cell phone , and I completely quit coorespoding with him due to irratical mood swings and severe torment. It was literally making my life difficult and ......common with his mental illness as was this behavior that has caused all this turmoil. Warren has told me several times...Also on fle in evidence ith the courts, That "we are all going to suffer" 

Warren is seeing his threat through, disregarding pretinent facts against him, I have become a target and many times felt he is capable of expiring my life over this issue by making statements such as " God will do things i cannot pray away" 

Recently, I almost lost my life and I was in the hospital due to seSchizophreniaptic shock. Warren harrassed me the entire time during my recovery, sending me photos of him with other woman....and assuring me I deserved to be there....all the while demanding I let him Skype his daughter. I will reveal scriptds of these occurances to anyone who wants to see it...all this is on record in court. Even more disturbing his coorespondence began with grave concern and kindness to me.....This is another fine example of his mental illness..and the intense stages of escalation...many times I feel I am not dealing with one person. I tend to think there is a serious bprderline personality disorder if not total delusional skitsophrenia . I can make this conclusion because I work with mentally disabled people for a living. 

Warren has posted this information here at this site because this site provided people a tool to harm others regardless of the truth . I am terribky disturbed that this site encourages unlawful slander against innocent individuals especially, when the individuals are under protection for safety reasons. 

As of the recent situation , Warren resided in California months and has appeared in California courts honoring the standing orders, subjecting him to the jurisdiction. He has been given limited visitation because of a high kidnapp risk, and unstable behavior.  Warren decided to abandon the visitations and return to Texas. He was given skype visits until the skype visits where again , used as a tool for mental emotional abuse and torment twords me, and not being used to bond with the child. Bottom line, the courts did not know if warren was in Texas or in California because Warren was attepting to play both jurisdictions and lost favor in Texas. Again....all on public record.

Before Warren left California, He attempted one last visit with our daughter where he got extremely eratic when our daughter squirmed in his arms. Report is also on record. In short, the visit resulted in Warren handleing the child in an aggressive angered manner....and as he left in his eratic mood, he almost ran over a mother and a small child. The Visitation reports state stern warning to Warrens sporatic behavior . As they come without warning. Again...the visit started loving and embracing...and in an instant turned angry and vilent. This was all Warrens actions.  This is why Warren Demers has no Visitation outside of 15 minute skype visits. The child is 2, and her attention span is short....and this is her last memory of her daddy.

The courts have sense ordered Warren and I a 730 psych evaluation. I am not afraid to take this evaluation because I know I am of sound an stable mind. Warren is not so ampt to do the same. 

I had to clear the record, because none of the allged statements are true or factual. Public record will support and validate my a rebuttal. Becasue peoples lives are trusted in my hand every day.....Every minute you can imagine how such slander can affect my it trickles down to also affecting the best interest of my children....because I and I alone is the only one who supports them both. Warren lacks the logical sense irregardless of the factual information that is available for anyone interested in this case to see.

I have an attorney on this case currently because of the depth an severity of what we are truley deaing with. 

Warren is a very unstable, resentful, retaliative man unable to seperate delusions from the reality. 

I have no history of mental illness. I have A.D.D. which is not mental illness. I do not have a criminal record and I have an education. I have worked my entire life and always taken exceptional care of all my families needs alone. I currently work as an Instructor to the mentally ill population, sick and elderly.

My past with Warren is a sick one....I do not deny...I fell into a very dark place, but make no mistake Warren was there in that same place as far as that went, there was no innocence from either of us. The conception of my daughter forever was the turning point and I would never to this day return to that dark place...I recognized it so much I have had to undergo intense psycho therepy to re establish myself....The relationship with him nearly droveme to bankruptcy and even now I am paying enormous dept from it. I am not the only woman who has experienced the distructive nature of this man. His criminal record reveals other woman have come accross some problems.

This is not so cut and dry as Warren misleads all who read this report. This is a very intense sad disturbing case of mental illness that entails serious mental abuse, emotional abuse, denial and torment.

The system, a woman nor the government have any part in Warren.s outcome. There is no injustice, favortism, or prejudice in this matter.

A current update, Warren is trying to Manipulate me to visiting Texas where as he wants to fund my trip in exchange for the 730 evaluation. I have without hesitation,  declined.

For Public records and to validate this written rebuttal on this case you may contact: 

Victorvilled Family Court

Montgomery County Courthouse

Big Bear Police Deprartment

Jersey Village Police Department

State of Texas Crime Victims Compensation Unit Austin, Texas

Montgomery County District Attorney,s Office Conroe, Tx

I will be happy to provide any further information on this matter for anyone who wishes to see it. To this day Warren still tried to provoke unfavorable responses from me by any means neccessary. Most recently admitting to "paying" a stranger to kiss him on camera to get a reaction from me or in his words " make me jealous"  The abuse continues....however.....It does not bother me....this can be seen on Google Chrome.  

It becomes clear everyday this is not about the interest of my child...this is about pure retalliation for me protecting my families lives.

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