Complaint Review: American Canine Registry (AC), Harlequin Pinscher Association (HPA) by Nancy Anderson of Run -N- Ridge, Texarkansa, Arkansas - Texarkana Arkansas
- American Canine Registry (AC), Harlequin Pinscher Association (HPA) by Nancy Anderson of Run -N- Ridge, Texarkansa, Arkansas 824 Miller County Road 57 Texarkana , Arkansas United States
- Phone: NONE
- Web:
- Category: Animal Identification Services
American Canine Registry (AC), Harlequin Pinscher Association (HPA) by Nancy Anderson of Run -N- Ridge, Texarkansa, Arkansas Biewer Yorkie Association (BYA), American Goat & Sheep Registry - (AGSR), United St. Croix Registry (USCR), United Kiko Registry (UKR), Mini Donk USA (MDA), American Pedigree Registry (APR), and her newest registry: Mosaic Yorkie Association (MYA). Selling registered dogs to buyers under false pretenses!! Texarkana Arkansas
*General Comment: Buyer Beware - Sole Proprietor & Animal Registries
*General Comment: Researched and Found
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Nancy Anderson of Run -N- Ridge at 824 Miller County 57, Texarkana, AR is using her revoked LLC to conduct business. Nancy Anderson is selling registered dogs to buyers under false pretenses. Buyers are unaware of this and paying for what they think/believe is a registered pup. No other dog registry in the U.S. will accept registration papers from the American Canine Registry or any other sub-registry associated due to the revoked status (1).
Akansas Franchise Tax; Is a state tax levied on businesses for the right to exist as a legal entity and to conduct business within the state.
1) Once an LLC in the state of Arkansas has received a revoked status; Person(s) substantially connected to any corporation or LLC that owes past Franchise Taxes to the Arkansas Secretary of State, the company has no authority to conduct business in the state of Arkansas, (per the Arkansas Code 26-54-114). Online search through the AR SOS Business website; DBA: American Canine Registry or Registering Agent: Nancy Anderson (824 Miller County 57, Texarkana, AR). This breeder states that she did nothing wrong. That if you no longer need your LLC, simply stop paying the franchise tax. Per her Facebook Page and messages from FB Group adimins. (2)
Per the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Office; 1 of 2 things need to happen with said LLC to conduct business:
A) Back Franchise Taxes and all penalty fee’s are paid in full to continue operating
B) Dissolve the LLC business and create a new DBA with the state.
2) Per A.C.A. 5-37-503 False Registration or Pedigree; Processing and issuing puppy litter/dog registration and pedigrees through the American Canine Registry, Which is revoked - Reference #1 above, to include the sub-registries. (3)
3) A.C.A. 5-37-515 False Advertising Generally: via social media to include, but not limited to; Facebook, MeWe, Puppyfind, Nextday Pets, Hoobly, and misc local social media outlets. Google search Run N Ridge and/or Nancy Anderson. (4)
4) Nancy Anderson stated in a Private Message via FB Group Admin that that she doesn’t owe back Franchise Taxes. Then later in the same message thread, admitted to owing back Franchise Taxes. Which is it? Well, accoding the the AR SOS online search, The American Registry has a revoked status!
Nancy Anderson also has created a website by the name of American Animal Registries (AAR) to promote 8 of her sub-registries; Harlequin Pinscher Association (HPA), Biewer Yorkie Association (BYA), American Goat & Sheep Registry - (AGSR), United St. Croix Registry (USCR), United Kiko Registry (UKR), Mini Donk USA (MDA), American Pedigree Registry (APR), and her newest registry: Mosaic Yorkie Association (MYA). (5)
Nancy Anderson also operates under her farm name, LA Farms were she sells, breed, and uses the AG registries below. (6)
This is straight up fraud! People need to report Nancy Anderson to the AR Attorney General's Office, AR Tax Fraud Division, the IRS, the Human Society of America, and the USDA. It's truly unknown how much $money$ she has scammed from people in her 40+years of breeding!
Nancy Anderson truly feels that she is doing nothing wrong! Do not buy a puppy/dog/sheep/goat/donk from someone who thinks that they are above the law of paying their mandated business taxes, that same law the rest of of abide by! IF Nancy Anderson can so candidly have no guilt and no consensus of lying to buyers for 10+ years; Ask yourself.... Is she going to be truthful to the next puppy buyer, which very well be you!
Footnotes - Cited External Links:
1) Arkansas Secretary of States Business Search: AR SOS Business Online Search
2) Arkansas Code 26-54-114: Nonpayment of Franchise Taxes
3) Arkansas Code 5-37-503: Animals - False Registration or Pedigree.
4) Arkansas Code 5-37-515: False Advertising Generally
5) American Animal Registries: Nancy Anderson's Registry Businesses
6) L.A. Farms: Nancy Anderson's L.A. Farms
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/01/2019 02:39 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#2 General Comment
Buyer Beware - Sole Proprietor & Animal Registries
AUTHOR: McPloude - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 21, 2020
I stumbled across this website and posting in researching a breeder (not the induvial mentioned here). Jealousy Unbecoming, I’m not finding anywhere that the original poster states, operating as a Sole Proprietor was illegal. Continuing to utilize a LLC business that has a revoked status and mis-leading the public, as such was the main point I took away from DogLoverForeverFaithful posting.
It’s perplexing that an Animal Registry that tracks lineage/pedigree’s; that is also tied to a Microchip Data Base, and fully funds a rescue would elect to do business a Sole Proprietor as stated by the poster, Jealousy Unbecoming. A Sole Proprietor business has limited life and cannot be transferred (as an entity) to others, such as family, if/when the business owner passes.
Nowhere on any of this business’s websites/web pages’ does this business state that they operate as a Sole Proprietor; only states for profit. Clients are entrusting this business with their personal information for the Onboard microchip services, as well as their animals identification for lineage/pedigree’s, there is no insurance to it’s clients that their information is kept intact and private due to the business owner operating as a Sole Proprietor.
It’s irrespirable and extremely risky that the mentioned above business/s are willing to gamble with their clients personal information in such a way. I also looked up on the Arkansas Secretary of State’s Business Search website to confirm the above claim by poster, DogLoverForeverFaithful; in regards to the business, American Canine Registry, LLC. The data reflects that Nancy Anderson Incorporator/Organizer for the American Canine Registry, LLC does have a revoked status.
I went a step further and called the Arkansas Business and Commercial Services Division and; they stated that the American Registry, LLC in Nancy Andersons name has never paid their required state franchise taxes since filing in 2004. And that none of the businesses associated with the American Registry, LLC are registered.
As for the Sole Proprietor(ship), a business owner with-in the state, if not operating using their personal name, need to file for a “Doing Business As - DBA” name/s for each business it owns and operates, which in this case, has not happened per the Arkansas Business and Commercial Services Division. It was also disclosed that a business exists until it is properly dissolved in the Secretary of State’s Office.
A phone call was also placed to the Clerk of Miller County, Arkansas; There is no information on file for any business/s tied to Nancy Anderson. When reading the breed history for Harlequin Pinscher on the Run -N- Ridge website (wrote by Nancy Anderson herself) and many other breeders websites associated with the Harlequin Pinscher, the history states that Nancy submitted her breed standard to the board of the American Canine Registry and was denied; Nancy re-summited her breed information again in 2007.
Interesting that Nancy summited breed information for approval to her own business, the American Registry, LLC. It surely raises the question of how much truth there is to any of the information displayed on the all websites tied to this Sole Proprietor. Upon calling several known animal (canine mostly) to inquire about possible dual registration; The other animal registries such as American Pet Registry, INC, CKC (Continental), ACA (American Canine Association).
AKC (American Kennel Club), and the UKC (United Kennel Club) to only name a few, would not accept registry paperwork from an animal (canine in this case) with any of the mentioned registries tied to the American Canine Registry, due to not recognizing/familiar with, or having heard “of” any of the animal registries mentioned in this thread.
Jealousy Unbecoming, since you seem to have 1st hand knowledge (appears that you may be the owner themselves, due to the verbiage of your post); Why would one work tiredly to build a business and “redeveloped” a breed (in this case, the Harlequin Pinscher) to only have it all lost due to poor business choice’s as operating as a Sole Proprietor(ship) instead of a corporation or LLC?
The most plausible solution for this Animal Registry, would to be simply pay the back and current franchise tax fee ($150.00 annually) to continue the business in its own name sake (for future generations) and obtain a certificate of good standing from the state. Or take appropriate steps to dissolve the business with the state. Not filing the required state franchise taxes as a LLC business is irresponsible as a past and current business owner.
A lack of those actions mentioned, undeniably speak volumes as the type of Sole Proprietor(ship) business this truly is; Operating as an Sole Proprietor = Yes legal, nevertheless unethical. Shame on the state of Arkansas for allowing this business to operate under an LLC’s revoked status. There is defiantly considerable amount of inconsistencies with this Sole Proprietor(ship) Animal Registry business.
IF I was a client, I surely would have concerns to the longevity of this Sole Proprietor business/s. As a third party, only knowing what was posted per both parties and the little amount of time spent researching the both, Jealousy Unbecoming and DogLoverForeverFaithful claims (making a few phone calls and searching the business name/s); Researching a business, in this case, Animal Canine Registries and all known tied animal registries; Posting on a public forum about the parties findings is not causing trouble or remotely being ignorant, especially with cited creditable material to back up what was stated/posted….It’s termed as “BUYER BEWARE”.
Side Note: Jealousy Unbecoming, I did have a good chuckle at your choice of a screen name, the innuendo that DogLoverForeverFaithful is jealous and “has a bone to pick”. Ask yourself, jealous of what exactly; Not being a responsible business owner, utilizing a revoked business name, not paying state required franchise taxes?

#1 General Comment
Researched and Found
AUTHOR: Jealousy Unbecoming - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 18, 2020
After reading this I decided to do some research into it as I register with this Registry.
They are operating as a Sole Proprietorship thus are not required to have an LLC.
As a Sole Proprietorship according to the State of Arkansas:
Sole Proprietorship Basics The sole proprietorship is the simplest legal structure for owning your own business.
A sole proprietorship is a one-person business that is not registered with the state as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC).
Taxes are paid through the Proprietors own tax returns on a special form.
I spoke with my own Tax Accountant and was told this is a legal way to do business.
Seems this is a perfectly LEGAL way of doing business and it seems whoever posted the Report I'm responding to has a bone to pick and is either misinformed, by choice or ignorance, and is obviously out to TRY to cause trouble for this Registry.
I also was given a copy of the Referenced PMs (*poster has said Emails but they were not emails) and no where in the PMs was it ever stated Back Taxes were owed.

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