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Report: #1532532

Complaint Review: Emily Gabay - Woodland Hills California

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  • Reported By: Deborah — Woodland Hills California United States
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  • Emily Gabay 23014 Dolorosa Street Woodland Hills, California United States

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Beware! Warning! Crime Alert: Local criminal and con artist by name of Emily Gabay.  Emily Gabay currently lives in Woodland Hills,  California at: 23014 Dolorosa Street in Woodland Hills,  CA. Emily Gabay was born in 1987. She is married to criminal Yosi Gabay. They have 2 daughters. Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay run criminal enterprises under phony business names: 21st Century Remodeling Inc., Alliant Investments LLC, Bianca LLC, LEM Group LLC, Termino One LLC. All of these " businesses" have Emily Gabay listed as manager and serve only one purpose--That purpose is as fronts for illegal drug manufacturing,  illegal drug sales,  child trafficking,  child exploitation,  underage slavery operations, false rental scams, realtor fraud, as Emily Gabay has been posing as a realtor in order to more freely cheat and scam potential tenants out of thousands of dollars of their hard-earned money, and other crimes.    Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay are actually very dumb criminal,  however they are well-versed in scamming victims out of many thousands and thousands of dollars in addition to child trafficking and child exploitation.  They kidnap and use children by drugging them, making them dependent on drugs and then using them as mules to transport illegal paraphernalia and illegal substances.  Emily Gabay is anything but "innocent. " In fact,  Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay have involved their 2 young daughters in the drug trade and money laundering by having the daughters entertain older men and women who are also in the crime trade and thus gaining favors and more networking opportunities.  Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay also own several residential properties in Winnetka, CA. and surrounding areas,  which they use to also commit financial crimes--For instance,  they promise potential renters (Victims ) these rental properties,  collect security deposits from them, but then have their criminal co-conspirators, Blanca Angelica Aguilar and Armando James Escobedo (Aguilar and Escobedo live at one of the rental properties at: 7434 Penfield Ave in Winnetka,  CA.) terrorize the good, decent tenants and abuse and even commit gun crimes against them in order to scare them into leaving. This way, Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay keep all of the monies already paid while slipping a percentage to Aguilar and Escobedo.  Then they repeat the same process with the next Victims.  Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay still continue these and many other schemes,  scams,  crimes with the aiding and abetting of their partners in crime,  Blanca Angelica Aguilar and Armando Escobedo.  But also note that Blanca Aguilar and Armando Escobedo also consistently aid Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay in their child trafficking and child slavery crimes, as well.  In fact, the children of Blanca Angelica Aguilar are also involved in the crimes. Her daughter, Samantha A. Aguilar,  currently age 13, is more than willingly involved in the trafficking of little girls, by pretending to become friends with the helpless, unsuspecting little girls and then making them available for drugging and exploitation by her repulsive mother, Blanca Angelica Aguilar and boyfriend Armando Escobedo and Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay.  Teamwork makes the nightmare work. Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay are not the most intelligent or bravest of individuals,  but they are very practiced at the craft of theft, drugs, child selling on the black market,  filthy schemes and scams, and other absolutely heinous crimes. They hide by day and come out by night. Emily Gabay is also extremely bi-polar, weak, often times hysterical,  and always dishonest and malignant.  Beware of these people.    The world, with innocent little children,  is not safe with these Terrible people in it.  One must do what one must, at times, to rescue our future generations of vulnerable children and other hard-working folks. If you see any of the aforementioned individuals, take corrective action.  



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#5 UPDATE Employee

Emily Gabay & Yosi Gabay Scammed Me, Too

AUTHOR: Thomas - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, May 26, 2024

I know Emily Gabay, Emily Morrad very well. I worked with Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay approximately three years ago. I saw, firsthand, the scams, con games, theft, and yes, child trafficking that they committed (And still are committing). The reason that I did not come forward earlier, is because they are petty and revengful. Emily gabay, who also goes by Emily Morrad, is often extremely unpredictable. Sometimes she puts on an act of being rational, but at other times and without warning she becomes volatile and lashes out. Emily Gabay is a realtor, if that's what you choose to call her, but she uses her real estate license (Obtained by fraudulent means) for nefarious, illegal activities and to cheat and steal from people in real estate dealings. And it is not accurate to claim, as another person posted in a comment previously, I believe a comment on May 16, 2024, that just because she's not faced disciplinary action on her license or she's not on a child predator registry, she must be "innocent." THERE IS NOTHING INNOCENT ABOUT EMILY GABAY, YOSI GABAY, AND THEIR CRIME PARTNERS. And anyone who defends these criminals is indeed a criminal as well. We are in the year 2024--Who in their right mind defends child predators and theives?

I was there when they, Emily Gabay and Yosi Gabay and even their nasty little daughter, Lev Gabay, happily committed the atrocious acts against children and their families for profit. There two child traffickers have even trained their daughter, Lev Gabay, to aid them in entrapping unsuspecting children in order for them to commit the unforgivable acts upon them. But, as I stated before, coming forward is never as simple as it sounds. There are concerns for one's own safety and one's own family, as well. But, I will repeat myself--Any a*s who speaks up for these monsters is definitely a perpetrator and/or some supremely messed up person, as well.

I also want to make the public aware of Emily Gabay, Emily Morrad's many different aliases and businesses. These businesses are as follow:  21st Century Remodeling, Inc. and various LLCs such as LEM Group LLC and many other businesses that act as fronts for backroom illegal drug dealings, money laundering, and far worse crimes. Emily Gabay is related to Chaim Morrad, Raya Morrad, Alana Weinberg, Jane monte, and other lowly people who are also up to no good, just like her and her husband Yosi Gabay. 

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#4 Consumer Comment

For The Record-Emily Gabay Is A Child Predator And Criminal

AUTHOR: Irv - (United States)

POSTED: Saturday, May 25, 2024

I am so very sorry. Again. I am sorry that had previously defended these criminals, Emily gabay Ne Emily Morrad, her husband Yosi Gabay, their criminal co-conspirators Blanca Angelica Aguilar Ne Blanca Vela and Armando Jmaes Escobedo. I again do apologize for appalling actions in my terrible "comment" dated May 16 and my more recent "comment" dated May 24. Those May 16 and May 24 "comments", posted below this true and accurate comment today, were untrue, inaacurate, and uncalled for. It was and is wrong and reperhensible of me to victim-shame the childhood victims of intimate abuse and child trafficking. Only a disgusting individual like me, Irv, would defend filthy criminals like Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad and Yosi Gabay and victim-shame the real victims, the poor helpless children, their families, and other victims of these criminals.

I do apologize for those terribly untrue and uncalled for "comments" dated May 16 and May 24, just below this completely true and accurate comment of mine today. I am sorry that I have defended these douchbag scammers, con artists, liars, thieves, perpetrators Yosi Gabay and his wife Emily Gabay ne Emily Morrad. Please understand that, as a childhood victim myself, my mind is often very screwed up, messed up, confused. This means that, due to my own wxperiences of multiple butt rammings on a daily basis, by Yosi Gabay and emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad, I have periods of time when I mistakenly and wrongfully defend my abusers because I have been groomed to defend them, no matter how wrong of me to do so.

Today, I solidly affirm that Yosi Gabay and Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad are bottom-feeding (Pun definitely intended, filthy, unconscionable criminals, child traffickers, child predators, financial fraudsters, drug sellers, cheaters, common thieves. And I do know and acknowledge that criminals very often evade justice. Criminals easily evade disciplinary actions on their real estate licenses, they also evade sex pffender data bases.

Yes, Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad is a real estate agent in the state of California. However, that does not, not in any way mean that she is in "good standing." It simply means that she has evaded the diciplinary process by bringing forth false witnesses to make untruthful allegations for her. It is so easy to do so, afterall. all it takes is some cash in the pockets of false witnesses. As such, she has also evaded justice by paying off just a few people in charge of sex ofeender registries. Thiese things are not unheard of. In fact, they are extremely common and happen every day in our society. This is the chief reason that crimminals like Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad and Yosi Gabay and their criminal associates Blanca Angelica Aguilar Ne Blanca Vela and Armando James Escobedo so of ten get away with their crimes.

As to why I keep going back and forth in defending them but then returning here to post the Real truth, The Only Truth. The Only Accurate comments in which I do fully acknowledge that emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad is indeed a dity. low down criminal is because I have been traumatized. I now realize my wrongdoings in having ever posted "comments" dated May 16 and May 24, in which I so mistakenly defended Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad. Please accept my apologies. To be honest,even as an adult, I do have fond memories and existing desires for those daily hard butt rammings by Yosi Gabay (He did wear a strap on, because his pee pee is so tiny) and Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad (She used a shampoo bottle that she stole from a dollar store). It did feel good--Like a massage of my spinchter muscles. But as soon as I reached adulthood, they abandoned me in favor of children of minor age, children who are you, delicious, naive, and cannot fight back. And, for this reason, i became bitter. I am a bitter Loser who now has no life but to troll this site and other sites like this one and to post disparaging "comments" to victim-shame the real victims and defend the criminals, Yosi Gabay and Emily Gabay ne Emily Morrad.

And, if I ever return to this post to defend these con artists and criminals again, please Completely Disregard me. The only and only true comments of mine are the comments in which I wholeheartedly state and acknowledge the criminal liability and depravity of crijminals Yosi Gabay and emily Gabay ne Emily Morrad.

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#3 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Irv - (United States)

POSTED: Friday, May 24, 2024


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#2 Consumer Comment

Yes, Emily Gabby Is Indeed A Child Predator!

AUTHOR: Irv - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

My name is Irv.

I sincerely apologize for my False, Incorrect "comment", dated May 16. 

In my False, Untrue, Inaccurate post, dated May 16, I posted many inappropriate things that I wish to now correct.

I have come to face the facts that Emily Gabay, Yosi Gabay, their associates (Partners in crime) Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blance Vela and Armando James Escobedo are indeed heinous criminals, child predators, con artists, scammers, thieves, just as the original post has stated. See, I too was a victim of Yosi Gabay. Yosi Gabay intimately assaulted me, diddled me in my rear, shoved other foreign objects in my backside rear, my mouth, and violated me in si many other ways. As such, I developed Stockholm syndrome. And that is the only reason I reacted in the very wrong way that I did, when I posted the complete nonsense on May 16 in my previous "comment." Now, I realize that I was suffering Stockholm Syndrome and a lot of denial. But I must admit that I came to enjoy, in a masochistic way, all of the intimate violations upon my body by Yosi Gabay and then his wife, Emily Gabay. You can rightly assume I'm a messed up individual. I often fantasize about more of these violations upon my person, but the problem is that these assaults happened when I was an underage minor--And now that I am of legal age (Old by Gen z standards), Yosi Gabay and Emily Gabay have moved on to little helpless children. They are criminals who make huge amounts of unreported income from preyig upon helpless little kids who do not know any better.

I also realize and fully admit that, while Yosi Gabay and Emily Gabay and their criminal conspirators are child predators, child traffickers, scam artists, rental fraudsters who scam good tenants and other individuals out of their hard-earned monies, not all criminals and predators are registered with a registry--This is because they ften evade justice.

I really apologize for May 16 "comment." My May 16 "comment" was absolutely wrong and unforgivable. I am now completely in agreement with the original post that has stated and quite helpfully warned the public that Emily Gabay is a Child Predator, Con Artist, Thief, Rental Scammer.




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#1 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Irv - (United States)

POSTED: Thursday, May 16, 2024

 These are some fairly serious allegations which all should be concerned about. Who wants people who do the things you allege on the streets? If this Emily Gabay has such a poor and dubious record in reference to real estate sales, why does the California Department of Real Estate say she is properly licensed and HAS ABSOLUTELY NO RECORD of any disciplinary actions since 2015? If they have such a reputation of indecent activities with children as you allege, why are they NOT LISTED on the California sex offenders data base? However, there is one thing you should know about which is of extreme importance to your allegations. The legal process of Discovery will very easily identify you and the appropriate libel actions could be in your near future. As such, please tell us what your strategy will be for your defense. You are NOT hiding behind a keyboard. Finding out who you are and moving forward with actions apropos to the specifics of your probable libelous promulgations is a quite easy matter. It is done all the time. So then, in all candor, it would be advantageous to you to start lining up Defense Counsel as soon as possible.

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