Complaint Review: Financial Halo - El Dorado Hills California
- Financial Halo 991 Governor Drive Suite 101 El Dorado Hills, California USA
- Phone: 888-610-5594
- Web:
- Category: Multi Level Marketing
Financial Halo LLC Financial Halo, My Accelerator Halo, My Tax Halo, My Credit Halo, My Debt Halo, My Foreclosure Halo, My Real Estate Income Halo, My Forex Halo, My Security Halo SUNIL WADHWA CROOKED GAME, FINANCIAL HALO, MLM IS CULT, RICHARD KENNETH NEWTON, PYRAMID PONZI, CONSIGLIERE MLM NEVADA CITY California
*General Comment: Phone Number
*Author of original report: Laboratory Scandal! Disgraced Company Turn To MLM Sunil Wadhwa Why? Not Discourse Affiliate Earning Why?
*Author of original report: Financial Halo SPAMMING Grows!
*Consumer Comment: Skepticism Is Warranted For “My Accelerator Halo” Service; I Declined Over Concerns Of MLM
*Author of original report: Financial Halo Backtracks! Rip Off Report Protects Public!
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: More foolishness by a Fear Monger
*Author of original report: Tim Popp Remove Facebook After Lie Reveal
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Misinformed and uneducated
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Dear Friend,
A person tells truth and helps others is needed. Caution is yours and know facts about Sunil Wadhwa then Richard Kenneth Newton in history. Now comes Financial Halo LLC on internet and danger follows to you and family to lose money and be victim of trickster. Can this arrived? Yes, be armed with thinking and facts. Be smart and make up your thinking as a person. Sharing the truth and facts lets seen the choice. Then you are free or you choose to trap and lose money unwisely. Be smart and reject choose to trap and lose money. Sunil Wadhwa does not be a different man and you can fail and you lose your money to give him again!
English is not strongest language for my to talk this story. My grammar is small, my message of caution and fear is the biggest one. You are welcome to get helped by truth and I thank you friend for making to understand my talk. I talk and you can see risk and lies used your personal ability to think critically and think of mathematics.
Online is dangerous place. You find harm and harm come to you once you stop thinking. Bad persons can use online to make victims suffer. This can mean others take money which is yours and taking is not honest nor legal.
What is named multilevel marketing happens to temptation that you make money then money is just lost by you only. Sunil Wadhwa goes this way. His past is now is new try to do same hurt to more new victim. New name is MLM and affiliate and network marketed and marketing use independent contractor. All name is same harmful. MLM name is best common used.
Internet is your comrade in same place and same time. My talking your comrade to share facts then you think for yourself the outcome. You know of pyramid Ponzi? Many know when that is said and right to be afraid. I talk all facts to you soon. Pyramid Ponzi is alive in new beast form. It is still of top danger and I warn you keep out and not lose all money!
I am no longer believing in MLM. You may think never to believe in MLM soon too.
Brave men are here! Douglas M. Brooks then Robert L. FitzPatrick then Steve Hassan. I have been gifted help by listening and self learning facts. I stopped mistake and you friend can please learn alongside.
I seen MLM is cult. This harms and never only Sunil Wadhwa is guilty of unkindness keeping MLM living still. I copy video for you
“Multi-Level Marketing Network Exposed Expert's Discussion of the Perils, Tricks, and Myths in MLM...”
MLM is cult you not get rich you not get promised kept. Cult have tactics to control and deception away from facts as money is taken and freedom is not had longer. MLM does actions same always. Experts talk! Please read and self educate.
I talk facts now. You listen to Sunil Wadhwa history and now. You listen I talk math of Sunil Wadhwa new game. You listen I talk of real math of Financial Halo and your bet is to lose all money. You listen I talk when Financial Halo teaches you how become SPAMMER email sender! You listen I talk that MLM lawyer is not your side standing and keep dishonest men not get legal punished! You listen I talk and show you pyramid Ponzi is alive. I talk Sunil Wadhwa make fractal pyramid Ponzi to trick thinking is honest business but never is. I talk on who come to harm you online and your choice to stay away from men. Can you think about mathematics, friend?
If you join to give your wealth to Financial Halo, your money is lost and gone not back to you. Sunil Wadhwa has a wish NOT GO INTO THE PRISON. He must tell truth just once in small voice. Sunil Wadhwa then has many yell loudly for him and he shouts along the big voice lies of riches temptations.
Here is small voice facts. I copy and your eyes now see
“Since Financial Halo has recently launched, it lacks enough statistical data to prepare reliable income disclosures.”
“Based on industry standards and company projections, the average annual gross income for Associates is projected to be anywhere between $500 and $2,000.”
Learn business facts and witness gross has another. There be gross and net income. Questioning what can net be? You learning the hard way after you sign over to Financial Halo what money is not made for you. Facts are truth.
I copy quote
“Also, effective July 31, 2014, we will be implementing our policy on 'Active' status
Have one sale or be personally enrolled as a customer of any Halo product/service, either internal or external Halo, no later than July 31st. This may include a front-line Associate who enrolls as a customer of a Halo Back office access is required to be an informed participant in one's Financial Halo business. An Associate without a back office is at a severe disadvantage in being able to engage their business.
After July 31st, any Associate who remains Inactive for three consecutive months will have their existing downline roll-up to the next active Associate and will remain in Inactive status until Active status is met. An 'Inactive' Associate does not accrue group volume for commissions, bonuses or rank advancement.
We hope you find the $19.95 month website and administrative cost to be extremely minimal for the value and the income potential you have. And, while we can't give tax advice, it is a business expense and eligible as a tax deduction (please check with your tax advisor). As the old adage states, “it takes money to make money”. Fortunately the dollar requirements are very minimal but the rewards can be tremendous.
We are so excited to have you on board and look forward to assisting you as you grow your business and create a 'lifestyle by design' by earning the type of income that will set you free. “”
You pay to buy using website. Then you find out costs!
$500 a year is what you earn. Don't be greedy in fantasy and think you get $2000 promise or $20000 or $200000 lies dollar. The law makes the truth talked once and it is $500. You must pay starting and pay ongoing.
Mathematics used: $19.95 for website and 12 months. $239.40 minus to you! That is just start to you pay them! You join Financial Halo since you want to. This is free joining? No. NO! You pay hundreds of dollars. Now you have fewer dollars and you pay monthly bills for website.
Friend, you tell me you are special and $500 to each year is not yours. You are big money getter with biggest dream! You make $30000 year since you are special. What is tiny $19.95 one month for winning that bigger money?
YOU WRONG! Friend, I have to talk that Financial Halo is useless. You can't make sales if selling what is no useful. Financial Halo tells you about itself useless.
So copy a quote for you
Financial Halo:
Disclaimer & Legal Information
No Investment Advice or Recommendations
“The Financial Halo Services and content (including Financial Information ) are for information, education, and entertainment purposes only. Although Financial Halo Services may provide information relating to debt reduction approaches and opportunities to increase assets and net worth , you should not construe any Financial Information, features, tools or other content available through any Financial Halo Service as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice.”
Financial Halo is useless! I read what you read. We hear this is all entertainment purposes only they talk. Entertainment is fun and jokes and not make money! You pay money and get what is jokes and fun to not work to sell and get money greater.
You don't give me your belief yet. It is smarter to ask why Sunil Wadhwa makes Financial Halo if no money is yours. Who want this?
Financial Halo makes goal to make money. But how to go? Pyramid Ponzi!
I quote what talked
“One Accelerator Halo Referral @ $1,000 + One TaxHalo Referral @ $750 = $1,750””
You are to trick others to join next to you. You get paycheck only then. They must trick again and you get paid when they too get new money. Once you inside, you find out truth! You lost money joining and to get payment you trick others forced to keep tricking to get paid. This is no fair and missing honesty.
Internet link tells you from Sunil Wadhwa own voice!
I quote for you
“””Step 3: Share
From your list create Massive Action. Massive Action creates Massive Success. Start with a minimum of 3-5 contacts a day. There is no substitute for numbers. The more the better. The key to the vault is to make sure you speak to at least 3-5 people daily.
Ask them if it would be ok to send them a 5 minute overview of an explosive new company that they may be able to profit with because of the timing of the company and exclusive nature of the business model. Keep it brief. Get commitment to watch the 5 minute video today. Email the MyIncomeHalo Video:
Step 4: Follow Up
The fortune is in the follow through. Follow up after they watch the video: same day, same night. For more information have them go to your website. They can watch all the Halo videos.
Direct them to the daily webinars. M- Tu-We-Th-Sat.
Use your support team to help with a 3 way call.
Sign up a new customer or new Associate.
Ask for referrals if your contact is not ready to get started. FOUR POWER WORDS: "Who do you know?"
Advantage for you: Immediate Income NOW. “””””
Friend, you get owed money only when you are hustler and take sign up by more then more people. You get stress to bother everyone to sign up without sign up you get no money. This is rude and you will have people quit your presence once you start annoying asking for sign up. Harm to family and friends is yours.
Sign up as the real way of get money is Pyramid Ponzi. You get only small dollars for sign ups. Most money goes to MLM upline found top of Pyramid Ponzi.
Can you sell item and get money when you choose? Financial Halo prohibit you! This is Pyramid Ponzi and you have brick in Pyramid Ponzi. You get new sign up or you are brick which gets replaced! Your brick demanded to make money no stopping for Pyramid Ponzi upline MLM. Have you no morals to active onward keep new sign ups get tricked into your same fate?
You have read the secret already. I should repeat older quote you read and think again
“”After July 31st, any Associate who remains Inactive for three consecutive months will have their existing downline roll-up to the next active Associate and will remain in Inactive status until Active status is met. An 'Inactive' Associate does not accrue group volume for commissions, bonuses or rank advancement.””
Financial Halo say it coldly! You in Pyramid Ponzi! You maybe make small dollars if you hustle sign up many. You stop money moving Pyramid Ponzi upline then all your money is exit! Your money goes to next active Associate they threaten you! You never win!
The money is all for Pyramid Ponzi at top. You forced to harm and fool others at sign up to have only some money left for you. You can discovery courage and dignity and leave the Pyramid Ponzi however.
Your money is gone when wise choice to run apart from Pyramid Ponzi is to be. A loud voice speaks lies to make you look and think good. I share link online.
I quote you right
“INDIVIDUAL PLAN INCOME: 40 Customers per Month per Associate:
Annual Direct Commission: $27,280.00
Group Bonus: $67,680.00
TOTAL: $94,960.00* “”
What a nice money! You are not foolish and see * however. You are not foolish and know saying threat of jail makes truth talking at least once. I said small whisper voice quoted
“Based on industry standards and company projections, the average annual gross income for Associates is projected to be anywhere between $500 and $2,000.”
What dream of money is $94,960.00! Heroic promise of easy fortune each year by Sunil Wadhwa. Your wake up is no better $500 but your nightmare wake up you paid more total $700 to be inside Financial Halo. Money lost! How do you ever claim wealth? Pyramid Ponzi at top is important wealthy and you count nothing! Move up Pyramid Ponzi by victimize others with sign up more? No thanking there! Humans beings have spiritual souls to care for. Morality exists real. Friend, why must you mutate to SPAMMER to get small money?
You carry dream of making largest money in Sunil Wadhwa Pyramid Ponzi Financial Halo LLC? Financial Halo train you to be SPAMMER to abuse email in hope of getting sign ups. Financial Halo confess to teach you how to SPAM and email harm. Sunil Wadhwa make you start become person of unfair action to tease that you get money maybe.
You find many laws saying never SPAM and email must be honest notice. Laws matter zero in Financial Halo teach you to SPAM to get sign ups!
Financial Halo tell you copy then send script to use. Financial Halo order you to SPAM if you hopes still to make one dollar under pyramid Ponzi. They teach you talk email subject line and body exactly.
I quote sample teaching
Hi [Insert Name],
I just sat in on an online meeting that you have to know about. I learned about a new medical test that will prevent adverse drug reactions; it will be administered by doctors and save thousands of lives per year. The numbers are terrible. There are 106,000 deaths and 2.2 million serious adverse events each year and that includes 700,000 emergency department visits and 120,000 hospitalizations.
By using this test, doctors can protect their patients, save lives, and also protect themselves from potential lawsuits. This is a break through development that is endorsed by the Mayo Clinic; most experts believe this will be required as a ‘Standard of Care’ within the next few years. The best part is there is no cost to the patient because it is a covered expense. What a great win-win.
Here’s where you and I come in. The company that is introducing the program is looking for people who can bring this to doctors. It’s so new that very few doctors know about this although it’s been around for several years and there is a huge opportunity. We can do this part-time or full-time and have our own business. There’s another webinar later this week and I really want you to take a half hour and hear this for yourself. Are you in?
Please register for Personalized Testing – Amazing Marketing Opportunity: Click the link below to register.”” More SPAM training sample. You have job to bother doctor and annoy health care to hope to make money in Financial Halo
“” Send this invitation to your medical professional friends:
Subject: Health Professionals: Discover Pharmacogenetic Testing and How Your Practice Can Benefit
Body: Dr. Lewis Meltz, Board Certified, 30 years clinical experience, former clinical faculty, expert witness, and subject matter expert begins a special series of webinars, “For Health Providers Only.”
Predicted to become the new 'Standard of Care,' adopted by the Mayo Clinic, endorsed by the FDA, and now ready for first movers in medical practice. Health Providers can discover how pharmacogenetic testing can benefit their patients and improve patient care immediately. Testing by one of only 7 certified labs in the world testing for Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, DOT, & the DEA.
If you are a health professional, do not miss these information sessions: “””””
Now you SPAMMER! No person love SPAM and you just abuse email. Even law say you need to stop.
This no secret I share it
Financial Halo no have unsubscribe, no tell this is advertisement and there no physical mailing address in email told you copy and send! This SPAM is illegal and you personally get legal trouble under Financial Halo order you to SPAM to make money. Financial Halo not care and say is you fault!
Once you SPAMMER for Financial Halo you can get money, some money maybe. So you want more money then you make crazy and big dishonest claims to help get sign ups. Friend, MLM cult fool emotions and stop critical thinking
Lady work from Financial Halo. She calls the products 'dummy proof' as way to benefit buyer. She seek more sign up talking big claims fancy promises. I copy video you witness
Kristen Jennifer
MLM is cult. Use cult tactics to control manipulate feeling and stop critical thinking. MLM use cult mind control. Get people hyperactive excited and no thinking with reason. Just feel excited and act to give money act to buy when in frenzied state.
Financial Halo good at use this cult tactic. Get buyer hyperactive with sexy promise and buyer no think and just give money while in hyperactive trance. Is true and you hear crazy hustle your own ears don't lie.
Friend, have skeptic mind and caution in ear. Know coming at you is hyperactive sexy promise of save and get money. Then decode mind control tactic manipulation used as listen. All is tricks to win you emotions and take money of you.
Dial your telephone (559) 670-1568
Press 1 hearing sales hype on Halo Accelerator
Friend I quote exactly worded "to save literally tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars of interest which you would otherwise pay to the bank"
So common person stop thinking and common person is feeling hyper and excited as talking so much extra money is his! This emotional only no reason and no fact check. Pyramid Ponzi win use this move and all other lose to pyramid Ponzi.
You join Financial Halo? Financial Halo use MLM cult on you! You group think and all have indoctrination to keep up energy, no dream stealing, empty cheerful motivation, sell lifestyle talk, talk hope hope hope, promise of money forever talk, keep work for Sunil Wadhwa, no question, just feel hyperactive and SPAM more call more. I prove it! Set up mind control high pressure MLM cult group think. Pyramid Ponzi keep people and use men by emotional tricks and abuse only.
“””Financial Halo Leadership Conference Call: Every Sunday, 6 pm PT/ 9 ET - Call 559-726-1300 , access code 581337 “””
Pressure from cult control come at fancy talk but zero substance. Sunil Wadhwa meet Ken Newton (real name Richard Kenneth Newton) and both self place at top of pyramid Ponzi. Need to catch minds of many with MLM cult move is in email too!
I quote exact
“”"And so it begins. . . . . .
C.O.O. Financial Halo <>
Thank you for your interest in our "Personalized Medicine" program. Every successful experience in life is a function of mindset. As that great American philsopher, Zig Ziglar, so often put it: "It's your ATTITUDE that determines your ALTITUDE!" (I wish you could hear his east Texas twang as he said that). And it is almost a cliché to say that success is all about preparation. As we move forward with the selection process for Certified Representatives and Referral Representatives, there will be ongoing and intensive training on both practical, clinical levels as well as mental preparation. This goes to self-confidence and self-esteem. There is a perfectly circuitous relationship between one's success and self-confidence. The greater your self-confidence, the more you will try; the more you try, the more you will fail; the more you fail, the more you will succeed; the more you succeed, the greater your self-esteem; the greater your self-esteem, the more self-confidence you will have. . . . . So, we must be prepared and we must be persistent. Calvin Coolidge said:
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
We begin this process with the attachments to this message. This is not a difficult or time-consuming exercise; it is certainly not a sophisticated analysis or assessment. Sales professionals will not think of this as anything but a memo; certainly not a training. It does provide, however, the opportunity to begin thinking about the mindset of how you may approach this venture and what you should expect. While we do ask that you return the questionnaire, the real value to you is introspective. It should start the wheels turning about what this might be like. It is a very soft orientation to your new business. And, since we are in the selection process, I might suggest that (hint, hint) there is more at issue here than just the information and your review of the documents. Please make every effort to return this at your soonest convenience; many thanks.
I am very sincerely looking forward to meeting you and helping you meet every dream you can conjure. Let me encourage you to bring the future into the present and see your life as it will be one year from now. The mind cannot tell the difference between that which is real and that which is vividly imagined. It will inexorably go to that which you focus and concentrate on. We are all in this together;
Ken and Sunil
Ken Newton
Chief Operating Officer
(530) 613-1011 : cell"”””””””
Why he talk about dream and motivation? Too heavy on feel good emotional hyperbole. He act hypnotist keep you in trace as take money? He selling that you give him your money! Nothing go to you and all gotten to him!
Ask questions. Who make most money and why hyperbole and no results? All mind control to keep hyperactive state and big promise with emotion no reason. Be smart and never stay fooled. Friend, IRS tax trouble becoming yours at Sunil Wadhwa pyramid Ponzi
A man talk to me talk harsh talk meaning upline and downline MLM. He talk upline is pimps above you and downline is suckers below. What words to give! How you feel about other human being to talk that harsh words. Pyramid Ponzi shares hurtful feelings what are other people.
Friend, you seek $500 a year add in? Think I say for just one year final total Financial Halo promise $500. You want $1000 more at least for year work? Please get job at American fast food worker. I not condescending and not joking. You can do part time extra and make money. You don't buy foolish website name and you get not harass others by sign ups to bring dislike at you for asking sign up too much. You keep personal decency and earn money honest man way and feel no pressure to hurt others.
So Financial Halo no better then minimum pay check job? Sunil Wadhwa win your money so he talk it better. Financial Halo is better if you highest of pyramid Ponzi and all lost money pyramid Ponzi top keep. If you normal person which all are then Financial Halo not for you become super wealthy or normal income.
Financial Halo MLM is game. Game to keep money for highest on pyramid Ponzi is MLM. Tax man take money of all. IRS want the money legally it owed. You get fooled by Financial Halo saying you your own boss. Read policy quote. Download and find file PDF
“4. Independent Contractor Status
Financial Halo Associates are independent contractors. They are not franchisees, joint venture
partners, employees or agents of Financial Halo, and are prohibited from stating or implying,
whether orally or in writing, otherwise. Associates have no authority to bind Financial Halo to
any obligation. Independent Associates will not be treated as employees with respect to such
services for federal or state tax purposes. Financial Halo is not responsible for payment or co-
payment of any employee benefits. Associates set their own hours and determine how to conduct
their Financial Halo business, subject to the Agreement and the Policies and Procedures.
Associates are responsible for liability, health, disability and workmen’s compensation
insurance. As the Associate, you are responsible and agree to pay your own business expenses.”
This talking seem fair if you not think and read smart. Big promise of Financial Halo to be your own boss. Financial Halo talk you own boss independent contractor. Financial Halo no want to collect taxes for employees.
What IRS say okay or bad? Friend, I never first to point out dangerous fault. Many show this true also.
You read IRS tell you
Read danger
“However, whether these people are independent contractors or employees depends on the facts in each case.”
Read complication
“You are not an independent contractor if you perform services that can be controlled by an employer (what will be done and how it will be done). This applies even if you are given freedom of action. What matters is that the employer has the legal right to control the details of how the services are performed.”
Read smart my friend! Talk of controlling detail most serious issue.
So what trouble come? Sunil Wadhwa talk easy that you own boss independent contractor. That sound good and no man not like hearing that talk.
So you own boss independent contractor? So you own boss and clever think of new way to get extra product and sell. You are stopped! Financial Halo say no and tell you detail of why you cannot. You tired of SPAM and want use real advertising if product so good. Financial Halo say no and tell you detail of why you cannot.
You tired to email SPAM and choose own boss way. You go to put product in retail and if good product sell and not then not sell. Financial Halo say no and tell you detail of why you cannot. IRS say if detail controlled you in trouble for fiction independent contractor.
You really own boss? You make some MLM money at Financial Halo and get tired. You take time away but what done downline still come pay you. No more website no more new sign up game. If you own boss then you can. Financial Halo say no and tell you detail of why you cannot. You not hustle for pyramid Ponzi then you get nothing.
How you own boss independent contractor? You set own hours? Friend, you work at fast food and boss talk three shift of morning lunch and night. You choose shift to work fast food. You no have a boss now? NO. You still have boss and choose shift you work. You just worker.
Scandal! IRS come to Sunil Wadhwa and Richard Kenneth Newton. Talk by Sunil Wadhwa and Ken Newton say no taxes here and is independent contractor. IRS turn back and soon as not looking you told detail on what you do and not do. What real and what not? You just worker is real.
You just worker of Financial Halo. Boss at MLM tell what you do and you can't get choice. Big lie you worker but no taxes for Sunil Wadhwa and Ken Newton clever use false label you somehow free man own boss independent contractor! Stay away! Be shocked! Learn history of Sunil Wadhwa!
It is obvious today is 2014. Time travel 2004 and start to learn longest line of MLM scandal which is Sunil Wadhwa.
Sunil Wadhwa talk and I quote
“"Sunil was a real estate investor and small business owner, and Lori was in sales and marketing with a major airline, USAir before this California couple found Pre-Paid Legal.
A friend who was told many times by Sunil "we are not interested" was persistent enough to get Sunil to agree to a meeting about Pre-Paid Legal. It was the most "forever life changing" meeting he ever attended!
"Pre-Paid Legal has provided us financial freedom so we don't have to worry about the economic slowdown," says Sunil.
Both Sunil and Lori love that fact that they can help people change their lives for the better if they choose to. Whether it's selling a membership or recruiting a new Associate, they know they are not just making a sale. They're making a positive difference.
"We tell Associates to make the commitment to eat, breath and sleep Pre-Paid Legal," they say. Become passionate in what you believe, set forth and do it. As Harland Stonecipher says," The biggest sale you'll ever make is yourself." Be persistent and consistent in your commitment to this business and you will become very wealthy with PPL.
"Pre-Paid Legal has allowed us choice. Choice in everything we do. The freedom and flexibility to spend time quality, memorable time together. Whether it's working in the girl's - Anjali and Sheena - classrooms, going on fieldtrips or on a business day in the pool together," said Sunil. "For Lori, it has given her guilt free balance in life between family and career. This is something she has always dreamed of. She has the best of both worlds. It enables her to spend flexible time nurturing the children and also make a difference in today's society. We work hard, but we love to play hard too . . . together!""”
So great! So best business is Pre-Paid Legal. So much MLM greatness that 2004 make money and Sunil Wadhwa say he have finical freedom. So that ending and all just is fine forever? Now he promise such freedom is for you in Financial Halo.
Keep alert. See whose history is Pre-Paid Legal too! Richard Kenneth Newton!
“Field Trainer, Small Business Plan and Group SalesTrainer at Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.”
What happen in time after? Sunil Wadhwa make good in life? Rip Off Report is sharing alarm! Bella Homes LLC is Sunil Wadhwa.
“This basically means after two or three attempts at frivolous lawsuits the courts can bar you or your Co. and that is exactly what is happening to Bella Homes Llc. Nearly kicked out of California as of Sep 28, 2011 Case Sunil Wadhwa vs. Aurora Loan Services. He lost. Sunil Wadhwa is the Brains if you will for Bell Homes Llc.”
Sunil Wadhwa is plaintiff in legal case. HE LOSE!
I quote you
“SUNIL WADHWA and LYNN LORI WADHWA, Plaintiff, v. AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, et al., Defendants.”
1. Defendants' motion to dismiss all causes of action, ECF No. 43, is GRANTED with prejudice.
2. The case is closed.”
More on Rip Off Report I quote or you read talk yourself
Bella Homes Llc
“Sunil WadhMr. Sunil Wadhwa O.K. Ready check out State of California Cease and Disist Order dated December 8, 2004 for his company Positive Return Inc. Then go to his most recent fun, State of California where he lost his case and was threatened by the Judge that if he continues this practice he will be labeled Vixtious litigant, which basically means that you will not be allowed in Federal or State courts again due to frivolous lawsuits.a vs. Aurora Loan Services”
Why do Sunil Wadhwa vacation on rip off report and MLM scandal? Start to keep caution friend! Many is serial in make MLM scam, take money then run. He has freedom start new MLM and take new money the get ready run. So Sunil Wadhwa not set well after 2004? What else scandal? Financial Halo so great for you today? Why Sunil Wadhwa need to already pass off image he stock trader for you. Cool Trader Pro is Sunil Wadhwa and is not so good for make you money! Review talks.
Financial Halo play clever tricks but you keep safe not falling for deception. Can you read map? Can you take a trip?
See Linkedin
Wow is 10,001+ employees and founded just 2014! So big company! Address
Financial Halo LLC
981 Governor Drive
Suite 102 EL Dorado Hills Ca 95762
This fraud and is lie! Address is Chiropractic Doctor office! Where 10,001+ workers? Linkedin show simple 13 men work Financial Halo LLC. You be magnanimous and say maybe 30 on Linkedin somewhere?
Here really what you find at address
Dr. Lewis N. Meltz, DC
981 Governor Dr Suite 102
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
So why fake address? Why steal place of doctor? Disguise smaller timer as legit business to fool all public. California Secretary of State not lie to you friend. Financial Halo LLC file exist 12/21/2013. Here real address shocking news about it soon
Financial Halo LLC
747 Sturbridge Dr
Folsom, California 95630-6166
Is house address not real business office friend!
Shock is here!
Preforeclosure Published: 03/25/2014
Property Address:
Sunil Wadhwa
747 Sturbridge Dr
Folsom, CA 95630-6166
Oh no! Financial Halo Halo Accelerator not work for himself? He not pay off 30 year mortgage in just 10 or less like big promise Halo Accelerator? So sad! Why trust Sunil Wadhwa make you rich now by pyramid Ponzi with Financial Halo LLC? Why family business fail? Not hire professional? No good?
Anjali Wadhwa, Lori Wadhwa, Sunil Wadhwa,,,
Sunil Wadhwa. 916-317-1313 Cell. 916-941-6656 Fax Have Telephone Talk 916-941-6636 What business partner up to? Why not get business office for real if business real?
Richard Kenneth Newton (with Kathy)
Home Phone 530-470-9069 Cell Phone (530) 613-1011
If you daring to trust money to Sunil Wadhwa first be good thinker and ask what happen to old business!
Life Saunas International
2756 E Bidwell St Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 317-1313 (is Sunil Wadhwa)
Why website domain for sale? What happen in past? Ask questions is fair and not give money is thinking man way! Sunil Wadhwa self prop mote he was in low level contest of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is billionaire and famous. Sunil Wadhwa not even make it to reality TV and he lose at fourth tier Donald Trump MLM publicity stunt. Sunil Wadhwa house to be foreclosure soon? Why you trust him to take you money? Self written praise and lies about Sunil Wadhwa
You too make press release on own website and say what foolishness you can talk. It same generic pablum.
Why he no with Cool Trader no more? Why give money to new company? Think smart!MLM lawyer seller legitimacy illusion for money. It not look good for Sunil Wadhwa and Financial Halo. Pyramid Ponzi never look good if enough time move on.If man evil one and try and fool people to join Pyramid Ponzi how he do it? He must fool to make look real and legitimate.
Sunil Wadhwa hire MLM lawyer make pyramid Ponzi look legal. Kevin Thompson name on documents new brick in pyramid Ponzi victim must sign. Man named Kevin Thompson enter to cover up dishonest Financial Halo LLC and make tricks to fool you give you money to pyramid Ponzi.
Now self invention enters! Kevin Thompson just man who work in job chosen like all else. He dream he want to be on TV and rich and famous. He invent that he somehow MLM lawyer and gimmick name taken.
So many people talk MLM consigliere is Kevin Thompson. I ask why he get named called consigliere MLM. Sunil Wadhwa is crime boss?
Kevin Thompson is
Consigliere MLM not about help people it scary it about keep pyramid Ponzi men operate longer and not stopped by law until later. So sad.
Kevin Thompson talk he MLM lawyer. So you victim of pyramid Ponzi and go see him get money back and stop bad pyramid Ponzi. NO. He not help victim. He tell pyramid Ponzi how to stall tactic law from catch up to pyramid Ponzi. He take money do action.
He not on side of people and not help victim. He mouthpiece lawyer for bad men who push pyramid Ponzi to harm people. Lawyer of virtue help victims lawyer of evil help criminals not be stopped by laws.
I tell you fact but was secret of Kevin Thompson. Ask question is he no good for victims and no good for MLM?
How he help MLM as big talk claims? You want become lawyer in America? You go school and then you lawyer? No you play and win test at bar. So you lawyer in America then? NO.
You just lawyer in one state! You must win bar in other state to use law there.
Kevin Thompson only lawyer in Tennessee. How useless it be for 49 states. Each state have crime laws on not fraud and not trick not deception business and no pyramid Ponzi. Only lawyer who win bar test in state rightfully talk about each 49 state law.
You interstate business? You real business you will in time need real lawyer in many state. This not so MLM as is all for pretext and simple show like pyramid Ponzi is legitimate for short time.
You want to be MLM crime boss and win money all in America? You afoul of so many law each state to next state just one lawyer not really help you.
Why MLM bother hire Kevin Thompson? Is sales illusion. MLM pyramid Ponzi have paperwork and big talk. Legal paperwork make s****.>
He lazy lawyer just copy paste to each MLM agreement. Generic talk boilerplate for any MLM need now some smokescreen. Mistakes there he no care since is not real paperwork for real business no how.
I not fake or change. I quote you read
““12. Dispute Resolution. All disputes and claims relating to Financial Halo, its services, the rights and obligations of an Associate and Financial Halo, or any other claims or causes of action relating to the performance of either an Associate or Financial Halo under the Agreement or the Financial Halo Policies and Procedures shall be settled totally and finally by arbitration as enumerated in the Policies and Procedures in CITY, California, or such other location as Financial Halo prescribes, in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act and the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, except that all parties shall be entitled to discovery rights allowed under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Additionally, you agree not to initiate or participate in any class action proceeding against Financial Halo, whether in a judicial or mediation or arbitration proceeding, and you waive all rights to become a member of any certified class in any lawsuit or proceeding.”””
CITY, California? That is real paper and no typo not changed! Why not pick real city? Where you visit court if real issue? It not matter documents for joke and show. Financial Halo say it look legitimacy but is just dress up to hide what really doing.
Pyramid Ponzi collapse in time or state lawyers step in to stop. Kevin Thompson got paid he run interference and then leave keep his money. He not care. So many victims of Pyramid Ponzi left behind. Is very sad and you self responsible ask good questions not become victim of Pyramid Ponzi.Friend, you think you safe from Pyramid Ponzi and no Financial Halo come at you?
Never lower defense against Pyramid Ponzi. You think there border to Pyramid Ponzi? Financial Halo is coming after you. You not safe any state in USA you find person to come after money.
Keep smart and defense against not nice attempt to take money.
Bennie Herring II is Florida and check map in Georgia too.
Financial HALO Florida State Director FMS
He have real business? No! Address is home like copy Sunil Wadhwa business.
5486 Babbling Vw
Fairburn, GA 30213
(770) 895-7989
Seattle corrupted too?
Randall Jamieson Financial Halo
“Our company has just secured a WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT with a PATENT PENDING business model. This can fundamentally change the $310 billion pharmaceutical industry and benefit millions of people. It is an amazing "AT COST" prescription medication program; truly at pharmacy cost. For example medications that may cost $75 to $90 we sell for $2.50 for the SAME exact medication as found in any retail pharmacy. The medications are provided by the same manufacturing companies as found in the pharmacy down the street; companies like the McKesson's of the world. It's a monthly membership fee of $29.95 for a single person and $39.95 for a family (parents, kids and grandparents). Here’s a recent example: A new member was paying $375 per month on meds at his local big box pharmacy. He is now paying $56 per month for the EXACT SAME meds plus the $29.95 membership fee for a total of $86. He is saving ~$300 per month. These saving can be life changing for millions.
With 4 billion annual prescriptions in the U.S. alone, there is a HUGE opportunity and NO COMPETITION. Think about how many individuals and families can use this service. As mentioned, we have the worldwide exclusive marketing rights. Those that join will have the first mover advantage with very strong ongoing residual income. INTERESTED?”
Be guarding if Michigan, Illinois and Indiana is you home. Tim Popp want your money! Stay alert!
Tim Popp
11151 Fitzgerald Ln
Huntley, IL 60142-7035
(847) 669-0006
Is business really? Notice pattern addresses all is houses! Kitchen table supposed to be place you make money for everyone? Send out SPAM email from family not funny not ethical.
Telephone (847) 669-0006 and talk to Amanda and press for reality of earning money. Get disclosure on what money make and if no you leave fast!
Why take bad gamble in Nevada?
Stuart Denham
Expansion Team at Financial HALO
Reno NV
Stuart and Lori Denham
Ask questions is fair. Can you do you trust people?
Where you not present Financial Halo?
Romeo Parker
National Independent Recruitment Service
Office & Fax-(208)-209-2308
Cell- (910)-305-3174
Keep smart!
Fractal Scam still Pyramid Ponzi
Friend, you smart and no like Pyramid Ponzi. So Financial Halo is new?
I talk what is now with Pyramid Ponzi is fractal mathematics. Please study to learn in fractals you have many parts same shape to make larger form of same shape. Many small square make one largest square.
So not one pyramid itself. You have many small pyramid group making one total pyramid. So Pyramid Ponzi is here still. Part make whole and no think parts not make Pyramid Ponzi not illegal.
Financial Halo make small levels small pyramid. Tax, accelerator, credit, DNA, Rx. So many small fractal pyramid is still no good. Pyramid Ponzi do harm!
Keep questions as weapons. Defense with question weapons. Ask to be safe! Now you know more. Be smart and thank you friend. You protection of self and protection of your family from Pyramid Ponzi.
Thank you all friend!
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/20/2014 02:36 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:

#8 General Comment
Phone Number
AUTHOR: Kevin Thompson - ()
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Just FYI, the phone number listed above for Financial Halo is inaccurate. It's the phone number to our law firm, Thompson Burton. We represented them for a limited duration. The engagement ended last year. Again, the phone number listed above is not Financial Halo's. Ripoff Report, if you can update the complaint, it would be appreciated. Thanks. Kevin Thompson.

#7 Consumer Comment
Skepticism Is Warranted For “My Accelerator Halo” Service; I Declined Over Concerns Of MLM
AUTHOR: Freddy - ()
SUBMITTED: Monday, October 27, 2014
I recently have been solicited by the company, Financial Halo LLC, that is the subject of this consumer alert. I write to share my own experience of receiving the sales pitch and to inform why I chose to decline the offered service. The sales pitch was a staged process and involved many interactions before I ended the contact.
I think it sensible to first comment on this report and the volley between the owner and the report's creator. It seems clear to me the creator of the report is a whistle-blower of some fashion. The author has information which does not seem to be publicly available and has firsthand knowledge of the personnel who operate the business and their past history. It is unsettling the owner is taking the tactic of using ad hominem against the report's creator and not making a case based on financial material and explaining openly about the business details and operations.
It is academic for me at this point, yet the demeanor of the owner affirms I was correct to not become of client of the 'Accelerator Halo' service. I cannot get past the contradiction of the owner saying he wants to talk openly about his business to all comers and then demanding to have the channels of contact be removed. This echoed back to the questions I had for the Accelerator Halo service ending in my being told conflicting answers at different times. That lack of coherence made me personally choose to pass on the service.
Whoever wrote the report seems to have English be her or his second language. It is an unpleasant chore to decipher the grammar and syntax of the writer. The message about the demand for data and information of earnings to be shared is repeated and is clear enough. The issue of false promises raised by the company and about improper marketing practices employed is also able to be understood. That seems more then fair to bring forth.
There seems to have been a nasty falling out involving some worker connected to the company for this information to come forth. I am myself in no way connected and my short experience, which I share, should not detract from the author's writing nor support it.
I received emails about supposed new ways to increase net worth. These emails were not expected nor welcome, however I did personally choose to ask for follow up information. I was given links to online videos and then emails and phone calls followed to attempt to secure a sale.
This program called Accelerator Halo was billed as financial management. It strangely conflated immaterial emotional based motivation to 'get out of debt' and 'boost your income' with an unoriginal service to manage bill paying and track personal spending. It was not a quality service in my view and I turned it down.
The biggest reason I passed on Accelerator Halo was the fact the program is a clone of other items already on the market. Accelerator Halo is just a mishmash of recycled items for personal finance management. All these copy cat services are then bundled into the real push, which is to recruit into an
MLM operation.
Accelerator Halo was very, very fast to disclaim it is not for people with large amounts of personal debt. It is not a credit rebuilding service nor debt consolidation service with legal advice. That is fine for me since I have no outstanding personal debt for my family. That raises a big dilemma however since those with major debt are the ones most seeking programs which advertise fixes to debt. Who is this meant for? It seems, from my counter, this is meant to most lure people into MLM and getting out of debt is one form of marketing used to attract interest to the company.
Accelerator Halo makes itself out to be a software based program to help people with basic debt levels simply pay their bills 'more efficiently'. This is a complete nonsense program since is duplicating what many other consumer software programs do already.
Quicken and other programs like the old Microsoft Money do those tasks. MINT and You Need a Budget are other software options; Google for those. All major banks have free online spending tracking tools for account holders and other apps to use, those can leave much to be desired however.
Personal banking services from one's bank exist (fees attached or waived from case to case) to educate people on basics of saving, paying off debt and income management. Taking in person courses, some free in larger cities, on how to work household finances all do the same task. Many such courses are free for seniors and colleges and even local governments ofter short seminars in some areas on the subject. Autopay options now exist to help those setting budgets and getting into a rhythm of bill paying.
For less then $20 on Amazon or at a used book store, one can find many titles about basic debt repayment strategies and education and how to set up and work a family budget. The foolishness of Accelerator Halo in claiming it can choose 'the best' way to pay bills for you shows how unfounded the claims are. Your bills are due on a certain date at a certain amount. You have so much money owed and you always can unwisely add more debt. You have an income to draw from to pay bills, save and spend otherwise.
I was told I would earn thousands by 'saving' those thousands in late fees. I had to correct the sales persons that late fees are never incurred unless the payment due is given late. I always pay what I owe on time so late fees are not an issue. All people are able to do this with planning and budgeting. It is a matter of habit and not of software.
There are no savings objectivity and to equate 'earning' money on something which is a debit that can be avoided is not really earning. I said it was dishonest to present the matter as it was given to me.
Accelerator Halo jumped into nonsense when it rebranded common knowledge as something only it could do. The talk of completing a 30 year mortgage in less then ten years using Accelerator Halo was laughable.
To conclude a 30 year mortgage in under ten, you simply double the monthly payment to the lender. This is not secret! You make your normal monthly payment owed and then make a second monthly payment to the lender which is marked to pay off the principal owed directly. If the second payment is equal or greater to the first monthly payment, you will pay off the mortgage in years and not decades. Again, common knowledge repackaged by Accelerator Halo.
The other side of this Accelerator Halo was to increase one's income. A nice idea which all would like. This was simply to join into a multilevel marketing operation. Other methods were to use software programs to trade on the FOREX and such.
It is curious the whistle-blower mentioned a sister operation was active from the founder of this current MLM. Given the unimpressive and useless functions of Accelerator Halo, I cared not to waste my time on anything related.
I have no desire to get pulled into MLM. Not for myself nor for my family. I close by mentioning the owner of the company cared to comment at random he was Christian.
I invite all reading this to find three books which address the unpleasant nature of MLM. Two are written by a Christian woman whose faith compelled her to quit the MLM operation she was a part of.
Athena Dean was a top Amway operator. She made $20,000 a month but was making the money dishonestly by victimizing many below her in the MLM operation. The question of all MLM business being some form of pyramid selling venture remains hotly debated. Her faith in Christ was more important to her then making considerable money in a deceitful manner.
Athena Dean wrote “All That Glitters Is Not God : Breaking Free from the Sweet Deceit of Multi-Level Marketing” (ISBN: 1579211348).
She also wrote “Consumed by Success: Reaching the Top and Finding God Wasn't There...” (ISBN: 1883893224)
The final title is by Ruth Carter. That book is "Amway Motivational Organizations: Behind the Smoke and Mirrors" (ISBN: 0967107024)
While Amway and this company are not connected insofar as I know, the tactics employed in trying to sell me the Accelerator Halo have shades of those shared in the book. It seems MLM business use very uniform scripts and read from the same playbook to make sales.
I am pleased that I declined to use the service and that I also declined to get started in MLM. I would caution others to consider other options before committing to use Accelerator Halo.

#6 Author of original report
Financial Halo Backtracks! Rip Off Report Protects Public!
AUTHOR: G.K. Chesterton - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Dear Friend,
If my truth is fear monger, what is there to be afraid of? Afraid you lose all money to pyramid Ponzi? Tim Popp is afraid he no scam enough people in time?!
Tim Popp is Illinois man. Why he so scared he keep talking about California business? Deception is present.
No man is hiding from Tim Popp nor Richard Kenneth Newton and Sunil Wadhwa. All expressed is 100% fact and all is source from Financial Halo LLC documents of angry affiliates not given honest earnings!
Financial Halo LLC share lies to public. Now after report surfaces shady business backtrack!
See images. From 10,001+ workers to 1-10 people change! The liar exposed and more exposing coming.
Thank you Mr Ed Magesdson! Bravery has paid off!
G.K. Chesterton in history called “The Apostle of Common Sense”. All men must think about scam and not get fooled to lose money. Use common sense and expose lies and think critically.
Richard Kenneth Newton never use name Richard. Only when forced signed legal documents do Richard Kenneth Newton name appear. Lie of Ken Newton appear to Financial Halo associates to hide real identity during scam work. Facts check as real.
Tim Popp acts cowardly. Poor dishonest man complain about rules. Here rules to follow Tim Popp. FTC government tell you to STOP!
I copy so you read and learn Tim Popp.
“Don’t use deceptive subject lines. The subject line must accurately reflect the content of the message.
Identify the message as an ad. The law gives you a lot of leeway in how to do this, but you must disclose clearly and conspicuously that your message is an advertisement.
Tell recipients where you’re located. Your message must include your valid physical postal address. This can be your current street address, a post office box you’ve registered with the U.S. Postal Service, or a private mailbox you’ve registered with a commercial mail receiving agency established under Postal Service regulations.
Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from you. Your message must include a clear and conspicuous explanation of how the recipient can opt out of getting email from you in the future. Craft the notice in a way that’s easy for an ordinary person to recognize, read, and understand. Creative use of type size, color, and location can improve clarity. Give a return email address or another easy Internet-based way to allow people to communicate their choice to you. You may create a menu to allow a recipient to opt out of certain types of messages, but you must include the option to stop all commercial messages from you. Make sure your spam filter doesn’t block these opt-out requests.
Honor opt-out requests promptly. Any opt-out mechanism you offer must be able to process opt-out requests for at least 30 days after you send your message. You must honor a recipient’s opt-out request within 10 business days. You can’t charge a fee, require the recipient to give you any personally identifying information beyond an email address, or make the recipient take any step other than sending a reply email or visiting a single page on an Internet website as a condition for honoring an opt-out request. Once people have told you they don’t want to receive more messages from you, you can’t sell or transfer their email addresses, even in the form of a mailing list. The only exception is that you may transfer the addresses to a company you’ve hired to help you comply with the CAN-SPAM Act.”
What you going to do Tim Popp? Start be honest and tell facts first time?
Tim Popp prince of SPAMMER and order affiliates SPAM to get paid in promised Ponzi.
Read orders to copy paste email here
Too bad no FTC rules is shared! EXPOSED!
Tim Popp write
"And yes, this is an excellent opportunity, and again thank you for the free publicity."
No worry sir, I give you so much more free publicity soon to inform public to be alert.
Tim Popp talk
“The fact is, we are legitimate. This man is being slanderous and using improper terms in description of how our company operates. Know the truth.”
Funny how Facebook Tim Popp come back after lie exposed. Why so much edit however?
Talk so cheap! Any legitimate business prove so with ease. Much has been exposed about two face nature of MLM here by Financial Halo.
Name downline numbers then upline numbers. No data? Where earnings? You say just $500 year gross.
I prove you not honest! Very simple use you own lies on you!
Accelerator Halo Income Example:
Based on all Associates referring just 3 clients per month and each Associate sponsoring 3 people
Enrollment Fee $2,995.00
Associate Commission $1,000.00
New Customers per Month 3
Monthly Income $3,000.00
Total New Customers per Year 36
Total Annual Income $36,000.00
How many earn money like that? Share real number and prove with real facts. You cannot? You dishonest to public!
Where ONE testimonial of ONE man who get $36,000.00 year net from you Tim Popp. No person stand up? So dishonest!
Sunil Wadhwa house in preforeclosure. Why man in charge of company claim get other out of debt going to lose house? What example lead by?

#5 Author of original report
Financial Halo SPAMMING Grows!
AUTHOR: G.K. Chesterton - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sadness is here. More victims of SPAM by Financial Halo are to follow.
Economic Empowerment Association
Really this is only SPAMMER named Herschel Washington. He give nickname 'Breeze'. Not know why.
Like Tim Popp and many other like Sunil Wadhwa, so called business just home apartment. Stop being fooled!
Example of SPAMMNIG present. So this is MLM of Financial Halo. No sell service or product just SPAM and recruit up pyramid Ponzi.
I quote so sad SPAM
Where money Mr Breeze? More recruitment scam exposed!
If Financial Halo real company, they disown such gimmick or reward such conduct? Where earning statements of real money data? This look like pyramid Ponzi to you friend?

#4 Author of original report
Laboratory Scandal! Disgraced Company Turn To MLM Sunil Wadhwa Why? Not Discourse Affiliate Earning Why?
AUTHOR: G.K. Chesterton - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 26, 2014
Gary Seistrup appears! Man fronting embroiled Pacific Toxicology Laboratories and promoter of Financial Halo LLC.
He so busy with MLM! Financial Halo new game for him.
Pacific Toxicology Laboratories is Centinela Hospital Airport Toxicology Laboratory formerly.
Pacific Toxicology Labs
9348 De Soto Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311
818- 598-3110
Financial Halo tell email about MLM
Scandal! San Diego District Attorney send letter out over bad work done at lab. See image!
Inmates Freed After Faulty Lab Results
"Eleven people have been released from the Vista jail, after faulty toxicology tests were reported at a forensics lab under contract with the County of San Diego.
Tests from the Los Angeles area lab Pacific Toxicology included a number of false positives used to track narcotics in the systems of criminal suspects.
This story originally mistakenly reported that a lab worker at Pac-Tox had a history of problems, including falsifying reports and failing to register as a sex offender in another state. That was not correct. In fact, the worker involved in those cases was from a second lab, Bio-Tox laboratories in Riverside County.
Pacific Toxicology workers were not involved in those problems and we regret the error.
An additional 675 cases in the North County that are linked with the lab are now under review."
So all is in past? Question come forth, why turn MLM Sunil Wadhwa in 2014?
How much money made top of pyramid by Sunil Wadhwa and Jeff Lanzolatta? Jeff Lanzolatta own lab and not explain why he need MLM to SPAM email to make money use alleged special test. Notice Tim Popp and Richard Kenneth Newton (Ken Netwon he lie and not use real name to associates!) money make too. See image, all in collusion!
Challenge! Disclose earnings of affiliates to this MLM game! We the public know top of pyramid Ponzi get paid. Men lower on pyramid Ponzi lose money to higher taskmasters.
Thousands SPAM emails sent by Sunil Wadhwa company promote Jeff Lanzolatta lab and get people sign up and sign up afflicted.
Where money come from!? Where money go? Share earnings of MLM! Honest company is easy to do. Not honest company cannot share.
FOLLOW MONEY! Money made lead to facts and truth is here!
Tim Popp is picture not wearing suit. Only one man cannot figure it out for metting. He work out of home confession so not know what business suit wearing is. No public judgment reader, please. He is simple man who struggle with honesty. No personal attack, just stick to facts shared and facts proven.

#3 REBUTTAL Owner of company
More foolishness by a Fear Monger
AUTHOR: Tim - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 26, 2014
This little "man" knows nothing of truth. We are legitimate in all senses of the word. Thank you for the free publicity on my Facebook business page! It is running just fine, thank you.
"G.K. Chesterton" - which I am sure is not even your real name, you are putting ridiculousness on the web and wasting people's time. And yes, I work from home, you are an idiot if you have never heard of such a thing.
You are hiding under an assumed name, and faking being somewhat illiterate - Here is the real G.K. Chesterton, the "prince of paradox" (nice give away that you are not who you say you are) who died in 1936:
I invite ANYONE to talk to me about this REAL opportunity.
And yes, this is an excellent opportunity, and again thank you for the free publicity.
Ed Magesdson, I call on you to not lower your standards and publish a factless piece of garbage like this dirtying up your website. This "man" has no place on your website. At the very least please remove the information you state I cannot put on your website, including personal information of mine, phone numbers and email. I have that information advertised to specific people, and would prefer to handle my own publicity.
The fact is, we are legitimate. This man is being slanderous and using improper terms in description of how our company operates. Know the truth.

#2 Author of original report
Tim Popp Remove Facebook After Lie Reveal
AUTHOR: G.K. Chesterton - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 25, 2014
Dear friend,
While talking with English is not strongest skill, I share honesty and give facts. Those men boost of education may lie those still who tell facts are honest no matter quality grammar.
Tim Popp talk he honest man? He lie and proof given total.
Tim Popp make Facebook. He tell big lie and now Facebook page removed for lying! That action of liar!
Where it go? Magician make disappear? See image show it there now gone to cache.
Quote of lies Tim Popp self write:
"Brand new Halo has been announced, the biggest income generator in our business. We are looking for people who want to be a "Certified" representative as well as "Referring" Associates. Ask me for the requirements and working description! I will invite you to apply if you are qualified."
"Fully Robotic FOREX trading software with 8 years of success! Learn more on my website:
Plus, there are links to all of what Financial Halo has to offer with other services!"
"Rx - All Prescriptions AT COST! Not a discount - really AT COST. One membership covers 3 generations. Get the details and list of examples:"
"NEED WORK? We need Pharma reps and Professional Sales people Nationwide! Unprecedented opportunity involving a procedure the Mayo Clinic supports and utilizes. Contact me immediately for an interview, we need a dozen Certified Reps and more Referring Reps immediately."
"(JOB POSTING) Interviewing for Dynamic Sales Reps and lighter duties. W-2 positions with a high-end Laboratory founded in 1985. Newly FDA approved Pharmacogenetics as well as Toxicology testing. Certification training provided. Pharma sales experience is a plus, but not mandatory. Prior to utilizing Monster, I want to make sure I offer it here. I need 8 people to Certify and fill out my team. If you or anyone you know anyone who might be interested in applying, please PM me or pass on my name (Tim) and number 847-669-0006."
"Anybody know someone who wants to be part of Revolutionizing Medicine? I am down to needing 6 people to help bring this to doctors in our area. If you are outside of Chicagoland, teams are nationwide. Structured training plan, W-2, contracted with our 30 year old Laboratory. Call or PM me if you know someone looking for an outstanding opportunity."
"Debt Elimination software, Tax Resolution, FOREX Robotic trading, Keylogging protection software, AT COST prescription service, Income from Real Estate, Protection from Foreclosure, and several more Halo's to come - all in the interest of building and protecting YOUR Financial future! has informative videos on all of the Halo's"
SO MANY LIES! How much money made to others for big profit promise? Why Facebook page now not there? Truth get take down! What pharmaceutical company you lie to work for Tim Popp? Lies get you fast trouble!
California Sectary Of State have records say only Richard Kenneth Newton and Sunil Wadhwa own company. Why you talk about own personal success with company Tim Popp? Zero example given and you talk English better is proof?
Christian faith and military both irrelevant. How many people make money from you business hard data have facts reports? No data no truth. Share facts or you self branded biggest lair.
Why Sunil Wadhwa California house preforeclosure? What proof of real make money or not make money? Owner of business not good in finance so how you help other men?
You not business Tim Popp. 11151 Fitzgerald Lane Huntley Illinois not office! That not Chicago either liar! Kitchen table MLM pyramid Ponzi not true honest business!
My English is small my facts is giant mountain. Exposed MLM scam with data and Facebook page gone. Who can you trust friend? I profit nothing and pyramid Ponzi just want money.
Think for self reader. Why disclaiming claim you just make $500 a year with Tim Popp and pyramid Ponzi? Tim Popp make more you do if you give him money part of pyramid Ponzi upline.
Ask examples of money earned. Tim Popp no share real number so he lair about money. Stay back if data not given honest form.

#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Misinformed and uneducated
AUTHOR: Tim - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 24, 2014
Regarding Financial Halo:
I have never read a less educated description of a complaint in my life. There is not one detail of real complaint contained in this "ripoff report" whatsoever. I took the time to read the entire rambling on message of this "man", and there is nothing contained in the message of discernable value or content.
I feel sorry, true pity for anyone who would consider this report valid, and would not want them in my organization in any way, shape or form. Perhaps I should feel grateful for the message to filter out the paranoid and ignorant people from ever being interested in sharing in what excellence we do.
It is stated this is a "permanent record" and will not be removed, yet this report contains the very specific information I had to agree not to post. My business phone number is contained in this bogus complaint. That is something I am restricted against, yet the complainant can post at his own discretion.
The fact that someone can post a complaint with not one detail, but to simply slander me and the company I am associated with makes me question absolutely everything I have ever read on this site. I once considered Ripoff Report as a valid resource in researching certain elements of society and their validity. I now question the integrity of anything I have ever read here, and am concerned for anyone who does.
Since I am restricted to not posting contact information, I invite you to scroll through this debacle of a "report" to my name, Tim, and contact me directly if you want real information. My number is posted here, which as I pointed out is purported to be a violation of this very website's own terms.
As far as this "report" is concerned, look through it with discernable eyes. There is nothing but assumption, conjecture, generalization and paranoia. You as an intelligent reader my find entertainment with the silliness in the way and manner it was written, but take warning along with it as well. This is documentation of the lack of education and waste of resources that could be spent elevating and educating our society. Unfortunately we have this as a pitiful example of the lunacy that surrounds us.
Finally, this is a real business, what we do. It is a valid business structure with valid products and services. I am an Independent Associate, and contrary to what this report claims, will make me and active members on my team substantial earnings for years to come, all while doing good for others. All while elevating society.
We have one service in particular that will reach toward saving 100,000 lives every year, the science behind it is real and verifiable. Don't let the uneducated and misinformed miscreants taint what we do, not one of us is hiding, we are here in the open. Find and verify based on fact, and you will see ridiculousness like this "Ripoff Report" against Financial Halo completely invalidated.
I am Military. I am a Christian. I hold to my ethics and responsibilities to Americans and people in general very close to my heart and take honor very seriously. This kind of random "report" and slandering of my name is an affront to my sensibilities. With no basis in fact, if the site owner expects to be taken seriously, this slander should be removed immediately.

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