Complaint Review: Keith Croft - warwick ri
- Keith Croft 2615 Warwick Ave warwick, ri United States
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Keith Croft Head Football Coach at Bishop Hendcken High School, Warwick Rhode Island And Owner Of Elite Football School - Recruits To Exploit Underpviedged Kids To Circumvent Interscholastic League Rules For Football - Files False Police Reports On Innocent People For Personal Gain And To Escape Liability - Has In His Own Words "Had The Pleasure Of Working With Well Over 1,000 Young Men" Nice Thing For The Pncipal of Bain Middle School To Say -cranston - warwick ri
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Keith Croft, of Elite Football School in Warwick, Rhode Island, head coach of football at Bishop Hedricken High School in Warwick, Rhode Island, certified teacher with the Cranston School System, and princiapl at Bain Middle School in Cranston, Rhode Island, has a history of filing false police reports in Rhode Island to maintain his current jobs, obtain those current jobs, aspire to obtain other jobs and benfits, and rig elections in the state of rhode island by defaming others through false police reports in collaboration with corrupt Cranston attorney and former rhode island governor chief of staff Robert Murray, Croft's own father and political operator and scumbag and Bishop Hendricken Executive Director and Rhode Island Bridge and Transit Director, Earl "Buddy" Croft, former police chief and now Executive Director of the Rhode Island DMV and Bristol Community College Professor and Providence Center Executive Director, Walter "Bud" Craddock, Former corrupt mayor of cranston Steve Laffey (who was the beneficiary of the electon rigging), Former providence mayor, and current Rhode Island Congressan and Italian Mafia Member, David Cicillini, Former Felon And Providence Mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci, supposed defense attorneys former Providence City Council President and former Providence Mayor, Mafia Affiliate, John Lombardi and son of former convicted mafia judge, Mafia Affiliate, John Bevilaqua (Who both were involved in the coverup) Corrupt Mafia Judge Robert "Bobby Pirragz" Pirraglia, Jeanne "La Fozzi The Bear" LaFazia, Former Providence City Solicitor and mafia affiliate, Steven Catalano, the Cranston and Providence police departments, inclusive of, at a minimum, officer Matthew Davis, Det. Erik Baccari, Pezzullo, Mcgrath, and Ricci Amongst others.
And his good friend and pal, David Exter, also of Bishop Hendricken. In fact, so good are Keith Croft and David Exter at writing false police reports, (or their cop friends and attorney Robert Murray good at writing false reports) that some how they write them almost word for word exactly the same, negating themselves of anything wrong because someone else always does something wrong or has some kind of mental health affliction. In fact so good are they, you would think they were so close as to be married and sleep in the same bed together.
And how does Keith Croft make the medical diagnosis he makes in the police reports he writes? Does he use his medical degree? No. Keith Croft doesn't have a medical degree to fall back on when he slanders and defames people in false police reports. Keith Croft uses the degree he attained in gym, as in physcial education, to make medical diagnosis that he then presents in police reports. No medical degree or training. Just a degree in gym. As in, recess.
Keith Croft has used filing false police reports to his benefit both to get out of trouble he finds himself in and also as a means to attempt to deride others from his goals or pursuits by jamming them up in legal situations for which he hopes to gain the benfit of and not worry about getting in trouble for because he is dealing with cops he grew up with and played football with, attorneys his father, Earl "Buddy" Croft hob nobs with, with cases that with be tried in courts that his father works at with corrupt judges, like Robert "Bobby Pirragz" Pirraglia who are friends with all of these involved and have hatched the scheme in the first place. Essential, Croft has no fear of reprecussions of filing false reports because he, and all those involved, from the cops to the courts, know eachother extremely well. They then force individuals to plea to these ficticious charges because they dont want the story about the truth to get out.
But heres the thing....As much as he threatens and attempts to make himself look like the victim, Keith Croft can NEVER take a case to trial. Why? because Keith Croft has mental health records, and yes, crimnal records, that any decent, non-corrupt, defense attoreny would get unsealed if keith croft were ever to take a case to trail against anyone instead of having attorney like Robert Murray threaten to have him perjure his entire family to attempt to prove the validity of a false report Keith Croft filed. Why else would Keith Croft have credibility issues...Well..... Keith Croft lead police on a 5 City/Town chase in Rhode Island When he was 16 and a student at Bishop Hendricken along with his pal David Exter. Keith Croft And David Exter were under the influence of alcohol at the time (DUI). But being 16, and pleaing out, Both Keith Croft and David Exter's records were sealed, by the same 6th District Court in Providence that Crofts father works at, that they now like to false false reports through against others to try to put a stain on them and derail them so that those people wont get out ahead of them or to cover for lies that they told about others and then would have to be proved wrong about.
Those records were sealed....sealed by the same court Keith Crofts father, earl "buddy" croft, worked at, 6th district court in Providence,RI, where he formed alliances with judges to both proect his family from being charged with crimes, and at the same time, seek to eliminate others they see as threats to their standing or imaginary social status by having them charged with ficticious crimes to protect themselves from being charged. But, now you know. And those records CAN be petitioned to be unsealed.
So parents, make sure you know who is coaching/teaching your kids. Dont just look at the win/loss record, or the good things all their friends have to say about them.....because those people are probably on the take.
Keith Croft HAS mental health and disciplinary problems, has since he was a child, which is what provoked his initial particiaption in football, as many of the kids with these issues end up doing. Now, he finds kids that have the same issue and steers them toward football so he can gain the benefit of controlling them.
Keith Croft (And David Exter) has stalked people, online and in real life, then taken the webpages of others he tracked down on his own accord to say that that individual sent the website to him and then tried to make that website evidence against the individual he filed false reports about that he was stalking.
Keith Croft (and David Exter) become infatuated with people so much so, that they begin to imagine they know people and are friends with people and if that individual get a new car, has a new apartment or residence, lands a good job, is stellar athletically, has a hot girlfriend (or boyfriend, based on all the times keith croft and david exter sleep in the same bed together during road trips in high school), they put up such a fuss, that their parents blame the upstanding individual for causing problems for their kids! Insane. But, in a last ditch effort to remedy the trouble keith croft and david exter caused, the policde decided to wipe the slate clean for them, by charging the victim with crimes and attempting to allow them to start over under the condition, they clean up, get married, have kids, get a job, have a mortgage, etc to keep them busy from this type of stalking conduct. But it didnt work. Because Keith Croft and David Exter have mental health issues that wont be fixed that way. And this "favor" to Earl "buddy" Croft has resulted innocent people having their past, presents and futures altered.
Keith Croft never made it in football or baseball and as such now goes around attempting to make sure everyone he bad mouthed through the year doesnt succeed higher than him for no other reason than to save face for the lies he told about others. Whether he went around saying he was better than someone he wasnt, or whether he went around saying he knew, or was friends with, famous people he didn't know or was friends with, he used false police reports filed through his cop friends that he grew up with or that his father coached to have people prosecuted in courts his father works at with judges his father has known for years because nothing is more imortant to the crofts than saving face and being respected in the community delusionally believing they are some prestigious family from Rhode Island when in reality they are people who barely get by using methods as these described above to maipulate their standing in society to do it.
If Keith Croft, or David Exter, went around saying he was friends with someone he wasnt and then that person reject him, he would have no problem filing a police report about that individual falsely claiming he had been friends with that person but no longer is through his own decision and that there must be something wrong with that person mentally for no other reason than to save face for having lied in the first place that he knew or was friends with that person so that all the people he lied to could read that police report and he wouldnt be embarrassed for the lies he told. And would have no remorse about what this would do to the people of person he was doing this to. Sociopath. In his mind, that would be completely ok because it would clear him of trouble. That's the type of person teaching and coaching your children at Bishop Hendricken High School and the Cranston Public School System.
Obvioulsy Keith Croft is not fit to teach, coach, or instruct your children. Perhaps he suffers from a disease of the mind that prevents him from understanding, or maybe he is just a disturbed individual; either way, do not support the elite football school in rhode island, or feed him your kids to coach for the tuition at bishop hendricken that obviously has no trouble employing criminals that will perpetrate the same conduct on your kids of the opportunity to benefit from it arises. Instead, leave keith croft and his family out in the cold doing what he (and his family) has been doing his whole life: being supported by the state of rhode island.
Still have doubt? Keith and Earl "Buddy" Croft said all you need to know in the website of their own Elite Football School where they "have had the pleasure of working with well over a 1000 young athletes". You can bet they have. That must be what they call it these days. In fact, betting would be a good term for it, as family friend and co-conspirator Jason Pilderian a former Bishop Hendricken and Providence Journal All-State selection (and part of the false reporting scheme through the cranston police department) and Keith Crofts own brother-in-law were both arrested on felony charges with regards to illegal mafia gambling and drug possession. "working with". yeah sure. In the history of all boys catholic schools no two individuals have spent more time around "young athletes" for no reason or make up a reason to be there, than Earl "Buddy" Croft and Keith Croft. NOBODY.
See, if you're earl "buddy" croft you need to be respected. and nobody is more afraid of earl croft than keith croft. earl croft has attempted to have people arrested because he was flipped off by them. Its true. earl croft has gone down to the police department to file complaints to try to have people arrested for flipping him off. INSANE. earl croft believes in that whole proper, high and tight hair cut, respect your elders, mentallity. But, earl "buddy" croft himself, has no respect for anyone, unless it's some he got down on his knees to service over the years, someone like any rhode island politician that he felt could help him move up the social ranks. So dedicated is earl croft to being seen as successful, that over the years earl croft has filed numerous false police reports with various police departments againt individuals he felt were in the way of his or his families upward mobility....and he was unsuccesful. So earl "buddy" croft got himself a new idea. Since he had been coaching football for years, earl "buddy" croft would groom kids into becoming cops that he could then use to file false reports through and then have the innocent people in his way eliminated.
This action, in tandem with a job earl croft obtained at 6th District Court in Providence, where he put on his best face, and his families, so as to build goodwill toward the scheme he was hatching of defaming and slandering innocent people so that when these people were arrested and brought to trail, of course at 6th District Court, the court would already be prejudice and biased in his favor. These individuals brought to court HAD NO CHANCE of beating totally ficticious charges brought against them.
Earl and by extension, Keith, Croft have been carrying on this same type of conduct on for years where they have cost families uncountable amounts of money over the years by sending their sons to Bishop Hendrcken, where unless these kids were specifically selected to attend the school, or part of this clique, were wasting their time and money as Bishop Hendricken would not, and will not, to this day, allow anyone to be successful that they do not approve of, regardless of that individuals talent or ability.They will however, allow someone in the school if that individual is say a left handed pitcher they do not want to have to face if that individual were to attend another school. So ,they let that individual in the school and bury him so that Hendricken, notorious for not being able to hit left handed pitching, would not have to face, and be defeated by, that individual in a ball game or state championship.
In fact, Earl Croft, for decades, was nothing more than a hang around at Bishop Hedricken, a place where combined, he has spent more time at since graduating from the school than he has working, with his wife or with his kids through out the course of his adult life....And had no title, official or otherwise, at the school. Why was he there? However, during this time, earl crofts relationship with faculty and staff at the school, has factored into decisions in who attended the school, the trajectory of that student while at the school, the colleges students were "allowed" to attend, not the schools that wanted that a particular student, but who Hendricken decided was of a sufficent quality to attend certain schools (i.e. if a student was considered average to Hendicken, or made to appear to be average by Hendricken, but was recruited by an upper tier or ivy league school, Hendricken would actively steer that school away from who they were interested in to another student Hendricken felt was more worthy of the opportunity or who would better reflect Hedricken or away from that student just because Hendricken and earl croft and rhode island decided that student would only achieve so much in life and he wouldnt get that opportunity.) (This is a fact and a common practice in rhode island). Or even awards given by the school or awards give by outside the school they could influence.
For years, earl croft got away with not having an official role at the school, yet affecting decisions, until it was brought to light and then what did Hendricken do? They didnt just give him a job as a janitor or a substitute teacher, as would have been challenging for him anyways, no, they over-compensated, showed their hand, and made him executive director of the entire school. That's all the proof you need.
Both crofts have made a habit of recruiting underpriviledged kids based on their size for football. Hendricken, being a private school has an unfair advantage of being allowed to recruit out of district, and out of state, compared to the public school it competes against. Most of these kids are not intellectually or financially or both, able to attend Hedricken, but if they can find a 6'3" 225lb kid that knows nothing about football, but the crofts think "all we have to do is teach him how to push", you can bet Hendricken will have a new offensive lineman on the team next season and push him through his classes with clowns like history teacher mike quigley doint the deed. Now, keith croft being delusional, narcissistic, and with illusionals of grandure, is attempting to get high profle college coaches entagled in this scandal as for some reason he feels that he is at a level that he should be contacting and harrasing these people to discuss players at his small, private, rhode island, based school. Its crazy.
But rest assured, when Hedricken gets caught in a scandal they will act immediatly to attempt to remove themselves from liability. As above, when croft got caught with no official position and they over-compensated by making him executive director, Hendricken will do that same when they get caught trying to bury players or students at the school.
For years, athletes of non-irish decent were buried by the school who were smarter or better athletes than their irish school mates. Yet, Hedricken would always defer to reward the irish student with the award or accolade.
rocco baldelli, who spent two years on the bench, before he attended an out of rhode island event where he caught the attention of others that then prevented Hendricken from not playing him in favor of his irish schoolmates, was then jacked up on steroids so that he could be the token Italian from Hendricken that would dispell the belief that for decades Hendricken only promotes irish students. The only reason they promoted the non-irish student is because they were forced into it. Otherwise, baldelli would have spent another 2 years on the bench. Steroids or not. That's fact. And mind you, rocco baldelli is far from the best athelete, baseball, or otherwise, to come out of Hendricken or Rhode Island, Steroids or otherwise. He was just the one you heard about...out of desperation... because the other one was buried and he was (is) clean. baldelli, in all likelihood, recieved his steroids from former hendricken trainer doc raddocia, whos own son did steroids to participate in athletic at brown university and has been known to offer steroids to students at hendricken. Also, a joe cummings, of the Specialty Co. in Providence, a known associate of the Crofts and Exters who has a criminal record and has dealings wth steroids is known to be involved with the students althetes at the high school and college level.
Keith Croft became head coach of Bishop Hendricken football after the passing of long time coach Ron Mosca from cancer. But, from the time he was a fetus, and Hendricken was forced to stare at him from his fathers involvment which is probably why they have such a hard time seeing him with objectivity, keith croft was always destined to be the head football coach at Hendricken even if only in his own mind and at his fathers own will. Its long passed the time somebody should look in Ron Mosca's passing, maybe check his cell phone for thallium, because since everything else here is derivied and contrived, maybe the crofts just got tired of waiting. There is no bigger cancer than the crofts. Now that's a report...that's true.
In all likelyhood, both crofts have tried to infiltrate the New England Patriots, also. Since they cant be around anyone or anything of consequence without believing they are affiliated with it or can "help" them.
Incidently, If you are a huge criminal in Rhode Island, be sure to add a "Bud" or "Buddy" somewhere in your name. Apparently that exculpates you from all liability. It's better than falsifying police reports for your own shortcomings.
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