Complaint Review: Michael Cheney - Aberdeen
- Michael Cheney Aberdeen , United Kingdom
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- Category: Make Money Online
Michael Cheney $10K/Month Accelerator Netbucks FINANCIAL RAPE might be a good way to put it Aberdeen
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Recently, I embarked on a very painful journey into the world of notorious affiliate marketer and scam artist, Michael Cheney, and his so-called $10K/Month $10K Accelerator program. This includes his Trojan horse service, NETBUCKS. I’ll explain why I call it a Trojan horse in a bit. But first, I want to start with a clear warning to any and all who are thinking about signing up for his programs:
If you are still on the fence or came here to see what you can find out about Cheney and his programs, then before making your final decision, I would like to encourage you to read this report in its entirety. It may just save you a lot of time, money, and misery.
To get right to the meat and potatoes of it, I have included a screenshot that I took during Mr. Cheney’s live webinar where he pitches his "once in a lifetime money-making opportunity” program that he calls his $10K/month Accelerator program (see included photos). The cost to enroll in this program is $2997. Luckily, I had the forethought to snap a bunch of photos of my computer screen during this webinar (like the one of Michael’s summary slide at the very end of his presentation, listing everything you're supposed to get when you sign up for this program).
The Table below breaks down, line by line, which of these he actually did deliver as promised vs. those that turned out to be false or misleadingly deceptive claims.
1) Automatic Passive Income within 24 Hours of Joining – No Work Required (stated value $2,000)
2) Do Nothing, Get Paid Money Service (stated value $3,000)
3) Instant Money-Making Bestsellers for Time-Crunched Marketers (stated value $3,000)
4) 24-Hour Done-For-You Traffic and List (stated value $5,000)
5) 7-Day Guaranteed Traffic Sales Explosion (stated value $7,000)
6) Instant $100K Hands-Free High-Ticket Sales (stated value $10,000)
7) Three LIVE $10K Accelerator Sessions Every Week (stated value $5,000)
8) $10K/mo. Beast Mode Blueprint (stated value $1,000)
9) Hands-On Technical Helpers Taking Care of You (stated value $2,000)
10) Instant King of the Jungle Status – VIP introduction to Cheney’s JVs (stated value $2,000)
11) No-Person-Left-Behind Guaranteed Success System (stated value $10,000)
1) DECEPTIVE - Received a one-time payment of $20.85 within 24 hours - a far cry from $2,000
2) Received $4.80 - one payment/ week. It would take 625 weeks to reach the stated value of $3,000!
3) FALSE CLAIM - Made ZERO dollars
4) FALSE CLAIM – This was not delivered
5) FALSE CLAIM – There was no “sales explosion”! I had ZERO sales
6) FALSE CLAIM – This never happened. ZERO sales were made
7) FALSE CLAIM – Michael Cheney only provided One (1) LIVE $10K Accelerator Session Every Week
8) ???
9) There was a support team of “technical helpers” However, I was reprimanded by Michael and almost thrown out of the course for “putting too much of a burden” on them
10) DECEPTIVE - I would hardly call it a “VIP introduction”. Michael provided the names of some of his JV partners and explained how to send them a request in order to be be approved to sell their products
11) FALSE CLAIM – Michael Cheney’s program is designed to bleed you dry well before you can ever hope to make a return on your investment!
As you can see, most of what Michael promises turns out to be bogus. But it’s even worse because, the way he’s got it all mapped out, it can take several days, weeks, even a month or more before you begin to figure out you’ve been had. And by then, it’s too late. I’ll explain more about this as we proceed.
So, once you have paid Michael Cheney a hefty sum of $2997 and have signed his contract (more on this in a minute) you are now in the 10K Accelerator Club. Once inside the program, you are hit with a ton of information and things you need to do in order to get everything set up… sign up for this, fill out forms for that, schedule this, watch 10 videos about that, etc. So it’s a bit overwhelming at first, but you're super pumped and eager to dive in. With each video you watch, you check it off and then you’re directed to the next video. Then, suddenly, you are hit with several new upsells. But the biggest shocker of all is when you realize that
These upsells are for services that were supposed to have been included for the $2997 you already paid!
So, now you’re totally confused. I began to second guess myself and wonder if maybe I wasn’t accurately recollecting what it was that Michael promised during his manic, whirlwind of a webinar - program features I had already paid for. The whole experience up to this point really does feel like a whirlwind. But luckily, I remembered the screenshots I had taken.
Had I not taken them, I may have missed this. Why? Because nowhere in the contract agreement that you sign before being let inside the program, does it list any of these promises - made by Michael Cheney during his webinar - of what will be included once inside his program.
And here’s the real clincher: in this same agreement, it says ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS PERMITED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Instead, you get the following "guarantee”:
If after 90-days, you haven’t reached the $10K/month milestone, I will personally work with you one-on-one until you do.
So now you’re faced with a dilemma. You’ve come this far. And there’s $10K/month promised that’s coming sometime within the next 3 months… so do you shell out more money for these new services that, all of a sudden, Michael Cheney has placed before you? Because if you don’t, he makes it very clear that you will be at a serious disadvantage – that is to say, your chances of succeeding in the program will be greatly hampered. This is how it is designed to make you feel. It’s designed to make you feel the pressure to shell out even more money. This is both divisive and, frankly, disgusting. But welcome to the world of Michael Cheney!
And this is when the panic really begins to set in. You’re thinking, "Do I bail now? Or do I just suck it up and pay for them? I mean, I’ve already come this far and I’ve already committed this much money. I can’t turn back now.” This is how cunning Michael Cheney is.
This, my friends, is the definition of a scam.
So, at this point you’re afraid to back out because you know you will lose your $2,972. And this is precisely how Michael Cheney keeps you pressing on, farther and farther down his money pit of a rabbit hole.
So now in order to have the tools you need to succeed - assuming you get this far - you, too, may find yourself shelling out another $497 plus $67.95 per week to become a member of what Michael calls his NETBUCKS service, a done-for-you "money-making machine” that includes a dedicated website. Michael and his team take care of the rest. And Michael has really trained his team well – they tell you things like, "You’d be a fool not to sign up. It’s a no-brainer!”
Now mind you, this is first time you’re hearing of NETBUCKS. There’s nothing of NETBUCKS mentioned in the webinar nor was it ever mentioned anywhere in the bogus agreement you signed that's got you feeling trapped. You were told you would already be getting a "Do Nothing, Get Paid Money Service” and "24-Hour-Done-For-You Traffic and List” when you paid $2,997 for your $10K/Month Accelerator program! Remember? Take another look at the screenshot of Michael’s slide showing everything your $2,997 is supposed to include.
Remember the Trojan horse I spoke of?
NETBUCKS is the Trojan horse. I call it a Trojan horse because, it’s not until after you’ve forked over that whopping $2,997, that you are now suddenly ambushed with a surprise Trojan horse attack once inside the program's city walls, if you will. Pay more money or perish!
So, I begrudgingly scraped out the last remains of everything I had been saving for the last few years because I just had to have this "amazing NETBUCKS service.”
Now, can you guess what you will find out next... after you’ve gone even farther down the rabbit hole?
You will soon come to find out that
1) You will not get to keep your website should you ever exit the program and part ways with Mr. Cheney, AND
2) You won’t get to keep your list either (more on that in a sec).
For now, let’s just focus on this new weekly expense you have incurred. Aside from the $497 price tag for the incredibly underwhelming website Michael’s team builds for you, is the nagging expense that’s being debited from your bank account each week – $67.95. Since this is supposed to be a "hands-off, done-for-you service”, you now come to find out that you will also need (wait for it!) …
Traffic to drive to your website. Imagine that! And, of course, you are highly encouraged to buy this traffic from Michael for $255 each month. And he goes on and on about how it’s by far the highest quality traffic in the business today. ANOTHER LIE (but more on that in a minute).
So now it’s a decision of paying Michael $255/month for his so-called Traffic ATM Service OR begin the long, arduous task of trying to build a list from scratch. In other words, drive traffic on your own. And anyone who knows even the basics about affiliate marketing, knows that traffic is an affiliate marketer’s most challenging hurdle. More like bloody nightmare. Building a quality list of motivated buyers who then (in theory) become lucrtaive traffic to your website is, by far, the hardest thing for any affiliate marketer to create, especially if you’re a newbie and don’t have much time or money left to invest. It can easily take a year. Realistically, more like 2 or 3 years. You don’t have to be Einstein to realize you don’t have a year or 2 or 3 to build your list (traffic) while your bank account is bleeding $255 every month and $67.95 every week that goes by. What you need is results now. And fast!
And the weeks go by… and by… and you continue to become ever more stressed out as you watch your bank account hemorrhaging $67.95 every week and $255 every month.
I got to give Michael Cheney credit on one score: He's a clever architect. Hopefully, by now, you’re starting to see how his whole scam works… the way he’s banking on you forking over the money for his Trojan horse NETBUCKS and traffic surprise attack that you were hit with once inside the 10K Accelerator program. He knows exactly what he’s doing and exactly how to lead you farther and farther down this ever-narrowing, claustrophobic hallway that is beginning to feel like a coffin.
At this point, as I'm sure you can imagine, the stress is quite literally unbearable. Stop now and lose everything. Or continue on and maybe – just maybe - in 90 days you’ll somehow start seeing that $10K a month that Michael promised you would be making. If only...
But NO.
By this point, you’ve been lied to and deceived so many times - why would you take Michael Cheney at his word for anything??? Much less a 90-day guarantee. So, by now you know you’re toast. You know it. Michael knows it.
Hell, he’s been banking on it. He knows d**n well you won’t make it to 90 days!
Chinese water torture.
Drip…Drip… Drip…
My theory - and mind you, it's just a theory - is that Michael Cheney is trying to squeeze as much money out of you as he possibly can until you finally fold and quit the program. I had lost literally thousands of dollars by this point. And did I get any of that money back? Yes! I got my original $10 bucks and the first $17 upsell. That's it!
Can you imagine?!
I thought my wife was going to divorce me when I finally broke the news to her. I really did. It was a very dark and painful couple of months to say the least. And does Michael Cheney care? It appears he’s too busy making posts on Facebook bragging about flying his family on a private jet to some big event where they had executive box seats, as well as going out to dinner and being served by robots! He doesn't have a care in the world and I'm sure he's laughing all the way to the bank. Meanwhile, no Christmas presents under the tree for my household. I’d like to believe there’s a place in hell for pond scum like this.
But there does seem to be at least one little drop of karmic justice to be found:
In the fall of 2021, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released the following bulletin, warning online businesses that making false money-making claims could lead to big penalties and, in some cases, even prison time (see photo).
Michael Cheney, it just so happens, appears to be on the Federal Trade Commission’s watch list. Imagine that!
Pictured below is FTC Report Number 145403176 that was filed by someone who was also apparently scammed by Michael Cheney. But hey, don’t take my word for it - go and see for yourself.
Not surprising I guess, based on the myriad Michael Cheney complaints that can be found right here on, as well as other sites like He has amassed quite an impressive rap sheet. Here are but a few of the writeups and complaints lodged against Michael Cheney by others over the years:
In the above review, its author drew the following conclusion:
"The copy is littered with false/unverifiable claims especially with the testimonials. FINAL CONCLUSION: Do not buy this product. Blacklisted Website: If you have made the mistake of buying this product, I suggest you file a credit card dispute with your bank to get a refund. Also, it is sold on the JVZoo platform. Go through them to get a refund.”
It is my sincere hope that, after reading this report, you will think twice about getting invloved with Michael Cheney. I would even go one step further and flat out urge you to save yourself the money and misery altogether. I wouldn’t wish the pain it caused me on anyone!
Well... maybe someone.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/24/2022 11:26 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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