Complaint Review: Ms. Gomez/ Fifth Third Bank Chicago - Chicago Illinois
- Ms. Gomez/ Fifth Third Bank Chicago 1625 W. 18th Place Chicago, Illinois United States
- Phone: 312-421-5500
- Web:
- Category: Banking
Ms. Gomez/ Fifth Third Bank Chicago Ms. Gomez Denied me the right to complete a banking transaction for the last 2 months (racial profiling/racial discrimination/) Chicago Illinois
*Author of original report: We, nobody, anybody,etc.
*General Comment: Getting better with each post
*Author of original report: A trick with tunnel
*Consumer Comment: Not a Bank Issue
*Author of original report: Fifth Third Idiot
*Author of original report: Asinine and a educated fool.
*Consumer Comment: Wrong
*General Comment: Entitled, Triggered Loon
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I have been a Fifth Third customer for over 20 years. Paying monthly fees as an account holder. The pandemic has caused many discomforts to us all; however, the customer service and authority should have a little more compassion. Speaking specifically of Manager Ms. Gomez. Last month I was denied the right to withdraw money from my debit card Netspend/SSI. I was told by one of the employees that the machine was down. Ms. Gomez thereafter came to the phone and confirmed the employees statement.
Today I was told by Ms. Gomez that I would have to make an appointment. First of all, other Fifth Third branches have 1625 W. 18th St. Chicago Illinois 60608 as the bank to do business via drive thru/window. Ms. Gomez ask me what kinda card did I have. This entails discrimination. It should not matter what kinda card I have. Either you do the transaction or you don't . This is in violation of the ADA. Americans with disability act. This is also racial discrimination and racial profiling. Ms. Gomez felt adamant about her position and confident in what she was saying.
This is also a predominant Hispanic area. I will also request a reimbursement for the last to months for denied services. I will also complain via other sites and the corporate in this matter. finally, I told Ms. Gomez my intent. Giving her plenty opportunity to make it right. This is something she felt confident and content in doing. So lets see how it works for you Ms. Gomez.Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/27/2020 05:54 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#8 Author of original report
We, nobody, anybody,etc.
AUTHOR: Stafford - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 28, 2020
Your rebuttals do not intimidate me you and you and we and anybody and nobody is wasting his or her time ...try your luck with someone weak I am not the one buddy sucker, loser, fraud, scammer, trick... now beat it chump.

#7 General Comment
Getting better with each post
AUTHOR: John - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 28, 2020
1. "Why don't you call Ms Gomez yourself..." no, we aren't going to be harrassing a bank employee on your behalf.
2. "I sued years ago and won..." well, how interesting that you failed to include this little chestnut in our original rant. I'd ask that you provide a case number- because you have zero credibility here- but I know that's a waste of time because you'll just respond with "it's none of your business," because we're supposed to just take your bizarre claims at face value.
3. I seriously would love to be in the courtroom when the judge says "nothing Ms Gomez did constitutes discrimination" and you start ranting about raised eyebrows, slight shrugs, or any number of pieces of "evidence" you attempt to present in your defense.
Again- you're just a triggered nut. Racist, too, based on your "this is a predominately Hispanic area" throwaway line. Get a life.

#6 Author of original report
A trick with tunnel
AUTHOR: Stafford - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 28, 2020
"NOBODY" is a broad statement. Speak for yourself. I have been coming "Ripoff report" for many many years and if my statements had no substance "Ripoff report" would not publish it. Sometimes you gotta read between lines...text, compositions, etc. are not elaborate and can sometimes be misconstrued. And from the rebuttals many of you are way way off; nevertheless, if the facts are important to you...why not call the number, name, and address I provided and ask Ms. Gomez yourself. I do not make claims about someone unless I am 99.5% accurate.
Like I said ...I called Ms. Gomez after ignoring her behavior the previous month. I also told Ms. Gomez what I was going to do as far as file a complaint, media, corporate, etc. She... like many other Fifth Third Bank employees had that nonchalant demeanor. A cocky smile...I do not care how you rebuttal or respond. This is racial profiling and racial discrimination. Discrimination is when a person of authority treats someone differently then others.
For instance...if 3 people come through the drive thru window before me with a debit/credit card and the bank employee completes the customer transaction thru the drive through window and I later come thru the same drive through window with the same teller, having a credit/debit card and services are denied. This is called discrimination. It doesn't matter the reason. It could be because I am short, skinny, black, handicapp, etc. It does not matter. You can not legally denied anyone services when you are serving the public. Far as being credible...that's funny. There is no contest in this area. The recording speaks for itself. Have a great day.

#5 Consumer Comment
Not a Bank Issue
AUTHOR: Jim - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Nobody cares about your racial discrmination and racial profiling claims from an idiot who then claims "This is also a predominant Hispanic area." Sounds like you know very well how to profile someone, don't you.
Nobody cares about whether this violates the ADA because of course it doesn't.
So why did the bank person ask you about which card you use? Do you understand there are MANY different kinds of SSI cards like Netspend. Lots of them.
People who have banking issues who claim racial discrimination have no credibility on this website. Go away.

#4 Author of original report
Fifth Third Idiot
AUTHOR: Stafford - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
I can have my direct deposit sent to wherever I please. I have this right. I also have an account with Fifth Third Bank which gives me the right to use my netspend card at this banking center. This is why I pay monthly service fees. Why why why? Its my right and its my business. And this bank does not require an appointment this is why customers are sent to this location.

#3 Author of original report
Asinine and a educated fool.
AUTHOR: Stafford - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
What I like about rebuttals is that they give me a chance to elaborate. When someone comes to "ripoff report" its usually because of something flagrant and unbelieveable. First of all I do not have a chip on my shoulder. Your attitude and perception has nothing to do with me. It has something to do with you and your personal experiences in life. I wrote the truth and I will write more in a sec. . I sued Fifth Third Bank years ago and won. Maybe the Judge understood the legalities expressed.
Just as someone like yourself was here typing the same crap on ripoff report in a rebuttal then. Lets first address the ATM issue you spoke of. Here in Chicago Fifth Third Bank delegated certain banks to do banking through the drive thru window. This business does not require an appointment. For 2 months prior to this issue I went to this bank 1625 W. 18th place Chicago Illinois where Ms. Gomez is located as instructed by another Fifth Third Bank to do my business. The address 1625 W. 18th place chg. Ill. is posted on local Fifth Third banks directing customers to this bank for drive thru transactions. Yes...the ATM machine is available if I choose to use this option; however, I could have used the ATM machine at the other branches if thats the case.
WHY drive there? Far as "discrimination" Ms. Gomez asked me if I had a SSI/unemployment card which involved a cash advance. My point should not matter what kinda card I have. If you are doing card transactions are doing card transactions. So yes....this is discrimation and a violation of the American with disability act. Furthermore, as I stated. I did business at 1625 W. 18th Place Chicago Illinois thru the drive through on 2 other occassions within this pandemic madness, and had a sense of the prejudice attitude/gesture then. I had the calls monitored and recorded with the permission of Ms. Gomez. So everything I am saying can be and will be verified.
Far as Ms. Gomez and other employees laughing at this report on the lunch room bullentin board. This would not surprise me. You see...when people are grossly negligent, and showing willful misconduct. Its a learned behavior. Its routine...until they stand before the judge. Yes ...I made several attempts to rectify/resolve this issue with Ms. Gomez. I always do before I go hard. What I do best is tell the truth. And everything I say can be proven by Ms. Gomez own voice. Now do another I can say more. I can assure you of this...whatever I miss ...the phone recording has it all.

#2 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
This has NOTHING to do with race or any disability you may have, so stop trying to play these cards to gain some sort of sympathy.
Netspend is NOT Fith Third, so it doesn't matter if you have an account with this bank the card you are trying to get money off of isn't theirs. You could go to ANY ATM and withdraw funds. If you tried that and can't your issue is with NetSpend not this bank.
Of course if you truly do have an account with this bank one has to wonder why you even have a Netspend card. Why are you not having your SSI direct deposited to your account at Fith Third? This tells us that you are not posting the entire story.
As for the rest, many banks are requing appointments to go inside to talk to someone or perform transactions. They also have every right to ask you the type of card. As that determines the action they can or can not take. Especially if it is not their bank.

#1 General Comment
Entitled, Triggered Loon
AUTHOR: John - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 27, 2020
I really hope your post was just satire, because if you were serious, that chip on your shoulder must be giving you a hernia.
An ATM machine was broken down. That's what triggers all this nonsense.
"I was told that I'd have to make an appointment." Yes, there's a lot of that going around these days. Because, you know, this pandemic and all. But I'm sure it had more to do with discrimination against you.
"Ms Gomez asked me what kinda card I have. This entails discrimination..." how do you figure? Are you a civil rights attorney? DId you ask why they needed to know what kind of card you were using? I'm guessing the answer is "no," because the answer might interfere with your Poor Beaten Down Abused Me theme.
"It should not matter what kinda card I have...." are you five years old, or what? What's with the "kindas?" And if you believe this, your problem is with bank policy, not Ms Gomez, who didn't write the bank policy.
"This in violation of the ADA. Americans with Disabilites Act." You forgot the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the Freedom of Information Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Want to throw any more unsubstantiated hyperbole in there? How does the bank know you are disabled (I mean, other than the conversation you're having with them, which would certainly convince ME you are disabled.)
"This is also racial discrimination and racial profiling." Now we've gone off the deep end. You forgot Sexual Harrassment, Rape and Stalking.
"I will request reimbursement for the last to(sic) months for denied services." You go right ahead, bless your heart. I'm sure it will make you feel all warm inside. It won't go anywhere in the real world, though. All this because an ATM was broken? Really?
"I will also complain via corporate and other sites.." Again, you clearly have no life and nothing else to do, so go to town. Why not?
"I told Ms Gomez my intent. Giving her opportunity to make things right." I'm sure she'd like to know what "things" she's supposed to "make right." Oh yeah- the complaint that she stripped you of your humanity by denying you basic freedoms Somehow.
"This is something she felt confident and content in doing." Probably because she was following protocol and not bending to your overbearing sense of entitlement.
"So lets see how it works out for you Ms Gomez. Thank you for reading. Have a great day." I'm guessing it works out fine for Ms Gomez, and that her fellow employees will have great day when she prints up your post and puts it on the break room refrigerator for everyone to have a good laugh at.

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