Complaint Review: msnbc news - NW Suite 700Washington DC
- msnbc news New Jersey Avenue NW Suite 700Washington, DC United States
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- Category: Political Activism, Politicians, Internet, Internet Service Provider, Internet Services
msnbc news should keep ther noses to themselves these news stations are so ubserd demacrats Biden Como new 7 news 12 The Presedental Election WAS RIGGED we have a dommy for PRESEDENT he has dementia DONALD TRUMP IS THE MAN NW Suite 700Washington DC
*Consumer Comment: Do you think that any of the politicians in America...
*Consumer Comment: Not a RIPOFF
*Consumer Comment: Your Report Is a Sad Example of a Damaged Education System
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msnbc news should keep ther noses to themselves these news stations are so ubserd they have been badmouthing PRESEDENT TRUMP on TV since he got into office and they are so not rite BIDEN has a bad attitude has no respect for anyone but himself and the news only lets you hear what they want you to here the JERKS OF AMERICA. the government should of let the PEOPLE VOTE NOT CONVINCING THE COUNTRY TO VOTE FOR HIM SEE THIS EVERYONE I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT IT. NEXT ELECTION USE RIP OFF REPORT TO VENT YOUR REAL OPINON NOT THE NEWS MEDIA THEY ARE ALL IDEOTS.
We had a presedent with a sence of humer never before it was so cool. Biden HAS no mind and he has dimenmtia now the country has to live with a dummy they voted him in he is going to ruin the country these news media stations are the ruination of a GREAT COUNTRY the demecrats are bads mouthers and in my book bad mouthers are no good Biden doesnt even finish a sentince he stumbles threw his whole speech and to me the election was rigged
eveyone of those bad mouther are to me Jelous my parents told me growing up that if someones bad mouthing another person its jelosy and it is read the bible the msnbc crew are gosipers all news medea and followers now we have a dimented presedent i could not stand this guy the whole time Trump got us out of a mess and this ideot is going to ruin everything i garanty it. The Supreme Court Judges they are Are Idiots To they arent no better a good judge would of let it go threw in Penselvania see if its true ill bet the judge is a 70 year old guy sitting in the seat thinking who he is because of his power.
That is not right no chance wrong The virus Trump did what he could and anyone that judged him for it should look at themselve and you had all the spanish and demenican and german all foriners saying he did not do a good job and the news medea said and showed it on tv now the american people that voted Biden in and are going to live with a 70 old demented presedent for 4 years and whoever has been listening he has dementia and the news media said it on tv and never brought it up so what does it make them liers and cheats rite in front of the US people and you wonder why there is so much crime look at whats going on in the United States
what does that make America nieve and stupid tink hard people its true look at your goverment all its doing is badmouthing he should not be in the seat and he is using no judgement ask your Dr's they will tell you the Americans that voted him in voted for a dummy and all the news media are Jerks themselves because they are the ones that said it on natinal TV last year. LISTEN to these idiots they have a complex on badmouthing thats were our country is all not good jelous people what happend to our BEUTIFUL COUNTRY IT IS IN THE SLUMS EVERYONE BADMOUTHING.
IM looking at this news and he is using clips convinced he is right and beleaves it that is crimanal and convinced the people they are the ruination of this great country. We should call for a new election the hell with the DEMECRATS the NEWS AND ALL THE BADMOUTHERS AND YOUR GOVERMENT LETS DO IT AGAIN. MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND THEY MADE YOUR MIND UP FOR YOU DR CLOUSI SAID HE HAD DEMENTIA THAT ELECTION WAS RIGGED BY THE DEMECRAT BADMOUTHERS.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/20/2020 09:57 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 Consumer Comment
Do you think that any of the politicians in America...
AUTHOR: Karl - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 08, 2022
typed in 476868 at this site and read what is posted in Consumer Comment #5 at Ripoff Report #476868?

#2 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Stacey - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 21, 2020
Just more delusional ranting from a delusional idiot

#1 Consumer Comment
Your Report Is a Sad Example of a Damaged Education System
AUTHOR: coast - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, November 21, 2020
Perhaps you should complete the fifth grade before calling other people idiots.

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