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NATIONAL DEFAULT SERVICING CORPORATION QUICKEN LOANS, ROCKET MORTGAGE Acts as agent/Trustee used by Servicers and Mortgage Companies to insulate and harass homeowners. PHOENIX, IRVINE AZ, CA
*Consumer Comment: Gary Q Public, Don’t trust anyone...
*Author of original report: Fraud Forgery a game they play
*Consumer Comment: Gary Q Public, The United States of America is...
*Consumer Suggestion: Very simple
*Consumer Comment: You might want to consider...
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National Default Servicing Corporation is a multi state operation and what a fantastic scam operation they have going. From the fake Certified Mail envelopes (look up the numbers on the letters and find out if they are legit. First Red Flag, the postage price is far too low!
They send out threatening letters and provide coverage and insulation for the initial mortgage scammers. Usually the Servicers on the alleged loan will declare an actual loan in Default and after 6 months they get paid off plus penalties from the Government Insurance coverage NDIC type claims, so the loans whether legit or fraudulent, it still gets paid. We must understand they don't even have the original loan documents because if they did wexist those are destroyed and then recreated, next dozens of copies of the note is then sold on the market to investers, investor pools (large numbers of individual investors are grouped and their portfolios then buy the securitized notes). Quite a few of these alleged loans were just invented out of thin air and then electronically inserted in the County Recorder's database.
They do not go through the normal inspection required to record onto the public database where property records are kept. The electronically inserted paperwork will remain there and then when the iron is hot one of these thrid parties will obtain a "Certified Copy" from the Recorder's Office and whoila they bring the hidden paperwork into the more public side from the hidden side and it is now been added plus a Certified Copy of said paperwork appears to be valid because it is
1. Certified as true and correct,
2. Came from the Official Recorder's Office so it "must be true (wink wink) and then introduced into a lawsuit or as supporting documents for Non-Judical Foreclosure.
This Trustee will announce a Sale date but never hold the sale as they already "purchased" the property at the lowest rate and no other bids were offered. The buyer is immune because they are covered under the UCC as a HDC and the Turstee is immune because the Buyers have no recourse against the Trustee since they are this allegedly "innocent party" just serving in a legal business.
NDSC must have permission from the Principles who actually own the Note and that means ALL in the Investment Pool which they obviously do not have and will never produce it IF you can get to an actual trial in court and those are Kangaroo courts. The Lender is going to win because they never are forced to back their claims and produce the original documents (they really were destroyed so their copies become enforceable) asa the courts allow it. Think Judges have mortgages and do a search on MERS for the Judge and find out if their mortgage was paid off or even have an active loan.
Cash is never used it it usally commerical paper traded for Trust Deeds and those were changed and then pulled as Certified from the Recorder's database often the existing free clear owners living in hte properties do not know of it or don't understand what to do to stop it, VERY LIMITED Remedies, TIME LIMITS to act and these scammers NEVER respond properly to verify aything and the sales MUST stop until with full proper responses are given or a court ordered judgement obtained through a real civil trial has been decided in their favor. Now that route will not work out for the Servicer, scammer and the others who are in the scheme. Non Jusdicial Foreclosure have rules but rarely are they followed, only the APPEARANCE of following the rules occur.
When hte homeowner sends off the notice contesting this sale, the Trustee is requested to supply their contract, verification of a true amount of the unpaid debt, the actual paperwork that allows Foreclosure which would have to be a security document showing the homeonwer owned the property at the time of the loan, pledged (Mortgaged the property to back the loan) and not obtained a loan to buy a home they did not own, Remember you cannot mortgage (pledge) what you do not have ownership in. You cannot give to anotehr what you do not possess!!!. If the property was already under a first mortgage then that must be paid off and the bank owns it not the homeowner so any loan is UNSECURED meaning no right to Foreclosure available. People are made to believe the loan and the mortgage are one and the same it is not.
NDSC are scum, assisting Fraud, Extortion, Threatening and bullies of the worst kind. You can't file a criminal complaint and have police investigate as they claim Civil Matter. It is not, but cops are instructed not to allow a criminal report to be taken and investigated as they would then make arrests and these assclowns would be in prison for decades for the Mail Fraud, Extortion, Theft, Forgeries etc. Yes Virgina they also Forge names, put people on documents, list and delist people to obtain what they need to pull off the scam.
Everyone needs to rise up at these sales and prevent these scammers from holding the public sales by being loud, and interrupting them so they cannot take place. Law Enforcement needs to make arrests following taking complaints and investigating these fake, fraudulent and forged documents. The Roecorder's office needs ot remove anything on their database they did not physically inspect and approve for filing and recording.
Remember the All real property, homes, buildings, land was pledge in 1933 to back the credit of the United States after the US Bankruptcy. Look it up it can easily be verified.
Never break the law but the law is not being enoforced against these assclowns, servicers and lenders. When it is then this will stop, until then the thefts will continue.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/12/2021 08:34 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#5 Consumer Comment
Gary Q Public, Don’t trust anyone...
AUTHOR: Karl - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 15, 2021
in any position of power in this country.
The entire system is corrupt. That is precisely why America is collapsing right in front of everyone’s eyes. Nothing will be able to stop what’s about to happen in America and all over the world. Just watch.
Good luck to you!

#4 Author of original report
Fraud Forgery a game they play
AUTHOR: John - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Have you considered that there was no loan to begin with? Having spent time looking into NDSC Quicken Loans, now Rocket Mortgage have been fined millions and millions of dollars in fines. The law requires that the Lender, Servicer, agents provide verification of a debt within 20 days of written request. That includes a comprehensive accounting. It also must include any payments from insurance on the loan, mortgage, etc. Nothing is ever supplied.
The law is clear get a judgment or answer the written request. If it is legit they already have all that prepared and most likely in Electronic form. So verify it and send it out. The reason they do not is they are violating RESPA, and other verifying the records puts that person on the hook as well as the company. Law is clear follow it. If it is owed pay it. But when no loan exists or laws were broken before during or after it very often voids out the loan if it ever existed. Their practice is to create a new set of documents, make dozens of copies of the note and sell those copies to investors.
If they sell the note they must tell the borrower it happened within 30 days, they very seldom notify that happened. Give NDSC a call listen where they claim they are not collecting a debt or that they are debt collectors, laughable. Any creditor MUST Certify, verify and debt period. No verification no debt. If it were true then provide the proof. Got it shillboy? Tell your boss the info of your practices are known now.

#3 Consumer Comment
Gary Q Public, The United States of America is...
AUTHOR: Karl - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 14, 2021
ultimately being controlled by the corrupt and greedy banking cartel. The cartel controls the money system, Wall Street, much of the Legal System, the Mainstream Media, the U.S. Government, and most importantly; the minds of almost everyone living in America.
As more and more Americans and people all over the world begin to realize the truth, it will create opinions. Negative opinions. These ‘negative opinions’ will soon trigger another collapse of the system, just like it did in September of 2008.
You can type in 271454 at this site and read what was posted in Consumer Comment #1 at Ripoff Report #271454 for proof about our ‘system’. That was posted one FULL YEAR BEFORE the collapse and stock market crash.
Now type in 269041 at this site and scroll down to the comment entitled “Blame it on a Lawyer” at Ripoff Report 269041 and read all of it. That was poste 13 months BEFORE the collapse and stock market crash.
Finally, type in 261157 and read “FIX AMERICA POEM” which is posted in the comments section at Ripoff Report #261157. The 14th line of the poem came true four months later. The stock market CRASHED on September 29, 2008. The poem was posted on May 23, 2008.
To sum it all up in a nutshell, the United States of America has turned into a country whose foundation is solidly built on LIES, DECEPTION, FRAUD, MANIPULATION, GREED, DEEP CORRUPTION, AND THE CONSTANT PURSUIT TO FINANCIALLY INJURE THE INNOCENT PEOPLE LIVING IN AMERICA AND ALL OVER THE WORLD

#2 Consumer Suggestion
Very simple
AUTHOR: Flint - (Afghanistan)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
It's really quite simple. If you pay your mortgage, you won't be foreclosed on. If you don't pay your mortgage, you will be foreclosed on. It's funny that you are acting all self-righteous after trying to scam your mortgage lender. And if they are federally insured loans, then you are trying to rip off your fellow taxpayers as well.
How about this: stop believing in fairy tales, and start being responsible. If you took out a mortgage loan, then you need to pay for that mortgage loan. If you believe your deed wasn't recorded correctly, then you need to give your house back to the previous owner, it doesn't belong to you. And you are right, the mortgage servicer doesn't have the original deed of trust. That gets mailed to you after the document gets recorded. And that's kind of the whole point of recording documents with the county.

#1 Consumer Comment
You might want to consider...
AUTHOR: Karl - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
mailing a copy of your Ripoff Report to your Attorney General and also mail copies to Dateline NBC and 60 Minutes in New York.
The addresses to 60 Minutes and Dateline NBC are available at this site. Just type in 271771 and they appear in Consumer Comment #1 at Ripoff Report 271771.
Good luck to you!
******GLOBAL STOCK MARKET ALERT: Make sure to type in 1512122 at this site and read Ripoff Report #1512122 and ALL of the Updates for EXTREMELY important information NOW!!!

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