Complaint Review: Rell Chosen - Detroit MI
- Rell Chosen Detroit, MI United States
Rell Chosen Rell Chosen, rellchosen, rellchosen7, rellchosen777, Rell Lamar, Paid Rell, Paiid Rell, Paid Osama, Paiid Osama, paidosama, rellosama, Rell Osama, Osama Rell, Rell Chapo, Chapo Rell, Chosen Gang, Chosen Crystals, Chosen Health, , rellchosen, rellchosen7, rellchosen777, Rell Lamar, Paid Rell, Paiid Rell, Paid Osama, Paiid Osama, paidosama, rellosama, Rell Osama, Osama Rell, Rell Chapo, Chapo Rell, Chosen Gang, Chosen Crystals, Chosen Health, They Are Selling Defective Blank Label Items And Not Delivering Other Services Provided Detroit MI
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The amount is $225.24 and still no delivery of Online Consultation. This person has a web site He does not contact all of his clients, and provides no reasons why he chooses not to contact them, and instead posted online media indicating he did drugs during the consultation appointment instead.
He has had a web site and also I have not had experience with them. However, there are reports of delayed shipments and even canceled orders which had to be done by reporting him.
Chosen Health is misrepresenting The Chosen Health Care Institute. " Chosen Health " is a website scam front selling products by " Rell Chosen " who does not disclose his legal name nor legal alias nor L.L.C. registrations. Even more alarming is that the bottles are sold with Blank Labels and are sold Opened. Who KNOWS What Is Inside ?!
Rell Chosen is a scammer not unlike Jeffrey Almonte and Rashad Jamal White and Gazi Kodzo ( Augustus Romain ) and Nature Boy Carbon Nation ( Eligio Bishop ) and Andrew Tate to name a few of accused Sex Cult Leaders. Vulnerable Communities such as Vegans and Vegetarians and others that have Dietary Needs and Allergies and General Self Improvement. They lure Potential Victims with topics that make them sound smart. They could reach as many as one million people, and are Internet Millionaires. Some of them feign homelessness while others attempt to start a type of Housing Development. These end up disorganized and ends up being Sex Cults for lack of better words.
I insist you be careful around " Rell Chosen " He debates him self numerous times. Examples are encouraging others to Drop Out Of School by saying he was Bullied when he was actually Prom King. Saying that HE dropped out when he Graduated. Having very uncomfortable posture and very alarmed facial expressions when for example his shirt is off YET states he does not like to wear shirts. Also he says he " does not know why " which makes no sense either. Says he is an introvert yet goes Clubbing. Complains about being underweight yet does drugs. Wages Wars with religious groups, and pretends to be homeless when he is a millionaire. His store is a shelf and owns absolutely no property.
And the fact that he is selling open containers with blank labels as if it was a web version of a Trench Coat. and that he has had two other scam sites please prevent him from making others. Thank you for understanding. Have A Good Day.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/28/2023 01:20 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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