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Report: #1532886

Complaint Review: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION - Montvale, New Jersey,

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  • Reported By: D — Reno NV United States
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  • SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 100 Paragon Drive Montvale,, New Jersey, United States

SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION sharp sharpusa sold false promises, untruths and poor workmanship as relates to an item which shouldn't even be available in the marketplace Montvale, New Jersey,

*General Comment: Yeah, sure

*Author of original report: Checkmated and laughing my @$$ off at what a disturbed dweeb spewed back after being totally "checked"

*General Comment: LOL

*Author of original report: retort to a VERY limited and inexperienced commentor

*General Comment: Sounds like BS

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Let me preface this with: my first appliances were SHARP - they were good. Haven't owned SHARPs for a few decades, so now? IDK… I can tell you there are SO MANY issues with this new DW! (bought 4-8-24) Control panel shroud is freeking plastic, not metal. Won't last. DW has minimal control features.

Documentation could be MUCH MORE thorough, especially as concerns INSTALLATION. There was NO POWER CORD; NO POWER TWIST-CAPS (for combining wires); NO WATER HOSE; and NO FITTING to change from "standard" inlet hose to the "NEW" LARGE water inlet port. Smaller (in HxW xD) than *ANY* DW we have ever owned. Inside tub area obviously smaller as well. Racks are made much cheesier - using a lot less material than any of our prior DWs. Tine placement in racks are so close to each other as to be restrictive as to what we can even wash - as example, the lower rack DOES NOT accept *ANY* of our bowls - be they soup, salad, cooking, mixing, whatever... only accepts "FLAT" plates, IF they are skinny enough, and most pans (since they can slide over tines), but not all! Silverware rack is a joke and falls over. The flat overhead rack (3rd rack) is a wasted anecdote, so we removed it to have extra top rack (2nd rack) room for the BOWLS we can't put into the bottom rack (rack #1) like we're used to doing. We can only load about 3/4's of what we used to (for the last 40 years!) We noticed if you pack in the dishes, including plates as one normally would, often they won't be cleaned. The washer is not powerful enough.

It took me 7.5 hours to DYI install this DW, and listen folks, I'm an accomplished design engineer!

Electronics/electrical and hardware/mechanical engineering is what I do. The 'install' was a NON-STOP process and I share (very sorry) if you may not be 'mechanically inclined', but my guess is you WILL fail at an attempt to install this P>O>S> and give up! I even had to make my own sidewall structures to install the DW - - - in a STANDARD 24" opening BTW! On top of that, they require you to screw the sides of the DW to your kitchen cupboard "structures" using 4 screws (which are WAY too short) through the *inside* of the DW itself - INSTEAD of using "standard" overhead metal braces (ie: 2 are used in "real" DWs - above & outside of the DW door.) Such a bad design - top to bottom.

If I didn't already have all the wood, hardware, plumbing adapters, and tools required to "make this work", it would have been returned in less than an hour after unboxing. The electrical and water inlet are clear up front at the very bottom front of the unit requiring you to place the DW on it's back to even attach these items. (WRETCHED DESIGN) There are no metal skids (common on well-built DWs). EVERYTHING is plastic, and the plastic tricycle "foot" leveler array is a geometric and balance *failure*... 2 are in front, 1 is in center-back. And... WHY NOT metal?… and 4 of them!… like all 'normal' MFRs use? The feet are flimsy screw up/down types that vibration will make "move/travel/lose position" so I cut appropriate PVC sleeves to place over the leveler shafts to keep them from changing height (turning down) under vibration.

The soap door is not the "normal" swing down door, it SLIDES… and gets stuck often; AND too often will not latch shut to even run the DW - the current soap door is a TERRIBLE IDEA!  Perhaps WORSE: It takes 3+ hours for a wash cycle, even when ensuring the tap water is steaming hot!!  This DW literally stops and pauses, and then goes [on] for a bit, and then stops, and then goes… ad infinitum - IT IS A PREPOSTEROUS if not ridiculous operating design.

VERY IMPORTANT TO US, BUT A FRAUDULENT STATEMENT (even in the manual) IS: "The  dishwasher  is  programmed  to  remember  your  last  cycle so you do not have to reset each time. To start the dishwasher using the same cycle and options selected on the previous wash, simply press the Start/Pause button." - - - NOPE!  We spent DAYS running the unit in all operating modes [also trying door open, door shut, started, not started, etc etc etc] to use the "remember" function.  Pfft, no way did it work.  WARNING:  There is absolutely NO "remember" the last wash cycle function!

[Speaking of the overall design:] How did this poser get out the door to be sold? I'm sorry but I would fire the engineering manager and replace the entire research & development, marketing and design team. Quality USED to mean something - and it still DOES to 'we, the people'!  As a product design engineer myself with over 50 years experience, I believe this design *had* to be the end-result of first-year design trainee's... It is just so-o bad, and at so-o many levels. Cheap is, as cheap does... and we the consumer get bit every time.]

Noise levels are greater than any of my old DW's (Frigidaire products for last 30 years). When finished, the display briefly indicates it is finished, then the front panel goes completely *dark* - so if one of us goes by later (not knowing it was run already) we WOULD NOT KNOW the dishes were supposedly ""cleaned""… VERY ANNOYING! It does not dry all dishes, not even using drying agents, and moisture remains all over inside of tub - and THAT issue is the worst by far!

My bet is this DW will fail LONG before 2 years has passed. We will never consider SHARP appliances again… *UNLESS PERHAPS*: THEY MAN UP AND BRING **QUALITY** BACK INTO THEIR DESIGNS - AND EVEN THEN WE'LL WAIT FOR REVIEWS TO VERIFY SAID QUALITY!  This is a pathetic example of todays' 'wannabe': engineering thought, abilities, foresight, experience, and practices.

WARNING _WARNING_WARNING:  We got burned, protect yourself: If a store does not carry "floor" models or even display appliance examples (or demonstrators) of what you are interested in purchasing, **DO NOT BUY**...  The reason for the absence means the product is ***not*** a good enough product to warrant any floor space in a given store!  The 'tell' [you'll be informed of from a salesperson is:] "it only ships from the warehouse (or, manufacturer)".  In both such cases: Buyer beware!

BTW: we listed a report or two elsewhere about this situation and experience and not one person from the company (SHARP) has bothered to contact us.  THAT alone, says all you need to know about company integrity and both: quality, and support.  It's clear they don't care.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 06/08/2024 01:11 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#5 General Comment

Yeah, sure

AUTHOR: Flint - (United States)

POSTED: Thursday, June 20, 2024

If you are so smart, why did you pick this dishwasher instead of something reputable? Did you even bother doing any research? But like I said, I am sure you just screwed it up trying to "improve" it while you were installing it. Yours is about the only negative review I can find of that model. I am sure it works fine when it's installed correctly by someone who is not a total moron.

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#4 Author of original report

Checkmated and laughing my @$$ off at what a disturbed dweeb spewed back after being totally "checked"

AUTHOR: d - (United States)

POSTED: Monday, June 17, 2024

Listen toad vomit, I have more intelligence, experience and ability in my left small toenail than you have in that whole sack of grey blisters off-gassing swamp gas inside your feebly weak brain-bucket.  I've electro-mechanical design projects under my belt you could never comprehend that were/are heavily involved in Space, Aeronautics, Defense, Military, etc, which also includes my participation at manifold levels in all manner of Manufacturing in said disciplines, as well as in the development of many patents.  Go smoke another rock, and BTW: I'm quite done responding to you, you big baby-snowflake loud-mouthed lifeform boil of a brat.  Pffft!

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#3 General Comment


AUTHOR: Flint - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, June 16, 2024

 I think your response just confirms what I thought: you are an idiot. I'm sure you havent installed a dishwasher since the Reagan administration (if ever), and you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. Modern machines are different from 1970s ones, and I'm guessing you did not even bother to read the manual because you are a know-it-all. Of course this is a machine that is designed to be sold globally, so it's probably somewhat different from a US-only model. And like I said, most of your idiotic criticism applies even to my Bosch, which is universally retarded as the best dishwasher on the market right now. And I can only imagine the kind of mechanical engineer you must be if you can't even figure out how to install a dishwasher without screwing it up. But hey you obviously know everything and don't need to learn anything new. Just the fact that this 49 dB rated dishwasher is loud confirms that you probably damaged it while trying to install it.

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#2 Author of original report

retort to a VERY limited and inexperienced commentor

AUTHOR: dave - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

READER NOTE: COMMENTOR FLINT INPUT IN RED:"I have a hard time believing a dishwasher as bad as what you describe would have solid 5-star reviews on multiple websites."  A vast majority of the ratings were done as promotions with benefits... ergo: highly likely exaggerated or even false!  You would know that if you had even a single clue about marketing tactics.  "The dimensions listed in the manual are absolutely standard." NOPE, and NOPE.  Nice try though powder puff. "I have no idea why you would have trouble installing it into a standard 24" opening. What are the dimensions of your opening?"  EXACTLY 24" x 34.5". 

"Most dishwashers these days don't come with cords, they are sold separately because not everyone needs them. Most jurisdictions require dishwashers to be hardwired. Same goes for wire nuts -- the correct type depends on the type of wire you are using, and professional installers would always have them anyway." Would be nice if they told us that.  "Same goes for hoses -- there are different types and lengths and it would be pointless to try to guess what you have." Duh - EXCEPT: it also appears EVERYONE has changed the size of the plumbing in current DW's!  THAT, was also not mentioned to us - and so was an additional bad and unexpected surprise.

"Even my $1000 Bosch didn't come with a hose."  So how young are you anyway buckshot?  I've been around for over 7 decades, and over 5 as an electrical-mechanical-software product design engineer, and BTW: had a few homes and many DW's... all of which came with the accessories I mentioned were missing in this one!  Even so, due to many shortcomings this product is a strategic failure.  

"Same goes for plastic feet.  Most new dishwashers have plastic feet." NOPE, and NOPE.  You seriously don't know what you're talking about - we vetted 7 manufacturers and over 30 units; and some do, some don't!  "They work fine." Again: NOPE, and NOPE.  Nice try again.  "3 feet are better than 4, since it is easier to level from the front and it will never wobble." You clearly are nothing close to a mathematician, techno-nerd, physics student OR design engineer or you would know how simply idiotic that statement is.  FOUR points of contact are ALWAYS more sturdy.  "You'd think a mechanical engineer would know that."  I am far more than mechanically capable muffin top.  I'm thinking you must work for Sharp as your blatant mental ignorance of this DW overwhelms your loose and clearly uneducated lips.

"Plastic bases work fine, weigh less and are quieter." Guess you've never had one go rattle-crazy.  Too bad.  That tells me you are no older than 27... and probably never paid for an appliance yourself... and in any case, too young to know a d**n thing about industry reality. "Most new dishwashers install into the sides of the cabinets because most people now have granite or stone countertops and you can't screw into those."  NOPE, and NOPE.  'MOST' people, don't! 

"This works fine if you are not stupid and the opening is the correct size."  Listen bozo, you haven't installed this unit so therefore you have ABSOLUTELY NO POINT OF REFERENCE or EXPERIENCE WITH IT, nor do you comprehend, nor are you apparently aware of the vast differences in cabinetry understructure.  My width opening (being exactly 24") had an understructure with a 28" dimension – so Sharps’ concept for installation was a complete failure! 

"I don't know how you think a 49 dBa machine is loud."   Jeez - you are so plainly a cool aid drinker!  That rating, snowflake, is only a willful almost-guess-published number.... it came from testing maybe a handful of units and means absolutely ZIP.   Data such as that needs to be derived from at least 100-250 units in order to get a scientific/real average - AS WELL AS actual bell curve stats.  Do you think for one second Sharp spent the time, money and manpower to do that?  In THESE times?  Really?  NOPE, and NOPE.  Clearly you have no experience in the installation, design, manufacturing, OR business world.  As a brainless amoeba you just enjoy people-bashing.  Pfft!   

"It should be virtually inaudible." NO, it ISN’T.  "It sounds like you installed it wrong, or damaged it during installation." Not a chance buttercup.  I could teach YOU a thing or two about life-facts & reality... but what a waste of time THAT would be.  All you do is make assumptions out your dripping south-end and believe them to be fact(s).  So sad. 

"My $1000 Bosch also has the sliding soap dispenser and it works just fine. If it's getting stuck, it's either defective or you are not using it correctly. It sounds to me like you really have no idea what you were doing" (SO WRONG fish bait!) "and you damaged the machine trying to install it incorrectly" Blithering idiot…  NOT a single iota of damage! "Maybe hire a professional next time instead of trying to DIY something that is beyond your ability level."  Speak to the hand, and just wondering: does your mom still change your diapers you know-it-all diatribed rugrat?   You exude complete arrogance and self-importance as a limited-knowledge egotistical wimp.  SO-o totally muted! 

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#1 General Comment

Sounds like BS

AUTHOR: Flint - (United States)

POSTED: Monday, June 10, 2024

I have a hard time believing a dishwasher as bad as what you describe would have solid 5-star reviews on multiple websites. The dimensions listed in the manual are absolutely standard. I have no idea why you would have trouble installing it into a standard 24" opening. What are the dimensions of your opening? Most dishwashers these days don't come with cords, they are sold separately because not everyone needs them. Most jurisdictions require dishwashers to be hardwired. Same goes for wire nuts -- the correct type depends on the type of wire you are using, and professional installers would always have them anyway. Same goes for hoses -- there are different types and lengths and it would be pointless to try to guess what you have. Even my $1000 Bosch didn't come with a hose. Same goes for plastic feet. Most new dishwashers have plastic feet. They work fine. 3 feet are better than 4, since it is easier to level from the front and it will never wobble. You'd think a mechanical engineer would know that. Plastic bases work fine, weigh less and are quieter. Most new dishwashers install into the sides of the cabinets because most people now have granite or stone countertops and you can't screw into those. This works fine if you are not stupid and the opening is the correct size. I don't know how you think a 49 dBa machine is loud. It should be virtually inaudible. It sounds like you installed it wrong, or damaged it during installation. My $1000 Bosch also has the sliding soap dispenser and it works just fine. If it's getting stuck, it's either defective or you are not using it correctly. It sounds to me like you really have no idea what you were doing and you damaged the machine trying to install it incorrectly. Maybe hire a professional next time instead of trying to DIY something that is beyond your ability level.

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