Complaint Review: Sliding Door Repair Company/Quick Fix - San Juan Capistrano California
- Sliding Door Repair Company/Quick Fix 26136 Via De Toledo suite A, San Juan Capistrano, California United States
- Phone: (949) 218-4369
- Web:
- Category: repairs and services
Sliding Door Repair Company/Quick Fix They have both companies name on their biz card Its been over 1 1/2 months, They have taken my deposit ($816) and refuse to refund me or provide me what I paid for. Wont respond to me San Juan Capistrano California
*Consumer Comment: Nobody's Going To Read "War and Peace"
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Unfortunately, I failed to research this company prior to using them, if I would have, I would have NEVER used them them!!!
On 4/16/2024, the rep Rene Salazar came out to my property to look at my patio door on my upstairs balcony. It needed replacement of weather stripping, new roller wheens and a replacement handle.
On 4/15/24, I made a deposit of $699, for the weather stripping, wheel and handle replacement, on my balcony sliding doors. I thought this was excessive, however I trusted the sales rep Rene that I would receive the products and service I paid for. At the time, the rep Rene told me that it should take around 2 weeks to complete everything.
They didn't contact me until 2 weeks later and said they had the handle and wheels. On 4/24/24, Rene came out and just replaced the wheels, but had the WRONG door handle! He told was told that they were having a hard time getting the weather stripping, but that they should have it the following week. Needless to say, we are at 1 1/2 MONTHS and I dont have what Ive paid for!
Additionally, still believing that I would get the items and service I paid for, I also ordered 2 small screens for other patio doors and made a deposit of $117.
Additionally, not knowing what I was in for with what the deposit and items I had already ordered, trusting that this was a good, reputable company, I made another deposit of $117 to have 2 small screens replaced on other patio side doors. It’s going on 4 weeks since I made that deposit and not surprisingly, I have not received the screens as well.
Ive made many attempts to contact them, each time I’m told the same thing, that there is a delay on the weather stripping!! I told them I want my deposit back because it was not supposed to take this long, that it’s been way over 1 month and I still have not received what I paid for!
In addition to coming out with the WRONG HANDLE. I was told that "they do not refund deposits", I told them that I NEVER EVEN SIGNED NOR RECIEVED ANY CONTRACT!!!
I’ve left several messages for a manager to call me back, as well as sent several text messages to the rep (below), Rene Salazar. Not surprisingly, I have not received any call back from any of them.
Additionally, I thought that I was working with the same company (SDRC), when I made the deposit for the screens. However, upon reviewing my bank statement, I found that they were using a different company name of "Quick Fix", which I find suspicious.
I also reviewed the BBB website and found several complaints for SDRC!
My correspondence with Rene Salazar (rep that came out)
NOTE: Italicized text are responses from company
Sunday, April 14, 4:53 PM
Window and door installer/services
Monday, April 15 2:45PM
Hi Rene, would you be able to do the crown molding we talked about when you come back out?
RENE: Yes I would not a problem
Monday, April 15 4:02 PM
That’s awesome, thank you, Rene
RENE: Of course, not a problem.
Wednesday, April 24 2:07 PM
Hi Rene, would you give me a 30 min heads up please? It doesn’t matter how late you’ll be
RENE: Of course will do !
Do you have an approximate ETA?
RENE: Yeah I should be there by 3:15/3:30
Eta is 3:27 pm
Thank you
RENE: Hello I am outside.
Be right down
Thursday, April 25 1:03PM
Hi Renee, I forgot if you said that it was the outside door I needed to sand the outside of, so that the mark from the previous handle doesn’t show?
RENE: No you should be fine, remember the handle has a plate that will cover the existing lines :)
Oh, OK thank you! I thought there was one side that wouldn’t? but that’s great!
Tuesday, May 2, 3:33 PM
Hi Renee, I’m really disappointed…. I put a call in to your company requesting a status and was told someone would call me back, that hasn’t happened… it’s been 3 weeks, Should I just go to another company and you can refund me for everything but the wheels?
I had no idea it was going to be like this or take this long
RENE: Hello I will call the company right now and let them know to contact you back, so sorry for the delays and for the office not getting back to you !
Give me a second and I’ll get in touch with them right now
Rene? Still haven’t heard from anyone??? If it’s not available and done by next week, I’m just going to ask for a refund
RENE: Let me call the company, sorry again for the delays.
What’s your full name, first and last ?
So I can have them look up your order ?
Dyanna peters - it really bothers me that they have not called me back, especially because they already messed up the order with the handle. What about the screen door handle? Any word?
RENE: I completely understand your frustrations, I’m getting in touch with the office and should hear back from them within the next half hour.
As soon as I do I will get back to you right away
Thank you
Friday, May 3, 2:31 PM
RENE: Lock has came in already, it’s just the weather stripping that has been getting delayed
You mean handle? For both sliding screen & glass door? What does “delayed” mean?
If it’s not going to be in early next week, I’m just going to cancel. 3 weeks I feel is more than ample time. So both sliding glass & screen door handles, as well as weather stripping need to be in early next week, or il go elsewhere . I’ve been waiting a long time and just want it done Thanks Rene. Friday, May 3, 7:06 PM RENE: Yes I mean door handle, as far as the screen handle goes. We have a few options and I’ll make sure to bring them with me on my next visit. I’ll talk to the office and let them know that you want everything by next week and no later than next week.
Thank you Rene, I’m really surprised they are letting it go so long. Very disappointing. Also the 2 screens for the back doors need to be done at the same time.
Wednesday, May 8, 4:40 PM
Hi Rene, so we are at Wednesday and I still haven’t heard anything. It doesn’t look like I’m going to get any work done for a while.
So I’m going to ask for a refund for everything except the wheels. At this point I would like to just cancel the screens as I don’t trust that I’m going to get those soon either.
So I’m requesting a refund for the $699 deposit, less the door wheels, (100) and I believe $125 deposit for the screens. I will have to confirm the deposit amount of the screens because I thought I paid via Venmo, but can’t find the transaction.
Based on the above numbers, I’m requesting a refund of approximately $724. The funds can be paid to me via check immediately.
I’m really disappointed this did not turn out to be a good transaction. I do appreciate your efforts in this though, ashamed your company is not as conscientious as you are.
Please confirm this correspondence.
Thank you Rene
No further call back or communications until approximatly May 20th, I finally recieved a call from Lacey, who was apparently a recently hired manager. I was hopeful that she would be able to resolve the issue, however, THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED AND AS OF 5/28/24, SHE IS NOW BLOWING ME OFF AS WELL and not responding to my calls or texts!!
I am including my correspondence with her below. Since I am not being responded to and they have basically stolen the money I paid ($816). I also sent a message via Linked in to the owner Eric Wharton on approx 5/24/24, letting him know about what was going on at his company and the horrible treatment I was getting, thinking I would surely hear back from him hen he found out what was happening. Apparently, that is not the case and I have not recieved a response from him either!!.
As a note, a flyer they send out falsley states "Same Day Service". What is a total joke and completly false advertising, is their flyer also has the audacity to say "0 Customer Satisfaction"!!!!
Following is the communications between Lacey and myself, as well as the LinkedIn message Ive sent to the owner, Eric Wharton, below. All of which have gone unresponded to.
My correspondence with Lacey ("Manager"):
Tuesday, May 21, 7:15pm
"Hello Lacey, I tried calling you back a couple times before 4:30, I was hoping I could speak with you today to get this resolved. Please let me know what's going on. This situation is completely unacceptable and unprofessional!
I would never had gone with your company, if the rep that came out (Rene) would've been honest with me, instead of telling me it should be about two weeks to complete everything!
Also, before I knew what I was getting into with your company, I made the mistake of ordering 2 small screens as well.
It's also been over one month (almost 1 1/2 months) for these as well and there's NO EXCUSE for two simple screens taking over 1 month! I went ahead and hired a company to make them because I needed them. They had them done and installed the next day!!! This is How a reputable, professional company handles things!
So take the $117 deposit I paid to make the 2 simple screens and apply that to the balance.
Please do adjust the balance to lower it, as you stated . At this rate, I should be considered paid in full! For being deceived and instead of 2 weeks like I was told, to going on almost 11/2 months AND STILL DONT HAVE WHAT I PAID FOR!!! In addition to everything I've had to go thru, calls not returned, etc. additionally, when Rene came out, he had the wrong handle and not what I ordered!
He also WAY over charged.
I know you're new there and I'm sorry you got this issue dumped on you to deal with. Out of the at least 20 calls I made, You are the ONLY PERSON WHO HAS EVER BOTHERED TO CALL ME BACK!!!
I should have read the reviews on your company prior to allowing the rep Rene to come out and convince me to use your company. If I would have, I would have never, ever have paid you to do any work.
I now understand why your company has so many bad reviews.
Lacey, please call me tomorrow to discuss this. I'm hoping you will make this atrocious situation right by me.
Thank you for calling me back
Thursday, May 23, 1:25 pm
Hello Lacey, I ended up in a meeting until late yesterday. I will call you shortly, but I'm not sure exactly what games that technician is playing, but it appears as soon f he's absolutely lying about a few things…Fortunately, I keep pretty good records of the checks I write and include descriptions on the checks I write. As you can see in the picture of check # 172 I wrote to "SDRC", on 4/14/24 in the amount of $699.
in the description, you'll see that it says "1/2 dep on door repair, bal 1398"... as I said, there is absolutely no way I would've paid what you said. The invoice was in the amount of $1700! I could've gotten a whole new door for that amount! As it is, the amount quoted was absolutely ridiculous!
That would mean that what I've already paid, $699 + $117 (for the screens that I never received), for a total of $817 paid, less the $525 Discounted amount that you were giving me off the total, would leave a balance of exactly $57. The breakdown: - $1398 - invoice total, less $816 already paid, less $525 Discount you said you were giving me off the total invoice, =$57 due you.
Additionally, HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, EXCEPT REPLACE TWO WHEELS ON THE MAIN SLIDING DOOR (which still scrape whenever I open or close the door). I repainted the doors and cleaned and painted the tracks MYSELF, so there was NOTHING TO "Service" as he is incorrectly, falsely trying to say he did.
I am attaching pictures of the carbon copy of the check, showing the total amount , the paint I purchase to repaint the tracks after I cleaned them, the paint I purchased to paint the doors after I cleaned them, the screen door I Re screened and adjusted and repainted (which is still off because I have not received the wheels he said he would get me, as well as a picture of the doors on the tracks (which, as you can see is still missing the handle I have also not received).
***NOTE**** Pictures mentioned above were also sent to her
Thursday May 23, 1:28 pm
Here's a video of the door he alledgedly "serviced", you can hear it scrape. (Video of door scraping was sent).
Friday May 24, 1:27 PM
Hello Lacey, I have not heard back from you and wanted to know the status. Please let me k ow as soon as possible so I know how to proceed.
Friday May 24, 2:45 PM (response from Lacey)
Lacey: Hi Dyanna, I apologize Ive been slammed over here. I will call you in a while.
Friday May 24, 4:54 PM
Lacey please call me before the end of the day today. I need to know which direction to go, I am really tired of waiting for everything.
Friday May 24, 9:18 PM
I'm really disappointed I did not hear back from you and was hopeful you would have helped get me a refund, for what I've paid for almost 2 months ago, ($816) but still have not received, or accept the $57 balance based on what was discussed AND GIVE ME WHAT I PAID FOR!! .
This situation is beyond unacceptable and borders on fraud, as well as the falsified information given from the tech Rene.
Since I didn't hear back from you, I have no choice but to proceed to take further action as I said I was going to if I didn't hear back from you today.
These actions will reflect very badly on your company's reputation, even worse than it already is, as well as create unnecessary strife.
It shocks me that a company could be as unprofessional, incompetent, substandard, deceptive/deceitful as your company has been to me, yet refuse to make it right.
Message I sent to Eric Wharton (company owner) via LinkedIn
Friday, May 24, 24
Hello Eric;
My name is Dyanna Peters, regrettably one of your “customers". Im not sure if you are aware of what’s going on at your company, or how they are handling/treating customers, in this case, me.
It appears the flyer advertising your company you have circulated, which states “same day service”, “100% satisfaction guarantee” is completely false advertising based on my experience.
In short, it’s been over 1 1/2 months and I still have not received the services/products I’ve paid for. Your tech Rene was not transparent with me at the onset telling me it would be 2weeks to complete the services I was over charged for and paid a deposit of $816 (patio door weather stripping replacement and handle replacement, replacement of 2 small screens on other side doors ).
Based on the information I’ve been told, he he’s deceitfully stated that he “serviced” my doors when he came out for the $699 I’ve been charged. This is an absolute lie! ALL he did was replace the wheels!!!! There was NOTHING TO SERVICE! I have evidence to support my statement and support the fact he is not being truthful.
I’ve made endless calls to find out what the status was and when I was going to get what I paid for done. Many times the phone was not answered, the times I connected with someone and asked what was going on with my order, I was told “there was a delay in getting the weather stripping”.
Not my problem!!!! If your company could not get the item in time to have it installed in 2 weeks, as your tech Rene stated, they should not have taken my money!!!! I asked for and attempted to get refunded because it has been an excessive amount of time and way outside of the quoted 2weeks and I still had not received what I paid for. When I did, I was told that “deposits are not refundable”!! This is something I was NEVER told, nor made aware of, nor ever signed any paperwork or contract stating as such!
After 1 1/2 months of essentially being disregarded and dismissed, an apparently new manager at your company, “Lacey”, reached out to me and I have been in contact with her. Needless to say she has also fallen short and has not gotten anything done to make this right.
I am hoping you have not been aware of this situation and what has been going on at your company. If I owned a company (which I have, over 40 people staff) and found out that they were handling a situation so deplorably and treating a customer so disrespectfully and dismissively, anyone who had anything to do with the transgression would be terminated! These are the people who lead to the demise of a company.
I am attaching a few of the correspondence I’ve had with Lacey, including the last one today. I also have a couple from the tech Rene and can forward those as well if you’de like.
Eric, I truly hoping you will take appropriate action to remedy this situation ASAP. I was going to escalate this situation and take action to report your company; but I thought I’d at least notify the owner in hopes he was not aware of what was going on and give him the opportunity to make a bad situation right.
If I don’t hear back from you by next Wednesday, I’ll assume you are ok with what’s been happening and proceed accordingly.
I may have to send additional text copies in subsequent emails due to the word limitations here.
Thank you Eric
Dyanna Peters
(949) 285-9949
NOTE: Above Text message communications sent to him
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/28/2024 01:49 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#1 Consumer Comment
Nobody's Going To Read "War and Peace"
AUTHOR: Irv - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Do you actually think somebody is going to take their time to read this long thesis on who know what? If you want a complaint to be read, write it in the Reader's Digest version! Secondly, why on earth did you give this guy a deposit?

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