Complaint Review: Sullivan, Ohio Scammers & Drunk Drug Addicts @Randy Alyne Boles - Sullivan Ohio
- Sullivan, Ohio Scammers & Drunk Drug Addicts @Randy Alyne Boles 446 Us Highway 224 Sullivan , Ohio United States
- Phone: 419-736-3102
- Web:
- Category: Animal Abuse, Dog abuse, Fraudster/thief , Racists, Rip-Off
Sullivan, Ohio Scammers & Drunk Drug Addicts @Randy Alyne Boles Randy Boles, Randi Boles, Gillian Algoode ,Randi Mee , Rick Stephens Randy Alyne Boles has helped Dominick Tambone's Norcross , Georgia 501c3 Foxie Fund with Scamming Sullivan Ohio
*Author of original report: Randy Boles, Randi Mee, Lynne Hackney appears to be “Brenda Fisher,” while Allen went by “Danny Fisher” or “Mike Boudreaux
*Author of original report: Lynne Hackney and Brenda Fisher felon animal abuse owner of Cloud 9 Pomeranians from Mississippi, is the same evil person
*Author of original report: Randy Boles , Brenda Fisher , Liz Harrison , Dominick Tambone , Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith and Sherrone Boudreau Passed out a web page maddoggurudodo suggesting harm on Dogs
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Randy Boles a convicted felon helped China McQuire real name Sarah McQuire and Sarah's step daughter Deanna Arnold well known scammers to our Fraud Investigation Team, pull off a collection scam for Art Smith and Dominick Tambone Facebook group Foxie Fund for a quick cash scam Randy Boles was also involved in many other bogus sick pet set up scams in the Facebook group Foxies Fund . If China( Sarah ) McQuire and her Step Daughter is making $60.00 a hour in the self employed massage business CHinas Magic Massages, Maybe their pets should not be so sick all the time, like Deanna Arnold's with the bogus parvo case that was posted in the Foxies Fund Facebook group and Randy Boles Facebook wall, now we can prove the Dog Buddy is still very much alive and has grown.
Beside maybe some checking would not hurt to see if China( Sarah ) McQuire has a legitimate massage license from Gilmore Texas. And as we see another Foxies Fund client excon Randy Boles promotes, asking funds for and posted it on her personal wall. Art Smith deleted Deanna Arnold's post for the sick dog Buddy claiming it passed away and Deanna did not want to see it, but left the group shortly after the suppose death of Buddy ( bogus lie and scam that was )You don't have to be the brightness crayon in the box viewer to figure this one out, this is scamming at it's best with a little hooker to it.
We catch Randy Boles again and again telling lies, attacking people and promoting scam set ups, She first attacked Michael Dale Dodd telling 1000s of Foxies Fund members, He reported fraudster Dominick Tambone's GoFundMe and You Caring accounts in the public Foxies Fund group, Michael Dale Dodd told us he wises he was the one that first reported them, He did report them till only after Randy Boles, Liz Harrison, Art Smith, Dominick Tambone and other stupid followers wrongfully attack him in the first public group Foxie Fund on Facebook, Brendolyn J Cole a donator of Foxies Fund and one time friend of Liz Harrison was also attacked by this pack of thieves, Brendolyn J Cole posted Liz Harrison house, because Liz posted and used her Dog for the banner in the group pOmFaBuLouS that was promoting Foxies Fund and also Liz Harrison posted Brendolyn J Cole Dog on her personal Facebook wall mocking it, After Liz posted her Dog, Brendolyn J Cole posted Liz Harrison's house, Liz Harrison called Michael Dale Dodd threating his Grandkids would be hurt if he refuse to remove the post saying he was Brendolyn J Cole, During that threating call from Liz Harrison, Michael handed the phone to his neighbor which is a sworn Police Officer, He informed Liz not to call Michael back harassing and threating his family, Liz ask him for his badge number and he forward that to her and shortly she hung up, No child of Liz Harrison's was ever threaten this is a lie fabricated by Randy Boles and Liz, Michael Dale Dodd's Grand Children was threaten by Liz Harrison with a Sworn Officer as a witness to the call, Brendolyn J Cole was even attacked in the Foxie Fund Facebook group, A video was created having her name involved called important message to all members, Dominick talking thru the video unprofessionally attacking members he scammed saying how they was hurting these Dogs, Including scamming Brendolyn J Cole out of $250.00 dollars on recurring donations she never consented to be deducted from her bank account, which police reports was filed on this transaction as well, No 501c3 would do this or carry out this type conduct, We have copies of that video, Brendolyn J Cole was also attack at her home and called police to trespass people related to Foxies Fund on her property Only her one time friend Liz Harrison had her address and phone number, Michael Dale Dodd had nothing to do with the fight between Liz Harrison and Brendolyn J Cole that occurred, Even Randy Boles personal message to Alania Stevens-Hassell shows just how Randy Boles twist her stories around in her favor, We have collected screen shots proving this comment and proving once again Randy Boles is a drunken drug using crack smoking Master Manipulating Narcissistic Sociopath from Sullivan, Ohio that lies and scams people and stays stoned most the time. Randy is a evil person that has attacked many people in her lifetime, Even her own twin sister the famous Artist Robin Raab confirms this, She also later attacked Alania Stevens-Hassell and created a account on Twitter to attack a family under the serial killers name Jeffrey Dohmer, Randy Boles went by many alias Facebook accounts to attack people including Gillian Algoode and Randi Mee . Randy Boles from Sullivan, Ohio spent prison time in Ohio Northeast Prison as Inmate Number W077414 for injuring a person drunk and high on crack cocaine, this was her third DUI. WARNING RANDY BOLES FROM SULLIVAN OHIO MONITOR FOR FUTURE CRIMES
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/23/2019 03:05 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#4 Author of original report
Randy Boles, Randi Mee, Lynne Hackney appears to be "Brenda Fisher,” while Allen went by "Danny Fisher” or "Mike Boudreaux
AUTHOR: The Pomeranian Club - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 08, 2020
Once again we have proven that alias Brenda Fisher real name Lynne Hackney owner of Cloud 9 Pomeranians from Mississippi was busted at 25055 Loblolly Dr., Perkinston,, Mississippi for operating a puppy mill , This time 35 dogs was seize on July 15 in bad living conditions , So bad the news reports Conditions in the home were less than ideal for the animals. It was said 34 dogs were being kept inside a home that was covered in feces, and one dog kept outside showed signs of aggression. The smell inside the home was so unbearable, deputies and investigators had to wear masks. Even the bed where the Lynne Hackney and Miles Allen slept was covered in dog excrement, It was said.
Some dogs developed skin conditions due to the living conditions, and one dog had a drainage tube installed in its cheek. Investigators noted that there was not enough food and water in the home for all of the animals., We also notice alias names being used on Facebook as Brenda Fisher's husband Danny Fisher” she claimed to divorce and the new man in her life Mike Boudreaux , We find a connection with her good Facebook friend Sherrone Boudreau from Inverness Florida that the name Mike Boudreaux was used as her new boyfriend this is Sherrone Boudreau last name with a X added , Sherrone Boudreau and Brenda Fisher operated many Facebook funding scams as a team along with Sullivan , Ohio's convicted felon and past prison inmate , Randy Boles alias now on Facebook Randi Mee in other on going collection scams ,
Randy Boles also had a fake Facebook account under the name Gillian Algoode which Facebook violated permanently for engaging in a sex act with a animal and posting a animal sex act video in Kelley Scott Sandusky's group Pommie Addicts . Collected evidence proves this , The use of a similar name to Serrone Boudreau as Brenda Fisher new boyfriends last name . Sherrone Boudreau also claimed to rescue Pomeranians when we believe these dogs also came from Lynne Hackney's puppy mill operation no longer used as breeding stock and Sherrone Boudreau has been receiving donations for these dogs living with her claiming she needed money for their care ,All three of these women are very shady and fraudulent fooling many people believing their stories of being rescue saviors .
Sherrone Boudreau also owns Sherron's Crafts from Inverness,, Florida that makes dogs cloths ,She has a reported six figure income a year and just purchased a new 170,000 home in Inverness, Florida ,Lynne Hackney and Miles Allen have been using aliases to continue to sell and buy dogs since their convictions in the 2014 case.also for acts of animal cruelty , Alias Brenda Fisher real name Lynne Hackney also has pending charges for a convicted felon with a firearm along with 35 counts of acts of animal cruelty , Previous charges include forgery and felon theft along with driving charges . Sherrone Boudreau business page is listed on the comment , Along with all these criminals ,Randy Boles was involved in the the Foxies Fund scam team to fraud others in collection scams,All three women alias Fisher , Hackney , Boles and Boudreau was responsible for passing out the weebly page that verbally and visually suggested photo's of abusing dogs The investigation into these matters is still on going at this time. And alias Brenda Fisher real name Lynne Hackney and Randy Boles is thought to be the master minds behind in these criminal matters, \

#3 Author of original report
Lynne Hackney and Brenda Fisher felon animal abuse owner of Cloud 9 Pomeranians from Mississippi, is the same evil person
AUTHOR: The Pomeranian Club - - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 09, 2020
Liz Harrison creator of the Facebook group pOmFaBuLouS and her Admin staff Randy Alyne Boles was friends with alias Brenda Fisher real name Lynne Hackney from Carriere / Picayune Mississippi , Liz Harrison allowed Randy Alyne Boles to post a link to that awful page maddoggurudodo from weebly link to be shared in her Facebook group pOmFaBuLouS, Randy Boles shared the link that alias Brenda Fisher - convicted animal abuser Lynne Hackney created , The page suggested beating a Chihuahua with a crow bar in the head, drowning and burying dogs, These people are not dog lovers , They are proven animal abusing scammers and frauds
There is no doubt with verified evidence that Brenda Fisher's real name is Lynne Hackney from Carriere / Picayune Mississippi,, a convicted felon animal abuser of 70 Australian Cattle Dogs , Known on Facebook as Brenda Fisher ./ Lynne Hackney and Miles Allen owners of Bleu Moon Cattle Dogs breeding puppy mill business in 2014 was raided and shut down by Pearl River County Sheriff’s Dept and Picayune Police Dept .from Mississippi.
Most of the dogs seized were purebred Australian Cattle Dogs and were found in crates with “at least two if not more inches dry or wet feces if they had been urinated on,” in two un-ventilated sheds on the property. The owner and breeder of the 70 neglected dogs who were ultimately seized was AKC Breeder of Merit Lynne Hackney also known on Facebook now as Brenda Fisher owner of Cloud 9 Pomeranians.
Brenda Fisher ( Real Name Lynne Hackney ) has falsely attacked many others on Facebook , Making false Ripoff Reports and false allegations, She is a master forger and web page builder as we know from the Tammy Hobbs case where Brenda Fisher forged false court appearance documents of this Deland Florida Breeder Shambam Pets also creating false reports to Ripoff Report and to the Better Business Bureau on Tammy Hobbs , Brenda Fisher has also attacked Hero rescue people like Michael Dale Dodd making false defamation of character reports on his Business , Family and Dogs , Creating a web page called maddoggurudodo on weebly that had visual and verbal post suggesting to harm and kill little Chihuahuas , Her close friend convicted felon Randy Alyne Boles from Sullivan, Ohio ( Randi Mee on Facebook) and Sherron Boudreau owner of Sherron's Crafts from Inverness , Florida helped hand this awful web page link out of abusing Dogs.
Brenda Fisher (Real Name Lynne Hackney ) a convicted felon animal abuser and owner of now Cloud 9 Pomeranians from Mississippi is a good person to stay clear of , We have provided links and screen shots of proof of the abuse of these evil individuals

#2 Author of original report
AUTHOR: Cupid The Dog - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Randy Alyne Boles maiden name Randy Neumann from Sullivan, Ohio proven animal pervert molester and abuser, drunken crack smoking Master Manipulating Narcissistic Sociopath was Incarcerated in Ohio State Prison 5 years as Inmate Number W077414.
She was a attacking warrior for the fraudulent Facebook group and 501c3 business Foxies Fund owned by Fraudster Dominick Tambone, run by Randy Alyne Boles and serial scammer Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith, Randy Alyne Boles has never been a Vietnam War first woman Pilot Veteran, Randy was never in the military, records have been searched and pulled on this criminal,
Randy never had any children as she claimed, She tried to twist her story around posting under her fake Facebook name Gillian Algoode (Which Facebook violated for engaging in sex act with a animal her dog Rocky ) That Michael had accused her of child abuse and admitted she never had children, although she posted another post as Randy Boles with a man in a military uniform claiming this was her Marine Son, and not to insult her he never lived far away from Michael ( This was a verbal Facebook posted threat to Michael )
Randy only marched in the parade because she was only a drunken bartender for the VFW, That drank more than she served, Randy Alyne Boles also personal messaged several rescue charities texting Michael Dale Dodd was a Monster along with other lies about Michael, Those rescues will fill out sworn affidavits on these Facebook messages Randy sent.
Michael Dale Dodd had every right and still has every right to defend any attacks by this Real Monster Randy Alyne Boles and her fabricated lies, Our team has enough proof in evidence to bring on a civil lawsuit case against Randy Alyne Boles from Sullivan, Ohio, but almost a criminal case also, Michael has said because of her age, Just let it go, He only cares to clear his name .

#1 Author of original report
Randy Boles , Brenda Fisher , Liz Harrison , Dominick Tambone , Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith and Sherrone Boudreau Passed out a web page maddoggurudodo suggesting harm on Dogs
AUTHOR: Cupid The Dog - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 23, 2019
Randy Boles , Brenda Fisher , Liz Harrison , Dominick Tambone , Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith and Sherrone Boudreau Passed out a web page maddoggurudodo suggesting harm on Dogs. Randy Boles posted the link in Liz Harrison's Facebook group pOmFaBupLouS where she was a admin there at the time. The web page was created by Brenda Fisher and paid for by Sherrone Boudreau which was passed out to over 400 people that thought this was funny , suggesting beattng a Chihuahua in the head with a crow bar , drowning a Dog and burying a Dog , this created page had many pages of post calling Chihuahuas Rats and suggesting harm to these Dogs . Liz Harrison allowed the link to be posted in her group pOmFaBupLouS which also supported the scam group Dominick Tambone owned Foxies Fund also ran by serial scammer Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith. This bunch was far from being these Dog lovers helping sick Dogs , They was scamming members out of money donated, Some clients was legitimate although most was bogus collection scams. Randy Boles blamed Michael Dale Dodd on reporting Dominick Tambone's first GoFundMe and You Caring accounts that both was froze by GoFundMe and You Caring for fraud . Michael Dale Dodd did not make these reports but was wrongfully blamed and attacked by many Foxie Fund followers because of Randy Boles .During this time Brenda Fisher created the web page maddoggurudodo on weebly and Randy started posting a link to the page to anyone wanting this link in Liz Harrison's group pOmFaBupLouS. This bunch are Liars, Animal Abuser, Frauds and Scammers , When caught in scams they would attack the client with the sick Dog or attack the donator when questions was asked , Most clients was nothing but bogus scams , animals really sick suffered being used in these set ups by Beverly Murphy alias Art Smith, with Randy Boles . Liz Harrison, Dominick Tambone along with Casey Holt and Steve Ereth the owner of the Dog Foxie the group was named after back up and support, The main address of this organization was based out of Norcross, Georgia listed as a 501C3 charity tax ID 81-1086250. We do not have any evidence that Brenda Fisher or Sherrone Boudreau had anything to do with scams in Foxies Fund, but the web page creation we have solid proof they created and paid for it , Brenda Fisher and Sherrone Boudreau run their own Dog collection scams we have discovered on Facebook . Brenda Fisher, Randy Boles and Sherrone Boudreau are well known for attacking others

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