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Report: #470431

Complaint Review: 3 B Tech Computer - South Bend Indiana

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  • Reported By: Alliance Ohio
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  • 3 B Tech Computer 3431 William Richardson Dr. Suite B South Bend, Indiana U.S.A.

3 B Tech Computer No refunds, double talking reps South Bend Indiana

*Author of original report: Give it up

*Author of original report: Give it up

*Author of original report: Give it up

*Author of original report: Give it up

* : PayPal has WHAT, now??

*Consumer Comment: Deadline

* : Update for Ashley

*Consumer Comment: Ethics

*Consumer Comment: Give it up!

*Author of original report: For Ashley

*Consumer Comment: Incorrect

*Author of original report: Re: As per my lawyer

*Author of original report: Re: As per my lawyer

*Consumer Comment: Per your lawyer

*Author of original report: Responses to comments left here and on my blog.

*Consumer Comment: Insane

*Author of original report: update

*Consumer Comment: In response to Hugh Jass

*Author of original report: Heres the phone call report...

*Consumer Suggestion: You're being unreasonable and stupid

*Consumer Suggestion: You're being unreasonable and stupid

*Consumer Suggestion: You're being unreasonable and stupid

*Consumer Suggestion: You're being unreasonable and stupid

*Author of original report: Still refusing to refund monies!!

*Author of original report: Still refusing to refund monies!!

*Author of original report: Still refusing to refund monies!!

*Author of original report: Still refusing to refund monies!! AND going to charge me to ship it back??!!

*Author of original report: 3 B Tech computers NON RESPONSIVE to questions, No refunds, double talk

*Author of original report: A response from 3 B...trying to scare me into giving up LOL WON"T HAPPEN!!

*Author of original report: 3 B Tech computers NON RESPONSIVE to questions, No refunds, double talk

*Author of original report: UPDATE

*Author of original report: WOW an almost instant response!!

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This is the email that I just shot off to them. Waiting now to see how long it takes for a response.......if i get one that is.

To whom it may concern,
On May 18, 2009 I ordered a computer tower and an LCD monitor from you on behalf of my Mother. The Invoice number is Y3b509853.

First problem, the floppy drive would not work. My husband opened the case and lo and behold there weren't even any cables for the floppy drive. Hmmmm explains why it won't work. You then proceed to send the cables.

Second problem, floppy drive door is broken and won't stay closed. Again tech support is contacted and a piece is dropped in the mail.

Third problem (and really quite angry at this point) the USB ports on the front of the tower do not work. When my sister called and complained she told that she had 2 options:
1. Send the whole thing back and you would fix it.
2. Send the whole thing back for a full refund.
Fourth problem, do you see a pattern here? My husband and my sister are doing YOUR work. The work my Mother paid for YOU to do.
The other thing I found quite amusing (sarcasm inserted here) was that my sister was also told, "We are really sorry for all of the problems you have been having, but we have a bunch of new people working here and assembling the computers." Is that not what quality control is for? Why was this computer not checked before it was shipped out?

So now today July 16, 2009 my Mom says she is tired of fighting with the computer and wondering what else is going to be wrong with it, so she wants to send it back and get her money back.

Since it is all done in my name, info, etc I called the toll free number and was informed that you do NOT give refunds under any circumstance. I want to know why not? My Mother is entitled to her $300.97 back if she is NOT a satisfied customer, which she obviously is NOT.

Why did one customer service rep say she could get a full refund and another tells me you don't even give refunds?

I will be filing a claim with the BBB and RipOff Report as well as putting this whole mess on my blog and facebook for all to see so that they won't get scammed either. This is an outright scam. I WILL make sure that no one I know uses your services.
Here is their "commitment to customer satisfaction"
Dear Customer,

While we always try to provide the best service to our customers, we are human and make mistakes from time to time. As part of our commitment to customer service, we have set up a new department dedicated to your satisfaction. Our Customer Satisfaction team is independent of the Customer Service department, and reports directly to the owners. If you have a complaint that Customer Service was unable to address, the Satisfaction team will look into the matter again and see if there is anything we can do to make you happy.

Please send your concerns, complaints, or suggestions to Include your order number, contact information, and a detailed description so we can best access the situation. We promise to do our best to assist you. Note: We understand that you may be upset, but please be civil and refrain from swearing to make sure our spam filters do not intercept your e-mail.


Customer Satisfaction Team

Alliance, Ohio

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 07/16/2009 01:17 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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Update for Ashley

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I updated this yesterday, but it must have been during the changes since I have not seen it posted yet and my page is all messed up with the posts in the wrong order.

Anyway, I have hired my attorney (yes for small claims court) and he said to send it back for a refund. If they still refuse to refund, then we will go to court. The law firm is Maguire & Schneider in Columbus. They also gave me a file number for this case, but I don't have a docket number yet as we are not that far...yet.

So that is where it stands as of now.

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PayPal has WHAT, now??

AUTHOR: ReactorCore - (Canada)

POSTED: Tuesday, August 11, 2009

''At least they have decent business ethics and customer service.''

Excuse me a sec...


Now that I've got that out of my system, you obviously haven't read the hundreds of horror stories regarding PayPal's ''ethics'' and ''customer service'' at

That site is so chock full of people taking advantage of, it's almost as if ED took all the PayPal rip off reports and put them on their own, dedicated site.

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#30 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well, Its past august 10th, How goes the battle for the refund?

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#29 Author of original report

Give it up

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, August 01, 2009

Yes Ashley, give it up and ignore me please. I am psychotic and I need to get some professional help because I stand my ground for what I believe in. I too pity this company as I WAS willing to work with them and they chose to be asses about the whole thing. As for being unreasonable, you obviously are going to believe what you WANT to believe, so go ahead and do your thing and I will do mine. I did not ask any of you to read or comment here. I am free to post and let others know what a sham of a company this is.
As for ethics and the legality of them, I get your point, you obviously don't get mine...any of them.
No, they did NOT tell me why it wasn't tested. So, if there is no OS installed that means don't put the cables in for someone to hook up the floppy drive? We paid for the floppy drive whether we bought an OS or not.
Oh, and as for insulting comments, yours wasn't so hot either, but I do thank you for keeping my post closer to the front page where more people will see it!

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#28 Author of original report

Give it up

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, August 01, 2009

Yes Ashley, give it up and ignore me please. I am psychotic and I need to get some professional help because I stand my ground for what I believe in. I too pity this company as I WAS willing to work with them and they chose to be asses about the whole thing. As for being unreasonable, you obviously are going to believe what you WANT to believe, so go ahead and do your thing and I will do mine. I did not ask any of you to read or comment here. I am free to post and let others know what a sham of a company this is.
As for ethics and the legality of them, I get your point, you obviously don't get mine...any of them.
No, they did NOT tell me why it wasn't tested. So, if there is no OS installed that means don't put the cables in for someone to hook up the floppy drive? We paid for the floppy drive whether we bought an OS or not.
Oh, and as for insulting comments, yours wasn't so hot either, but I do thank you for keeping my post closer to the front page where more people will see it!

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#27 Author of original report

Give it up

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, August 01, 2009

Yes Ashley, give it up and ignore me please. I am psychotic and I need to get some professional help because I stand my ground for what I believe in. I too pity this company as I WAS willing to work with them and they chose to be asses about the whole thing. As for being unreasonable, you obviously are going to believe what you WANT to believe, so go ahead and do your thing and I will do mine. I did not ask any of you to read or comment here. I am free to post and let others know what a sham of a company this is.
As for ethics and the legality of them, I get your point, you obviously don't get mine...any of them.
No, they did NOT tell me why it wasn't tested. So, if there is no OS installed that means don't put the cables in for someone to hook up the floppy drive? We paid for the floppy drive whether we bought an OS or not.
Oh, and as for insulting comments, yours wasn't so hot either, but I do thank you for keeping my post closer to the front page where more people will see it!

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#26 Author of original report

Give it up

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, August 01, 2009

Yes Ashley, give it up and ignore me please. I am psychotic and I need to get some professional help because I stand my ground for what I believe in. I too pity this company as I WAS willing to work with them and they chose to be asses about the whole thing. As for being unreasonable, you obviously are going to believe what you WANT to believe, so go ahead and do your thing and I will do mine. I did not ask any of you to read or comment here. I am free to post and let others know what a sham of a company this is.
As for ethics and the legality of them, I get your point, you obviously don't get mine...any of them.
No, they did NOT tell me why it wasn't tested. So, if there is no OS installed that means don't put the cables in for someone to hook up the floppy drive? We paid for the floppy drive whether we bought an OS or not.
Oh, and as for insulting comments, yours wasn't so hot either, but I do thank you for keeping my post closer to the front page where more people will see it!

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#25 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, July 31, 2009

While have a no refund policy may be "unethical" its still legal. That's the point. There is no law that requires a business to be ethical.

You still are not following the warranty policy. If you say the item is defective, then it has to be returned and tested by the company to determine if the item is indeed defective. No company is going to take a consumer at their word that an item is defective without testing it.

As for me, I stopped working in retail because i graduated college. I work behind the scenes now for a different company. I assure you the company I ran a store for is still in business, in fact its the country's 22nd largest convenience store chain.

Oh and you did state that businesses have to take refunds, and I quote:

"#5 I also know that in ANY state it doesn't matter if you don't take refunds, you still HAVE to. I know this having had a small business myself and dealing with PayPal. Unless it is food it CAN be returned NO MATTER WHAT. "

Paypal forces to to do refunds, but in the real world there is no such law.

You should try working WITH the company that you bought this computer from instead of putting insane rants on the internet. By your own admission the company has offered to take the product back, under the warranty, and either fix it or replace it. They are doing EXACTLY what is required under the warranty. You are outside their refund period, so stop expecting a refund.

As for testing the product, they told you why it was not tested. You said they told you that they do not test computers that are ordered without a pre-loaded OS. That was why the drive was not connected, and neither were the front side USBs. You have stated that they have offered to take the computer back and fix whatever you say is wrong with it many times. You are just unwilling to accept ANYTHING but a refund. The only way to get a refund at this point is to PROVE that the computer is defective. That would require shipping it to the company for verification.

I'm ignoring your last comment, as insulting people that are trying to offer advice is childish just because you do not agree with them.

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#24 Consumer Comment

Give it up!

AUTHOR: Inspector - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Friday, July 31, 2009

Give it up Ashley, this person is suffering from a severe psychosis, I pity the company that does business with this person. Mistakes are made, the company is attempting to rectify the situation and this person is unreasonable. The best thing to do here is ignore this person.

Nay: get some professional help you are very sick!

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#23 Author of original report

For Ashley

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Companies are not required to ever issue refunds. The ONLY refund that is required by law is if the item is proven defective. Your computer has not been proven defective, you are just choosing not to follow the warranty.

I never stated that they are "required" to give a refund, but it would be better customer service than what I am getting. I am NOT choosing to NOT follow the warranty, if it isn't defective, then why does it need to be fixed? They can't even give me an answer as to why this was NOT tested before being sent out.

This company's return policy could simply be 'No Returns' and that would be legal.

Poor business ethics and customer service. Running a business is a 2 way street.

I too have run businesses, and I have turned away many customers on returns. No company is REQUIRED to issue refunds.

I see that this is in the past tense, so I assume you lost your businesses due to poor business ethics and customer service.

in your case, you dealt with paypal. Paypal enforces a refund policy on their website. This is the agreement they have with people that use their service. It is not what the law says.

At least they have decent business ethics and customer service.

and no, I do not work for this computer company. I just enjoy responding to people that are obviously wrong.

Wrong in YOUR eyes maybe. Oh, I see a wanna be know it all. I'd say you are just as bad as "Hugh Jass"
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#22 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

"" #5 I also know that in ANY state it doesn't matter if you don't take refunds, you still HAVE to. I know this having had a small business myself and dealing with PayPal. Unless it is food it CAN be returned NO MATTER WHAT. ""

Companies are not required to ever issue refunds. The ONLY refund that is required by law is if the item is proven defective. Your computer has not been proven defective, you are just choosing not to follow the warranty.

This company's return policy could simply be "No Returns" and that would be legal.

I too have run businesses, and I have turned away many customers on returns. No company is REQUIRED to issue refunds.

in your case, you dealt with paypal. Paypal enforces a refund policy on their website. This is the agreement they have with people that use their service. It is not what the law says.

and no, I do not work for this computer company. I just enjoy responding to people that are obviously wrong.

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#21 Author of original report

Re: As per my lawyer

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
So this morning...

So, this morning I posted my blog with the responses to Pinkie and Ashley from Ripoff Report on Ripoff Report and Ashley has again responded.

Title: Per your lawyer
Comment: What lawyer would take your case on a 300$ computer? This would be a small claims court case, and you don't use lawyers for those.

You may want to check Ohio law on this. This is from their small claims division:
At the trial, you (the plaintiff) will be asked to tell your side of the story and the party against whom you are complaining (the defendant) will be asked to tell his or her side. The law requires the person who brings the case to prove that they have a valid claim.
She then listed an Ohio small claims court website link and proceeded to tell me "Additionally, I read that clause but Ohio does not have any additional warranty laws unless the product is a car."

She then posts another link, this one is to Ohio consumer laws and says "So their warranty is completely legal. Under the terms of their warranty, they have a right to fix or replace your computer. They do not have to give you a refund."


#1 It's always good to have such great friends...

#2 I don't need a lesson on small claims court, I will still have an attorney present in small claims if that is where it ends up and they will still have to spend money to go as well, attorney or not. They will have to pay for travel and lodging as well as for food even if they don't hire an attorney.

#3 I also know that in my state I cannot go for my attorney fees, BUT I CAN go for punitive damages...even in small claims court.

#4 It was an attorney who first sent me to the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act in the first place and the lawyer KNEW this was about a $300 computer and NOT a car.

#5 I also know that in ANY state it doesn't matter if you don't take refunds, you still HAVE to. I know this having had a small business myself and dealing with PayPal. Unless it is food it CAN be returned NO MATTER WHAT.

#6 Last but not least, I am also pursuing this on the principal of the whole thing, not just the money, but if they are going to persist on fighting me I WILL also fight for the punitive part of it as well.

Well folks, I'm not sure if Ashley works for them or not, but it sure seems like she does. Oh well, I've said what I needed to.
Again, off to post on Ripoff Report!! Thank you all for your support, like I said it's always good to have great friends and family too!!!

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#20 Author of original report

Re: As per my lawyer

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009
So this morning...

So, this morning I posted my blog with the responses to Pinkie and Ashley from Ripoff Report on Ripoff Report and Ashley has again responded.

Title: Per your lawyer
Comment: What lawyer would take your case on a 300$ computer? This would be a small claims court case, and you don't use lawyers for those.

You may want to check Ohio law on this. This is from their small claims division:
At the trial, you (the plaintiff) will be asked to tell your side of the story and the party against whom you are complaining (the defendant) will be asked to tell his or her side. The law requires the person who brings the case to prove that they have a valid claim.
She then listed an Ohio small claims court website link and proceeded to tell me "Additionally, I read that clause but Ohio does not have any additional warranty laws unless the product is a car."

She then posts another link, this one is to Ohio consumer laws and says "So their warranty is completely legal. Under the terms of their warranty, they have a right to fix or replace your computer. They do not have to give you a refund."


#1 It's always good to have such great friends...

#2 I don't need a lesson on small claims court, I will still have an attorney present in small claims if that is where it ends up and they will still have to spend money to go as well, attorney or not. They will have to pay for travel and lodging as well as for food even if they don't hire an attorney.

#3 I also know that in my state I cannot go for my attorney fees, BUT I CAN go for punitive damages...even in small claims court.

#4 It was an attorney who first sent me to the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act in the first place and the lawyer KNEW this was about a $300 computer and NOT a car.

#5 I also know that in ANY state it doesn't matter if you don't take refunds, you still HAVE to. I know this having had a small business myself and dealing with PayPal. Unless it is food it CAN be returned NO MATTER WHAT.

#6 Last but not least, I am also pursuing this on the principal of the whole thing, not just the money, but if they are going to persist on fighting me I WILL also fight for the punitive part of it as well.

Well folks, I'm not sure if Ashley works for them or not, but it sure seems like she does. Oh well, I've said what I needed to.
Again, off to post on Ripoff Report!! Thank you all for your support, like I said it's always good to have great friends and family too!!!

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#19 Consumer Comment

Per your lawyer

AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

What lawyer would take your case on a 300$ computer? This would be a small claims court case, and you don't use lawyers for those.

You may want to check ohio law on this. This is from their small claims division:
At the trial, you (the plaintiff) will
be asked to tell your side of the story
and the party against whom you are
complaining (the defendant) will be
asked to tell his or her side. The law
requires the person who brings the
case to prove that they have a valid

Additionally, I read that clause but Ohio does not have any additional warranty laws unless the product is a car.

So their warranty is completely legal. Under the terms of their warranty, they have a right to fix or replace your computer. They do not have to give you a refund.

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#18 Author of original report

Responses to comments left here and on my blog.

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Well, today makes 2 weeks of dealing with this crap and I'm still plugging along. I am waiting to hear from the lawyer here pretty soon.
I went in and checked Ripoff Report this morning and had someone else (not an employee at least I don't think) pointing out 3B's warranties and policies, BUT she also neglected to post their disclaimer which everyone is seeming to ignore (except me).
It is as follows: State Law Rights
"Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary, from state to state."
Then in larger red print it says "Not responsible for typos."
This is at the bottom of the very same page which she copied from.
She said "If you file a court case let us know with a docket number so we can follow it." I will be sure to do that Ashley as there is no "empty threat of an attorney," it is a fact of an attorney.

Now in response to "Pinkie" who left a comment on my blog yesterday. Yes they want us to send it back so they can fix it. We don't know why it wasn't in working order when we got it and neither do they, so they say. They are telling us that we have to keep sending it back to be fixed because that is their warranty. They don't care how long the consumer is without the product, as long as "they do their part."
We also question what will go wrong when the warranty is up. To correct you ( not being mean here) it is so far 3+ problems with the computer in 2 months. You are correct that something is NOT right here and that it IS a defective product, but they only seem to want to "fix" what should have been done in the first place.
I also know that their policy says "refund within 7 days" as I HAVE read everything and it has been sent and pointed out numerous times, BUT the problems started AFTER the 7 day period and we WERE contacting them. Do we have an RMA# for them to reference? No, go back and listen to your taped calls, then maybe, just maybe you will hear YOUR customer service rep tell my sister her 2 options, one of which was to "return for a refund."
It was also implied to me in the phone call with Seth that my Mom "changed her mind." She did not. She loves being on the computer and doing her genealogy among other things. She is retired and on a fixed income and the computer is one of the ways she keeps in touch with people, which doesn't cost a lot of money.
Another thing they kept throwing up to me was "it would be used and we don't sell used and we can't sell used etc..." How do we know that all the parts installed in the "customer built" computer that I bought are new and not used? Just because they "say" they only use new parts? I mean the latch on the floppy drive door was broken, there were no parts floating around in the box and there were no cables for the floppy drive to be hooked up, we had to have those sent to us as well.
I could also tell that Seth was not really paying attention to me when I said that "the only reason I was the one dealing with this was because Mom's computer blew up," his response was "well you said the front USB ports were not working, that does not make the computer unusable." Umm, I was talking about the old computer and why all of this was done in my name. I never said that the "new" computer was unusable, I said there were things on it that were unusable. I'm sure (in their opinion) that "I misunderstood" yet again. I don't think so, I know what I was saying and what I was talking about and I wasn't double talking!

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#17 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Ashley - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This guy might be more insane than charles.

I'm not even sure where to start.

Let me make this real simple, this is the refund policy from their website:
If you are not completely satisfied with a product purchased from 3B Tech, you may return it within 7 days of the delivery date for an exchange or a refund if qualified (eligibility conditions listed below). All expedited shipping, handling and insurance charges are additional and non-refundable. Normally, all returns for non-defective reasons (e.g. customer changed mind) are subject to a 15% restocking fee, minimum $6.95. This fee does not apply to defective product returned within the 3B Tech dealer warranty period. For all returns shipping must be prepaid, insured and bearing a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number on the shipping label and/or container. Any shipping charges incurred when returning product to 3B Tech are the responsibility of the customer. Contact us for an RMA number, which will be required to ensure proper crediting of your account. We cannot accept returns without an RMA number. Returned products must be undamaged, clean, and in otherwise new condition with all original materials i.e. original packaging, manuals and accessories, and must be accompanied by the original invoice.

As you can clearly see there is a 7 day refund policy. You did not request a refund in that 7 days, so you are now under warranty.

here is their warranty policy:

Each item's warranty terms, including dealer warranty and extended 3B Tech warranty, are clearly stated on each item's page on our website. Some items carry manufacturer warranty only. 3B Tech will warrant these items against defects for 7 days from the delivery date (non-DOA warranty), after which time repair/replacement must go through the manufacturer.

So, they warranty items for 7 days also, after that time you have to go through a manufacturer. Each item has a different warranty.

Now, under computer it says they have a standard 1 year warranty on complete systems. if you have ever dealt with warranties before, no company will issue you a refund. They will either fix it, or replace it. This company has offered to fix it, you said you want a refund. The refund is not happening, they are obviously under no obligation to issue a refund.

If you file a court case let us know with a docket number so we can follow it.

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#16 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I hope they send someone else in now. Like the refund fairy. They keep checking my blog, so I imagine they keep checking this post as well.
Well they are just digging themselves into a bigger hole...

Anyway here is yesterday and todays updates on my blog:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Well, they still haven't stepped up to the plate so to speak. BUT they were here 4 times yesterday and twice already today AND they had someone that works for them by the name of "Hugh Jass" get it "huge a*s" write a comment on my Ripoff Report.
Title: You're being unreasonable and stupid
Comment: "First, you aren't going to get a refund, despite your empty threat of hiring a lawyer. You agreed to the terms and conditions when you placed the order. Second, you DO know this supposed lawyer will cost you many times the refund you aren't entitled to?
Third, you never gave the company a chance to repair the unit. They offered to pay shipping for you. Give them a chance.
Fourth, your statement "everything has a serial number" is just plain ignorant. Many custom built products don't have (or need) serial numbers...there's only ONE OF THEM.
So go ahead and whine like a 5 year old. The company is standing behind it's warranty. You have a choice: send in the computer or just huff and puff while you spend thousands on an attorney who can't help you. Grow up."

I did respond to Mr. Hugh Jass and told him I KNEW he was an employee of theirs, since his wording gave everything away. I also told him that I HAVE hired an attorney and it's not going to cost me what it's going to cost them since their policies are VOID in my state. I also told him and them to grow up.
I guess they really do think I am 5 years old. Well, this is NOT a tantrum, this is a LEGITIMATE GRIPE and we WILL NOT STOP until we get all her money refunded. Now, if they want to d**k around some more, they can also pay my HUGE attorney fees that they think are going to be so expensive. I know I won't mind...

I would also like to know, if "one of a kind" products don't have serial numbers, then how would my Mom be able to identify her computer if it were to get stolen and recovered?
Mom also listened to the recorded phone call from Friday and said it was a bunch of double talk as well.
We talked to an associate at Wal Mart yesterday and I asked
if they had any computers that were returned that they were selling. She said "no, we take them back and we send them back to the companies to get our money back." WOW, Wal Mart refunds computers!!!

This part is for 3BTech, but y'all can read it too, my "empty threat of an attorney" will be contacting you within the next week or two...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A quick update for now

Good morning everyone!
I have been doing a lot of thinking and I want to clarify something about this whole ordeal with 3BTech. This "fight" is NOT just about the money and fighting the "big companies." This is also about the principal of the thing. For one, their policies are null and void in Ohio and probably in other states as well, so why keep fighting me and making me hire an attorney? It is going to cost them money either way they do this, either refunding me and taking the computer back, or paying their attorney or both.
Well, I still am not giving up. The cost of an attorney is worth fighting for the principal as well as for the money. It will also make people aware of a company that doesn't seem to have any principals nor do they care about their customer base. I have blogged on this for almost 2 weeks now and have had well over 300 visits here. I bet 99.9% of them (the other .1 is 3B) will NEVER use this companies services. OOOO, we should take a poll and see!! Feel free to leave your vote and/or comments on here. I am curious to see if anyone would deal with them after all of this.
I'd say that if most or all vote no, then 3B is losing even more money on top of gaining a bad reputation, wouldn't you?
So, lets do the math here: take the computer back and refund the money, be done with the whole thing and the bad publicity OR spend the money on the attorney to drag it all out, make a worse name for the company and lose a ton of potential customers.

I will probably blog again sometime later today as I am going to keep "blog notes" to myself as I think of things. LOL So feel free to check back in!!

Love to all and thank you for all of your support!!!

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#15 Consumer Comment

In response to Hugh Jass

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obviously you work for the company or you wouldn't word things the way you did. I HAVE hired an attorney and it WILL NOT cost me what it is going to cost you (them). I have EVERYTHING I need for proof to get a refund AND your (their) policies ARE NOT LEGAL in my state. Take that back to management and you all GROW UP!

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#14 Author of original report

Heres the phone call report...

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No response to this blog either, BUT they read it 4 times within 20 minutes on Monday!!

Friday, July 24, 2009
So, this morning around 10:20 I called the company as I was instructed to by my credit union. I first spoke with Tim in customer service and advised him that I was taping the call. I then asked who I was to speak to about returning a computer and he said "that would be me." I went on to explain the situation and again was told "we do not give refunds on systems." Then I asked Tim, "what is a refund warranty?" Tim's reply to me after a bit of stammering was "we don't have a refund warranty for systems." Of course I told him that that is not what their emails say. So I end up asking for a supervisor, more stammering and put on hold.
Now I get Seth. Seth is the customer service manager for 3 BTech. According to Seth I am "basing everything on a lot of assumptions and I am misunderstanding their policies." He said "have you read our policies online at all?" I said " yes I have several times." He said "and you still don't understand what they mean that they can't refund your system ?" I said "no I don't." he again asked me "you have read our policies online?" I told him that I had the floppy drive installed for my Mom and the door was broken when we got it and that her floppies wouldn't work, so we opened the case to find no cables for the floppy drive. They sent the cables and the latch for the door and walked everyone through the "fixing" process. He then asked me if "I had purchased an operating system for the computer?" I told him "no." "Well that is why the floppy wasn't hooked up, because they generally don't hook it up before an operating system is installed."
Seth also says that I am "taking a stance before I even talk to them and that he has read my emails and my blog and that I am fighting the BIG companies and making a difference and making my point very clear to everyone and that's ok IF it's a legitimate reason. They are trying to help me, but I have not given them the opportunity to help me. We are definitely not double talking, but IF the system were refundable we were already out of our 30 days." I told him "we called probably within the first 2 weeks of having the system because of problems." He asked me "is there an RMA # I can look up to reference?" I told him "no there isn't, we fixed it ourselves." He then told me "that is your choice to fix it yourself, that is what the 1 year warranty is for." I then tried to explain how stupid it would be to keep shipping this computer to them for the stupid crap that has gone wrong with it when we can fix it ourselves. I was then told that "they want to help me, but I seem to have an issue with each solution they offer. They have co operated very well to this point. He would love to give me a full refund and be done with this whole thing, but it is against their policy and they have no market for used computers as they sell new ones, so they have nowhere to go with a used computer." He also said that "tech support could help walk us through hooking up the USB ports on the computer."
There are things I'm sure I missed on here, but I'm sick of listening to the tape to try and pull it all off. I will say that Seth was very even tempered but very adamant about "the policies" and wanting to fix the computer and make it right. I did however feel like I was being treated like an idiot. (Why ask me 3 times if I read the policies?) I mean if you have read the emails and the blog, why are you asking me questions that you already know the answers to?
Oh and my blog..."taking on the big companies to make a difference" um no, I take on companies and/or people that do wrong to me. If I were taking on the big companies to make a point or a difference, I wouldn't have much of a life because I would constantly be blogging and filing reports with the BBB and Ripoff Report.
I have had many a pleasant dealing with most every company I have dealt with in my lifetime, with these few exceptions. Excuse me for standing up for myself and not backing down like most people would do by now. I WILL NOT throw in the towel.
So, after I hung up with Seth, I phoned an attorney and asked what my rights were as an Ohio citizen. I was directed to go to the Consumer Sales Practices Act of Ohio website and copy/paste the information to 3BTech, which I did. It seems since I reside in the state of Ohio, their policies ARE VOID for me. They also didn't respond to the email but have been in here at least twice today.
Probably more crap come Monday, UGH!! Oh and "they don't sell crap computers, if they did they'd get them all back." How? They don't give refunds!!

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#13 Consumer Suggestion

You're being unreasonable and stupid

AUTHOR: Hugh Jass - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, July 26, 2009

First, you aren't going to get a refund, despite your empty threat of hiring a lawyer. You agreed to the terms and conditions when you placed the order.
Second, you DO know this supposed lawyer will cost you many times the refund you aren't entitled to?
Third, you never gave the company a chance to repair the unit. They offered to pay shipping for you. Give them a chance.
Fourth, your statement "everything has a serial number" is just plain ignorant. Many custom built products don't have (or need) serial numbers...there's only ONE OF THEM.
So go ahead and whine like a 5 year old. The company is standing behind its warranty. You have a choice: Send in the computer or just huff and puff while you spend thousands on an attorney who can't help you. Grow up.

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#12 Consumer Suggestion

You're being unreasonable and stupid

AUTHOR: Hugh Jass - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, July 26, 2009

First, you aren't going to get a refund, despite your empty threat of hiring a lawyer. You agreed to the terms and conditions when you placed the order.
Second, you DO know this supposed lawyer will cost you many times the refund you aren't entitled to?
Third, you never gave the company a chance to repair the unit. They offered to pay shipping for you. Give them a chance.
Fourth, your statement "everything has a serial number" is just plain ignorant. Many custom built products don't have (or need) serial numbers...there's only ONE OF THEM.
So go ahead and whine like a 5 year old. The company is standing behind its warranty. You have a choice: Send in the computer or just huff and puff while you spend thousands on an attorney who can't help you. Grow up.

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#11 Consumer Suggestion

You're being unreasonable and stupid

AUTHOR: Hugh Jass - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, July 26, 2009

First, you aren't going to get a refund, despite your empty threat of hiring a lawyer. You agreed to the terms and conditions when you placed the order.
Second, you DO know this supposed lawyer will cost you many times the refund you aren't entitled to?
Third, you never gave the company a chance to repair the unit. They offered to pay shipping for you. Give them a chance.
Fourth, your statement "everything has a serial number" is just plain ignorant. Many custom built products don't have (or need) serial numbers...there's only ONE OF THEM.
So go ahead and whine like a 5 year old. The company is standing behind its warranty. You have a choice: Send in the computer or just huff and puff while you spend thousands on an attorney who can't help you. Grow up.

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#10 Consumer Suggestion

You're being unreasonable and stupid

AUTHOR: Hugh Jass - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, July 26, 2009

First, you aren't going to get a refund, despite your empty threat of hiring a lawyer. You agreed to the terms and conditions when you placed the order.
Second, you DO know this supposed lawyer will cost you many times the refund you aren't entitled to?
Third, you never gave the company a chance to repair the unit. They offered to pay shipping for you. Give them a chance.
Fourth, your statement "everything has a serial number" is just plain ignorant. Many custom built products don't have (or need) serial numbers...there's only ONE OF THEM.
So go ahead and whine like a 5 year old. The company is standing behind its warranty. You have a choice: Send in the computer or just huff and puff while you spend thousands on an attorney who can't help you. Grow up.

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#9 Author of original report

Still refusing to refund monies!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009
So, this morning around 10:20 I called the company as I was instructed to by my credit union. I first spoke with Tim in customer service and advised him that I was taping the call. I then asked who I was to speak to about returning a computer and he said "that would be me." I went on to explain the situation and again was told "we do not give refunds on systems." Then I asked Tim, "what is a refund warranty?" Tim's reply to me after a bit of stammering was "we don't have a refund warranty for systems." Of course I told him that that is not what their emails say. So I end up asking for a supervisor, more stammering and put on hold.
Now I get Seth. Seth is the customer service manager for 3 BTech. According to Seth I am "basing everything on a lot of assumptions and I am misunderstanding their policies." He said "have you read our policies online at all?" I said " yes I have several times." He said "and you still don't understand what they mean that they can't refund your system ?" I said "no I don't." he again asked me "you have read our policies online?" I told him that I had the floppy drive installed for my Mom and the door was broken when we got it and that her floppies wouldn't work, so we opened the case to find no cables for the floppy drive. They sent the cables and the latch for the door and walked everyone through the "fixing" process. He then asked me if "I had purchased an operating system for the computer?" I told him "no." "Well that is why the floppy wasn't hooked up, because they generally don't hook it up before an operating system is installed."
Seth also says that I am "taking a stance before I even talk to them and that he has read my emails and my blog and that I am fighting the BIG companies and making a difference and making my point very clear to everyone and that's ok IF it's a legitimate reason. They are trying to help me, but I have not given them the opportunity to help me. We are definitely not double talking, but IF the system were refundable we were already out of our 30 days." I told him "we called probably within the first 2 weeks of having the system because of problems." He asked me "is there an RMA # I can look up to reference?" I told him "no there isn't, we fixed it ourselves." He then told me "that is your choice to fix it yourself, that is what the 1 year warranty is for." I then tried to explain how stupid it would be to keep shipping this computer to them for the stupid crap that has gone wrong with it when we can fix it ourselves. I was then told that "they want to help me, but I seem to have an issue with each solution they offer. They have co operated very well to this point. He would love to give me a full refund and be done with this whole thing, but it is against their policy and they have no market for used computers as they sell new ones, so they have nowhere to go with a used computer." He also said that "tech support could help walk us through hooking up the USB ports on the computer."
There are things I'm sure I missed on here, but I'm sick of listening to the tape to try and pull it all off. I will say that Seth was very even tempered but very adamant about "the policies" and wanting to fix the computer and make it right. I did however feel like I was being treated like an idiot. (Why ask me 3 times if I read the policies?) I mean if you have read the emails and the blog, why are you asking me questions that you already know the answers to?
Oh and my blog..."taking on the big companies to make a difference" um no, I take on companies and/or people that do wrong to me. If I were taking on the big companies to make a point or a difference, I wouldn't have much of a life because I would constantly be blogging and filing reports with the BBB and Ripoff Report.
I have had many a pleasant dealing with most every company I have dealt with in my lifetime, with these few exceptions. Excuse me for standing up for myself and not backing down like most people would do by now. I WILL NOT throw in the towel.
So, after I hung up with Seth, I phoned an attorney and asked what my rights were as an Ohio citizen. I was directed to go to the Consumer Sales Practices Act of Ohio website and copy/paste the information to 3BTech, which I did. It seems since I reside in the state of Ohio, their policies ARE VOID for me. They also didn't respond to the email but have been in here at least twice today.
Probably more crap come Monday, UGH!! Oh and "they don't sell crap computers, if they did they'd get them all back." How? They don't give refunds!!

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#8 Author of original report

Still refusing to refund monies!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009
So, this morning around 10:20 I called the company as I was instructed to by my credit union. I first spoke with Tim in customer service and advised him that I was taping the call. I then asked who I was to speak to about returning a computer and he said "that would be me." I went on to explain the situation and again was told "we do not give refunds on systems." Then I asked Tim, "what is a refund warranty?" Tim's reply to me after a bit of stammering was "we don't have a refund warranty for systems." Of course I told him that that is not what their emails say. So I end up asking for a supervisor, more stammering and put on hold.
Now I get Seth. Seth is the customer service manager for 3 BTech. According to Seth I am "basing everything on a lot of assumptions and I am misunderstanding their policies." He said "have you read our policies online at all?" I said " yes I have several times." He said "and you still don't understand what they mean that they can't refund your system ?" I said "no I don't." he again asked me "you have read our policies online?" I told him that I had the floppy drive installed for my Mom and the door was broken when we got it and that her floppies wouldn't work, so we opened the case to find no cables for the floppy drive. They sent the cables and the latch for the door and walked everyone through the "fixing" process. He then asked me if "I had purchased an operating system for the computer?" I told him "no." "Well that is why the floppy wasn't hooked up, because they generally don't hook it up before an operating system is installed."
Seth also says that I am "taking a stance before I even talk to them and that he has read my emails and my blog and that I am fighting the BIG companies and making a difference and making my point very clear to everyone and that's ok IF it's a legitimate reason. They are trying to help me, but I have not given them the opportunity to help me. We are definitely not double talking, but IF the system were refundable we were already out of our 30 days." I told him "we called probably within the first 2 weeks of having the system because of problems." He asked me "is there an RMA # I can look up to reference?" I told him "no there isn't, we fixed it ourselves." He then told me "that is your choice to fix it yourself, that is what the 1 year warranty is for." I then tried to explain how stupid it would be to keep shipping this computer to them for the stupid crap that has gone wrong with it when we can fix it ourselves. I was then told that "they want to help me, but I seem to have an issue with each solution they offer. They have co operated very well to this point. He would love to give me a full refund and be done with this whole thing, but it is against their policy and they have no market for used computers as they sell new ones, so they have nowhere to go with a used computer." He also said that "tech support could help walk us through hooking up the USB ports on the computer."
There are things I'm sure I missed on here, but I'm sick of listening to the tape to try and pull it all off. I will say that Seth was very even tempered but very adamant about "the policies" and wanting to fix the computer and make it right. I did however feel like I was being treated like an idiot. (Why ask me 3 times if I read the policies?) I mean if you have read the emails and the blog, why are you asking me questions that you already know the answers to?
Oh and my blog..."taking on the big companies to make a difference" um no, I take on companies and/or people that do wrong to me. If I were taking on the big companies to make a point or a difference, I wouldn't have much of a life because I would constantly be blogging and filing reports with the BBB and Ripoff Report.
I have had many a pleasant dealing with most every company I have dealt with in my lifetime, with these few exceptions. Excuse me for standing up for myself and not backing down like most people would do by now. I WILL NOT throw in the towel.
So, after I hung up with Seth, I phoned an attorney and asked what my rights were as an Ohio citizen. I was directed to go to the Consumer Sales Practices Act of Ohio website and copy/paste the information to 3BTech, which I did. It seems since I reside in the state of Ohio, their policies ARE VOID for me. They also didn't respond to the email but have been in here at least twice today.
Probably more crap come Monday, UGH!! Oh and "they don't sell crap computers, if they did they'd get them all back." How? They don't give refunds!!

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#7 Author of original report

Still refusing to refund monies!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009
So, this morning around 10:20 I called the company as I was instructed to by my credit union. I first spoke with Tim in customer service and advised him that I was taping the call. I then asked who I was to speak to about returning a computer and he said "that would be me." I went on to explain the situation and again was told "we do not give refunds on systems." Then I asked Tim, "what is a refund warranty?" Tim's reply to me after a bit of stammering was "we don't have a refund warranty for systems." Of course I told him that that is not what their emails say. So I end up asking for a supervisor, more stammering and put on hold.
Now I get Seth. Seth is the customer service manager for 3 BTech. According to Seth I am "basing everything on a lot of assumptions and I am misunderstanding their policies." He said "have you read our policies online at all?" I said " yes I have several times." He said "and you still don't understand what they mean that they can't refund your system ?" I said "no I don't." he again asked me "you have read our policies online?" I told him that I had the floppy drive installed for my Mom and the door was broken when we got it and that her floppies wouldn't work, so we opened the case to find no cables for the floppy drive. They sent the cables and the latch for the door and walked everyone through the "fixing" process. He then asked me if "I had purchased an operating system for the computer?" I told him "no." "Well that is why the floppy wasn't hooked up, because they generally don't hook it up before an operating system is installed."
Seth also says that I am "taking a stance before I even talk to them and that he has read my emails and my blog and that I am fighting the BIG companies and making a difference and making my point very clear to everyone and that's ok IF it's a legitimate reason. They are trying to help me, but I have not given them the opportunity to help me. We are definitely not double talking, but IF the system were refundable we were already out of our 30 days." I told him "we called probably within the first 2 weeks of having the system because of problems." He asked me "is there an RMA # I can look up to reference?" I told him "no there isn't, we fixed it ourselves." He then told me "that is your choice to fix it yourself, that is what the 1 year warranty is for." I then tried to explain how stupid it would be to keep shipping this computer to them for the stupid crap that has gone wrong with it when we can fix it ourselves. I was then told that "they want to help me, but I seem to have an issue with each solution they offer. They have co operated very well to this point. He would love to give me a full refund and be done with this whole thing, but it is against their policy and they have no market for used computers as they sell new ones, so they have nowhere to go with a used computer." He also said that "tech support could help walk us through hooking up the USB ports on the computer."
There are things I'm sure I missed on here, but I'm sick of listening to the tape to try and pull it all off. I will say that Seth was very even tempered but very adamant about "the policies" and wanting to fix the computer and make it right. I did however feel like I was being treated like an idiot. (Why ask me 3 times if I read the policies?) I mean if you have read the emails and the blog, why are you asking me questions that you already know the answers to?
Oh and my blog..."taking on the big companies to make a difference" um no, I take on companies and/or people that do wrong to me. If I were taking on the big companies to make a point or a difference, I wouldn't have much of a life because I would constantly be blogging and filing reports with the BBB and Ripoff Report.
I have had many a pleasant dealing with most every company I have dealt with in my lifetime, with these few exceptions. Excuse me for standing up for myself and not backing down like most people would do by now. I WILL NOT throw in the towel.
So, after I hung up with Seth, I phoned an attorney and asked what my rights were as an Ohio citizen. I was directed to go to the Consumer Sales Practices Act of Ohio website and copy/paste the information to 3BTech, which I did. It seems since I reside in the state of Ohio, their policies ARE VOID for me. They also didn't respond to the email but have been in here at least twice today.
Probably more crap come Monday, UGH!! Oh and "they don't sell crap computers, if they did they'd get them all back." How? They don't give refunds!!

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#6 Author of original report

Still refusing to refund monies!! AND going to charge me to ship it back??!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 23, 2009

This is the latest email from them, I did fill in all of my information. They seem to think they are going to fix it and send it back at our expense.

As we have told you we will not be refunding you. If you would the unit
repaired please follow the instructions below.

You will be issued a prepaid UPS shipping label within 24-48 business hours
in our email. The email will come directly from UPS not 3BTech.

We apologize for any inconvenience. You have been issued RMA#RS5528
1.) Pack the returning product properly (equal to original packaging, double
boxing all motherboards and systems).
2.) Include a copy of your original invoice/packing slip. If you no longer
have this a copy of your confirmation e-mail will be fine.
3.) To avoid refusal of your package, write your RMA number clearly on the
shipping label, and use the following format when you ship it back:

3B Tech Returns
Attn: RMA#RS5528
3431 William Richardson Drive, Suite B
South Bend, IN 46628

Upon receipt of your product, it will be tested thoroughly. If your RMA
product(s) is tested in absolutely good working condition, we will charge a
shipping and handling fee (varies by weights) to ship your product(s) back
to you.

Please make sure the contents are secure and not rattling in the box.
Improper packaging of your returning products will be rejected upon
delivery. Physical damages to unit void any warranties. All items must be
shipped back prepaid and shipping insurance is strongly recommended as you
are solely responsible for your shipment.

Please note that RMA numbers have an expiration period of 14 days from

3B Tech Customer Service

> Order Number: Y3b509853
> Customer Name:
> Email Address:
> Address:
> City:
> state:
> Zip Code:
> Phone Number:
> Fax Number:
> Item Code: A-SYS-SPECIAL-8653MV
> Serial Number: N/A
> Purchase Date: 05/18/2009
> Technician:
> Requested: REFUND
> Problem Description: I have been advised that I have 120 days to return
> this product for a full refund. It is defective and we do not wish to keep
> it so that we have to keep sending it in for repairs. We wish to get our
> money refunded to us.
> As we have said before, we will make an exception and send a prepaid UPS
> shipping label to get the computer back. Please mention this when the
> form is filled out.
> Initials: N/A
> thankyou-url:

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#5 Author of original report

3 B Tech computers NON RESPONSIVE to questions, No refunds, double talk

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 23, 2009

So today, Thursday the 23rd I made it to the Credit Union and discussed the matter with them and was told what all else I need to do to get Mom's money back. I then came home and emailed the company and asked where to find the item code # and the serial # so that I may request an RMA and a prepaid shipping label. They emailed back very quickly and gave me the item code # and said "There is no serial number as it is a customer built computer." HUH?? WTF?? Doesn't EVERYTHING have a serial number? How can there be NO serial number? More questions for the attorney I guess.
I am so glad issues like this have taught me to keep a paper trail of EVERYTHING.
Ok, off to post update on Ripoff Report.
Hope to have good news soon!!

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#4 Author of original report

A response from 3 B...trying to scare me into giving up LOL WON"T HAPPEN!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is the repsonse I got from them today. I emailed them back and thanked them and said I would have my attorney look things over. I guess they think I am bluffing....they better guess again.

I also got the confirmation email today from the BBB that they are contacting them as well.

By contacting your lawyer you have turned this into a legal matter. Our lawyer has looked over our policies and does not see anything wrong with them. Feel free to have your lawyer do the same and see if he/she can find any problems.

3B Tech Customer Satisfaction Team

----- Original Message -----

To: 3BTech - Customer Satisfaction
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:52 PM
Subject: A computer

I would like answers to my questions.

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#3 Author of original report

3 B Tech computers NON RESPONSIVE to questions, No refunds, double talk

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, July 20, 2009

This is what I posted on my blog on Saturday, still nothing from them.

Well, it is now Saturday afternoon and they still have not bothered to contact me back or answer any of the questions I asked. BUT I see they HAVE visited here quite a bit. Well, Monday I will be retaining an attorney as they think that blowing me off is the answer and that I will just go away. WRONG!! My Mom is entitled to her money back and we will NOT stop fighting until we get it.

I also keep checking Ripoff Report and they have not responded to anything there either.
I still don't understand what a "refund warranty" is...especially if they don't give refunds???
My sister again confirmed today that she was specifically told she had 2 options. One was to send the unit back and have it "fixed." The other was to send it back for a full refund. But I was told (in an email) "We are very sorry you are upset. Unfortunately, we do not any refund on our customer built computers. If someone told you this before they were mistaken are we are sorry." (Thats their wording, not typos on my end)
They also told me "All of our systems are supposed to be throughly tested before shipment. We are not sure what happened with your particular machine but we can definately get that fixed for you." (again not typos on my end)
The other thing I thought was pretty hysterical was their "Note" at the end of their satisfaction email address. "Note: We understand that you may be upset, but please be civil and refrain from swearing to make sure our spam filters do not intercept your e-mail." Gee, think they've had some other problems? Maybe they just got wind of how hard I fight when I know I'm in the right. LOL
Oh and this was pretty funny too "We've set up this email address to try to help customers solve issues they are having. Unfortunately, we can;t abandon all of our policies to do this." (again not my typo)
I asked them to also explain that phrase and still nothing.
Well, we will see what the BBB and our attorney can do for us. I just can't understand how a company can have a "no refund" policy especially on high ticket items. I do believe though, that Ohio is exempt from their "policy." Our attorney will know for sure.
I'm also making a trip in to file the dispute on the credit card, so I will at least get the money back until the attorney can sort things out...

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#2 Author of original report


AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 16, 2009

More "responses" from them and me to them, except mine were in a different color and show up as black on here.

We are very sorry you are upset. Unfortunately, we do not any refund on our customer built computers. If someone told you this before they were mistaken are we are sorry. Where is the customer satisafaction here? We ARE NOT satisfied and do not want your product, we want our money back...NOT apologies from people who can't even type proper English.

Warranty Limitations
Each item's warranty terms, including dealer warranty and extended 3B Tech warranty, are clearly stated on each item's page on our website. Some items carry manufacturer warranty only. 3B Tech will warrant these items against defects for 7 days from the delivery date (non-DOA warranty), after which time repair/replacement must go through the manufacturer. All software is NON REFUNDABLE. If the installation CD / DVD media is defective or damaged, 3B Tech will replace the broken media with working media (e.g. a burned copy). If there is a problem with the installation code / COA number, the customer must contact the manufacturer directly for support. Motherboards, CPUs, and Memory do not qualify for refunds. Such items can be exchanged for the same model only. Complete Computer Systems and Barebones are custom built, and are not eligible for refunds. Any defective parts from Computer Systems or Barebones under warranty are eligible for replacement only.

All of our complete systems are supposed to be throughly tested before shipment. We are not sure what happened with your particular machine but we can definately get that fixed for you. If you are experiencing the problems you say you are it sounds like it would be best to send the machine for repair. Please complete our online RMA form. We normally require the customer to pay shipping on all returns but we will make an exception and send you a prepaid shipping label after the form is completed. Please mention the shipping label in the form and reference this conversation. Once we get the machine back we will look the problems you have and fix them right away. We never want any of our customers to be upset and would like a chance to fix this by repairing the machine for you.

3B Tech Customer Satisfaction Team

We've setup this email address to try to help customers solve issues they are having. Your not trying very hard. Unfortunately, we can;t abandon all of our policies to do this. Explain please? If the item you ordered had been a regular item it would have been out of the refund warranty period anyways as it has been more than 30 days since the purchase. What exactly is a "refund warranty?" Not to mention the fact, that we list our policy of not refunding systems on our website. What about customer satisfaction? Our terms and conditions have to be agreed upon at checkout. If this box is not checked then the order will not go through. We have told you we would be more than happy to repair the system at no cost to you. If it were a new system and IF it were checked BEFORE it was sent out, It wouldn't HAVE to be FIXED! So, she is supposed to go without a computer while you d**k around "trying" to fix it? We are not sure how you consider this a scam as we are doing exactly what we list on our site. You have a full 1 year warranty on this system. And the difference in this and the "refund warranty" is?"
We have tried to fix the issues that have came to our attention so far. We are not claiming we are perfect. You say that alot I see. We are just trying to fix the situation to the best of our abilities following the policies we have in place. Yes, to satisfy no one but YOU.

3B Tech Customer Satisfaction Team

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#1 Author of original report

WOW an almost instant response!!

AUTHOR: Nay - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 16, 2009

We are very sorry you are upset. Unfortunately, we do not any refund on our customer built computers. If someone told you this before they were mistaken are we are sorry.

Warranty Limitations
Each item's warranty terms, including dealer warranty and extended 3B Tech warranty, are clearly stated on each item's page on our website. Some items carry manufacturer warranty only. 3B Tech will warrant these items against defects for 7 days from the delivery date (non-DOA warranty), after which time repair/replacement must go through the manufacturer. All software is NON REFUNDABLE. If the installation CD / DVD media is defective or damaged, 3B Tech will replace the broken media with working media (e.g. a burned copy). If there is a problem with the installation code / COA number, the customer must contact the manufacturer directly for support. Motherboards, CPUs, and Memory do not qualify for refunds. Such items can be exchanged for the same model only. Complete Computer Systems and Barebones are custom built, and are not eligible for refunds. Any defective parts from Computer Systems or Barebones under warranty are eligible for replacement only.

All of our complete systems are supposed to be throughly tested before shipment. We are not sure what happened with your particular machine but we can definately get that fixed for you. If you are experiencing the problems you say you are it sounds like it would be best to send the machine for repair. Please complete our online RMA form. We normally require the customer to pay shipping on all returns but we will make an exception and send you a prepaid shipping label after the form is completed. Please mention the shipping label in the form and reference this conversation. Once we get the machine back we will look the problems you have and fix them right away. We never want any of our customers to be upset and would like a chance to fix this by repairing the machine for you.

3B Tech Customer Satisfaction Team

----- Original Message -----
From: nayandjack
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 3:46 PM
Subject: A computer

To whom it may concern,
On May 18, 2009 I ordered a computer tower and an LCD monitor from you on behalf of my Mother. The Invoice number is Y3b509853.
First problem, the floppy drive would not work. My husband opened the case and lo and behold there weren't even any cables for the floppy drive. Hmmmm explains why it won't work. You then proceed to send the cables.
Second problem, floppy drive door is broken and won't stay closed. Again tech support is contacted and a piece is dropped in the mail.
Third problem (and really quite angry at this point) the USB ports on the front of the tower do not work. When my sister called and complained she told that she had 2 options:
1. Send the whole thing back and you would fix it.
2. Send the whole thing back for a full refund.
Fourth problem, do you see a pattern here? My husband and my sister are doing YOUR work. The work my Mother paid for YOU to do.
The other thing I found quite amusing (sarcasm inserted here) was that my sister was also told, "We are really sorry for all of the problems you have been having, but we have a bunch of new people working here and assembling the computers." Is that not what quality control is for? Why was this computer not checked before it was shipped out?
So now today July 16, 2009 my Mom says she is tired of fighting with the computer and wondering what else is going to be wrong with it, so she wants to send it back and get her money back.
Since it is all done in my name, info, etc I called the toll free number and was informed that you do NOT give refunds under any circumstance. I want to know why not? My Mother is entitled to her $300.97 back if she is NOT a satisfied customer, which she obviously is NOT.
Why did one customer service rep say she could get a full refund and another tells me you don't even give refunds?
I will be filing a claim with the BBB and RipOff Report as well as putting this whole mess on my blog and facebook for all to see so that they won't get scammed either. This is an outright scam. I WILL make sure that no one I know uses your services.

Sherry Russell

Dear Customer,

While we always try to provide the best service to our customers, we are human and make mistakes from time to time. As part of our commitment to customer service, we have set up a new department dedicated to your satisfaction. Our Customer Satisfaction team is independent of the Customer Service department, and reports directly to the owners. If you have a complaint that Customer Service was unable to address, the Satisfaction team will look into the matter again and see if there is anything we can do to make you happy.

Please send your concerns, complaints, or suggestions to Include your order number, contact information, and a detailed description so we can best access the situation. We promise to do our best to assist you. Note: We understand that you may be upset, but please be civil and refrain from swearing to make sure our spam filters do not intercept your e-mail.


Customer Satisfaction Team

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