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Complaint Review: Altamont Police and Court system - Albany New York

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  • Altamont Police and Court system 115 Main St Po Box 643 Albany, New York U.S.A.

Altamont police and court system violates civil rights Albany New York

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there is alot to this story so bear with me if i go out of sequence of events or i may miss alot more info than what was done...first this is about my son justin f who has never been in trouble with the law has never been arrested does not go out and spray paint or do damage to our village...but yet our village commissioner of police anthony salerno has a major malfuction when it comes to teenagers and harrassement...i have been told this by other government officals that that is is m/o he targets single mothers and son on a day that i was at work had a physical altercation with is sister...his sister works for a local store that when this happend she went there and the people there told her to call the cops and report it and if she did'nt they would...she had two small bumps on the back of her head...i was called at work that my daughter was in the hospital and to go there...

I went there and she had small bumps on her head i was very mad and upset and orginally got only her side of the story so i orginally blamed him but when i got home i got my sons side of the story and the evidence showed his side was true and not hers she said that she did not say or do anything to her brother but the evidence of what he said happened matched ...first he said he took a paint can to the head he did nothing to her then she threw an ashtray at him...when she still did not piss him off enough she went to his room and started to wreck everything in his room...this is after my daughter had moved back home after being dropped off at her grandmothers by officer salerno back when she went to the mall and stole money from me....and we were told by this officer any problems call him because we have typical teen problems them not coming home on curfew and so on ..and we called this cop and trusted him...i called him that night on the cell phone and you know what i asked him why he took my daughter to her grandmothers also just to let you know that man an officer to uphold the law gave my under age daugter a cigerette on the ride to her grandmothers...he said to me any lip out of you and i'll call social services....the very next day there he was at my door with social services...he at that time came in with ss and searched desk drawers seized a knife from my home all without warrant or giving me a ticket for the hunting knife that we bought for my fathers xmas present never did get it back...

I know at this point your probably saying there must be something else to this story and there is not it is typical teenage rebellion going on in my house and an unabilty at the time to get them to listen to me at which he came out and talked to the kids and us and told us any prob to call him and this is what we get for daughter had rules in this house that her grandmother can not daughter has since went back to her grandmothers house that has started out because of this officer..well guess what she has missed so much school because her grandmother could not get her to go to school believe me that does not happen in our house we make them by making easier to go to school then to listen to my mouth in the morning now i have a daughter that is 18 and quit school all because of this officer they do not know what is best and neither does ss......anyway after that our problems with this cop got worse and worse son walking down the street with some friends got thrown up on the cop car by this officer cuffed and searched not only did he pat him down but also went down the front and back of his pants he said his hand touched his genitals and went up his butt crack ......after the search he let him go the cops are not to cuff u unless they plan to arrest.....not before ....he was again in another instance where he was in a car this happened again with another cop that is very friendly and as my son was screaming that he is going down his pants again the other cop said i know just get it over with...the other cop can testify in court to this and can be supeoned if necessary but he was with 3 other kids ..

All searched and seems like it might be selection maybe what he may find attractive or something because one was not searched like that and my son and another boy that kinda looks similar to my son was searched down the pants front and back again when he could not find anything in the car or in their butt cracks...and beieve me he did a though search of the full car again without a warrent including the trunk of the car that you must have a warrent for (apparently cops can use an excuse ie: smells drugs that they can search the interior of the car only) they must obtain a warrent to search a trunk unless the car is towed then they can do a trunk search...anyway he called drug sniffing dogs...again nothing was found .....this angers this man and he wants to get my son so sons father thinks its because my son won't give him info on other kids in this neighborhood.

Which i believe is the reason for all of this because the day he showed up with ss he was standing over him comeon justin tell us who does the drugs in this town be a man be a son told him repeatly i don't know anybody that does drugs and believe me my son is home everynight on crewfew and i know where he is at all times....and to be honest with you even if he did do drugs again (not)...that still does not give this officer to stomp on his rights....why do you think crack houses don't get busted because there is a process....anyway...after he was released from jail for the sister thing he mumbled something when his sister walked past his room...said something to i'm sure it was not pleasant what he said and since i was in the very next room and did not hear it it was still not directed at his sister it was his own comment to himself ....and his sister went to school and told them what happened that morning while getting ready ......and that we did not do anything about it which if you heard her complain all weekend about how her brother can't do this or do that i was sick of it and since it was not some kind of complete harrasement.

I told her brother to shut his mouth and his sister that she can just keep saying he cant do this cant do that and really on the weekend he was just trying to make up with her in his own way like going in her room asking her what she was doing only to get MOM GET JUSTIN OUT OF MY ROOM OR MOM JUSTINS IN MY ROOM ...believe me i know my son and he was just trying to make up with her make things right without coming out and appolgizing thats the way he is .....anyway this cop must have been to that school before and advised them to call him because that is what the school did...keep in mind the school has a police officer there to take care of issues they dont call outside cops....which was done here when we questioned the school about this we never did get an answer why salerno was called we asked the cop in the school why he was not advised and he knew nothing about this issue at all ...

So the school apparently called this salerno due to salerno infritrated the school system and social services so far but it does not stop that is 2 agencys he has had his hand in all for a kid that has never had any problems with the law in the house every night goes to school everyday that son of a b***h went to the school and arrested him put him in handcuffs infront of his peers at school and all of his teachers...keep in mind the judge that wrote out the order of protection sat us with this cop in the same room told us what this order of protection was..he said that it was for physical contact...he specifically said that does not mean they can not coexist or act like brother and sister..just no physical contact on that morning believe me there was no contact and just that one name calling which to this day his sister is still not sure of what was actually that point he was taken before another judge in another surrounding area...why you may ask when there was already a judge that wrote the order...and is supposed to go back to the orginal judge and only if he or another judge in the same town is unavailble...

Well when this happened his father went to the judges house and asked him if he had my son re-arrested..he said no and looked very angry at this situation although he could not say so and his father asked him if he was home all day and he was...why would this cop do this....well one speculation on my part is because the judge gave him a night in jail and released him to his parets custody and at the time he did not want that and the judge told him in his courtroom that he does not tell him what to do in his he just simply went around that judge and found one that would listen to might ask what do you mean listen to him...well against the law for a judge to listen to someone about someones personality or what that cop thinks about that person this will sway a judges decision about the offence at hand which there was no offence at all in this case ..

Well right in front of my son this cop anthony salerno said i need to talk to you the judge had said i cant do that...his response no i need to talk to you at that point this judge relented and went into another room without my son in the same room and told a bunch of lies that i can only imagine .....since i can not say what was said in that room i can speculate since my daughter had said when he called her at school to come to her grandmothers house to sign the 2nd complaint which at that time she did not want t but was told by this cop that SHE HAD TO SIGN IT and at that time she said nothing happened but she was forced into it by this cop ....after she repeatedly said she did not want to .....but anyway she said that this officer in front of my kids grandmother said he thinks my son smokes crack and is a drug dealer..

I live in a small town....there is no crack in this town ....he makes things up....believe me when i say there is no drugs involved here and i know u probably are saying well where would he get an idea that there is....this cop is out of his mind and i was told this by other cops..other cops which by the way i will never mention names of what cops said this since they asked me not to thinks he is since on the same day when he went out to get my daughter to sign this complaint had said this i am almost positive he told this judge this if i was a judge and was told a bunch of crap like this by a cop i would sign an arrest warrent too...but this is against the law to listen to this it is against judicial process and hearsay since he searched him 3 times and never found anything .....also the whole time he is being arrested and processed he is begging this son of a b***h to call us....we have a camp on a lake we go to and he said i want to call my parents before they leave for the lake ....

He wanted to not let him call so he could remain in jail for the whole did'nt work this point a bail bondsman was called and 2500.00 to bail him out so now we are out 250.00 to the bailbondsman and at the time of the meeting with the bail bondsman he said that my son admitted to doing drugs to the son never admitted to that to the when the bail bondsman met with the judge and this officer was not there with the judge at that time where did this judge get that idea....not only that when a complaint is filed there must be discovery or an investigation since none was done and no persons in the same loction and was witness to what transpired the day of this 2nd arrest this arrest is a false arrest...and since no crime or was commited and since the orginal order of protection was never disregarded this is total crap....i

Ialso can supply at least 3 familys including a school teacher that has had a problem with this anthony salerno this cop needs to be stopped NOW...for all families with teenagers in altamont because if they think this wont happen to them they are sadly mistaken...i would like a lawyer to contact me if you would like to take this case ...not only that i am going to the civil rights union and filing a complaint this point it is almost a yr ago this happened and we still have nothing settled in court yet and also the new female judge in altamont which i believe has been listening to this cop has ordered him on probation ...i do not want my son on probation...i don't want this to follow him as an adult....also if he is on probation with this stupid cop constantly harrassing my son once he is on probation he is only going to get in more trouble on this probation if he is walking down the street and salerno tries to stop him (i told him to run)

I am sick of this man putting his hands all over my son and his privite parts that i will not allow him to touch him again that means to run away can get into more and more trouble on probation because this is only going to give this salerno more weapons to get my son in trouble .....please someone help me i want this man away from my family and way from my son and i want the court system to admit that it is broken in this case...also my sons right to a speedy trial has also gone out the window since we have been asking for a trial date since this all began a yr ago....we have told the court between the two courts that we have been going to for a yr now that we want a trial and we are not going to agree to any kind of plea deal in this case right from the beginning this all happened 03-06 and we are still no further in this case since the arrest

altamont, New York

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