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DES And CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY ripoff victimized many consumers slime-ball TUCSON Arizona

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March 9, 2003


I am a senior citizen with health problems and no medical insurance. I was married for fourteen years and divorced in 1972 with three sons with one of the three already emanicaped. My former husband escaped paying child support for ten (10) years. I worked and supported the children on modest earnings. Then in 1980 after a nighmare that Im still suffering from today led me to apply for assistance from DES and received assistance from 2/1980-9/1982. I might add another nightmare!


Subequent to applying for assistance, in conjunction with the Tucson, Arizona County Attorney, and the State of
California, on or about 1983 a Court Order for child support arrearages was obtained. At this time the Department of Economic Security filed a MODIFICATION of ASSIGNMENT with the Clerk of the Court on February 11, 1983 for money owed them. Then as evidenced, DES collected the money owed them then filed a Termination of Assignment with the Court stating as follows:

Payee, (me) is no longer receiving state aid and DES has no further interest in the current child support or arrearages. This document was filed with the Court on January 4, 1984.

Then the support arrearages were directed to me until my former husband vanished again! And mind you,I never received any interest on this money, et cetera.

After some extensive research, I learned of his whereabouts; he is now retired and that his Social Securitiy Retirement could be garnished for the $200 a month.

Subsequently, I phoned the Child Support Enforcement Agency to provide them with this information. From on or about June 10, 2002 November 2002, I was led by the Child Support Enforcement Agency person to believe that I would be receiving the $200 a month and then for various reasons, I became suspicious and had reason to furthermore believe that some deceptiveness was going onand this prompted a call to an ombudsman and somehow or another I hooked-up with to someone in the Phoenix DES who in turn led me to believe the person I needed to speak to and who could resolve the problem was on vacation but he would definately upon his return call me... I never got the call!

This, of course, was a joke! I suspect what Felicia in Phoenix as we were discussing my dilemma; she at the same time was doing her good deed by looking up my case on her computer and thus leading me to believe that it was in my best interest. However upon termination of our discussion via phone, one could suspect that she immediately called the Tucson person thus reporting our discussion thus their big catch, et cetera.

So in my further confusion, I again phoned this person at the Tucson office and this is when he stated you will not be receiving the $200 a monthand goes on to explain to me that I owe the State $5,000.00 and that the DES will be collecting the $200 a month and the first payment would start on January 3, 2003. But as evidenced by a payment history print-out from the Clerks Office, the first payment was actually paid to DES on December 3, 2002.

All this deceptiveness and possible fraud
really dealt me a bruise! I could have used that $200 month for medical insurance, maybe! However additional documentation from the Child Support Enforcement Agency further establishes now that this amount exceeds the previously stated owed $5,000.


Therefore, I put my complaint in writing and submitted it to a representative of a Senators office. This information so I've been informed went to the previous Governors office who then sent this information to (IM NOT SURE ABOUT THE ORDER) the Director of the AZ DES and Division of Child Support Enforcement,
and the Attorney Generals Office. To date, since submitting my complaint with the Senators office, I have received a letter from the Director stating that my complaint was sent to his assistant and she in turn passed the buck to DES who in turn sends me a letter stating that there will be a review in thirty days,and thatI should send any supportative documents to the local office within ten (10) days from the date of her letter.

Since I have not seen any evidence of a $5,000 or more owed DES, and on what basis did they determine why I owe them and how they arrived at and/or concluded that there is a $5,000 debt....owed, I at first had a problem with sending supportative
documents; I felt that the burden of proof should be DES's responsibility, but after further thought did faxed over copies of certain documents including a Termination of Assignment; the SMOKING GUN, ... I thought... that DES filed with the Court on January 4. 1984 to the local office;

I have reason to believe that DES has established that Im not cooperating with them It was stated in their letter that they would have a determination on March 6, 2003, but I have not received any further information from them as per this March 9, 2003 ripoff report. Cont.. PASSING THE BUCK STAY TUNED ABOUT AN UPCOMING YET TO BE WRITTEN ABOUT HOW THE BUCK WAS PASSED OVER THE MURDER OF MY BROTHER! Similar to the Martha Moxly murder.


Cont Further research led me to the Court Records and a DES official payment history BUT ONLY provides information beginning in 1990 thus as per SUPPORT SERVICES information retrieved on-line;

states as follows: An Official Payment History is a detailed report containing several pages that is often used by the Court and other entities requiring a certified document. THIS IS A COMPLETE HISTORY FROM THE FIRST PAYMENT FORWARD.

Since my payment history began back in 1983, but interestingly enough, the Court obtained printout has no information regarding 1983-1989. Then in further pursuit, I took the elevator up the under repair or renovation of the second floor,
turned right and a few steps on down too the records department and later retrieved copies of documents from my Court file.

This journey led me to the Modification of Assignment and TERMINATION OF ASSIGNMENT and other evidence that leads one to believe that DES had collected all of their money.

I further see that DES had intercepted tax refunds, but not documented in the payment history and furthermore I had no knowledge of these payments having been distribed to DES. One tax payment was even distributed to DES after DES had filed the Termination of Assignment.

Also included strangly enough was a Notice of IV-D Status and CASE Type Maintenance document filed with the Court on December 18, 1990 stating as follows: This case is NOT AN ACTIVE IV-D CASE. Your records should indicate the following inactive non-IV-D CASE TYPE and case was

Then upon disclosure I see that a NOTICE TO REDIRECT PAYMENTS was filed with the Court on July 9, 1997. How could this be since the DES clearly states in the Termination of Assignment that they no longer had an interest in my current suppor payments or arrearages.

Thus upon reviewing a standard document mailing, stated as follows: The Department of Economic Security has been processing and distributing all child support payments throughout the state since 1998.

IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS BIG PICTURE! I further suspect that the Child Support Enforcement Agency contracts with the State..and I further suspect that the Board of Supervisors can give you this information.

Thus the Child Support Enforcement Agency, I also suspect, receives a percentage of all its collections, and I further suspect that if the Department of Economic Security has been processing and distributing all child support payments since 1998, isnt it possible that the Child Support Enforcement Agency employees could have been responsible for generating, maintaing, ie sorting through the Court case file for the purpose of up-dating information in 1997 for the further 1998 DES distributions, and could this transition to DES perpetuate cause and or create opportunity for changes made to individual files thereby where not only does the Child Support Enforcement Agency stands to receive commissions, but the State benefits as well. And the unsuspecting victim in most cases would never know!

Is there no justice or redress other than going to the same people(DES/Child Support Enforcement Agency) the creators of your mess, and after you've exhausted your resources in defending what you thought was justice and fairness, then you again face the same issues with these very same biased and prejudiced people, the Judge,jury, and witnesses all under the same umbrella. Is this job security or what at taxpayors expense,too!

The same people holding the gun to your head only to further shoot you and/or are there to decide and determine your fate.

I'm not a "rocket scientist" but what is wrong with this picture?

you thought was justice and fairness and after they have had their fun in trying to further intimidate you...


Tucson, Arizona

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