Complaint Review: Gov.Bob Taft - Columbus Ohio
- Gov.Bob Taft Columbus, Ohio U.S.A.
- Phone: 937-585-4348
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- Category: Personal Services
Governor Bob Taft, Ripoff To Injured Workers ripoff Columbus Ohio
*Consumer Suggestion: Board Of Directors Meeting BWC
*Author of original report: Thanx to Gov.Ted Strickland
*Consumer Comment: It's no secret-- this is how big business always handles litigation.
*Author of original report: Honda Expert Caught Destroying Evidence
*Author of original report: Checking Ex-Gov.Taft
*Author of original report: Gov.Bob Taft
*Author of original report: Gov. help Honda but not G.M or Ford
*Author of original report: self-insured companys get away with murder
*Author of original report: self-insured companys get away with murder
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I was injured in 1996 I was working at Bellmore Parts. I was hired full time in Jun 16,1994, I also worked their just about a Year before I was hired. As a temporary they changed their name to Honda transmit ion know Honda. I was working on their Transmit ion line when I was injured .
I was diagnosed having ,bilateral carpel tunnel ,contusion left wrist tendonitis , and dequervains tenosynoitis left wrist. I was also diagnosed with R.S.D. that my attorney and my Dr which is Dr (((ROR REDACTED FULL NAME FOR SECURITY PURPOSES))) of record. Has been trying to get on my claim as well.
Honda has blocked me at every turn from the very beginning at every turn, anything the Dr wonted to try was always denied by Honda ,I appeal their objection and usely am able to continue but as soon as Dr -- starts his treatment plan Honda puts a stop to it. Dr -- is concerned do to the fact that I have not been in his office fore a exam on my injury since 12-6-04 and I have been with out medication that has been proscribed fore m! e to help me get threw each day since 5-19-05.
Do to the fact Honda decided they are no longer paying fore my medication's or my Dr appointment's and treatment. My hand's swell don't mater what I try and do, they go num and tingle, I get sharp pains that go up my left arm and across my shoulder's. I was born left handed, both my hand's bother me but my left hand bother's me most. I have a lot of trouble sleeping, I drop thing's all the time and that is a hard thing to dill with. I have a lot of trouble opening jar's or dilling with small object's button's or hair pin's. my grip is very poor ,just trying to write this is a struggle, my hand's are stiff filling and fill wrated down ,but easer to read.
I wear a brace most of the time know. My hand's sweet of and on ,they get cold filling and num. this is my life know thanks to Honda and their miss treatment of their injured worker's .I live in pain and discomfort every day all day. I have been seen by 25 different Doctor's sin! ce I was injured. And two of them are Honda Doctor's that they use all the time to sent their injured worker's to their name's are Dr --- and Dr --- most of the time.
Both of the Dr's have been reported to the Ohio Medical Board, both Dr's have stated one thing but will document something totally different in my report's back to Honda and the Medical Board concerning my injury . And both Doctor's have belittled my injury and even Dr --- cant believe the Dr's are getting by with this injustice .
My last independent with Dr --- ,his behavior was not becoming a professional and neither Dr has giving me a fare independent exam and this was brought to Dr --- and my attorney's attention .both Dr's have condendickted their own report's ,even Dr --- hade caught that. This is not fare to me nor do I have to put up with being treated this way.
I can no longer play with my kid's ,I have a 17 year old and a 9 year old ,I cant have my hand or arm's hit or bump the pain that gow's thru my arm's is unbelievable ,to bump or hit my arm's ! just right to you ,you was hit or bump but to me it fill's as I was punched. I have explained my injury as best as I can, people don't care or they just don't under stand? I believe people just don't care ,it's not them ,they are pain free and live as they want.
At the end of the day they go home no problem's and play with their kid's while I'm unable to do know, because Honda get's by with with holding treatment ,there is medical evidence some one just need's to take the time to read it fore them selves and not take the word of some one else that my injury don't really effect them. I live in pain and discomfort from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep.
Dr --- has wrote I don't Know how many report's and letter's trying to help me you can speak to Dr --- at Mary Rotan Hospital Corporate health at 1-937-592-5015 ,Dr --- out of O,S,U. out of Columbus documented I have R,S,D you can call him at 1-614-488-1100.
As of 1-1-06 S.S is paying fore my medication which is Sonata ,Celebrex ,and Davorcet and I have not worked any where since 2000 as a security job was unable to continue do to my injury. We fill it's gowning to take a pretty good lawyer to take on such a huge company like Honda , I'm running out of hope of ever getting what I deserve .can you please ,please help me !!If you can help me please let me know as soon as possible.
We found out the internet that it is illegal to fire some one while on tempery total,I was on medical ,when Honda fired me and per Americans with disability act that is illegal ,I was receiving tempery total at the time, my doctor ,Dr ---- was at the time trying to work with Honda to get me back to work with my restrictions, Honda even called concerning a new line but fore some resone Honda would not speak with Dr ! --- concerning job letter s are found where Dr --- tried to see job.
He had went in to Honda before to see possible jobs but the job that was menchend by Honda he was unable to review ? I was fired instead , Believe rights was violated .was tolled files and hard drive fore my case has been shredded and cleared ,but I have all my files and Dr reports ,just wont to see if because what we found out if my case on being fired while being on temporary total can be reopened ? And why B.w.c. can take the word of a Doctor that see's you once or twice over the word and documentation of a doctor that has been on the case since the beginning.. there is other court cases that my husband has found on the inter net that state's this is not legal. If true why has this happened to me ? And that the b.w.c. cant see that my case has been ronfuly handeled .
I need my case gone over care fully so I can get a fare judgment. Thank you - In my opinion Gov. Taft is taking care of Honda, for there campain e money givin to Tafts campaine.In return Gov.Taft through BWC,OCRC,OSMB,gets Hondas injured workers claims dismissed,or draged out for 10 years like ours.Can you check out the number of Honda injured worker claims that make it out of BWC.
My wifes civil rights throught OCRC was not addressed ,was this a faver for Honda from Taft!!! We had the two Honda Dr,s checked out by OSMB,but once again Tafts ran OSMB was no help to the Ohio injured worker!!!Please can you help our Family!!!You need to check out all you can about Gov.Taft! Didnt Taft leave the country right after the coin deal could this be where he put his money from this share of the coin deal.
Maybe this is why the ohio injured worker gets no help!!Taft needed more money from BWC for his coin deals!!Thanks Jerry . are doing a great job please help use because we are getting no help from any Gov. Tafts Ohio ran offices which are there to help the Ohio injured worker!! Thanks ! for your time and I hope your family is doing well!!
DeGraff, Ohio
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#9 Consumer Suggestion
Board Of Directors Meeting BWC
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Board Of Directors Meeting BWC
My Opinion and facts Friday March 20 2009 at 8am in room 3 level 2 of the William Green Building located at 30 W.Spring St. Columbus Ohio Chairman Bill Lhota also SI directors the guy that is to make sure the Self-insured company's follow the laws.I for one will be asking why he lets the company's like Honda take your meds all the time over and over again.Its like a Torture game they play.Please try to be there so when the room that this meeting is at gets full of injured workers asking why they are treated like they are they can tell us. Also they are trying to get somethings changed and we need to be there for the Injured Workers of Ohio.There will be people there for the SI company's trying to get more things in that are in favor of them and for them.Who will be there for the injured workers if we don't show up. I will tell you NO ONE!! There is NO ONE for the injured workers of Ohio at self-insured company to turn to for help.Its the injured workers themselfs taking on these muti-million dollar company's who can torture there injured workers to the point of We can make a change if we work together for it is TIME FOR A CHANGE OHIO!!
#8 Author of original report
Thanx to Gov.Ted Strickland
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 30, 2007
Thanks to Gov.Ted Strickland
I would like to thank our new Gov. Strickland for checking into the workings of the Ohio BWC for the Ohio injured worker!As my opinions in my earlyer posts I felt there was something wrong with the way our claim was handled.After reading in the paper about the Lack of oversight, management blamed for scandal, in the Bellefontaine Examiner 3/27/07. I was glad to see that the Auditer Mary Taylors statements where she checked the Ohio Bureau of Worker Compensation out.Mrs.
Taylors office also found during the routine review of operations for 2005 and 2006 that some key financial documents had been destroyed. To me this backs my opinions of what was going on at the BWC and the handling of our claim.Thanks again Gov.Ted Strickland for checking into this for the injured workers of Ohio,and keep up the good work!!
#7 Consumer Comment
It's no secret-- this is how big business always handles litigation.
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Plaintiff's lawyer sold out by taking the easy money (settlement) rather than taking a chance on winning more in court. This is how "trial lawyers" operate, it's always about money to them. So they are easily bought, and justice needn't prevail. If you think the guy on the back cover of the Yellow Pages cares a whit about justice, well...
#6 Author of original report
Honda Expert Caught Destroying Evidence
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Honda Expert Caught Destroying Evidence
The public is baraged by attacks on the civil justice system. Most often, those attacks are made by politicians who rely on big business and the insurnace industry for their political life.
Rarely are the antics of big business in litigation exposed.
Now, thanks to the fine legal team at Trial Lawyers for Public Justice a devastating opinion from a judge against Honda and one of its experts has been unsealed.
TV screenwriters could not have written a more rivetting plot. A 17 year old girl is tragically injured in an accident, allegedly as a result of a defective roof on a Honda vehicle. The issue of whether she was wearing her seat belt is critical to the case and, according to this opinion, Honda's expert witness set out to destroy evidence which would have shown that the seat belts were being worn, then lied about it.
The story doesn't end there. After the court sanctions Honda big time (by saying in essence "you lose this case," Honda settles the case and gets the incriminating order sealed. This expert is allowed to go on testifying in other cases, and no one else is told of his dirty deeds.
In my opinion this sounds like the two Honda Doc.s in our case!!25 or so say my wife was injured at work,but two Honda Doc.s belittled her injury!!They will get caught someday!!
Not anymore!
#5 Author of original report
Checking Ex-Gov.Taft
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 15, 2007
Thanks to our new Gov.Ted Stickland who is checking out what I have been saying in my opinion what has been going on while Ex-Gov.Taft was in office!It will all be coming out now that his people cant cover for him anymore.Isnt it strange Taft leaves the USA right after he is out of office.Maybe I was not wrong after all and my opinion was right on the MONEY!!!
#4 Author of original report
Gov.Bob Taft
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 20, 2006
In my opinion of Gov. Taft I my be wrong! I would have thought by now that there would be more people giving there opinion of Mr.Taft and be in the same opinion of how the state is helping the injured workers!With the coin gate deal it all made my opinion seem that there was more going on!Because I am the only one on the web page maybe I am wrong about Gov.Bob Taft!
After our ten year fight with Honda it seemed to me that he was helping Honda!I know Honda is giving Ohio alot, with jobs for the people which makes Ohioans make there lifes better!We where hopeing to live the good life like everyone who workers at Honda! In my opinion Hondas management is not doing a very good job of takeing care of there injured workers! This will be my last post on Gov. Taft since I am the only one with this Opinion of him!If I am wrong I am sorry!
#3 Author of original report
Gov. help Honda but not G.M or Ford
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, November 01, 2006
To convince Honda to locate in Ohio, the state gave Hondaincentives worth over $60 million to build its Marysville complex. As part of the deal, Honda won't have to pay property taxes for 15 years. The Marysville plant led the boom in Honda's U.S. sales that has permanently changed the shape of the industry. Today, in American passenger car sales, the Big Three are G.M., Ford and Honda.
My Opinion,
If they can do this for Honda why not help Ford and GM
Jerry - DeGraff, Ohio
#2 Author of original report
self-insured companys get away with murder
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, October 06, 2006
Thank you for using the Feedback Box.
BWC no longer publishes the self-insured guideline rulebook which you request. The guidelines can now be found on BWC's website, You can find them on the main menu page by clicking on OHIO EMPLOYEES, then SELF-INSURED, then SI CLAIMS PROCEDURE GUIDE to SI CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION.
I have contacted Honda's Third Party Administrator, Brad Sinnott (614) 464-8278, in regards to your question about the medication Sonata. Brad told me that because you have an attorney handling your case, he prefers to contact your attorney with his response/answer to your question. Please remember that you can always file a C-86 Motion (which can be downloaded at our website) to request authorization for medications. If the request is rejected by the employer, you will be scheduled for a hearing on the matter, in the Industrial Commission. Because your claim is self-insured, BWC has no jurisdiction over the authorizations of the medications.
Again, thank you for the Feedback Box inquiry.
Bob Riehle
Constituent Affairs - BWC
If you have no computer sorry about your luck!!
#1 Author of original report
self-insured companys get away with murder
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 18, 2006
In my opinion,To all workers at self-insured companys, beware!!!The Gov. has aloud the big companys the right to self-insure there employees! This means they get to make the rules as the go on your injured workers claims. For example if you are injured they have the right to refuse treatment so you have to fight through BWC and IC to get treatment for your injury that you got at there company!!This is a joke!! We have been fighting for ten year and two bankruptcy later and still dont have a settlement yet!
As a self-insured company you have to go through BWC and get a settlement form and the company you work for has to ok the settlement price befor you can send the form in!! So all the company has to do is offer you what ever they fell like! In our case it was 5,000 for an injury that made me disabled for life!! Everyone knows thats a joke!!But by the self-insured law pur-Brad at BWC,We have to agree on the settlement before we can file form for one!! What kind of a law is that!I will tell you it is for the big companies that give big money to Gov.Campaines!!
Thats all the Gov. cares about not the person who gets injured but the companys that give big money to there campaines!! Thats how this self-insured law came into effect, so if you work at a self-insured company like Honda Beware!! Because you are about to get nothing and no help from any Gov. Office in Ohio if you get injured!
So who is paying for the companys injured workers, The tax payer not the company that injured the worker!! It must be nice for the big companes to have the Gov.taking care of them like this!! We are sorry that you the tax payer has to take care of the self-insured injured workers!!We are living off of our SSD and losing every thing we have worked so hard in life to get! This is not right so call your Senators and tell them it is time for a change!!
Sen Marc Dann is the only person so for that has see this injustice and is helping use and he has my vote on any new spot in goverment he wishes to run for!!Someone who cares for the injured worker and not big companys campaine money!! I hope to be writing a book about self-insured companys from our ten year fight, and how they get away with murder!! Thanks
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