This is my email sent to the Les Schwab claims adjuster on January 25, 2015
Mr. Carter:
I have asked you repeatedly to provide me with the facts and all your information obtained as part of your investigation. You have not done so. I am requesting you give me your reasons for your actions in writing. Bad faith denial of claims is illegal. If I do not receive this information, I will request it by certified letter
On 11-19-14 Brake Service done by Les Schwab. Invoice has no evidence of any engine problems. I made no complaint about engine problems. I was not satisfied with brake service. Pedal too low. (Mileage: 181,990)
On 12-13-14 24 days later. Tie Rod Service done by Les Schwab. Invoice has no evidence of any engine problems. I made no complaint about engine problems. (Mileage: 182,351) the car was driven 361 miles with no problems with my engine since the brake service on 11-19-14.
On 12-20-14 I had my car towed in to Les Schwab with a broken throttle linkage the night before on 12-19-14. I left the key in the drop box along with a letter dated 12-19-14. (Mileage: 182,403) That letter to Mr. Kaminski does not clearly state I was having engine problems during the week prior to December 19th. You are using bad faith tactics by Misquoting the letter. I have pointed this out to you before. The car was driven 52 miles since the last service done by Les Schwab on 12-13-14. I was contacted by Mr. Kaminski and told he would fix the throttle.. I was called to pick up my car that afternoon. On the way home the car had a knocking noise and sputtered and stalled on the way home. The throttle part was replaced , however the throttle was not properly fixed. The pedal was sticking. This is the issue you are trying very hard to avoid, Mr. Carter. The issue is whether or not the throttle was fixed when Les Schwab returned the car to me. I repeat, the issue is whether or not the throttle was fixed when Les Schwab returned the car to me. The answer is no, according to the Invoice by Double A's Automotive. Les Schwab charged me $100.00 before taxes and they did not fix my car. I have disputed this charge because my car was not fixed according to Double A's Automotive's Invoice that states I could not drive my car when it was returned from Les Schwab. Mr. Aaron Worton informed you that I should not drive my car. The invoice is very clear that my car was driven only 11 miles after leaving Les Schwab and my engine experienced an internal component failure after the throttle not having been fixed properly by Les Schwab which created the knocking and piston failure as a result. This knocking and damage does not appear on any of the Les Schwab Invoices as my having brought in my car in that condition. Again, the issue is whether or not the throttle was fixed when the car was returned to me. The answer is a clear no. This appears to have cause the rest of the internal component failure by a possible revving of my engine. Documents clearly show that Les Schwab technicians had my car last and did not repair the throttle correctly, they did not take it out for a test drive and could have revved the engine while working on the throttle if this was the cause of the internal component failure. The bottom line is that this failure happened after receiving my car from Les Schwab when it was not road worthy. I received my car this way and Double A's Invoice says so. Please see Attachment below.
On 12-22-14 Monday was the earliest I could contact Les Schwab that my car was stalling and knocking. Mr. Kaminski came to my home to check my car. He verified that the accelerator pedal was still sticking. He was there for 20 minutes.
After Mr. Kaminski inspected my car and left my home, I contacted Les Schwab Risk Services Department and filed my claim. Mr. Carter the only basis for your denial as you pointed out in your denial of claim letter dated January 5, 2015, is that you stated that my December 19th letter said that I was having engine problems during the week prior to December 19th. You know this is false and you are using this as a basis for denying my claim for damages by Les Schwab Tire Center Technician for returning my car when it was not roadworthy as documented by Double A's Automotive.
The throttle linkage was not fixed properly. It was given back to me in an un roadworthy condition. That is the issue Mr. Carter. The engine was knocking as a result of the faulty throttle and put stress on the internal components when it was driven another 11 miles. That is the only way it could have happened according to the timeline and the Les Schwab In voices and documentation. You cannot deny this claim without appearing to be negotiating in Bad Faith.
To avoid any future problems with repair issues my suggesting is to let the dealership, fix my car. I want the same engine. Double A's Automotive informed me that it would be cheaper to put in a new engine, however it would not be the same one. I want the engine to be with like kind and quality as you proposed but you had strings attached. We do not need Larson Dodge to tell me that the throttle was not fixed properly. We already know this. You continue to make unnecessary and irrelevant requests for diagnostics to keep from settling my claim. The only way I will have my car towed to Larson Dodge is to fix the damage Les Schwab Technician caused on 12-20-14 when I received my car back with a faulty throttle repair that was driven another 11 miles putting stress on other engine components. That is the only way it could have happened according to the chain of custody, and whomever had the car last.
The issue will always be whether or not Les Schwab fixed the throttle when my car was returned to me on 12-20-14 and the answer is no according to the Invoices and documentation that was sent to you. This has been my complaint all along. I am requesting Les Schwab Risk Services & Insurance Department to make me whole and repair the damage Les Schwab technician caused to my engine. Thank you.
Mr. Ressy.