Complaint Review: Logisticare Medical Transport Brokers - Nationwide
- Logisticare Medical Transport Brokers Nationwide USA
- Phone:
- Web: www.logisticare
- Category: Assisted Living Elderly & Disabled
Logisticare Medical Transport Brokers With Promed, Mears subcontracted to drive.Med transport for disabled paid $33million ovia ur public tax dollars and fed grants for medicare medicaid No show, strands, retaliates, abuse, endangers, does not care they are severely violating fed state contracts and fed ada and medi patient rts on their contract as medical service providers orlando Nationwide
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Florida legislators chose Logisticare for disabled med transport last June 2014, as many other med transport brokers vied for this $33million contract. Why as all over nation for years, Logisticare has killed disabled not even get them to dialysis. An attirney will make big money on this. I recorded events that show all including how they lie on their records to cya. They are paid by numbers of clients so they do not care if take client to their med necessiy dr appts. With severe lung infections they not get me to appts and now I am with more lung ingections and my health has been in multiple relapses. Have many witnesses including drs and their staff. Drs drove me home as did strangers and hospital staff. Im vision impaired with a service dog and have been left in dangerous areas where every type endangers occur from pit bull attacks, attempted rapists kidnappers, aggressive drivers drive reckless to intimidate retaliate, stalk you into drs and make terror type scene. Its insane. They refuse to remedy and do their job as state fed contracts require for they do not care. Many stste attorneys investigating and suing this extreme unlaw company.
Wisconsinvoice.on utube will give you mass info where man died as not taken to dialysis seven times. Texas, virginia,new jersey every state is abuse an violations and states are also.liable for they chose these transports on ur tax dollars and fed grants. Nine monrhs of eight hr plus on phone as my call records will show..four broken cells from drop in seizures orfall chasni.g the unmarked cars DRIVEN BY.IMMIGRANTS. Local transport lynx had rhis job before and did not do this. Locals lost theur job and hrs as logisticare srsff out of stste took the jobs and abuse the disabled..on recorde phone of again strand me the staff ssy well go tohospital. By medicare law No medical that a dr can treat can do hospital or be forced or that is also fedeal unlawfulness!!!they also make you say what appt is for and that is illegal. They hide complaints since stste not require logisticare gives our name. Over 22complaints done by me and for me by others and only two complaints on their files that are written up in illegallies. It is ag medicare to fraud do paperwork. So many fed and stzte laws broken this company is boldly breaking.
Corprate ofgice is a joke and thise calls are recorded . To be legally blind and stuck in this is unnaceptable. Driver yellrd and grabbed at my servi e dog. I ad been stranded with a head concussion, from falling racibg out to their car. If IF car shows its over half hr early they honk nonstop exposing your coming and going from home and again I wiped out racing to car and got in before pick up as i myself have never been late or a no show. This was when logisticare told my sister that I was given vip status. The aggro driver yelled at me when i said he is way before pick up and i fell on my head. For punishment they stranded me at labcorp to miss all the med appts already missed several times. Both mears and logisticsre violated fed law and lied i.was a no show even though they had dropped me off at labcorp. Did i fly therre?
Finally i got to chest xray two hours late plus missed gastro for third time next store. In heat forced on phone begging for rides as they lie demean abusr and blame me for falling on head, i tried to walk to gastro to tell them, and was stumbling falling running into walls as head injury. Manager did mass complaints. Logisticare owes them and all my drs no show fifty dollar fees. I and a medical faxed and faxed money logisticare owes me for cab.for mo.ths that they not pay or even decency to contact as fax and numerous calls request. Corporate top refuses to contsct and exe c secretsry thinks its some game as does their legal office which i recorded and informed. Hours later picked up from xrsy and aggro driver immed yelled grabbed service dog for driver had his seat all the way back and dog had no room. I and dog in florda heat forhrs carrying bags as need mine and dogs medical and supplies to plan ahead for being stranded struggling to get in car as driver not help as contract requires but yell and push dog. Driver rdrove reckless and texted the whole way as doing calls yelling of me to intimidate me as they were trying to cya and set me up as being a bad passenger. I videotaped intimidate me mears had a big man come to the dr park.lot..i raced out of car crying and told dr..dr drove me home as teerifued to ever get in their cars plus day before and before left stranded and attacked by pit as sick as a sick and again my pharmacy missed whih was the last scheduled ride for five times they did i nn a row and i still dont have my heart meds.
If i die..logisicare mears and promed did this..i need drs and meds and unable to get...corrupt fraud mass violations on every level...abusing harming endsngerand stealing from the disabled on ur tax dollars. If a fam or caretaker did yhis abuse and neglect they would be should be responsuve..
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/20/2015 08:55 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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