Complaint Review: Saint Matthew's Churches aka. Prayer By Letters - Tulsa Oklahoma
- Saint Matthew's Churches aka. Prayer By Letters P.O. BOX 21087 Tulsa, Oklahoma U.S.A.
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- Category: Religion
Saint Matthew's Churches aka Prayer By Letters rip off scam con artists in the name of God Tulsa Oklahoma
*General Comment: I keep getting letters
*Consumer Comment: I have been recieving letters from st. Matthew's churches
*Consumer Comment: start and finish
*Consumer Comment: The Seed Harvest Plan
*General Comment: they do ask for money
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Food for thought
*General Comment: Having Real Prayers For Free!
*Consumer Comment: May God Bless you
*Consumer Comment: You are in need of medication
*Consumer Comment: I'm a believer
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Believing
*Consumer Comment: Mental Health
*Consumer Comment: My Prayer Rug Experience
*Consumer Comment: To gf54
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: So stop sending it then
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: To the believer of FAIRY TALES
*General Comment: To the non believer of God
*Consumer Comment: additional
*Consumer Comment: btw
*Consumer Comment: sorry but your wrong
*General Comment: St Matthews Church is not a scam.
*Consumer Suggestion: Wrong about wikipedia
*Consumer Comment: Truth According To Wikipedia
*Consumer Comment: Good Fake God!!
*Consumer Comment: Posisble way.depends
*General Comment: Smarter than this...
*General Comment: A collection agency?!
*Consumer Suggestion: How to get your info off of the Saint Matthew's mailing list
*General Comment: selling hope
*Consumer Comment: It's same ol' same ol'
*Consumer Comment: I sent tthem money
*Consumer Comment: I sent tthem money
*Consumer Comment: vics not correct
*Consumer Comment: There's a reason why they don't send
*Consumer Comment: Saint Matthew Churches not a rip off
*Consumer Suggestion: Reconrenegade is right on.
*Consumer Suggestion: Do Not Respond, but take the opportunity to be reminded of Prayer
*Consumer Comment: not likely
*Consumer Comment: Blessed because of St. Matthews with $15,000 and many other things
*Consumer Comment: It is truly more Blessed to Give than to receive!
*Consumer Comment: st mathews is a fake setup
*Consumer Comment: inre: St. Matthew's Churches "alleged" junk mail...
*Consumer Comment: God is about to bless you further...from the most unlikely of sources...
*Consumer Comment: God has blessed me with $3300
*Consumer Comment: God has blessed me with $3300
*Consumer Comment: God has blessed me with $3300
*Consumer Comment: God has blessed me with $3300
*Consumer Comment: God blessed me with $3,330
*Consumer Comment: Just how are these people being blessed...
*Consumer Suggestion: Send it back!
*Consumer Comment: Lisa Said...
*Consumer Suggestion: I have found a Solution to this Problem. lets get these folks where they belong, behind bars.
*Consumer Comment: This is what I did
*Consumer Comment: This is what I did
*Consumer Comment: This is what I did
*Consumer Comment: This is what I did
*Consumer Suggestion: Hey Folks a new name "Handkerchiefs"
*Consumer Comment: Just thoughts
*Consumer Suggestion: St mathews
*Consumer Comment: Heads up... the name J.C. Joyce that was mentioned in another post on this subject
*Consumer Comment: To tithe or not to tithe...Saint Mathew's Prayer Blanket
*Consumer Comment: Not sure what to think
*Consumer Suggestion: What did you expect...
*Consumer Comment: It's a scam
*Consumer Comment: It's a scam
*Consumer Comment: It's a scam
*Consumer Comment: It's a scam
*Consumer Comment: For The Last Time You Suckers, It's Only A Scam.
*Consumer Comment: Wrong, Curt
*Consumer Comment: Test the Spirits
*Consumer Comment: Um..... think some people are confused
*Consumer Comment: Idiots who believe in god deserve what they get!
*Consumer Comment: In time the Lord will deal with Mr. Ewing
*Consumer Comment: God did not say...
*Consumer Comment: Another Victim
*Consumer Comment: NOT stupid, just desperate!
*Consumer Comment: Unwanted "Religious" mail
*Consumer Comment: God is Good!
*Consumer Comment: Give 10% of your firstfruits.
*Consumer Comment: Give 10% of your firstfruits.
*Consumer Comment: Give 10% of your firstfruits.
*Consumer Comment: Give 10% of your firstfruits.
*Consumer Comment: Give 10% of your firstfruits.
*Consumer Comment: Is God Supplementing His Income By Moonlighting As A Realtor ?
*Consumer Comment: Saint Matthew's churches aka Prayer by letters.
*Consumer Comment: prayer rugs, the seed principle, seed harvest plan
*Consumer Suggestion: Sned it back, plus some..
*Consumer Comment: Heres an idea we throw all of our money straight up into the air
*Consumer Suggestion: Send them the Rip Off Report
*Consumer Suggestion: St. Matthew's Bogus prayer letters
*Consumer Suggestion: Mail Back A Box Of Sand At Their Expense
*Consumer Comment: Give to your local church before you send your money to someone you don't know!
*Consumer Suggestion: Are you a complete moron or what!?!??
*Consumer Comment: Give The People What They WANT! different than a child believing in Santa
*Consumer Suggestion: bryan
*Consumer Suggestion: bryan
*Consumer Suggestion: bryan
*Consumer Suggestion: bryan
*Consumer Suggestion: The USA is a breeding ground for so called TV Preachers/Evangelists
*Consumer Suggestion: selling holy water that isnt even close to holy
*Consumer Comment: people will believe anything even when proven when its proven to be fake
*Consumer Suggestion: I'll Prey for you!
*Consumer Suggestion: I'll Prey for you!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Not Scam At All
*Consumer Suggestion: sending it back
*Consumer Comment: Pure of heart yes. Being pure of heart is good but knowingly helping a crook commit a crime means one is misguided.
*Consumer Comment: Peter Popoff is a Fake!!
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Forged a check on my mother's check account
*Consumer Suggestion: These people don't.....but God does need money
*Consumer Comment: Test yes
*Consumer Comment: Giving
*Consumer Suggestion: REPORT THESE GUYS TO IRS
*Consumer Suggestion: I almost agree with the idiot response, Let them pay for my mailing trash to them
*Consumer Comment: What does God need with money?
*Consumer Comment: Your right Paul. But... Sometimes God wants us to do things that dont make sense to test our faith.
*Consumer Suggestion: thats the point
*Consumer Comment: Dont send money to st. matthews; send it to GOD
*Consumer Comment: Seed faith
*Consumer Comment: Thanks Mike!
*Consumer Comment: Thanks Mike!
*Consumer Comment: Thanks Mike!
*Consumer Comment: Read the Trinity Foundation's report!
*Consumer Comment: Another one?
*Consumer Comment: Another one?
*Consumer Comment: Another one?
*Consumer Comment: Another one?
*Consumer Suggestion: Using the trash can is free
*Consumer Suggestion: Tithing is wrong in this case
*Consumer Comment: If these people are using this to scam others, then God will judge them directly.
*Consumer Suggestion: Address the same as lawyer's address?!?!?
*Consumer Suggestion: Do not send the money
*Consumer Comment: GOD will judge them
*Consumer Comment: You People must all be idiots
*Consumer Comment: Saint Mathew's Churches Tulsa Oklahoma
*Consumer Comment: Still no word from them
*Consumer Comment: Rip-off con artists in the name of CHRIST
*Consumer Comment: A Church with no one attending at service.
*Consumer Comment: A Church with no one attending at service.
*Consumer Comment: A Church with no one attending at service.
*Consumer Comment: A Church with no one attending at service.
*Consumer Comment: The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
*Consumer Comment: The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
*Consumer Comment: The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
*Consumer Comment: Never heard from them again
*Consumer Comment: Saint Matthew's Churches Scams well documented by The Trinity Foundation specializes in exposing religious swindles
*Consumer Suggestion: Send the letters back!
*Consumer Comment: This is a very slick operation. On par with the old scam of the tent missionaries
*Consumer Suggestion: Who are they?
*Consumer Comment: They are now sending prayer rugs (paper) with the face of Jesus.
*Consumer Comment: Stop throwing away your money!
*Consumer Comment: Stop throwing away your money!
*Consumer Comment: Stop throwing away your money!
*Consumer Comment: Stop throwing away your money!
*Consumer Comment: This is a Really Old Scam
*Consumer Comment: The Believers vs Nonbelievers
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: I have tried to get rid of them too
*Consumer Comment: Saint Matthew's Churches Scams
*Consumer Comment: The Results of an Investigation
*Consumer Suggestion: Suggestion send the stuff back
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Just to note, this isn't in any way affiliated with the REAL St. Matthew's church in Tulsa. They're a real church (and from what I hear, a great one at that!)
This is a great example of how they play on people's emotions to get money out of them
It started when I opened the mailbox and saw this letter for Saint Matthew's churches there. Curious, I opened it. It seemed as if it were for a prayer circle type of group. This is ok since I enjoy the whole idea of prayer circles. I read through the material and wow, cheesy stuff I tell you what. It instructed to mail back the envelope while keeping the other "special" envelope under my pillow. This was to be done with "special" prayers and bible passages. *shrug* Call me curious I sent in the info. Big mistake, I mean HUGE.
Turns out, they want money in order for your "prayers to come true". Oh yeah, scam time boys and girls. I hit the internet running when their next set of propaganda came. There is no church (go figure, and I refuse to capitalize it because they aren't a church), there is no information, there is NOTHING. I would like to know where the money is going to, I'm assuming others would too. Aside from the obvious scam, it smells of a gifting scheme too.
I do have to laugh everytime I get their letters (I cannot get off their mailing list no matter how many times I shred and send them back their stuff), they send cute little "blessed" items. A piece of "Joshua's Gold Harvest Cord", a felt number 3, "Joseph's" coat, and on and on. What worries me is people who are superstitious *for lack of a better word* would fall for this. Money isn't going to come to you by sleeping with it under your pillow, in your window sill or pinned to your clothing.
These scammers need to be exposed and people need to be warned. I wasn't dumb enough to send money, but as I said there are people that WILL fall for this and it isn't right. My only regret is that I was curious and now they won't leave me alone. I've even written (both nice and very nasty) letters asking to be removed about 5 times now. These are horrid people scamming in the name of Christ. You've been warned.
Omaha, Nebraska
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 09/19/2002 08:41 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#160 General Comment
I keep getting letters
AUTHOR: Sergio - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 27, 2016
I keep getting letters from st Matthews since November 2015 and I return them back , I put remove from mailing list and also refused and please no more mail. Then the following month another letter comes in the mail and I have to do the same thing all over again.

#159 Consumer Comment
I have been recieving letters from st. Matthew's churches
AUTHOR: michelle - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 03, 2016
i just want to point out that they never say you have to send in money they sujest what would be a good seed offering, but what is the difference between sending 10% of your money to them or paying tithes at church it still goes to God's work doesn't it that's all I see it as. I get letters from them all the time and sometimes they ask for a certian amount but they never say I have to send it and they always follow with or whatever God puts on your heart to send. If you know for sure that they are not a church who they say they are then ok I will believe you that they are scamming but how do we know its not the actual church and the way i see it is as long as my money is helping someone do God's work then thats what God wants. However if they are scamming and just saying they are doing God's work but are not then they will be punished by God.

#158 Consumer Comment
start and finish
AUTHOR: memyselfandi - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
so very many thoughts on one subject, everyone chiming in wow, seems the real issue is our start and our finish. why lean on any religion? its not a question, one person could never assume to answer for all, those two questions. most belife systems are this is where YOU started ,and this is what remains of YOU after death, follow this set of rules and it will be as WE (the answer you follow by whomever you choose) say it will be. Hmmm. if there was a great reward,or afterlife,or pay as you go miracles, each( you )will choose the good or the bad of any situation and see how it fits what you need from it,altering it as you go to fit using or, dicarding all or peices of it along the way, every single choice,thought,word,or deed, is based on start and finish. Will my choices support my idea of MY everafter or, destroy it? As far as right or wrong,waste of time ,or just plain foolishness,sending funds to these people,as individual choice, is well just that an individual's choice,nothing more nothing less. remember to each their own. and ANYONE with the answers to start and finish are missleading . what was supposed to be is now different Hmmm, truth is discovering those answers is very personal, and a journey for each with the ability to find that answer for themselves. if you are good, all around good is drawn to you, remember the fairy tale santa clause wow some serious happiness here, thanks giving, hog wash but gathering is so delight ful for most so is it real or a scam sells lots of turkeys, people gather and love one another so its all good do you see?.please dont spend your life worried about your choices for without them you will NEVER know, never grow, and never go to the last page of your book and finish the story.

#157 Consumer Comment
The Seed Harvest Plan
AUTHOR: Anjanette Oliver - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, July 19, 2014
I don't want to beleive that it is a scam because I also have faith in the Lord and all the prayers in the letters. It amazes me all the stories I read in them about how all these people's prayers are getting answered after the send in their seed harvest payment. I know the Lord answers pryaers in his own way and in his own time. My fiance and I are both on a limited income and want to be able to send the church more than a couple of dollars. When the last letter I read incouraged for me to send in a seed payment before paying anything else,like all the creditors I owe money too made me decide to go online and loor up information about it all. Then come across the rip off report. I read all you said and I agree the letters can help in a time of need. I have sent in several checks to the St Mathew's Church for three dollars cause that is all I really can afford to do. If I did what I started to do by sending them my credit card info for a payment a lot larger that would of caused a lot of items to be unpaid. If I would get a letter from the church thanking me for the payment to the church to help them do the Lord's work maybe I would second guess my self. Just like you every letter I read brings me closer to the Father and Jesus Christ.

#156 General Comment
they do ask for money
AUTHOR: diane - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, June 01, 2014
Saint Matthews Churches do ask for money. I just got my second letter ftom them and they asked for money twice. I will be throwing away any mail that I get from them in the future. My God doesn't require money for prayers.

#155 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Food for thought
AUTHOR: Bubblebear - ()
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I would rather live as if God exists than to not and find out he does:
38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.
Understand, that just because you may not believe, doesn't mean that he doesn't exist:
You can't see the air but yet you know it exists..........right?

#154 General Comment
Having Real Prayers For Free!
AUTHOR: cynthia - ()
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 24, 2013
Yes, I have received from them also and like an idiot I sent back just to see. I didn' t give them over ten dollars. I have come across a website, and don't even remember how? But it is for real! They don't ask for anything but to read the prayer lists occationally and pick a few to pray for and let them know you have prayed for them. That's It! all you have to do is set up your account, which is also free! Like any other website account.. And I must say, my past prayers HAVE been aswered!!
So, are you ready? Google: TheCrystalSilenceLeague It's amazing!
Ha, Maybe we should have the rip off scammers put on the prayer list!? Thank You and Have Faith :))

#153 Consumer Comment
May God Bless you
AUTHOR: God's Gurl - ()
SUBMITTED: Saturday, June 08, 2013
Jesus died on the cross for our sins believe it or not. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world believe he doesn't exist. I'm not here to make you a believer nor go back and forth about religion, the difference between animals and humans is we have a choice and my choice is God!!!!!! Be blessed and may God continue to Bless You!!!!!!

#152 Consumer Comment
You are in need of medication
AUTHOR: Freedomfighter - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 14, 2013
You are a believer? In what? Prayer rug voodoo? Jeebus H. Christ?
Just think... if you had placed as much value on learning to reason (and spell), as you have in religious hocus-pocus, you might not need fairy tales in your life. Clearly you use fairy tales to justify both the good and bad in life; the rest of humanity just deals with life as it comes. We have no need to worship a volcano god, or sacrifice virgins, etcetera.
Let's see... I threw the stupid prayer rug junk mail into my trash, without reading it. I then began posting here about it; and that must really tick off Jeebus. What did Jeebus do to me? NOTHING. I have had exactly ZERO tragedies in my life that can be attributed to throwing a piece of junk mail into the trash, etcetera. I don't expect that I will face any retribution from Jeebus at any point in the future, for disposing of trash.
People like you who blame their lives on boogeymen do so because they lack the capacity to be responsible for their own failures/shortcomings. It is much easier to shirk responsibility, and blame Dr. Satan (DR. SATAN!!!!). Let's pretend for a moment that there really were "gods" and "devils" (free clue: there aren't). Do you really think that, with all the power associated with being a "god" or a "devil", that YOUR SOUL would be a matter of importance to either? Really?? Do humans generally worry about the ants that they step on? Of course not. If you do think that a war between "gods" and "demons" is being waged over your soul... tack on a bit of "narcissism" to whatever psychological malfunction that you suffer from. Trust me... your soul is of no importance to anyone but you... and I doubt you even consider it to be important, since you blame it all on gods, devils, and other assorted imps.
Tell me... do you believe in Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? Do you blame them for your failures in life? No? Why not? Because that would be "silly"? You bet it would. My point EXACTLY. Grow up, Virginia. There is no Santa Claus. There are no "gods", and no "devils". Junk mail prayer rugs don't have the ability to bless you, or curse you.
Jeebus H. Christ. No wonder the rest of the world laughs at Americans.

#151 Consumer Comment
I'm a believer
AUTHOR: God''s Gurl - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 14, 2013
I have been getting their letters for years now and love it! If you've recieved a letter from them think about the events going on in your life or what happened after you rejected them trust me it all aligns itself. They don't ask for money its not like they are forcing you to give anything. They are strictly here to give the word of God. God says you should pay your tithes you dont have to pay them to them you can do as I do I give to my church and when I have left over I give to them, and my giving doesnt come back void. God is good I gave my last $8 and 2 days later I found $80! I look forward to recieveing letters from Saint Matthews Church they are defenitly helping me with my walk with Christ

#150 REBUTTAL Owner of company
AUTHOR: snookie - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Wanted to say that, I, too, questioned these people. However, even tho I sent money because I thought they were the church that my grandparent's sent money to, I wasn't convinced it wasn't a scam. I went ahead and sent a check to see if I was right or wrong. When I could not find out who cashed it and did not get an answer to my questions. I wondered if I should send more. After all, they did send out all this stuff that cost money and believe it or not. I did reap what I sowed. It is all in believing in something. I believe in God and if they are taking my money people give to churches every day and you get back the same thing. A chance to believe. There are scam artist who take, if I receive something back, more power to them.

#149 Consumer Comment
Mental Health
AUTHOR: TheEqualizer - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wow. Mary Magdalene, daughter of the smog-filled winds of Los Angeles (some folks will get that reference) certainly has some interesting imaginary friends that come to visit her at night.
Certainly, people have a right to believe what they will, even if their beliefs... and the cults in which they believe, tend to perscute entire swaths of humanity... like gays, or perhaps nonbelievers. Yet, belief in imaginary "devils" and imaginary "gods" that come to check in on you whilst you sleep simply because you placed some snake-oil prayer rug on your wall, that is symptomatic of larger issues.
If a person claimed to have had multiple visits, in dreams, from aliens from outer space... because they happened to purchase the new Star Trek movie and placed it on their video shelf... most Xtians would SCOFF, and consider the person to be delusional. If a person claimed to see dead people (I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!!!), and claimed that they communicate with them and it all began after they found a "Zuni fetish doll" and placed it on the nightstand... most Xtians would say that the person is in need of mental health intervention. If a person is prone to visual and auditory hallucinations, whether fully awake or partially asleep, and finds it more than coincidence that these horrors began because someone left the toilet seat up again... most Xtians would be filing court papers in order to have their loved one committed involuntarily.
So... while people can (and will) believe some fairly retarded things, belief in "PRAYER RUG DEMONS' that plague you in dreams, well, it is DELUSIONAL. The person believing this nonsense has "issues" and is likely in need of mental health intervention. Clearly, the cult they have been indoctrinated into, along with its well-know propensity to run fear and loathing campaigns in order to gain followers and scare current followers into submission, has done its work well in this case. They have created a person that is now entirely dependent upon beliefs in imaginary threats, and imaginary beings.
If I were a member of Ms. Magdalene's family, I would check her into a rubber room, for her own good. To protect her, and others, from herself. People with delusions that are this "real", for lack of a better term, could be a hazard to themselves and all those around them, because of their belief in the absurd.
Mary doesn't need prayer rugs, or religion. Mary needs meds, some depreogramming, and a long rest away from sharp objects.
Good luck Mary!

#148 Consumer Comment
My Prayer Rug Experience
AUTHOR: Mary Magdalene - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I recieved one of these prayer rugs from St. Matthew's Church about 2 yrs. ago. I decided to post it on the inside of my bedroom door. I began having very strange dreams- one dream was about me & an old friend of mine lying in bed, listening to some religious sermon about god. Then I began to hear very demonic voices.
The following night, I dreamt that I was in a strange house which was decorated with all sorts of nic-nacs and figures of Christ. When I reached up to touch one, Christ's face totally changed from our current image of him to a man with dark hair, skin & eyes (probably, the way he actually looked).
Then one night, I was in between sleep & wakefulness when I was held down & molested (tormented all over) by a demon. It had taken the form of my old best friend, but was wearing a dress of mine. This demon (florescent blonde hair, green face of a man) said (in the most demonic voice), "now it's time for you to"- before it could say die, I shouted "god bless me". It immediately disappeared and let go from holding me down, I jumped out of bed.
The next day, I ripped that picture down, opened my blinds and blessed my room. I have not had any experiences like that ever since. I guess it was God's conformation to me that this was not from him, but of satan. My dad always warned me of false idols, such as pictures of christ, the image of the cross, etc.. I believe that if we believe in God & Christ that we should have no need of these images, etc.. They are a stumbling block for some Christians, because they have no power to save you! They serve no true purpose & if you feel as though you need them to feel closer to God, your mistaken. That's what faith is for!
Also, there is no need to send money to anyone for prayer... it's ridiculous. If you're lacking anything, all you need to do is ask God. It also says in the bible, to basically, watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing! We are bombarded by false prophets through the mail, on television and the internet. All they care about is making money & unfortunately they are getting away with this. People fall for this BS. It's a shame that these false Christians are causing true believers to be viewed by some in such a negative way.
We live in America, where we are able to practice or believe in any religion, God, or anything else we want. As Christians we are not to judge & condemn anyone else because their beliefs may differ from ours- whether they be Catholic, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, gay, etc... I personally find truth in many religions, and the ones that I don't- I may sometimes express my opposing views, but I don't condemn them!
We have the right to believe in whatever we want, but these supposed Christian's making themselves rich selling false hopes & prayers should be put in jail where they belong. One day though, they will be judged by the one true judge & will reap what they are sowing. Shame on them!

#147 Consumer Comment
To gf54
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, July 15, 2012
TO even consider the st mathews thing anything but a scam... is evil and for you to equate this to 'going to hell' is proof that you are likley part of the scam and likley not a christian and definatley more demonic than the scam itself.
Even if one is of a particular faith it doesnt mean you should succum to the frauds and accept it.
To do so makes you a servant of evil...and its that simple.

#146 REBUTTAL Individual responds
So stop sending it then
AUTHOR: Annoyed@Stupidity - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 25, 2012
So if it is as simple as that why not stop sending it to people that ask you to? You are suppose to be about something loving and kind not shove it down everyone's throats. I do not want it, it is a waist of paper to me but you keep sending it. So stop sending it and find someone who cares. Rather or not we call the big guy what you call him doesn't make any difference. The words believer and nonbeliever are bad it makes us look bad in your eyes and you see us as bad. I do not see you as bad, right or wrong. I just want to go to my mailbox and actually get mail even a bill. Also we aren't your friends if you label us unbelievers. To us you are a nonbeliever but I won't tell everyone that.

#145 REBUTTAL Owner of company
To the believer of FAIRY TALES
AUTHOR: TheEqualizer - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Me? End up in Hell? For simply not believing in some supreme being. Look... if some supposed suporeme being is so petty that he would condemn his own creations to eternal torment because they lacked faith... well, that is not a supreme being I would want to believe in. Tell you what, sporto... you go ahead on believing in your fake gods, and in your fairy tales. Send in your "seed faith" gifts to Joe Conman of the 1st Prayer Rug Church of Money. If you think that will buy you a seat just a little closer to King Humpty Dumpty, have a nice fantasy.
When I die, I will go where everyone else in this world goes when they die. Either into a deep hole, or burned to dust. Perhaps dumped at sea. It doesn't really matter much to me... I will be DEAD! When you die, you too will be disposed of properly. There is no kingdom in the sky, with roads of gold. Likewise, there is no lake of fire, with demons that carry pointy sticks, etcetera. These fairy tales were created for one reason and one reason only: to control and manipulate stupid people.
The Bible is not the word of an God. It is the word of men; men who had reasons for writing that drivel. It was also assembled (edited) by men, again, with specific reasons. In fact, ordinary men were not even allowed to read the Bible until relatively recently... because stupid, uneducated, illiterate people are far easier to control and manipulate. The church(es) knew that and they made sure that their flocks were as dumb as possible. Dumb people give money without asking many questions. Dumb people justify "seed faith" scams, and lecture others about their lack of faith. The scams don't work against intelligent people. THey are designed for, and dependent on dumb people.
So, it seems religion and prayer rug scams were meant for you. My suggestion would be, you should donate every red cent you have to them immediately!

#144 General Comment
To the non believer of God
AUTHOR: gf54 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 17, 2012
I feel sorry for you, and I will pray for your soul tonight when I go to bed. You have your opinion, but do you really want to end up in H**l?

#143 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 20, 2012
SOme of the pics btw, on that website are not of the church they pretend to be and actually belong to another church...and btw, over the years has changed at least 3-4 times that I remember.
Fact is, the real st Mathews does not do prayer by mail anyway.

#142 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Monday, February 20, 2012
btw, that website is partially bogus.

#141 Consumer Comment
sorry but your wrong
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 19, 2012
Anybody who considers this not a more than likely a part of it.
IT is and has been a known scam for 30+ years and its been documented and proven both in court and out. Unfortunatley in most areas its not illegal while it is in fact illegal in some states.
This is a scam, and the local 'real' St Mathews has repeatedly disavowed this that it is in fact a scam used in their name, and they have tried to sue them before too.
To consider this not a scam, makes you a part of it and equally evil.

#140 General Comment
St Matthews Church is not a scam.
AUTHOR: glsmommy - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 05, 2012
I just read the ripoff report for St Matthews Church a.k.a prayer letters, and I have recieved these mailings also. I understnd why someone would believe that these letters are scams, but I have a completly different opinion.
When I would recieve the letters, they would inspire my faith more and more with every one. Also never in any of the letters I recieved did any of them EVER tell me that my prayers would not be answered unless I paid.
I believe that when I make my seed offering to them I am planting my finacial seed with God in complete faith, what they do with it is up to them to be judged. I also did research on this subject and found very solid information regarding why they send the letters they do and why the address is not a church at all.
I will hope that if the person who filed this origanal report recieves another prayer letter that they would read it in full before assuming that they tell you that you have to pay to have God answer your prayers because that is not the case.
Here are a few excellent webpages to look at to verify that they are a legitimate organization.
And if you have any additional concerns regarding the letters or the church here is the website to contact them:
Thank You for your time and I hope you take a look at thier website for a better understanding of who they are and what they do. And I will continue to support them regardless of scam reports.

#139 Consumer Suggestion
Wrong about wikipedia
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 04, 2011
For one, you shouldnt pay attention to wikipedia which is a user submited information.
Most of the above about wiki is incorrect.
The stmathews scam has never been any kind of church for more than 30 years.
There are legit real churchs by the same name that specifically never does mailings per this scam.

#138 Consumer Comment
Truth According To Wikipedia
AUTHOR: Melisscat - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 20, 2011
This is a link to what wikipedia has to say about St Matthews Church. Some interesting things are talked about. Like the fact that they do have a church. But it's in New York and Houston. When you send them mail to Oklahoma you're not sending it to the church. Because the Church is another state. But the Church does exist. It also says that the man who started St Matthews Church bought a mansion in Beverly Hills. It is a big house over 6,000 square feet. Anyways, check it out for yourself.

#137 Consumer Comment
Good Fake God!!
AUTHOR: Freedomfighter - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 08, 2011
It says, "This very old church loans this to you, to bless someone connected with this home. Then, it must go to another family that desires God's blessings. See letter inside...".
On the back of the envelope, the laughter continues, "God is doing great things in answer to prayer. Log onto (omitted).com and (omitted).com to read testimonies of answered prayers".
Then, on the bottom of the back of the envelope, in a handwritten, block letter style font, it says, "Dear Jesus, We pray that you will bless someone in this home spiritually, physically, and financially. And please dear Lord, bless the one whose hands open this letter. Make good cganges in this one's life and give them the desires of their heart. We pray over and bless this letter in your holy name. Amen".
Where to start? "Very old church"? The church that didn't have a church building until around 2004? THAT very old church? The one that is only, technically, about 60 years old... as compared to European churches that date back CENTURIES? Using governmental imagery both on the envelopes and on their websites in order to put people at ease that it MUST be real... and possibly government-sanctioned! Uncle Sam... bending down to pray? I kid you not. It is on their ridiculous website. Good fake Christ.
This IS the Christian religion, people. While there might be few cruds as brazen as these clowns, most of the Xtian churches sell the same snake oil. Snake Oil salesmen. Promising blessings... "spritually, physically, and FINANCIALLY". Especially to those who take the next step and just open the envelope!!! You will get more than ANYONE!!! To quote DEVO, they have "something for everybody!".
"Saint MAtthew's Church" of Tulsa OK are not rated well with the BBB. Yet, this "church": isn't selling anything that any other Xtian church in the world is selling. Blessings for tithes. Financial gain for "seed faith" donations. A seat closer to God, if'n you just give more. They have "something for everybody".
Unfortunately, the people they victimize are listed right on the envelope. The disabled (those needing physical help). The poor (those needing financial gain). The elderly don't rate to make it on the envelope... but fear not! They weren't left out of the scam. They are on the website!! Of course, they also victimize stupid people. People too stupid to simply not open up the envelope... and who are dumb enough to believe in hocus-pocus, dollar-for-blessing mail fraud scams.
People... if there were a God... do you really think he would have created Republicans? Neo-conversatives (polite for fascists)? Really? Do you think he would need dollars to provide blessings? An arc to cart around animals while he wipes out the world? Why would he need to turn water into wine when he could simply fart out more wine? Men living in fish? Oh... and the world is only a few thousand years old too?? Forget the dinosaurs.... that is just some devil guy trying to trick us.
Good fake God. America is doomed. Europe put religion in its place... and few give it credibility at all. America?? We are dumbed-down enough to not only believe the rubbish... we insist that our Presdients believe it and attest to their "faith".
Free clue: If "faith" is required and no proof can be given, it isn't true or real. It is as fake as the claims on the St. Matthews Church envelopes.

#136 Consumer Comment
Posisble way.depends
AUTHOR: Paul - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, June 05, 2011
If what they send is first class u can refuse the mail and they end up paying the postage.
but most of their junk isnt... but if first class, send it back unopened.
If u did open it, maybe they have a sase to waste their $$.

#135 General Comment
Smarter than this...
AUTHOR: strangerthanpulpfiction - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 26, 2011
Fortunately, I can say that for myself, and I feel for those of you out there who fell prey to such a scam. I have heard it to be true that these scam artists focus on areas where elderly people may most likely reside, such as, but not limited to: apartment complexes and the like.

#134 General Comment
A collection agency?!
AUTHOR: sheffields_avenue7683 - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I have been receiving these letters from Saint Matthew's Churches. Noticed that the P.O.Boxes keep changing. they keep asking me to sign up for this harvest plan and send them money. as well in a demanding way! I personally think it's a collection agency trying to cover itself up! I do have medical bills to pay, but I just do not have the money cause I am not currently working. yet, ONLY I get these letters in the mail, not one else in the family gets them! Do NOT send money to them! I think there is a real church, but it has a street name! The P.O.Boxes are scams!

#133 Consumer Suggestion
How to get your info off of the Saint Matthew's mailing list
AUTHOR: Michael - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I called the law offices of J.C. Joyce at 918-585-2751 and said I wanted to get off of their mailing list. I was transferred to a nice lady who assured me she would get me off of the list.

#132 General Comment
selling hope
AUTHOR: Shorty - (United States of America)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I just want to say I have received those same letters. And for 3 months they told me God and Jesus had a big blessing for me if I sent them $40.00 or double it the more I gave a bigger blessing I had coming. So every monday in the mail i would receive a letter read it and just tossed it on over to the trash. I got so tired of them writing me I have sent them several letters telling them to stop selling hope cause they know not the hour,day,or month when I'll be blessed. Right today they still send letters and its been over six months since I told them to stop leave me the f**k alone, who the hell are these people.

#131 Consumer Comment
I sent tthem money
AUTHOR: rmiller - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I have sent them money but for some reason today I decieded to look them up on line to see what I could find. I came across this site. Now I have decieded to go ahead and send them the 10 dollars that they instructed me to send, only I am sending play money. I am also enclosing a note to say I have no real money could you please send me some of yours.

#130 Consumer Comment
I sent tthem money
AUTHOR: rmiller - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I have sent them money but for some reason today I decieded to look them up on line to see what I could find. I came across this site. Now I have decieded to go ahead and send them the 10 dollars that they instructed me to send, only I am sending play money. I am also enclosing a note to say I have no real money could you please send me some of yours.

#129 Consumer Comment
It's same ol' same ol'
AUTHOR: Bob - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 28, 2009
I too, have sent this "Church" money, taken in by the genuine Bibical quotes and slick letters they wrote to me with the appearance of being personal. I was at a very low point in my life, and thru my own misery thought this was genuine... But alas, it was not to be. For those of you who poke fun in jest to the poor souls including myself that bought into the scheme, shame on you! How many people who was taken by this church has given up on their lives because of this may never be known. As for myself I may have never uncovered the truth if I hadn't stumbled onto this site. I never sent as much money as they had requested (because I didn't have it to spare), but a nagging question remains; how many people did, because of beliefs cultivated in their youth attending church with parents, grandparents, ect.
This "Church" needs to be investigated and stopped. I cannot believe what they are doing is within the laws of the state they are located in, let alone the moral laws they broke preying on people in a weak moment of their lives. With Christian beliefs, it is spelled out in the Bible you are to tithe 10% of your money to the church. Funny they never mention that. They just give you an "amount" they feel you should "sow" as your "seed offering". But shame on me for giving them money. I just hope those poor in spirit find this site and read before they give them any more money. Then if they choose to do so, then shame on them! But please don't punish the uninformed and miserable trying to find an answer for their plight. You may someday find yourself in the same situation. I know I did.

#128 Consumer Comment
vics not correct
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 11, 2009
this is in fact a fake setup, and any and all $$ sent to this guy who lives in California but has legal maildrops here goes to him.
Any $$ sent to this criminal outfit makes that contributor a knowing part of the criminal act.
The above person who claims this to be real is either a part of the crime or is foolish enough that he is unwittingly a part of it.

#127 Consumer Comment
There's a reason why they don't send
AUTHOR: Sst047 - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 26, 2009
this stuff to local people. We've known about them for years.

#126 Consumer Comment
Saint Matthew Churches not a rip off
AUTHOR: Vic - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This is in response to all the people that are bashing this church..This is not about money, it is about faith. Yes they use God's Word to confirm what they say but these are not their words these are God's Words and His promises not Saint Matthews words or promises. I have been receiving the letters for months and I cannot tell you what a God sent they are..The Bible says in I Cor. 14:3, "But everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their encouragement, strenghtening, and comfort." That is exactly what they have done for me..For months I have been going through some things, decisions I have had to make and these letters have encouraged me to not give up or quit, they have strengthened my faith in God and I have a great relationship with my Father, and they also have comforted me when I needed comforting...This to me is more important than all the money in the world. If you're trying to see this as a get rich quick remedy, then you're right because it isn't going to happen. God does not operate in this matter..If you're only doing these things and sending money for your own selfish gain and wrong motives then you're right it isn't going to happen. God is not a genie...He is faithful to keep His promises, but in His timing and not ours. Yes He is Almighty God and He can do what He wants and He doesn't have to explain Himself why He chooses to bless others right away and others He chooses to wait. He sees the heart of man and knows what we are about..Yes, they do ask for a donation because like anything else it takes money to run God's business. They don't make us give...I don't send them money all the time but when I do it is for God's kingdom work, not to get rich and they still pray for me even when I don't send anything. The prayers have been answered, maybe not the way I would like them to be but God does promise to answer them. God said, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be enough meat to eat. This means He wants us to support His work..He also said to test Him on this and see if He doesn't open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it..Malachi 3:8-10...In Phil 4:19..God says, "God will supply all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." These are God's promises but then you have to do your part as well...If your goal to get money is for selfish gain and wrong motives then don't look for anything..I believe if you're one of the church bashers then you don't have any idea about God and how He works...It first starts with a relationship with His Son, Jesus..If you don't know Jesus as your Savior then this is the best time to do it...The Bible says," Without faith, it is impossible to please God." It is all about faith, trust and His timing which could be days, weeks, or months...Yes some of the things they say to do sound silly but in the Bible one of God's prophet told Naaman who had leprosy to go and dip himself in the Jordan river 7 times and he would be healed, but this man argued because it was the dirtiest river around and he wanted to do it in a clean place..He did in anyways and after the 7th time he was healed and his skin was smooth like a the prophet did not heal him, it was his faith that healed him and his obedience to do what he was told... I would suggest instead of bashing God's church, His people, and His work, why don't you take it up with God himself and see what He has to say to you about it? If you ask, He will answer. He said, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.. Thank you and may God bless all of you because no matter what you say or where you are in your life, God loves you and Jesus died for you..

#125 Consumer Suggestion
Reconrenegade is right on.
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, May 16, 2008
For those who must give $$, give it to a local need or at least to one that will in fact use it to help others.
Giving to this one does nothing but make one guy richer than he already is
Knowingly giving to this scam still though makes one just as wrong or bad as the scammer.

#124 Consumer Suggestion
Do Not Respond, but take the opportunity to be reminded of Prayer
AUTHOR: Reconrenegade - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 15, 2008
All I have to say, the world has so many organizations that are "non for profit" and you really don't need to be solicited by them to know that people need your help to help others. Instead of writing a nice check to this group with their snappy prayer paper rug, why not send a nice check to an organization that can back up with they claim.
This is all besides the fact/idea that this whole Saint Matthew's Churches idea is a scam. I think it is. Besides, very fundamentalist, and I am NOT for fundamentalism :D

#123 Consumer Comment
not likely
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 15, 2008
I doubt the previous rebutal is real.
Only a fool or a 'tool of SAtan' would think this scam is anything but what it is.
A way to steal $$ from people to make the guy rich who owns the biz and similar scams too.
Too bad, the worst evil in the world is not Satan himself, but the misguided christian who is his best tool.

#122 Consumer Comment
Blessed because of St. Matthews with $15,000 and many other things
AUTHOR: Faithful - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 11, 2008
I have been blessed because of St. Matthews.Ihave had many blessings through their letters. They include many answered prayers, healings, financial blessings a new car, healings for others.In april of 07, I requessted prayer for a financial blessing.They sent me a letter that said they felt i needed a blessing of $12,000 to circle this amount or write in what I needed .Iwrote $15,000. They sent me aletter at the end of June with a faith hologram of different money denominations on it with instructions to carry it in my wallet. The letter said I would recieve a special miracle blessing on 7/7/07.Iwent to speedway in Lancaster Ohio less than 1hour into 7/7/07for something to drink I looked down at the lottery tickets. The cashier asked if i wanted one i said no.Then I said yes Ill take 2 of the "vacation cash tickets. The first one i scratched off was for $15,000 the second was a $10 winner.there are 88 counties in ohio and thousands of lottery retailers in the state.This was truly a Miracle my friends and family all saw te winning ticket as well as my lovely fiance.It sounds like there are some antichrist or at least some faithful people posting against this organization.I have been blessed numerous times through St, Matthews letters Praise God And St. Matthews Thank You

#121 Consumer Comment
It is truly more Blessed to Give than to receive!
AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 05, 2008
You need to find the person in charge --one name will work very well and put that name and address on every scam televangelist site, political action group for lifestyle tolerance...Abortion rights, Adult entertainment sites, etc.
See how they like receiving lots of mail at their place of RIPP OFF.
Fill it out to MATTHEW CHURCH as the addressee and then the postal address,e tc.
But you need to send them an offering --pennies, beer bottle caps, empty gum wrappers, Trojans in the package, buttons, and tell them that GOD TOLD ME TO GIVE YOU THIS AND WE WANT TO COME AND GIVE YOU MORE LOVE OFFERINGS LIKE THIS.
I think they will stop sending you mail.
It worked for me when a televangelist sleaze got me on his mailing list.
I think I included some choice B & D photos from a real raunchy mag with that letter too.
And I gave my home phone as a XXX hotline number.
I always wondered how they would liek to get e-mails from the National alliance, KKK and other organizations that are being monitored now... OH well...

#120 Consumer Comment
st mathews is a fake setup
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 05, 2008
Those of you defending this evil are in fact part of the evil.
This particular prayer by mail is for the most part a $$ scam.
Its a matter of pure luck or timing if you actually get a blessing that seemingly timely per the prayerletter.
Reality is in the case of st mathews, god has nothing to do with it and continuing to send this fake $$$ means that you are as evil as the scammers.
Knowing they are scammers and excusing them makes u equally at fault and as evil.

#119 Consumer Comment
inre: St. Matthew's Churches "alleged" junk mail...
AUTHOR: Minneboy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 14, 2008
...for "whom" it may concern...inre: St. Matthew's Churches 'prayer by letters'...
...i received my first letter from St. Matthew's in April of 2007...contained therein was a "prayer rug" with a picture of Jesus with his eyes closed...the instructions said to stare into His closed eyes and they would open (like one of those 'optical illusion' paintings)...they did...i followed the instructions to the letter, knelt and prayed as it said, and felt a "presence" spiritually around my body...
...then, just as i finished the instructions, in my office i heard a song begin to see, my computer media player is always set to "shuffle" and so it "shufflects" (as i like to call it) my musical song has an 'ecclectic' mix of music from showtunes, to country, to trance, to disco, to rap, to r&b, to swing and bigband; spanning 70-80 years of musical tastes and genres...the song that began to play was this "the bells of st. paul" by linda eder...i felt a stronger presence and i began to weep for the "new faith" that was JUST BEGINNING for me...i have felt a "presence" with EACH AND EVERY letter i have received from for the "money" they have requested me to send, i have been able to send very little as i have now been 'unemployed' for one year...
...up until that day in April, i would have discarded that "cheesiest looking mail i have ever received", but for some "divine reason" i opened that letter and my faith has grown exponentially see, i left the Roman Catholic Church for a number of reasons; mainly to "lose my religion" that the hand of "man" has corrupted beyond almost ALL recognition from the "true Church of Jesus Christ AND Mary Magdalene"...because of that "cheesy" looking mail, i found Him and Her AGAIN, but this time i WILL NOT be duped by the corruption that Man has made to The Church, His and Her Church...
...for those of you that are being herded through the gates to the slaughterhouse and faithfully give your money to "physical churches" without "true faith" and "spirituality", i wish you well and pray for your "misguided souls" have been duped by the "shepherds shepherding themselves" whilst "the flock" is left in the dark...i have "termed" it thus: "the blind leading the blinded"...
(((Link redacted)))
..."true faith" is within and one must ask questions to get "true" answers...
...jeffrey joseph guest...the 'minne'boy...
CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

#118 Consumer Comment
God is about to bless you further...from the most unlikely of sources...
AUTHOR: Truth Detector - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 27, 2008
The White House and Congress have agreed in principle on a tax rebate (coded in the form of a tax credit, thus allowing you to receive it as an addendum to your aforementioned tax return) for nearly all Americans making $3,000 or more and less than $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for couples. Although the details of the other benefits that may be added into the package are not set in stone right now, the tax rebates are a done deal.
In addition, if you have children you will receive $300/child with this rebate. In my home, we will be receiving a check sometime in May for $2,100. In yours, you will likely receive at least $300 and more if you have a spouse of children.
Enjoy the money!

#117 Consumer Comment
God has blessed me with $3300
AUTHOR: Anyounmous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 26, 2008
God has blessed me I did not send them any money. I asked them for them to pray for me a money blessing. It Is also tax season I was blessed with ($3,300) with my tax refund & I did not have to wait for It god gave me money when I really needed it to catch up on bill's. I am a believer this was a miracle from god & I will write to saint mattew's telling them thank you for praying for me, I really needed this money this Is not a joke I can show you the daye on my tax refund to show how fast god answered my prayer's. God blessed me with ($3,300), I know have money In my bank account I can pay bill's & buy food. I prayed just like how saint matthew's church told me to a few day's later I got my tax refund totaling ($3,300). God gave me money @ a time I really needed It, at first I was not going to try It but thank god I did & know I have money I really needed. All I would like to tell people Is try It have faith you do not have to send them money I didn't & I got blessed with money, I just had to share my testimony.

#116 Consumer Comment
God has blessed me with $3300
AUTHOR: Anyounmous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 26, 2008
God has blessed me I did not send them any money. I asked them for them to pray for me a money blessing. It Is also tax season I was blessed with ($3,300) with my tax refund & I did not have to wait for It god gave me money when I really needed it to catch up on bill's. I am a believer this was a miracle from god & I will write to saint mattew's telling them thank you for praying for me, I really needed this money this Is not a joke I can show you the daye on my tax refund to show how fast god answered my prayer's. God blessed me with ($3,300), I know have money In my bank account I can pay bill's & buy food. I prayed just like how saint matthew's church told me to a few day's later I got my tax refund totaling ($3,300). God gave me money @ a time I really needed It, at first I was not going to try It but thank god I did & know I have money I really needed. All I would like to tell people Is try It have faith you do not have to send them money I didn't & I got blessed with money, I just had to share my testimony.

#115 Consumer Comment
God has blessed me with $3300
AUTHOR: Anyounmous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 26, 2008
God has blessed me I did not send them any money. I asked them for them to pray for me a money blessing. It Is also tax season I was blessed with ($3,300) with my tax refund & I did not have to wait for It god gave me money when I really needed it to catch up on bill's. I am a believer this was a miracle from god & I will write to saint mattew's telling them thank you for praying for me, I really needed this money this Is not a joke I can show you the daye on my tax refund to show how fast god answered my prayer's. God blessed me with ($3,300), I know have money In my bank account I can pay bill's & buy food. I prayed just like how saint matthew's church told me to a few day's later I got my tax refund totaling ($3,300). God gave me money @ a time I really needed It, at first I was not going to try It but thank god I did & know I have money I really needed. All I would like to tell people Is try It have faith you do not have to send them money I didn't & I got blessed with money, I just had to share my testimony.

#114 Consumer Comment
God has blessed me with $3300
AUTHOR: Anyounmous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 26, 2008
God has blessed me I did not send them any money. I asked them for them to pray for me a money blessing. It Is also tax season I was blessed with ($3,300) with my tax refund & I did not have to wait for It god gave me money when I really needed it to catch up on bill's. I am a believer this was a miracle from god & I will write to saint mattew's telling them thank you for praying for me, I really needed this money this Is not a joke I can show you the daye on my tax refund to show how fast god answered my prayer's. God blessed me with ($3,300), I know have money In my bank account I can pay bill's & buy food. I prayed just like how saint matthew's church told me to a few day's later I got my tax refund totaling ($3,300). God gave me money @ a time I really needed It, at first I was not going to try It but thank god I did & know I have money I really needed. All I would like to tell people Is try It have faith you do not have to send them money I didn't & I got blessed with money, I just had to share my testimony.

#113 Consumer Comment
God blessed me with $3,330
AUTHOR: Anyounmous - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 26, 2008
God has blessed me I did not send them any money. I asked them for them to pray for me a money blessing. It Is also tax season I was blessed with ($3,300) with my tax refund & I did not have to wait for It god gave me money when I really needed it to catch up on bill's. I am a believer this was a miracle from god & I will write to saint mattew's telling them thank you for praying for me, I really needed this money this Is not a joke I can show you the daye on my tax refund to show how fast god answered my prayer's. God blessed me with ($3,300), I know have money In my bank account I can pay bill's & buy food. I prayed just like how saint matthew's church told me to a few day's later I got my tax refund totaling ($3,300). God gave me money @ a time I really needed It, at first I was not going to try It but thank god I did & know I have money I really needed. All I would like to tell people Is try It have faith you do not have to send them money I didn't & I got blessed with money, I just had to share my experince.

#112 Consumer Comment
Just how are these people being blessed...
AUTHOR: Billy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 19, 2008
I too recieved this in the mail. Of course I would never send them money, I would give it to my local church or people I know can use it.
But I was fascinated by the reading material. One thing that was intriging to me was the story included in the envelope of Y.G. who gives a good account of how she followed the directions and was "blessed" with $46,000.
The obvious question, left unanswered in her testimonail is by what means did God supposedly deliver this $46,000.
Obviously it wasn't a bonus at work, she referenced being down to her last $50 and people that broke don't get bonuses like that.
Obviously she didn't win the lottery. Or they didn't state that she did, likely because gambling is taboo for many Christians.
So are we to take it that this cash fell from the sky? Was left in a dufflebag on her front porch? How about someone mistook her car for a crack money drop off point? They just don't say. Here is a huge, glaring hole in this whole thing. God accomplishes many things. Normally he doesn't choose to be so simple as to create money out of thin air however. Its just not his style. It would cause inflation anyways, and he is a wise and kind of a God to avoid peppering our economy with too much money supply.

#111 Consumer Suggestion
Send it back!
AUTHOR: Travastador - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 18, 2008
I agree with the people whose advice is to send everything back whithout filling anything out. They always include an envelope that does not require a stamp to mail. The only time the company has to pay for the postage is if the letter gets sent, so I try to find heavy things to send back to them, hopefully increasing their loss.

#110 Consumer Comment
Lisa Said...
AUTHOR: Glenn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Lisa said, "People ought keep comments about christian beliefs vs non christian beliefs to their selves."
I agee, but if I have to keep my comments to myself, then believers should keep thie comments to themselves.
Do not send me this garbage, do NOT come to my house, do not call me, and do not preach to me because I am outside.
It works both ways and everyon will be happier.

#109 Consumer Suggestion
I have found a Solution to this Problem. lets get these folks where they belong, behind bars.
AUTHOR: Rix - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 27, 2007
What they are doing constitutes mail fraud, and is punishable by law. contact the us postal service and file a complaint. They investgate/act based upon number of complaints filed against a company per thier websight.
Mail Fraud hotline (1-800-372-8347) or thier websight WWW.USPS.Com
The following web address takes you to the correct page, select 'Mail Fraud Report' and fill in thier form.
Good luck and lets get these folks where they belong, behind bars.

#108 Consumer Comment
This is what I did
AUTHOR: Ethel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 16, 2007
I filled out the information with the amount of money I would like to give, "as 500 $" And advised the check is included in the Handkerchief that I had under my bed all night. I am really excited and hopeful my prayers will come true from this letter. I hope they appreciate the money. I actually I lied, there was no money, but I am sure they will appreciate the dog sh*t sample I left them smeared on the handkerchief. This is a scam.....DO NOT SEND THESE PEOPLE ANYMONEY. If you need to talk to God, then go to church.

#107 Consumer Comment
This is what I did
AUTHOR: Ethel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 16, 2007
I filled out the information with the amount of money I would like to give, "as 500 $" And advised the check is included in the Handkerchief that I had under my bed all night. I am really excited and hopeful my prayers will come true from this letter. I hope they appreciate the money. I actually I lied, there was no money, but I am sure they will appreciate the dog sh*t sample I left them smeared on the handkerchief. This is a scam.....DO NOT SEND THESE PEOPLE ANYMONEY. If you need to talk to God, then go to church.

#106 Consumer Comment
This is what I did
AUTHOR: Ethel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 16, 2007
I filled out the information with the amount of money I would like to give, "as 500 $" And advised the check is included in the Handkerchief that I had under my bed all night. I am really excited and hopeful my prayers will come true from this letter. I hope they appreciate the money. I actually I lied, there was no money, but I am sure they will appreciate the dog sh*t sample I left them smeared on the handkerchief. This is a scam.....DO NOT SEND THESE PEOPLE ANYMONEY. If you need to talk to God, then go to church.

#105 Consumer Comment
This is what I did
AUTHOR: Ethel - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, March 16, 2007
I filled out the information with the amount of money I would like to give, "as 500 $" And advised the check is included in the Handkerchief that I had under my bed all night. I am really excited and hopeful my prayers will come true from this letter. I hope they appreciate the money. I actually I lied, there was no money, but I am sure they will appreciate the dog sh*t sample I left them smeared on the handkerchief. This is a scam.....DO NOT SEND THESE PEOPLE ANYMONEY. If you need to talk to God, then go to church.

#104 Consumer Suggestion
Hey Folks a new name "Handkerchiefs"
AUTHOR: Juergen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, March 05, 2007
i got that mail yesterday, telling you to write your name, your main problem and a beloved name on a hanky. put under your bed and send it back the next day with a prepaired cover letter.
Well i did that, not that i belive them more like a fetich like hockey players not shaving during the playoffs.
on their contribution question i simply wrote "depends on results".
now can any body tell me the different between junk and spam?
for me that's only junk, they don't ask for creditcard or account numbers,what you will give you give (your fault)- for the rest the trashcan is free. and keep the gifts or not.
by the way is not every big retailer sending junk-mail, whole broshures that you can't use or booklets of coupons where you use only one or two.
i'm more upset about credit companies that lure you with 0% intrest only the first year, phone companies that gives you the first year,tv providers the first year and don't tell you what's after. that's spam for me.
Juergen, white lake, mi

#103 Consumer Comment
Just thoughts
AUTHOR: Anatoliy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 06, 2007
I just got this mail and, as a baptist, I do not believe in these prayer things at the first place, but as a person, working in marketing, I got very curious about this phenomenon. So, here are some food for thoughts.
If you are working for a real church and care about it's attendance not just number of seats, first thing you do to invite people in your church is you give it's address. I also had hard time to find it on the Web, but I actually found it. To my amazement, it was an address of an office suite. For those whom it may be interesting:
Saint Matthews Churches
515 South Main Street Suite 300, Tulsa, OK 74103
phone: (918) 582-7167
If you want to know more about this non-profit business, you may want to read the following:
My personal opinion about this organization is rather positive than negative. I admire ames Eugene Ewing as a marketing genius, who can multiply 1000000 letters by at least one non taxable $ and at the same time share the Gospel (the way he think is right, which might not be necessary so).
So what can I tell. You don't like it - do not respond. Seek Jesus with all your hart, not "prayer tissue" or other nonsenses. No offense, it's personal.

#102 Consumer Suggestion
St mathews
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Just remember people there are two St Mathews.
One is legit and doesnt actually do what this one does as far as the scam is concerned.
The other one, despite its Tulsa address & details is in fact a California based scam that has similar things going on at many other locations.

#101 Consumer Comment
Heads up... the name J.C. Joyce that was mentioned in another post on this subject
AUTHOR: Eric - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 28, 2006
I get these things in the mail 1 to 2 times a week. I just throw them away.
Now on to some information that is relevent... Does anybody remember a former and now defunct TV preacher named Robert Tilton? I do... His attorney's name is or was also J.C. Joyce. Robert Tilton was found to have done all sorts of things that he shouldn't have been doing. Just do a Robert Tilton search using your favorite search engine (I use you will find all kinds of stuff. The name J.C. Joyce will pop up in alot of that stuff. Lets just say this... There are alot of people who don't have alot of nice things to say about Robert Tilton. Now knowing that J.C. Joyce is also the contact information for Saint Matthew's Churches and knowing that J.C. Joyce is or was Robert Tilton's attorney. That "birds of a feather" phrase comes to mind.

#100 Consumer Comment
To tithe or not to tithe...Saint Mathew's Prayer Blanket
AUTHOR: Mark - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, April 17, 2006
I recently received the prayer blanket in the mail and have been sitting on it (not literally) for about 3 weeks now. I was wondering who, why, what, and where this is all about.
I definately agree with the faith issue. Everyone needs something to believe in if at least it makes them feel secure or better about their specific situation.
Always someone will be taken advantage of if it has been invited into their life, mailed to their home, or if they are that desperate.
To tithe or not to tithe has to be held within ones own belief of what "tithe" actually means.
I always thought the bible said 10 percent is what should be tithed. Now here is the tricky part, 10 percent of everything like the person said about the lady who sold her house and made a profit of almost 130,000 that responded to the blanket OR 10 percent of what you can afford.
I knew someone that tithed every Sunday exactly 10 percent of his income and also responded to these types of solicitation on a regular bases.
He also fell into that one area 6 day "son of b...." but 7th day saint. May God bless him.
Saint Mathews doesn't ask for one dime however suggests that a better response to your prayer may happen for you.
I work in the financial industry trying to rescue people from financial failure and I hear about people donating their entire life savings in order to do right by the Bible and unfortunately watch them go into financial ruin. Meaning lawsuits, leans, court judgements, reposessions, homelessness, divorce, etc.
I didn't send the prayer blanket back but I did find this report and it sparked an interest for me to respond with my opinion and the decision on not to send it back.
Donating to an organization is good especially if it is for a good cause, just make sure you can afford to do so. Weather it be by donating services, objects, time, whatever makes a positive aspect. I feel that it is a contradiction to donate to gain.
The gentlemen that stated that he worked for Saint Mathew's and mentioned it was legit made a small typo. He called them a "company". Companies normally don't ask for donations. If they are in dire straits for money, they normally merge or get bought out by another company, however "organizations" consistantly rely on donations or they would cease to exist.
The scripture also says that God helps those who help themselves. Choose wisely who you donate to and PLEASE don't set yourself up for failure especially if it hits where it hurts, the pocketbook.
Whatever your belief on who is the "higher up" there is always someone with their hand out.
Orlando Florida

#99 Consumer Comment
Not sure what to think
AUTHOR: Dennis - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 26, 2006
One thing that I noticed is I wondered, if it was a small group of parents and grandparents, who were these people.. and why do they put so much faith in objects and not directly to god? Then It bothered me when I noticed a specific thing happened, upon which it had actually occured, but they kept sending info stating otherwise, but through prayers to others and being specific directly with God myself, did this occur.
The next thing that got me was if they are from god, he started to show me that they asked not to listed to anyone else. While God makes it clear to check it against his word, and I kept feeling paralized each time I opened a letter feeling like they are God's collection runners.. and if you don't then you will never receive Gods blessings. While I believe in Tithe and Offerings why would God want you to borrow money to get out Debt to ask God for more money? it continued to looking online.. it helped me get closer to god.

#98 Consumer Suggestion
What did you expect...
AUTHOR: Al - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 29, 2006
Oh my gosh. I wake up this morning and see this on ripoff report, and I must say that you people got taken for a ride, and you are still defending your mistake online!
Everyone knows religion is a scam, but there are plenty of bozos and zimbobs that think otherwise. This is why america is falling apart; plenty of greater fools to continue the great Xtian Ponzi scheme.
I wouldn't say anything more, you got me laughing hard enough.

#97 Consumer Comment
It's a scam
AUTHOR: Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-) - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
This is a RipOff, do NOT send them money. Some people do enjoy sending them back other junk mail in the prepaid return envelope they send with their request for your hard earned money though, judging by what I've read online.
The letter is from Reverend James Eugene Ewing, who operates out of Los Angeles. There is a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, but the return address on the envelope is to a post-office box and that particular church has nothing to do with it. There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their attorney advised them to have mail sent to Tulsa because their lawyers and accountants are based in that city.
Ewing began as a tent-show revivalist, finally coming up with the idea of sending a trinket to the masses and asking them to send money to have their prayers come true. It seems he's been raking in tens of millions with this little game.
Their official website tells you their church, Saint Matthew's Churches' Mother Church, the Cathedral of Saint Matthew, is located in Houston, Texas.
Cathedral of Saint Matthew
Houston, Texas
1600 Seating
Three Chapels
100,000 Square Feet Under Roof
Air Conditioned Basketball and Volleyball Court
Lighted Soccer and Baseball Field
Use the Cathedral, Free of Charge for Funerals and Weddings
Contacting Saint Matthew's Churches
Phone: 918-582-7167
Emergency Prayer: 918-583-3452
Mailing Address:
Box 3036
Tulsa, OK 74101-3036
Don't fall for this scam folks. Find a real church in your hometown if you want to worship God.

#96 Consumer Comment
It's a scam
AUTHOR: Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-) - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
This is a RipOff, do NOT send them money. Some people do enjoy sending them back other junk mail in the prepaid return envelope they send with their request for your hard earned money though, judging by what I've read online.
The letter is from Reverend James Eugene Ewing, who operates out of Los Angeles. There is a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, but the return address on the envelope is to a post-office box and that particular church has nothing to do with it. There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their attorney advised them to have mail sent to Tulsa because their lawyers and accountants are based in that city.
Ewing began as a tent-show revivalist, finally coming up with the idea of sending a trinket to the masses and asking them to send money to have their prayers come true. It seems he's been raking in tens of millions with this little game.
Their official website tells you their church, Saint Matthew's Churches' Mother Church, the Cathedral of Saint Matthew, is located in Houston, Texas.
Cathedral of Saint Matthew
Houston, Texas
1600 Seating
Three Chapels
100,000 Square Feet Under Roof
Air Conditioned Basketball and Volleyball Court
Lighted Soccer and Baseball Field
Use the Cathedral, Free of Charge for Funerals and Weddings
Contacting Saint Matthew's Churches
Phone: 918-582-7167
Emergency Prayer: 918-583-3452
Mailing Address:
Box 3036
Tulsa, OK 74101-3036
Don't fall for this scam folks. Find a real church in your hometown if you want to worship God.

#95 Consumer Comment
It's a scam
AUTHOR: Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-) - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
This is a RipOff, do NOT send them money. Some people do enjoy sending them back other junk mail in the prepaid return envelope they send with their request for your hard earned money though, judging by what I've read online.
The letter is from Reverend James Eugene Ewing, who operates out of Los Angeles. There is a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, but the return address on the envelope is to a post-office box and that particular church has nothing to do with it. There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their attorney advised them to have mail sent to Tulsa because their lawyers and accountants are based in that city.
Ewing began as a tent-show revivalist, finally coming up with the idea of sending a trinket to the masses and asking them to send money to have their prayers come true. It seems he's been raking in tens of millions with this little game.
Their official website tells you their church, Saint Matthew's Churches' Mother Church, the Cathedral of Saint Matthew, is located in Houston, Texas.
Cathedral of Saint Matthew
Houston, Texas
1600 Seating
Three Chapels
100,000 Square Feet Under Roof
Air Conditioned Basketball and Volleyball Court
Lighted Soccer and Baseball Field
Use the Cathedral, Free of Charge for Funerals and Weddings
Contacting Saint Matthew's Churches
Phone: 918-582-7167
Emergency Prayer: 918-583-3452
Mailing Address:
Box 3036
Tulsa, OK 74101-3036
Don't fall for this scam folks. Find a real church in your hometown if you want to worship God.

#94 Consumer Comment
It's a scam
AUTHOR: Lorraine - Geek Consumer Advocate :-) - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
This is a RipOff, do NOT send them money. Some people do enjoy sending them back other junk mail in the prepaid return envelope they send with their request for your hard earned money though, judging by what I've read online.
The letter is from Reverend James Eugene Ewing, who operates out of Los Angeles. There is a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, but the return address on the envelope is to a post-office box and that particular church has nothing to do with it. There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be a Saint Matthew's Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their attorney advised them to have mail sent to Tulsa because their lawyers and accountants are based in that city.
Ewing began as a tent-show revivalist, finally coming up with the idea of sending a trinket to the masses and asking them to send money to have their prayers come true. It seems he's been raking in tens of millions with this little game.
Their official website tells you their church, Saint Matthew's Churches' Mother Church, the Cathedral of Saint Matthew, is located in Houston, Texas.
Cathedral of Saint Matthew
Houston, Texas
1600 Seating
Three Chapels
100,000 Square Feet Under Roof
Air Conditioned Basketball and Volleyball Court
Lighted Soccer and Baseball Field
Use the Cathedral, Free of Charge for Funerals and Weddings
Contacting Saint Matthew's Churches
Phone: 918-582-7167
Emergency Prayer: 918-583-3452
Mailing Address:
Box 3036
Tulsa, OK 74101-3036
Don't fall for this scam folks. Find a real church in your hometown if you want to worship God.

#93 Consumer Comment
For The Last Time You Suckers, It's Only A Scam.
AUTHOR: Russ - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
For crying out loud all of you. For the last time, these Saint Matthews Church scumbags are NOT a church. Ask your Gods or Buddahs, Allahs, Devils, Extraterrestials from other solar systems,or what ever higher ups you choose to worship and blow your money on.
These St. Matts idiots have no church building,no congregation,no minister ,no nothing at all.It's only a P.O. Box to send your money to. That's it.
It's a variation of centuries old religious scams that prey on the gullible and desperate.
Targeting suckers that want to believe sooo very bad in fairy tales come true.
You mail money at your choosing in a weak moment. That way these St. Matts hoaxsters skirt the borderline into legality.You send them money,you get zip in return.That's it.Gone forever.
And one other thought.
I think it smacks of racism as well.The useless piece of junk mail they sent me had a picture of an African American lady prominant on the front.Targeting one race especially? Who knows for sure.I'm white,but if I were African American, I'd be insulted just because of that alone.
And one request to all you church goer Bible thumpers.
Would you please pray to whatever God or holiness you worship. Please have him work a miracle to put a stop to these St. Matthews bozos from cluttering my mailbox once and for all.Thank you.

#92 Consumer Comment
Wrong, Curt
AUTHOR: Courtney - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
Just a note... the line in the Bible says "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil" - BIG diffenence.

#91 Consumer Comment
Test the Spirits
AUTHOR: Cynthia - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 27, 2006
It says clearly in 1 John 4 to "test the spriits." This is not testing God, but testing to see if something is from either God or the Devil. God will not mind if you pray to Him for help in determining what is true and what is false.
Not everyone has the gift of discernment. We all have different gifts, and that is discovered by reading His word and following the way of Christ. Christ tells the rich to give what they have to the poor, not to give from the poor to make someone in Tulsa, OK wealthy!
There are so many authentic churches in your community that offer a real fellowship experience. I'm from San Antonio originally, and I know that there are nearly a hundred legitimate churches to choose from. Only a handful of them televangelize or preach through the mail. None of them are involved in such ridiculous rip-off schemes as this "church."
I don't go to a church with wide screen TVs, television studios or flashy worship bands. They don't do mass mailings to "resident" or send paper "prayer mats" that only offer optical illusions. I go to a church that preaches the word of God and has a congregation which does service for the homeless every month helping them with food, showers and a place to sleep under a roof.
Just remember: WWJD? He certainly wouldn't approve of St. Matthew's Churches' mail order empire, nor would he want to have anything to do with it! I say this in Christian love and concern. Please test what Saint Matthew's sends by reading the Bible and praying on it. It didn't take me long to understand that they were up to no good.

#90 Consumer Comment
Um..... think some people are confused
AUTHOR: Nate - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 13, 2005
I think some people are confused. The accused is not St. Matthews churches in general. It's an organization that has seemingly chosen to call themselves St. Matthews church. If it is an actual church I am shocked at their lack of knowledge of the Word, and I'm tired so that's all.

#89 Consumer Comment
Idiots who believe in god deserve what they get!
AUTHOR: Curt - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 12, 2005
What god? How can you people believe in god in this day and age? Jesus the carpenter dude who was killed by the jews. Cmon that story is about as good as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. There are so many different religions that none can be right. Its just a matter of where you live as to what your faith is. I think people are weak that have to rely on something as stupid as the bible to find direction in life. And for this so called church to ask for donations after you people sent them a letter asking for free stuff, what do you expect? Nothing is free in life....Get Real! You people deserve everything you asked for! And I have plenty of credit card offers that I send back, call and berate the companies employess, but they still keep sending! Anyway, I don't give anyone any money these days unless your happy to just throw it away..then what does it matter if its a scam or not! MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!

#88 Consumer Comment
In time the Lord will deal with Mr. Ewing
AUTHOR: Nick - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 11, 2005
The Rev. James Eugene Ewing is the one in charge at saint matthew's churches, P.O.Box 21858. He lives in a mansion in L.A. He has a Big in Tulsa,OK that collects a lot of MONEY. Note; (Do not send money anytime to a P.O.Box)

#87 Consumer Comment
God did not say...
AUTHOR: S - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 04, 2005
The front of the envelope states:
God said, "I was to loan you this to start turning things around for here it is. Use it and be blessed."
As a concerned consumer and Christian, this is simply untrue, not to mention blasphemy!
Although scripture does state in regards to "loan":
Deuteronomy 24:10-11
When you make a loan of any kind to your neighbor, do not go into his house to get what he is offering as a pledge. Stay outside and let the man to whom you are making the loan bring the pledge out to you.
Found at:
It may not be legally wrong what they are doing, but it is morally wrong. By sending this letter, they are entering ones "house to get what he is offering as a pledge."

#86 Consumer Comment
Another Victim
AUTHOR: Marsha - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 25, 2005
I also fell to this scam. I was in such a state of depression,just lost my house, have a son to raise on my own, and owe everything and everyone. One day I was crying out to God asking him to help me. That same day I received the Prayer Blanket. I looked into Jesus eyes and fell on the floor crying and praying for the Lords help.
I am a new christian, just been saved recently. I daily have asked God for confirmation if this Church is of his will. Since I did not really get confirmation I fell victim to this. Yes I paid money for a while. Everytime I prayed I prayed that the money not fall into satan hand.
Today I woke up the Lord told me to read Jeremiah 23, vs 16,17,25 and 30. I have been doing research on line trying to find this church after I read Jeremiah I found this website.
We have to remember Satan knows the bible and all the scriptures very well he is a liar, theif, and get pleasure in destroying us. It all comes down to faith,pray hard for answers and God will provide them.. Today It was reveled to me that I do not have to pay for blessings or salvation that all comes through Jesus Christ and faithfulness and obediant. I have rebuked Satan. Just praise God with all my heart that today he confirmed that this and other things that have come to me are not of his will.
Be careful on the internet as false ministers are there sending you words and dreams etc.
We all have to learn hard lessons in life . This was one for me. I am happy that God showed me the light today

#85 Consumer Comment
NOT stupid, just desperate!
AUTHOR: Pamela - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 23, 2005
I think that labeling people who "participate" in this, as stupid, is just plain judgemental. Someone in a desperate situation, who has any tiny grain of belief in God, is going to feel that the letter was written "just for them" because of their situation. Maybe they've tried many things to help their situation, are at the end of their rope and desperate for a solution, so they figure "Why not? Nothing else has worked, maybe this will."
Haven't you ever been in a similar situation yourself? How would you like someone telling you that you are stupid for TRYING to help yourself out of a bad bind?
I received a letter today from these people, and was not sure what to think, which is why I came to this site. I am one of those desperate people in a bad bind, in more ways than one. I am NOT stupid. I am desperate to find a way out of my problems, so desperate that I tended to believe this letter when I read it. I had/have no intentions of sending any money, ever to this group.
In this letter was a paper "handkerchief" which they ask me to lay inside the bible until morning, within the pages of the Book of Acts 19:11,12 after printing my name and my most pressing problem in the center of the handkerchief, then add the name of someone else I love that needs God's help. I am asked to return the handkerchief in the envelope in the morning.
Of course, there was/is some doubt that these people are who they claim to be, yes, but I would NEVER send any money, NOR would I let them have access to my or anyone else's address or any other information. In fact, I planned on putting my first name only (and the first name only of my loved one), and on the return envelope I would remove my address, etc. I figure it's not costing me a penny, and if God truely IS directing these people to help me, then they and He should know me by my first name only. He knows where I am so that he can place his blessings on me.
If my situation doesn't right itself, then I know it was a scam. Simple as that. And without a return address, they won't be sending me anymore of their mailings.
I believe in prayer chains. Either way, I can't lose on this, because as I place the envelope in the mail tomorrow morning (at no cost to me), I will be praying to God for his help anyway, just as I do all day everyday. And if my situation does correct itself after I send it off, maybe it was these people who gave it a little nudge, or maybe it was God Himself and nobody else. I will really never know, and don't care if I do or not. Either way, my situation will have corrected itself, and I will be happy, and still believe in my God.

#84 Consumer Comment
Unwanted "Religious" mail
AUTHOR: Jim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 22, 2005
Some years ago I got a folded paper "Prawer Shawl" from the "Reverend Ike" claiming he had prayed over the real prawer shawl and I was to send him $5.00 to make the paper be holy .
I photocopied a 5 bill and mailed it back.
Never heard from him untill just recently trying the same scam (15 years later)
Must be because I moved recently and he thinks I'm another sucker, I trashed it, if he sends anything again the photocopy 5 will return to him each and every time.
Worked for me, Hey, it ran him away for 15 years last time, paper "Shawl", Paper "Money".
Make it unprofitable and those creeps will quit.

#83 Consumer Comment
God is Good!
AUTHOR: Jill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, May 21, 2005
I just got this letter and read it, at first I thought it was a great outreach. Then I re-read it again and prayed. I spoke to my friend and she said she got one too and it was a scam. I could hardly believe that someone would do something so horrible. Then the Holy Spirit nudged me to look it up online. Bingo!! Well, I just thank God that I was able to see what the enemy had planned and that I can pray against another one of his scemes!
I am praying for all those people who do get these letters, that they will seek the Lord and not man. This plan just backfired on the pit, because there will be someone praying for these people without a motive, ME!
In the powerful name of Jesus, I pray that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. God will turn this around for His good! I also pray that the "REV" responsible will fall to his knees and repent. AMEN! Anyone want to be in agreement?

#82 Consumer Comment
Give 10% of your firstfruits.
AUTHOR: Carmen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 19, 2005
This is addressed to Lynda - Zephyrhills, Florida. First of all allow me to offer my congratulations, highest accolades, utmost esteem,and hearty handclasp on making that fast $120,090.00.
Personally I have never really had faith in modern day prosperity preachers. I also don't believe God intends for his true servants to be beggars.
However, YOUR remuneration via Saint Matthew's Churches interceding may have proved me wrong....but I don't think so...and let me be succinct on this point, I AM NOT calling you the begger!
I do know this. If you believe God is indeed responsible for you earning this $129,090.00, you better divy up your first fruit tithings to him in the sum of $12,090.00. That means you pay him FIRST before you spend any of those earnings on yourself.
I can assure you it would be prudent and wise to honor him in this regard. He has a funny way of taking back from those he blesses and then fail to reciprocate in return. He'll put it into the hands of someone who will!
If however you remain faithful, he will continue to multiply those blessings, as long as you place his portion wisely with his true servants. What I mean by this statement is, if you support Saint Matthew's Churches and you continue to recieve all means continue. If not, that means he originally blessed you because of YOUR faith and not because of the place you sent your seed tithing. Find another source to contribute those tithings too.
Have a great day!

#81 Consumer Comment
Give 10% of your firstfruits.
AUTHOR: Carmen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 19, 2005
This is addressed to Lynda - Zephyrhills, Florida. First of all allow me to offer my congratulations, highest accolades, utmost esteem,and hearty handclasp on making that fast $120,090.00.
Personally I have never really had faith in modern day prosperity preachers. I also don't believe God intends for his true servants to be beggars.
However, YOUR remuneration via Saint Matthew's Churches interceding may have proved me wrong....but I don't think so...and let me be succinct on this point, I AM NOT calling you the begger!
I do know this. If you believe God is indeed responsible for you earning this $129,090.00, you better divy up your first fruit tithings to him in the sum of $12,090.00. That means you pay him FIRST before you spend any of those earnings on yourself.
I can assure you it would be prudent and wise to honor him in this regard. He has a funny way of taking back from those he blesses and then fail to reciprocate in return. He'll put it into the hands of someone who will!
If however you remain faithful, he will continue to multiply those blessings, as long as you place his portion wisely with his true servants. What I mean by this statement is, if you support Saint Matthew's Churches and you continue to recieve all means continue. If not, that means he originally blessed you because of YOUR faith and not because of the place you sent your seed tithing. Find another source to contribute those tithings too.
Have a great day!

#80 Consumer Comment
Give 10% of your firstfruits.
AUTHOR: Carmen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 19, 2005
This is addressed to Lynda - Zephyrhills, Florida. First of all allow me to offer my congratulations, highest accolades, utmost esteem,and hearty handclasp on making that fast $120,090.00.
Personally I have never really had faith in modern day prosperity preachers. I also don't believe God intends for his true servants to be beggars.
However, YOUR remuneration via Saint Matthew's Churches interceding may have proved me wrong....but I don't think so...and let me be succinct on this point, I AM NOT calling you the begger!
I do know this. If you believe God is indeed responsible for you earning this $129,090.00, you better divy up your first fruit tithings to him in the sum of $12,090.00. That means you pay him FIRST before you spend any of those earnings on yourself.
I can assure you it would be prudent and wise to honor him in this regard. He has a funny way of taking back from those he blesses and then fail to reciprocate in return. He'll put it into the hands of someone who will!
If however you remain faithful, he will continue to multiply those blessings, as long as you place his portion wisely with his true servants. What I mean by this statement is, if you support Saint Matthew's Churches and you continue to recieve all means continue. If not, that means he originally blessed you because of YOUR faith and not because of the place you sent your seed tithing. Find another source to contribute those tithings too.
Have a great day!

#79 Consumer Comment
Give 10% of your firstfruits.
AUTHOR: Carmen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 19, 2005
This is addressed to Lynda - Zephyrhills, Florida. First of all allow me to offer my congratulations, highest accolades, utmost esteem,and hearty handclasp on making that fast $120,090.00.
Personally I have never really had faith in modern day prosperity preachers. I also don't believe God intends for his true servants to be beggars.
However, YOUR remuneration via Saint Matthew's Churches interceding may have proved me wrong....but I don't think so...and let me be succinct on this point, I AM NOT calling you the begger!
I do know this. If you believe God is indeed responsible for you earning this $129,090.00, you better divy up your first fruit tithings to him in the sum of $12,090.00. That means you pay him FIRST before you spend any of those earnings on yourself.
I can assure you it would be prudent and wise to honor him in this regard. He has a funny way of taking back from those he blesses and then fail to reciprocate in return. He'll put it into the hands of someone who will!
If however you remain faithful, he will continue to multiply those blessings, as long as you place his portion wisely with his true servants. What I mean by this statement is, if you support Saint Matthew's Churches and you continue to recieve all means continue. If not, that means he originally blessed you because of YOUR faith and not because of the place you sent your seed tithing. Find another source to contribute those tithings too.
Have a great day!

#78 Consumer Comment
Give 10% of your firstfruits.
AUTHOR: Carmen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 19, 2005
This is addressed to Lynda - Zephyrhills, Florida. First of all allow me to offer my congratulations, highest accolades, utmost esteem,and hearty handclasp on making that fast $120,090.00.
Personally I have never really had faith in modern day prosperity preachers. I also don't believe God intends for his true servants to be beggars.
However, YOUR remuneration via Saint Matthew's Churches interceding may have proved me wrong....but I don't think so...and let me be succinct on this point, I AM NOT calling you the begger!
I do know this. If you believe God is indeed responsible for you earning this $129,090.00, you better divy up your first fruit tithings to him in the sum of $12,090.00. That means you pay him FIRST before you spend any of those earnings on yourself.
I can assure you it would be prudent and wise to honor him in this regard. He has a funny way of taking back from those he blesses and then fail to reciprocate in return. He'll put it into the hands of someone who will!
If however you remain faithful, he will continue to multiply those blessings, as long as you place his portion wisely with his true servants. What I mean by this statement is, if you support Saint Matthew's Churches and you continue to recieve all means continue. If not, that means he originally blessed you because of YOUR faith and not because of the place you sent your seed tithing. Find another source to contribute those tithings too.
Have a great day!

#77 Consumer Comment
Is God Supplementing His Income By Moonlighting As A Realtor ?
AUTHOR: Russ - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, May 09, 2005
Lynda. h*o Boy! Sigh ! Anyone whose IQ doesn't show a negative balance can see what an irrational sucker you are. And I mean that as politely as possible.
As you know,thousands of houses sell each day worldwide for a profit to the seller.And without God or these Saint Matthews con artists getting involved in the mix. I can assure you God and Saint Matthews had nothing to do with my previous house being sold.Or millions of others.Or your's.
You Lynda,claim,that as a direct result of these St. Matthews scammers ,in conjunction with God,you racked up a sale of $120,900 on your house.You owe a big part of it to those two big cheese's,God and Saint Matthews.
Be specific. Out of curiosity,how did God influence the person to come buy your house?.If it wasn't for Gods intervention in the first place,this transaction might not have taken place.You were hurting and needed some bucks.You got a Saint Matthews junk mail piece. Then what?
Did God whisper in the buyers ear,"You will look at Lynda's house.You will make an offer on it. You will pay approximately $120,900 for it. Why? Because Lynda is going to send $2 to this Saint Matthews outfit. Someone needs to buy her house and help her out financially. That person is to be you.Got it Buster?".
What then? Did the trance like buyer,drawn to your house like a magnet,instantly make an offer?Was your house actually the right one for this buyer,or did he have no choice,being hypnotized by God?
Did God or Saint Matthews get a realtors type commission on the sale?.Do they have realtors licenses?. Or are they strictly in the brainwashing aspect of it.Steering
people to buy house's from people hurting financially? Is there any proven,rational, scientific logic in your rebuttal at all?
You seem to have a tidy chunk of change jingling around in your pocket now. The $2 you sent to these St. Matthews scumbags seems a little cheap on your part . Show your appreciation to these scammers by giving them thousands of dollars more.It's costly mailing those phony scam letters weekly.The price of preying on the feeble minded keeps going up like everything else.

#76 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Lynda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 08, 2005
I read and re-read comments pertaining to St. Matthews Churches. I don't care you they are and where they come from!I was at my wits end despondent, depressed and miserable. I was mired in financial debt and had no where to turn. I was praying a looking for a sign....a miracle...a financial and spiritual blessing.
I went to my mail box a few days ago and there was a letter from this organization St. Matthews. This letter to me was a God send. These people don't and didn't know me from Adam. Everything in that letter was meant for me because no one knew or could have know what I was going through but the Lord.
My faith has been renewed and I thank God for this supernatural blessing. I will always walk by faith and not by sight. I will always have faith the grain of a mustard seed. I liken the letter that I received to Divine Intervention. The letter that I received was the lords way of answering my prayers.
I sold my home for a huge profit after following the instructions of that letter and sending them my seed offering. Be it unto you according to your faith. God does not always come when we want him, but he is right on time.
When we walk out in faith and make a vow, there is no time to reap the blessings. The person who feel ripped off, feel so because they are not trusting God to supply all of their needs accpording to his riches in glory.
I sent St Matthews $2.00 which was my last money and made $120,900, and they haven't even received my pray list request. I trust God not man. Even if they are scam artist or whatever, which I doubt, My God sits on his throne and looks low. What man means for evil, God means for good. Trust God, not man and have faith. Faith without works is dead.

#75 Consumer Comment
Saint Matthew's churches aka Prayer by letters.
AUTHOR: Keith - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, May 04, 2005
For about the past six months, the Saint Matthews churches have been sending us letters, saying that they have prophetic messages regarding my mother's situation. Here are a few excerpts:
"God is removing the takers from your life, and repacing them with multiplers."
"we received great expectation and joy today because of what God showed us concerning you, our sister XXXX. Spiritual insight of someone causing hurt to you or one you love was revealed, and God quickly reminded us that He is not blind to any abusive situation."
It is very clear to us that this so called church of prayer by letters is attempting to turn my mother against me and ingratiate themselves to her. Weekly letters sent by these people, saying that they have a word from God specifically concerning my mother is quite hurtful, since she passed away six months ago.

#74 Consumer Comment
prayer rugs, the seed principle, seed harvest plan
AUTHOR: Jessica - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 30, 2005
i've received all of these. yes i wrote back to them yet sent no money. the only thing on those papers is an OPTION to send money. You can't say you've been scammed unless you actually sent money and received nothing in return or your prayers were not answered. Let them go ahead and waste postage fees, i'll waste more money for them by answering and sending no money. You reep what you sow is what all their things say, well they are right... i'm getting nothing for nothing. They are not hurting me by sending me mail.

#73 Consumer Suggestion
Sned it back, plus some..
AUTHOR: Libby - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I'm going to take it as a sign from a "higher power" that our local newspaper ran an article about annoying junk mail today. In the article one of the people the interviewed mentioned about having ripped up all the junk that came back and sent it back for the addresse to pay. When that didn't work, he proceeded to add more to the envolope, such as strips of metal and junk. As long as the envolope was sealed well, the post offic had no problems with it. He was amazed at how heavy he could get the junk going back to be.
Anyway, after a good chuckle in regards to that, I come home to find one of these "house call" prayer by letters junk in my mail box from St. Matthew's church. My dad proceeded to rip it all up and stuff it back when I mentioned the newspaper article and adding more stuff too it. Kleenex (although a good thought) is not heavy enough for having to deal with this junk. Amazingly, 4 large washers fits well into these return envolopes, and now it's a hefty pound atleast. I'm all for supporting you own local churches and helping out in the community, but the last thing I need is this junk. If it doesnt get me off the mailing list, atleast I'm cleaning house. GRRRRR!

#72 Consumer Comment
Heres an idea we throw all of our money straight up into the air
AUTHOR: William - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I say we throw all of our money straight up into the air as far as we can and god can take all the money he wants and every thing that falls back to earth we should keep.

#71 Consumer Suggestion
Send them the Rip Off Report
AUTHOR: Jerry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 19, 2005
I printed out all 32 pages of the rip off report and sent it back to them along with a "United We Stand" flag sticker I received from an item purchased off eBay :)

#70 Consumer Suggestion
St. Matthew's Bogus prayer letters
AUTHOR: Carol - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 16, 2005
People who get taken in by these scams, like the St. Matthew's Prayer Letters, (or some televangelists, or even by some churches/denominations) are not idiots as one person suggested on a bebuttal to this report. But they are sadly uninformed or misinformed about who God Almighty and the Lord Jesus Christ is, and what His word, the Bible, says. The Bible warns us about deceivers, and false prophets, and tells us about gaining spiritual wisdom and discernment from the word.
The thing is that even if there was no donation made to these organizations, what they are saying about how to get your prayers answered, is bogus. God did not promise you a world without troubles, after the fall of Adam and Eve. In fact, He said you would have many troubles in this world. But He did promise to help you through them. And yes, He sometimes will choose to bring healing or some other kind of miraculous answer to prayer, if it is in His perfect plan for it to be answered that way, but He is not a prayer "vending machine", where you put in a prayer and automatically get out a blessing or a miracle. Nor is He like some Christian emails I have seen, that have tacked on to them something like thissend this to 10 people and you will receive a blessing tomorrow. It might have 99 percent Christianity in the message but that one percent of lies tacked on is enough to deceive people into turning from God, instead of to Him, just as the St. Matthews Prayer Letters Organization is doing. Though I am sure their main purpose is to make money, people believing their lies are also being led astray from how God would have them to pray,and from truly knowing who He is.
The main purpose (and blessing) from prayer is to know God. It is about a personal relationship with Him and worship of Him. We can only know God and have access to His throne through knowing and accepting His Son, as our Lord and Savior. Not through using some man made marketing instructions or a paper prayer rug, or beads, or statues, or holy coins.
The first prayer that people need to make (to having any prayer answered) is the one that asks Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their heart and to be Lord of their life. Jesus said He is the way and the truth and life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. He said, if you knew me, you would know my Father as well.
So my suggestion would be to seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Matthew 6:33 And then the second thing is to remember that God wants you to be good stewards of your money, your time, and your prayers.

#69 Consumer Suggestion
Mail Back A Box Of Sand At Their Expense
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 16, 2005
I recieved the paper rug from them. What they are getting back is a box of sand with an invitation for them to trade more junk with me. I have been doing this for fifteen years. At first my wife would not let me do it for junk mail sent in her name. She changed her mind when she saw our junk mail was five to her and one to me.
It started like those above; I would send back their junk. I kept adding more. I never send anything harmfull or unsanitary. Do not write things on the outside like, "You shuld send a truck for my rocks; it would be faster." That caused a super stuffed envelope of rocks to be returned with threats of sicking the postal inspectors on me. Postal Inspector's response to my call was , "Why are you calling us. We go after criminals." The local post master told me to stick the envelope on a box to avoid possibility of rocks getting in the sorting machines. The ones I deam to be the worst rip offs get a heaavy plasitc bag of sand in a box at their expense. It is good for my moral too.

#68 Consumer Comment
Give to your local church before you send your money to someone you don't know!
AUTHOR: Bonnie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 08, 2005
I recieved the prayer rug and the letter. The first thing I did was scan for the "cost of letting them pray for me". There wasn't any. I would say I am not a very religeous person but I put the prayer rug on my knees and I prayed. Simply because I felt like it. It felt good. I DID NOT send them money. I attend a local church and any money I have set aside for offering goes to them.
One thing I know when I do pray is I may not get what I ask for. Sadly, the letter gives the impression of guarantee. I know better but as many have suggested in the above comments, some will give their last dollar for hope.
If you read your letter and truly feel you need to be prayed for and need help in your life through spiritual healing then get out and go to a local church. There you can actually talk to people who can counsel you and support you. ANY church will pray for you without cost.
I didn't see any harm in the letter until I read some of the comments and realized vulnerable people may really get burned. Praying to God should not be like throwing a penny in a wishing well.

#67 Consumer Suggestion
Are you a complete moron or what!?!??
AUTHOR: Bryan - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 08, 2005
I have never heard anything so absolutely rediculous in all my life. Now I know why the USA breeds these immoral leaches.
Quote -I, too, have received numerous correspondence from Saint Matthew's Church. In monetary consumer terms, it IS a rip-off, but SO WHAT?! -Unquote
Quote2 -Techically, what he's doing IS legal, and America was built on entrepreneurship. Hew found a need out there, and he fulfilled it! I'm sure that the belief and dollars some people sent to him gave them the strength to make it through to the next day. Who knows?! This guy may have actually saved lives by giving people hope--even at a financial cost. To many, hope is a priceless thing. - Unquote.
Why should people pay for hope....tell me how much does you local Catholic church cost to get in or your nearest Mosque. Is it ticket only or by invitation. As long as people like this continue to say its ok to take money off people for sod all reason other than personal gain whilst hiding behind a lie of providing a service that doesn't exist, they will continue to do it and more of them will crawl out from under their slimey rocks. Give me 5 minutes in a room with these losers, they make my blood boil.
Sort your d**n lives out. "This guy may have actually saved lives....." what kind of statement is this......The only thing this guy has saved is all his receipts to assist in whatever tax dodge he's got going on the side.
Maybe , just maybe, instead of taking somebodys last dollar and giving them "hope" (i cringe just typing it!) they could have provided a hot meal and a blanket to the real needy. How much of the money this "CHURCH" collects goes into one mans pocket.
If this is your Idea of Santa or the tooth fairy I'm bloody glad I didn't grow up in your house. The kids would have to pay there parents leading up to christmas in the "Hope" of getting presents, come the day, nothing happens because the parents are lying cheating theives. Nice one!

#66 Consumer Comment
Give The People What They WANT! different than a child believing in Santa
AUTHOR: Amy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 07, 2005
I, too, have received numerous correspondence from Saint Matthew's Church. In monetary consumer terms, it IS a rip-off, but SO WHAT?! The people who've sent in their money have bought a very precious gift--one that so many would love to have--and that is HOPE.
This is no different than a child believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. People send in their money for one reason, and one reason only--HOPE. Medical professionals have known for decades that a patient's mental outlook, which includes hope for a better future, is critical to recovery. So the guy who owns this Saint Matthew's Church doesn't have a direct hotline to God. So WHAT?!
Techically, what he's doing IS legal, and America was built on entrepreneurship. Hew found a need out there, and he fulfilled it! I'm sure that the belief and dollars some people sent to him gave them the strength to make it through to the next day. Who knows?! This guy may have actually saved lives by giving people hope--even at a financial cost. To many, hope is a priceless thing.

#65 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sarcastic thought that it was, I totally agree.
People here especially in this area are so gullible that even legit religious causes get a bad rap.
My usuall advice to many who ask me around here is verify and check everything about the chariety or organization.
And I usually tell them, never ever send $$ of any form in the mail.
If you cant hand deliver it, that should be a major sign though in itself not a sympton.
Hey a friend of mine once did a ad in a magazine that said 'send me $1, I will make you rich'.
He made enough $$$ from that ad to buy a car.
Though he only did that one time, he felt so guilty that he never did anything similar till h went into real 'retail' sales.
I understood your joke, and reality is there are some even here in this site that would do as you ask.

#64 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sarcastic thought that it was, I totally agree.
People here especially in this area are so gullible that even legit religious causes get a bad rap.
My usuall advice to many who ask me around here is verify and check everything about the chariety or organization.
And I usually tell them, never ever send $$ of any form in the mail.
If you cant hand deliver it, that should be a major sign though in itself not a sympton.
Hey a friend of mine once did a ad in a magazine that said 'send me $1, I will make you rich'.
He made enough $$$ from that ad to buy a car.
Though he only did that one time, he felt so guilty that he never did anything similar till h went into real 'retail' sales.
I understood your joke, and reality is there are some even here in this site that would do as you ask.

#63 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sarcastic thought that it was, I totally agree.
People here especially in this area are so gullible that even legit religious causes get a bad rap.
My usuall advice to many who ask me around here is verify and check everything about the chariety or organization.
And I usually tell them, never ever send $$ of any form in the mail.
If you cant hand deliver it, that should be a major sign though in itself not a sympton.
Hey a friend of mine once did a ad in a magazine that said 'send me $1, I will make you rich'.
He made enough $$$ from that ad to buy a car.
Though he only did that one time, he felt so guilty that he never did anything similar till h went into real 'retail' sales.
I understood your joke, and reality is there are some even here in this site that would do as you ask.

#62 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 09, 2004
Sarcastic thought that it was, I totally agree.
People here especially in this area are so gullible that even legit religious causes get a bad rap.
My usuall advice to many who ask me around here is verify and check everything about the chariety or organization.
And I usually tell them, never ever send $$ of any form in the mail.
If you cant hand deliver it, that should be a major sign though in itself not a sympton.
Hey a friend of mine once did a ad in a magazine that said 'send me $1, I will make you rich'.
He made enough $$$ from that ad to buy a car.
Though he only did that one time, he felt so guilty that he never did anything similar till h went into real 'retail' sales.
I understood your joke, and reality is there are some even here in this site that would do as you ask.

#61 Consumer Suggestion
The USA is a breeding ground for so called TV Preachers/Evangelists
AUTHOR: Bryan - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Do me a favour!
Paul of Tulsa.....please look up "sarcasm" in the dictionary!
I was having a dig because I can't believe how daft/gullible you people can be. A prayer costs nothing so why pay for it, religion costs nothing so why pay for it, belief's cost nothing so why pay for them, if you just want to get rid of your money, I'll have it!
The USA is a breeding ground for so called TV Preachers/Evangelists that say "send me all your money and you'll be saved!"
Get real people

#60 Consumer Suggestion
selling holy water that isnt even close to holy
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
As it is, there are many of those 'send me $ I'll pray for you too.
I wonder how much $$$ one can make with a 'prayer letter' or 'blessed' cloth or
holy water from the kithen tapwater.
Even a few supposedly legit preachers are doing that too....selling holy water that isnt even close to holy. Blessed by the preacher at the tap.
But then even some of our most famous socalled healer preachers have performed fake healings including two of Oklahoma's most famous.
I personally witnessed those two specific ones as I was backstage doing technical on one, and was friends with another supposedly healed one.
Those two are still very popular and very much still around.
But then I no longer bother with TV preachers and go to local churches only, with exception of Billy Graham.
Personally, I even consider one of them more a preacher for the antichrist than christ despite the appearances and words.
He will definately be supporting the anti when the time comes. Especially considering the hate he preaches on his shows.

#59 Consumer Comment
people will believe anything even when proven when its proven to be fake
AUTHOR: Psul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 08, 2004
This guy probably is part of the scam..
Thats the only real reason to support this.
This idea that somehow god will be working thru the scam is not likely.
Problem here is people will believe anything even when proven when its proven to be fake or of false intent.
While the letter itself is a good thing, the source is pure evil, and associating with it makes those in support just as evil.
My family is most definately christian and everybody in it, throws away all junk mail including this one. We only read this kind of stuff from our own churches and rarely even look at anything that is so obvious.
Having had a few friends involved with this who were always blessed, except for this one involvement, saying that its their fault is not correct.
Supporting these crooks makes those who knowingly involve themselves in suport of it are as bad as they are.

#58 Consumer Suggestion
I'll Prey for you!
AUTHOR: Bryan - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 07, 2004
What a way to make a living..........
Everybody send me $5 and I'll prey for you.
Honest I will!!!!!!!!!

#57 Consumer Suggestion
I'll Prey for you!
AUTHOR: Bryan - (United Kingdom)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, December 07, 2004
What a way to make a living..........
Everybody send me $5 and I'll prey for you.
Honest I will!!!!!!!!!

#56 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Not Scam At All
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 06, 2004
People, if you beleive this is a scam you are certainly stupid. I used to work for St. Matthew's and we did as we state in these letters. The money is sent in as a donation, it is not expected. We prayed whether money was sent in or not. No laws have ever been broken, the problem is people who do send in money, send it in expecting something back, that's where they screw up. You don't expect you pray if it's in god's plan then you will receive. So the idiots blame our company when it is up to god whether they are fit to receive or not. So until these sinner's get their heart right then they will always feel as though they are owed.

#55 Consumer Suggestion
sending it back
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 30, 2004
Good idea...when doable.
remmeber the ways to do so:
If its not first class and you just say 'return to sender of original mail...the Post office will just trash it...and nobbody gets it.
If its first class or new mail (nonfirstclass) then it works.
I often will open the email (if not first class) and send the junk mail back to the sender with only a zipcode to tell them what zipcode is junking back...
A few years ago when I religiously sent back a huge amount, I found that I caused junk-mail people at least $15,000 in postage.
Thats assuming the postoffice actually sent the mail...which is presumed.

#54 Consumer Comment
Pure of heart yes. Being pure of heart is good but knowingly helping a crook commit a crime means one is misguided.
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 30, 2004
This doesnt require clear thinking.
This is common sense, send money knowingly to a crook means that one is also a crook.
Faith that it might just help someone is not relevant here because it is so obvious that it wont.
In this case its very obvious that one should give to a very well known chariety or outfit that has been proven over&over to be legit and helpful to others.
But it still follows that knowingly helping a crook commit a crime means you are part of the crime makes it wrongheaded and still wrong.
Having had family members caught in similar situations, I understand the idea.
In this case, Alzeihmers is an excuse.
Faith cannot be the excuse here as only stupidity whether one is of faith or not.

#53 Consumer Comment
Peter Popoff is a Fake!!
AUTHOR: Christian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 28, 2004
I have been recently been saved but before that I have seen Peter Popoff on Tv before that. I called up and left my name. He sent me his healing water. He prophecied that I would get money and things he was saying and what he said what would happen came to pass. He asked to sow a seed of $17.00 and I did. But everytime he would send a letter it would be $30, $15, after the 1st time giving money I had stopped. People started telling me he is a phoney. Somebody else told me he was arrested before. I seen the online video on how he does his so called " knowing from god" with his earpeice thingy. To date and today I keep getting letters from him. Today I got a letter and the envelope has priority mail all on it. He has another envelope on it saying "DO NOT OPEN THIS ENVELOPE IN JESUS' NAME". I must have you sign your name on the envelope and send it back unopened so I can pray on it. I will do it at my prayer altar. I learned my lesson.

#52 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Forged a check on my mother's check account
AUTHOR: Helen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 20, 2004
My mother has been occasionally sending money to these people. Several months ago she sent them a check for $5, but she accidently sent them a blank check in the envelope. The $5 dollar check was written on June 22, on September 12, they wrote themselves a check for $100.00. They printed my mother's name as the signature.
So, please beware!!!

#51 Consumer Suggestion
These people don't.....but God does need money
AUTHOR: Rebecca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Sadly there are rip off artists everywhere & each of them will answer to God for their actions. People don't fall for these scams because they are gullible... they fall for them because they are desperate. Sometimes common sense doesn't always come into play when a person is in desperate need. My congratulations for those who always have a clear mind and think all situations out logically... but not everyone is able to do that at all times. Why does God need money when he owns the cattle on a thousand hills? He owns it all!!
The point of money is that God's work is being done here, on his followers. Money is used to spread the Gospel, feed the poorer Christians, & help those in time of crises. Sadly this money is not always used for the right purposes... and God (who owns everything) will take care of that in its own time as well. But remember this: Whether others think your actions are silly, stupid, gullible or whatever by-word those without understanding choose to put on it... "all" actions from a pure heart are received by God.
It's not "what" you's the intent of the heart.....& isn't that so fitting since it is the intent of the heart that God judges anyway. Our hearts are judged as well as "every...word...we...say"

#50 Consumer Comment
Test yes
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Test yes..
One of those tests is to use the common sense that god gave you.
That includes knowingly helping crooks.
You are a evil person if you knowingly help a criminal pertpetuate a crime.
Saying that its gods will is a copout, not a issue of faith.
In this case because its so obviously (per information available), a person who says to send money anyway must be part of the criminal effort which makes you equally as evil as them and more likley supporting the antichrist.
Makes me wonder, do you support sending money to Terrorist organizations too?
I will pray for you, since you obviously are so misguided that you think givining money to evil organizaitons is part of gods will.
One doesnt even need to know gods will to know that financially supporting a criminal is wrong.

#49 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Marie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I have read several commments on the issue of giving. I do agree with most of them. Yes, giving of time, talent and money or just even time and talent is good. God does not "need" our money, time or talent. He does not "need" our praise either. God wants us to be stewards of our time, talent, & money.
Therefore, it is my benefit to keep me humble unto the Lord to praise HIM and to give to HIM. Man is so full of pride and so quick to judge others. God wants us to be in accordance with HIM. I can not do this being prideful. God also calls us to a higher standard - to LOVE our brother. Thus, giving in service, time, and money to others. It is not for GOD it is for us.
I pray that all are able to see that truth. If you are called to give to someone or some group or charity then follow your heart. However, remember we do not give to get, so if your giveing to get a blessing your motive is all wrong. That is why I do not give to this so called "ministry." I give to those I feel compelled to give to. Remeber this... Jesus said, "those who receive there reward on earth that reward ends there, but greater is your reward that you will recieve in Heaven if you let the Father give you your reward."

#48 Consumer Suggestion
AUTHOR: Helene - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Want some real fun?
When I get a junk mail bombardment from so-called Scam organization that claims to be a religion, I send their information back to them OK-- I delete my return address off of it and I make several xerox copies which I return to them with the name of the fraud investigator department head and the address of the appropiate federal,state or local law enforcement agency-- be sure you don't include the person's rank or anything indicating that the address is a law enforcement agency. The State Attorney General's office and the local District Attorney's office are favorites!
I also bundle up a lot of their letters ---especially the ones requesting cash and send them to the Criminal Enforcement Division of IRS. Because if they don't have a legit tax exemption status from IRS as a religious organization, they DO have to PAY TAXES. Tax fraud investigators are very curious and this is such an easy investigation...
It might be a good idea to check with IRS and see if these "churchmen" are a tax-exempt religious organization before you send in the scam mail--especiallyh the scsam mail requesting cash...
After all, if they are NOT a legit religious organization and they are raking in the cash, Uncle Sam wants his share too. It's only fair.
The mail should stop after they get hit for back taxes.

#47 Consumer Suggestion
I almost agree with the idiot response, Let them pay for my mailing trash to them
AUTHOR: Wayne - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Some people never cease to amaze me! How can anyone believe in this garbage. God is not in the business of sending out tiny little pieces of paper to kneel on and pray. This is ridiculous to say the least. When I think how gullible people are (especially those who are supposed to be believers) I almost have to laugh except that it makes me so sad that people believe this stuff. Read your bible if you are supposed to be a christian. Maybe then God will grant you repentence leading to the knowledge of truth. This is a ripoff and I continue to do what others do. Let them pay for my mailing trash to them like they do to me.

#46 Consumer Comment
What does God need with money?
AUTHOR: Pat - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, September 23, 2004
I have never understood the concept of giving money to God. What does God need money for?
If you feel the need to offer a tithing to God, then do it by volunteering your time and services to help someone in need.
Right now, the Red Cross is in desperate need of volunteers all up and down the eastern seaboard because of the recent rash of hurricanes and inclimate weather.
Sending money to Saint Matthew's only serves to line the pockets of those in charge.

#45 Consumer Comment
Your right Paul. But... Sometimes God wants us to do things that dont make sense to test our faith.
AUTHOR: Herbert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 22, 2004
your absolutely right Paul... God does want us to use our heads, thats exactly why I was researching them too. But God also wants us to listen to the Holy Spirits leading. Sometimes God wants us to do things that dont make sense to test our faith. Im not advocating sending money to these guys. There are way too many other ways I can serve God. All Im saying is that we should listen to what God is leading us to do. If we follow the leading of the Holy spirit, God will work miracles in our lives.

#44 Consumer Suggestion
thats the point
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Thats the point..
Sending it to St Mathews, is not sending it to god, but helping evil.
In this case, its unlikely that prayer will move the money to good works other than lining the crooks pocket.
Very few scams have a godly result.
Hopefuly prayer will, but while god answers all, its not always actionable, or doesnt appear to be actionable.
I too believe in prayer, but common sense still should apply, which is why I still contribute only to fully legit setups.
And even my church contributions are limited to helping major efforts.
God does expect us to use our minds to help where we can to do good works too.
It sounds like you have blind faith that all is aok when $$$ given to crooks.

#43 Consumer Comment
Dont send money to st. matthews; send it to GOD
AUTHOR: Herbert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 20, 2004
Dont send your money to saint matthews churches. Send it to God.
Lets assume the worst. Your all right. It is a scam designed to make one man rich. Lets even assume his intentions are malicious. So what!? God can still work miracles today. God can take something wrong and make it right. When you give money to any organization ( as a tithe or offering to God) pray for God to use that money for his will and leave the rest to Him.
Imagine this senario: Someone is depressed and lonely and sick and broke. They receive a letter from st matthews. They read the letter and immediately feel better because they feel someone out there actualy cares. ( this feeling happens regardless if that is actually true). The person now, inspired by the letter, prays to the living God for help... AND GOD ANSWERS. God answers thier prayer (inspired by a scam) and they are healed. O ye of little faith... just believe in Gods mighty power to use all things for good!
I am not associated with St Matthews in any way.

#42 Consumer Comment
Seed faith
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 06, 2004
Thats what seed faith really me that is.
SEED FAITH is you the individual actually doing something...not you/I throwing money at somebody.
I havent given cash to chariety for nearly 10 years.
Why, because I give thru work at about $1500 per year, and give of time & effort and the equivalent of $10,000 a year.
People who just hand a check over, are not truely doing any sort of good works.
Just handing money is not what it takes.
I daresay, even if I gave zero in cash, my time & efforts in giving (computer work free, landscaping, contruction), is a lot more usefull and directly helpful than cash at times.
Especially since a large majority of charities out there are fake.
Never ever give cash or product to a chariety unless you yourself prove it to be legit beyond any doubt.
When I did do cash, It was only UNITED WAY, wherease now there are other good choices but always verify.

#41 Consumer Comment
Thanks Mike!
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 06, 2004
Mike - thanks for that information. I find this quite interesting. I will have to find out more information online on this guy. If you have specific information, feel free to share.
Thanks again!

#40 Consumer Comment
Thanks Mike!
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 06, 2004
Mike - thanks for that information. I find this quite interesting. I will have to find out more information online on this guy. If you have specific information, feel free to share.
Thanks again!

#39 Consumer Comment
Thanks Mike!
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, September 06, 2004
Mike - thanks for that information. I find this quite interesting. I will have to find out more information online on this guy. If you have specific information, feel free to share.
Thanks again!

#38 Consumer Comment
Read the Trinity Foundation's report!
AUTHOR: Mike - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, September 05, 2004
This really is the best reference on the matter. All these "preachers" pay James Ewing for the rights to use his moneymaking scheme. The "Prayer By Letters" operation is Ewing's "factory direct" marketing of the scheme. Think of the TV preachers as salesmen. Much of the money they collect will go back to Ewing's for-profit companies that write the exact words used to extract the most money and license the materials to the televangelists.
Very little, if any, of the money sent to "Prayer By Letters" or any of the "health and wealth" televangelists goes to any charitable cause, i.e. "God's work". If you want to believe the "seed faith" doctrine, common sense would be to get involved with local charities and be sure your money is being used in a way that God might consider honorable. Don't just ship it off to some faraway scammer and expect anything to happen.

#37 Consumer Comment
Another one?
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 04, 2004
This is in response to Emily's letter. I also called in for prayer to Peter Poppof's ministry and started receiving those pieces of mail. They finally stopped after writing them many times to take me off their mailing list. What someone gives to the church or a special ministry should be up to the person and God, right?
I didnt respond to their mailings because they always asked for a specific amount of money $19 here and $10 there. I guess the only reason why I responded to St. Matthew's is because they never asked for a certain amount. I've asked God to give me wisdom on these ministries. I recently lost (and I never lose anything) their "Seed Booklet". I accepted this as a sign for myself not to send them any more money. Have anyone heard of Rev. Ike and his ministries. Very simular to Peter Poppoff.
I believe Rev. Ike and his ministry are located in New York. They do a very simular ministry but always ask for certain amount of money. Any thoughts on this guy would be great! Have a great Labor Day and God bless! I think the best thing is to give and bless your own church and local charities.
L. Turner, Jr.

#36 Consumer Comment
Another one?
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 04, 2004
This is in response to Emily's letter. I also called in for prayer to Peter Poppof's ministry and started receiving those pieces of mail. They finally stopped after writing them many times to take me off their mailing list. What someone gives to the church or a special ministry should be up to the person and God, right?
I didnt respond to their mailings because they always asked for a specific amount of money $19 here and $10 there. I guess the only reason why I responded to St. Matthew's is because they never asked for a certain amount. I've asked God to give me wisdom on these ministries. I recently lost (and I never lose anything) their "Seed Booklet". I accepted this as a sign for myself not to send them any more money. Have anyone heard of Rev. Ike and his ministries. Very simular to Peter Poppoff.
I believe Rev. Ike and his ministry are located in New York. They do a very simular ministry but always ask for certain amount of money. Any thoughts on this guy would be great! Have a great Labor Day and God bless! I think the best thing is to give and bless your own church and local charities.
L. Turner, Jr.

#35 Consumer Comment
Another one?
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 04, 2004
This is in response to Emily's letter. I also called in for prayer to Peter Poppof's ministry and started receiving those pieces of mail. They finally stopped after writing them many times to take me off their mailing list. What someone gives to the church or a special ministry should be up to the person and God, right?
I didnt respond to their mailings because they always asked for a specific amount of money $19 here and $10 there. I guess the only reason why I responded to St. Matthew's is because they never asked for a certain amount. I've asked God to give me wisdom on these ministries. I recently lost (and I never lose anything) their "Seed Booklet". I accepted this as a sign for myself not to send them any more money. Have anyone heard of Rev. Ike and his ministries. Very simular to Peter Poppoff.
I believe Rev. Ike and his ministry are located in New York. They do a very simular ministry but always ask for certain amount of money. Any thoughts on this guy would be great! Have a great Labor Day and God bless! I think the best thing is to give and bless your own church and local charities.
L. Turner, Jr.

#34 Consumer Comment
Another one?
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 04, 2004
This is in response to Emily's letter. I also called in for prayer to Peter Poppof's ministry and started receiving those pieces of mail. They finally stopped after writing them many times to take me off their mailing list. What someone gives to the church or a special ministry should be up to the person and God, right?
I didnt respond to their mailings because they always asked for a specific amount of money $19 here and $10 there. I guess the only reason why I responded to St. Matthew's is because they never asked for a certain amount. I've asked God to give me wisdom on these ministries. I recently lost (and I never lose anything) their "Seed Booklet". I accepted this as a sign for myself not to send them any more money. Have anyone heard of Rev. Ike and his ministries. Very simular to Peter Poppoff.
I believe Rev. Ike and his ministry are located in New York. They do a very simular ministry but always ask for certain amount of money. Any thoughts on this guy would be great! Have a great Labor Day and God bless! I think the best thing is to give and bless your own church and local charities.
L. Turner, Jr.

#33 Consumer Suggestion
Using the trash can is free
AUTHOR: Emily - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, September 04, 2004
I awoke before day break one morning and turned on the television, a man was preaching and said if you want prayer call the number at the bottom of the screen and I did. Afterwards I began to receive mail from Prophet Peter Popoff. His letters promised all types of blessing if you sowed a seed of certain amounts of money. The letters also asked you to participate in certain rituals to receive blessing. I never sent money to him because I only called in for prayer nothing more. It sounded like a scam to me. I dont know if the two are affiliated, but after receiving mail from Prophet Popoff, I also started receiving letters from Saint Matthew's Churches suggesting the same thing, money and rituals for prayers and prayer results. I think it cost them more money to try and con me than it does for me to simply trash the letters they send. I hope eventually they will not send anymore letters to me as long as I don't send money or respond to them. If they continue to, well they are paying the postage and using my trash can is free. I tithe at my home church and the next time I'm feeling blue and want someone to pray for me or along with me I'll ask one of my own church members. I've learned my lesson.

#32 Consumer Suggestion
Tithing is wrong in this case
AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, August 14, 2004
Lawrecne ..
I agree tithing is good...but only when it is tithed to the right group.
Unlike you I prefer to tithe to legitmate organizations or charietys.
TITHING to a fake setup is not only wrong but immoral.
Just praying for them is not sufficent.
Yes, I agree GOD will judge them, but so will the courts.
And if my family is ever ripped off by them, I will be throwing rocks at them. (Potentially illegally too).
Remember, just because their literature is sound and good doesnt mean anything in this particular case and goes to show that even evil can look saintly.
One should not just accept and pray for it when one can do something about the evil.

#31 Consumer Suggestion
Address the same as lawyer's address?!?!?
AUTHOR: Megan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 12, 2004
I found this funny - on their website, the church lists the name of their lawyer and the fact that this firm has been their lawyer for years, etc. It is the same address 515 Main #300 listed above as the "sgent" of the church. Sounds like the scam is run out of those offices.....

#30 Consumer Comment
If these people are using this to scam others, then God will judge them directly.
AUTHOR: Lawrence - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 12, 2004
Hello All,
I too have been receiving these letters. All I can say is that everything in their literature is biblically sound and in alignment with the word of God. If these people are using this to scam others, then God will judge them directly. Whether you tithe to this "ministry" or your home church, according to Malachi - God will bless your household. Just pray for them. Whether they are real or not - just pray for them. Thanks to all for your information on the church.

#29 Consumer Suggestion
Do not send the money
AUTHOR: Marie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, August 03, 2004
I too hae been recieving these letters. I have not sent any money to them except a dollar to two. It is intresting to see how some people are really upset with this. I personally just use the service has a reminder for prayer that is needed. I also know that God will supply my needs no matter how much I give to anyone. Even if this group is not really legitamate, I still feel good thinking someone may be praying for me. If they stop sending them -- then OKAY too.
Well may God Bless you and maybe just one letter may reach someone who needed to hear something at that time. So in short, just gander at the letters or throw them away. Either way no matter what know that God will supply what you need when you need it no matter if you follow "specific directions" to get a blessing or not.

#28 Consumer Comment
GOD will judge them
AUTHOR: Ann - (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 26, 2004
All you have to do is write them a letter saying that if they are truly ripping people off GOD will deal with them but thank them for opening your eyes towards the Lord

#27 Consumer Comment
You People must all be idiots
AUTHOR: Remington - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 26, 2004
You people must all be idiots. This is such an obvious scam it's ridiculous. Why can't you pray to your god directly without going through all this rigamarol.
You should all just keep sending your money to "Saint Mathew's Churches." Or send it too me instead, and I'll pray for you (all the way to the bank). I'll provide my mailing address upon request.

#26 Consumer Comment
Saint Mathew's Churches Tulsa Oklahoma
AUTHOR: Tina - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 23, 2004
I am curious if anyone had requested prayer though another website before St Mathew's began sending letters to them. I just found it odd that within 2 weeks of requesting a financial hardship prayer through a website I thought was affiliated with the Catholic Church I began receiving letters from them.
I too have sent them money and am disheartened by what I am reading. Not alot of money, just $30.00 but still. I don't know what provoked me to start doing research on them. Perhaps God has answered my own prayer for guidance about what I should give to them when all of this good fortune they promised started rolling in.

#25 Consumer Comment
Still no word from them
AUTHOR: Rebecca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 17, 2004
Well folks I can only sympathize with you who have been hounded by this church group. I, too, was having a particularly bad time when I received a prayer blanket from St. Matthews.....I had nothing to I had a long talk with the Lord(something I should have already done)....and since I felt so much better about my situation, I sent this church a rather large check. That was close to a year ago now....still have never heard back from them. I know they got my check because they cashed it...but they have never sent me any correspondense in return. Sounds to me like they need a new PR man, cause it looks like the ones that they are hounding have never sent them a dime. Oh well, anyway, scam or not....the prayer was much needed and even though their help for me was in an indirect way....I still was drawn out of a very deep depression and I am never-the-less God and also to them for reminding me of the power of prayer.

#24 Consumer Comment
Rip-off con artists in the name of CHRIST
AUTHOR: Glenda - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 16, 2004
When i first got their letter in the mail , i was at my lowest point at the time.I was very depressed and everything was going wrong at the time. when i opened the letter and read it , all i could do is cry.i totally fell for their scam. so I started sending them money and they kept sending me more stuff. And every time i got a letter i cried, because i desperately felt like things were going to get better. BUT........... they didnt. And at the time I was off line on my computer. So I had my Mother get on the internet and I asked her to pull up the St. Matthews church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I wanted to see what their church looked like . I could see in my mind just how beautiful it would be.I was totally shocked from what my Mother told me. That it was all a BIG RIP_OFF!!!!!!!!! So I sent them a very nasty letter and told them to never send me another letter again, and I was very disappointed they were using the name of CHRIST for their con-artist bull- s**t!!!!! and they are still sending me this crap!!! Someone needs to do something about these bad people and put them in jail just like they did the "Bakers"!!!! they are no better than they are and they need to be brought to justice!!! thank you and I hope something is done.

#23 Consumer Comment
A Church with no one attending at service.
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 20, 2004
The IRS allowed the Ripoff church to exist without people attending during service from a rented church. Here is the editorial for more information, read this;

#22 Consumer Comment
A Church with no one attending at service.
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 20, 2004
The IRS allowed the Ripoff church to exist without people attending during service from a rented church. Here is the editorial for more information, read this;

#21 Consumer Comment
A Church with no one attending at service.
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 20, 2004
The IRS allowed the Ripoff church to exist without people attending during service from a rented church. Here is the editorial for more information, read this;

#20 Consumer Comment
A Church with no one attending at service.
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, March 20, 2004
The IRS allowed the Ripoff church to exist without people attending during service from a rented church. Here is the editorial for more information, read this;

#19 Consumer Comment
The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
AUTHOR: Jill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I just received a letter from this church today. I live in a very upscale and trendy neighborhood. The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it, however, I did see eyes painted lightly on the lids. it's an optical illusion. I think this is a great thing, if it's a scam or not, it's fun to think "gee, do I have faith?" Where is my faith and my understanding in miracles? I have experienced miracles concerned with money and prayer. I had just moved into this place. All money went into the rent and moving. It left me with NO money to pay my bills or next months' rent. my regular paycheck would be after the holidays. I freaked out. But then I realized that freaking out would not bring me any money. So, I prayed. Just a little prayer and I let it go. The next day, out of the blue, someone calls me to do some extra work and this pays for my car. Then, I get a call for some private work and then I get a check in the mail from my grandfather (he just decided to mail it out of the blue). Everything was taken care of. When you align with 'right' thought, you are rewarded. If you don't have faith, you will not see the miracle here, if you do have faith, you will see the miracle. It's that simple. I'm not saying this church has good intentions or not, I don't know. THe page you send back does not stipulate to send money, it looks like your decision. You can send everything back with no money. It's really your intention behind sending the money, if it's filled with desperation, this is what you will recieve. if you send the money, do it in good faith, just believe. besides, i don't want a prayer rug that millions of other people have touched! But still, there are studies on the power of prayer. Look it up on the internet. I work in the healing arts and know how powerful a thought is. What you think creates your reality. it's that simple. Maybe these people pray for you, maybe they don't. How about praying for ourselves? I think this message speaks to something very powerful within ourselves: faith to believe in the unseen. so instead of bashing them (which in turn bashes yourself) just begin to believe. it's that simple!

#18 Consumer Comment
The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
AUTHOR: Jill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I just received a letter from this church today. I live in a very upscale and trendy neighborhood. The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it, however, I did see eyes painted lightly on the lids. it's an optical illusion. I think this is a great thing, if it's a scam or not, it's fun to think "gee, do I have faith?" Where is my faith and my understanding in miracles? I have experienced miracles concerned with money and prayer. I had just moved into this place. All money went into the rent and moving. It left me with NO money to pay my bills or next months' rent. my regular paycheck would be after the holidays. I freaked out. But then I realized that freaking out would not bring me any money. So, I prayed. Just a little prayer and I let it go. The next day, out of the blue, someone calls me to do some extra work and this pays for my car. Then, I get a call for some private work and then I get a check in the mail from my grandfather (he just decided to mail it out of the blue). Everything was taken care of. When you align with 'right' thought, you are rewarded. If you don't have faith, you will not see the miracle here, if you do have faith, you will see the miracle. It's that simple. I'm not saying this church has good intentions or not, I don't know. THe page you send back does not stipulate to send money, it looks like your decision. You can send everything back with no money. It's really your intention behind sending the money, if it's filled with desperation, this is what you will recieve. if you send the money, do it in good faith, just believe. besides, i don't want a prayer rug that millions of other people have touched! But still, there are studies on the power of prayer. Look it up on the internet. I work in the healing arts and know how powerful a thought is. What you think creates your reality. it's that simple. Maybe these people pray for you, maybe they don't. How about praying for ourselves? I think this message speaks to something very powerful within ourselves: faith to believe in the unseen. so instead of bashing them (which in turn bashes yourself) just begin to believe. it's that simple!

#17 Consumer Comment
The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it
AUTHOR: Jill - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, March 10, 2004
I just received a letter from this church today. I live in a very upscale and trendy neighborhood. The eyes on the jesus rug didn't open when i looked at it, however, I did see eyes painted lightly on the lids. it's an optical illusion. I think this is a great thing, if it's a scam or not, it's fun to think "gee, do I have faith?" Where is my faith and my understanding in miracles? I have experienced miracles concerned with money and prayer. I had just moved into this place. All money went into the rent and moving. It left me with NO money to pay my bills or next months' rent. my regular paycheck would be after the holidays. I freaked out. But then I realized that freaking out would not bring me any money. So, I prayed. Just a little prayer and I let it go. The next day, out of the blue, someone calls me to do some extra work and this pays for my car. Then, I get a call for some private work and then I get a check in the mail from my grandfather (he just decided to mail it out of the blue). Everything was taken care of. When you align with 'right' thought, you are rewarded. If you don't have faith, you will not see the miracle here, if you do have faith, you will see the miracle. It's that simple. I'm not saying this church has good intentions or not, I don't know. THe page you send back does not stipulate to send money, it looks like your decision. You can send everything back with no money. It's really your intention behind sending the money, if it's filled with desperation, this is what you will recieve. if you send the money, do it in good faith, just believe. besides, i don't want a prayer rug that millions of other people have touched! But still, there are studies on the power of prayer. Look it up on the internet. I work in the healing arts and know how powerful a thought is. What you think creates your reality. it's that simple. Maybe these people pray for you, maybe they don't. How about praying for ourselves? I think this message speaks to something very powerful within ourselves: faith to believe in the unseen. so instead of bashing them (which in turn bashes yourself) just begin to believe. it's that simple!

#16 Consumer Comment
Never heard from them again
AUTHOR: Rebecca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, February 22, 2004
I've read on here where several people were being just bombarded with mail from St. Mathews. I guess maybe they don't like me that well cause:
I got the prayer rug.....had some things I had been praying about...thought..why not?? Prayed...followed instructions...sent them $30...never heard from them again.
After reading all of the postings on here..I guess I'm not complaining...LOL

#15 Consumer Comment
Saint Matthew's Churches Scams well documented by The Trinity Foundation specializes in exposing religious swindles
AUTHOR: Chris - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 21, 2004
This scam, and the opulent lifestyles of the "Rev" James Eugene Ewing and his associates who founded Saint Matthew's Churches, has been well documented by The Trinity Foundation, headed by Ole Anthony, who specializes in exposing religious swindles. Saint Matthew's uses a sophisticated computer program for its mailings to target depressed areas where people might be just desperate enough to respond to their garbage. I live in the Ohio Valley, the steel industry is collapsing, thousands of people are losing their jobs and my mailbox is now the recipient of almost weekly mailings by this sickening organization. If we all make a concerted effort to keep stuffing their postage-paid envelopes with, for instance, all the rip-off reports from this site, it will cost them money. Makes me feel better. Get the word out about them!

#14 Consumer Suggestion
Send the letters back!
AUTHOR: Hope - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 22, 2004
I was almost a victim of this very scheme- until I decided to look it up on the internet. For those of you who are opposed & think this is not a scheme try doing some research. Go to the search engine & type in Saint Matthews Churches. You may be suprised to find that a very small amount of your donations, or tithes, go towards anything but Mr.James Ewing's pockets. If he was such an ordained minister, as he claims, then he would know that the bible says that we are not supposed to revel in riches & live in such luxury. If we happen to be blessed with alot of money then we should share it with those less fortunate. I guess his idea of this would be paying the "less fortunate" to work in ONE of his mansions. Try to find one organization, person, or actual church that has benefited from this so called "church". When an organization can't give one physical address or changes their name every time trouble is near- one should be a more than a little suspicious.

#13 Consumer Comment
This is a very slick operation. On par with the old scam of the tent missionaries
AUTHOR: Howard - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 17, 2004
For Everyone:
Just because someone has a website does not make them legimate or for that matter honest. Now a days if something is on the internet, it must be true, along with, if you can not find it on the internet then it does not exist, or is false. This type of logic is very dangerous to follow.
I looked at their website very careful. I noticed that they do not list any addresses of their branch churches. But they state they are in a lot of states. Why not list the addresses?
Yes, they have a wonderful photo album stating that this is one of their churches. Anyone with a camera can take photos of inside a church and declare that this is "their" church.
This is a very slick operation. On par with the old scam of the tent missionaries that promised all sorts of so called miracles.
It does not have anything to do with christianity or being a christian. A wolf in sheep's clothing me thinks.

#12 Consumer Suggestion
Who are they?
AUTHOR: Rebecca - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 16, 2004
Alice, try finding more about them on "their" website:
Most any information you may be curious about concerning St. Matthews Churches can be found on their website...including, contact information, their beliefs, services, and other Biblical training from their organization.
Note: I received the same "prayer rug" in the mail. They did "not" ask me for money....their was (and is in other valid organizational letters as well) and place to send donations, but it was not mandantory to send one for them to pray for you. I might add that even "" askes for voluntary donations...but that does not make them a fraud. I think further investigation of this company would be advised before making any serious conclusions. I am not personally affiliated with them, but in my own investigation as to their validity....I find no fraud.

#11 Consumer Comment
They are now sending prayer rugs (paper) with the face of Jesus.
AUTHOR: Alice - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 14, 2004
This church has another P.O. Box. It is P.O. Box 22148, Tulsa, OK 74121. They are now sending prayer rugs (paper) with the face of Jesus. You look into his closed eyes and they actually do open. Then you place the prayer cloth on your knees and say your prayers. Of course, you are asked to send them an offering. I wondered about all this and decided to look them up on this site.

#10 Consumer Comment
Stop throwing away your money!
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2003
Lisa, your naivety has already cost you at least $150. Stop lining the pockets of these scam artists.
Two days before you filed the above rebuttal you filed a report detailing how you had come to the conclusion that you were being scammed, going as far as to say "These people should be condemed in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am thinking that in the interim you had some kind of communication from the people running this scam, or saw another website that contradicted what you read here. Either way, you were brought back in to their pseudo-fold. Judging by your rebuttal, you somehow came to the conclusion that the people calling this "church" out are just anti-Christian. This is not the case! These people are true believers who were victimized! You also stated that people should keep their non-Christian beliefs to themselves. If you would go back and take a look at the people who are complaining about this scam, you will find that they are all Christians who allowed their Christian beliefs to be used as a tool against them. Nobody is complaining about this operation on the grounds that Christianity itself is bad, on the contrary, the argument is that these people are taking advanatage of a religion for their own profit.
You need to stop this practice of believing the last thing you hear. So far it has cost you at least 150 dollars - isn't that enough?

#9 Consumer Comment
Stop throwing away your money!
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2003
Lisa, your naivety has already cost you at least $150. Stop lining the pockets of these scam artists.
Two days before you filed the above rebuttal you filed a report detailing how you had come to the conclusion that you were being scammed, going as far as to say "These people should be condemed in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am thinking that in the interim you had some kind of communication from the people running this scam, or saw another website that contradicted what you read here. Either way, you were brought back in to their pseudo-fold. Judging by your rebuttal, you somehow came to the conclusion that the people calling this "church" out are just anti-Christian. This is not the case! These people are true believers who were victimized! You also stated that people should keep their non-Christian beliefs to themselves. If you would go back and take a look at the people who are complaining about this scam, you will find that they are all Christians who allowed their Christian beliefs to be used as a tool against them. Nobody is complaining about this operation on the grounds that Christianity itself is bad, on the contrary, the argument is that these people are taking advanatage of a religion for their own profit.
You need to stop this practice of believing the last thing you hear. So far it has cost you at least 150 dollars - isn't that enough?

#8 Consumer Comment
Stop throwing away your money!
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2003
Lisa, your naivety has already cost you at least $150. Stop lining the pockets of these scam artists.
Two days before you filed the above rebuttal you filed a report detailing how you had come to the conclusion that you were being scammed, going as far as to say "These people should be condemed in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am thinking that in the interim you had some kind of communication from the people running this scam, or saw another website that contradicted what you read here. Either way, you were brought back in to their pseudo-fold. Judging by your rebuttal, you somehow came to the conclusion that the people calling this "church" out are just anti-Christian. This is not the case! These people are true believers who were victimized! You also stated that people should keep their non-Christian beliefs to themselves. If you would go back and take a look at the people who are complaining about this scam, you will find that they are all Christians who allowed their Christian beliefs to be used as a tool against them. Nobody is complaining about this operation on the grounds that Christianity itself is bad, on the contrary, the argument is that these people are taking advanatage of a religion for their own profit.
You need to stop this practice of believing the last thing you hear. So far it has cost you at least 150 dollars - isn't that enough?

#7 Consumer Comment
Stop throwing away your money!
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 08, 2003
Lisa, your naivety has already cost you at least $150. Stop lining the pockets of these scam artists.
Two days before you filed the above rebuttal you filed a report detailing how you had come to the conclusion that you were being scammed, going as far as to say "These people should be condemed in the name of Jesus, Amen."
I am thinking that in the interim you had some kind of communication from the people running this scam, or saw another website that contradicted what you read here. Either way, you were brought back in to their pseudo-fold. Judging by your rebuttal, you somehow came to the conclusion that the people calling this "church" out are just anti-Christian. This is not the case! These people are true believers who were victimized! You also stated that people should keep their non-Christian beliefs to themselves. If you would go back and take a look at the people who are complaining about this scam, you will find that they are all Christians who allowed their Christian beliefs to be used as a tool against them. Nobody is complaining about this operation on the grounds that Christianity itself is bad, on the contrary, the argument is that these people are taking advanatage of a religion for their own profit.
You need to stop this practice of believing the last thing you hear. So far it has cost you at least 150 dollars - isn't that enough?

#6 Consumer Comment
This is a Really Old Scam
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 06, 2003
Sadly, there have always been those who wanted to trade in supernatural things 'for a small donation.' People in great need will send the money because they are desperate. My experience in non-profit organization marketing bears this out. Legitimate charities take this into consideration and are careful to avoid 'robbing widow's houses' while making their appeals.
If you read Acts Chapter 8, Verses 4 through 25 in the Bible you will meet Simon, a First Century person who bears an uncanny resemblence to those modern miracle huxsters we are discussing. He claims to have 'The Great Power' and obviously makes his living by the excercise thereof. He sees the ministry of the Apostles is powerful and bearing fruit, so he wants to buy a piece of the action.
Peter's answer to this man: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of G-d with money!" should give us the perspective of early Christian teaching on the matter. It has been my experience that true religion teaches its followers to give freely in the matter of spiritual blessing and prayer for one another.
A good investigator ALWAYS goes to the source documents first and it would be a good idea to compare and contrast ANY such solicitations you might receive with actual historical Christian doctrine.

#5 Consumer Comment
The Believers vs Nonbelievers
AUTHOR: Lisa - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 05, 2003
I investigated into the matter concerning Saint Matthew's Churches in regard to Letters by Prayers. I was scared to discover the accusation of scam artists brought to the Saint Matthew's Churches letter by prayers. Saint Matthew's Churches turned my life around and I am a firm believer in God. The donations are what pays for distributing the brochures, coupon booklets for the tithings and postage and spreading the word of God to various people. The nonbelievers don't have to read information distributed or give tithings to that church denominations. People ought keep comments about christian beliefs vs non christian beliefs to their selves.

#4 REBUTTAL Individual responds
I have tried to get rid of them too
AUTHOR: Doris Marie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
I started receiving these letters in the mail two years ago. I threw them away. Then I started reading the things, and wrote a letter asking to please answer, tell me who their leader was, and contradicting their use of Scripture. I asked where thei money went, what was it used for, and nothing. Finally I returned all mail, indicating to remove me from their mailing list. Finally, I started writing FRAUD across the returned envelope, manytimes empty, and still nothing. I want them to just leave us alone!

#3 Consumer Comment
Saint Matthew's Churches Scams
AUTHOR: Ellen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 24, 2003
I,too,have received their "special" attention. But as far as I can tell, they are not breaking any laws. Yes, they ARE a pest, but You had to request in writing, more stuff from them, so just beware of requesting things from someplace you have not checked out first.
The bait is all the "Free" stuff: crosses, coins, etc. And they do seem to uphold their end of sending you the free stuff, but again, you had to request it. And "accepting donations or tithing" is lawfully acceptable. As long as they fill out the state forms and comply with the filings on their tax forms, unfortunately, there is nothing illegal about it. And this IS the way most churches make their money, by passing the plate.
Only thing is, this church does it by mail. And as I have inspected all their mail that was sent to me, it all passes the US Postal rules.
So while it may appear to be fraudulent, and it is certainly annoying, at this point, I see nothing illegal. Its about like all the different denominations that come knocking at your door to find out if you've been saved. You can choose not to open the door and with this group, just choose not to reply to their free stuff by mail.

#2 Consumer Comment
The Results of an Investigation
AUTHOR: Mary - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, September 10, 2003
K.E. in Omaha stated that these people need to be exposed. I have an account with and so investigated the corporate records and owners and officers for Saint Matthew's Churches after I received a testimonial letter and Business Reply Mail postcard from this outfit.
Saint Matthew's Churches is described as an "Oklahoma Non-profit Corporation, corporate ID number--DN00306409". It was incorporated on May 24, 1977 and its status is "Active--Good Standing" (!!!)
The Regional Agent Address is listed as:
J.C. Joyce
515 S Main Mall #300
Tulsa, OK 74103
I do not know how accurate this information is. I'm sharing it for informational purposes only.

#1 Consumer Suggestion
Suggestion send the stuff back
AUTHOR: Howard - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 13, 2003
My daughter has been getting this same letter. I send it all back in their return envelope without filling anything out. I also include some of my other paper trash with it, including used kleenex.
Hopefully they will get the hint and not send anything more. But I refuse to pay for having this junk mail hauled away in my trash each week.

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