Complaint Review: San Diego Superior Court Judges,san Diego District Attorney,jeff Phair, David Blackburn - San Diego, Ca California
- San Diego Superior Court Judges,san Diego District Attorney,jeff Phair, David Blackburn 330 West Broadway San Diego,ca 92101 San Diego, Ca, California U.S.A.
- Phone: 619-531-4040
- Web:
San Diego Superior Court Judges, san Diego District Attorney, jeff Phair, David Blackburn fraud, extortion, embezzlement, labor and penal code violations, perjury, retaliation San Diego, California
*General Comment: My Client, Jeff Phair
*Consumer Comment: Judge Meyer - Predatory Lender's Best Friend
*Consumer Suggestion: Judge Meyer the foreclosure industries best friend
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Judge Linda Quinn, her Husband and their best Friend(Thomas WRIGHT) were financially and socially connected to my ex-employer, David A. Blackburn. I reported ALL of their involvement in a MORTGAGE FRAUD FOR PROFIT SCHEME to the FBI and Dept. of Real Estate. Judge Quinn's husband also worked for the Law Firm Duchkor,Spradling who represented BLACKBURN when he sued me for SLANDER when I reported him to the FBI. Judge Quinn's family made money from BLACKBURN, the Judges Husband was a Partner of Blackburn and the JUDGES HUSBAND and Best friend(WRIGHT) was also an investor with Blackburn. Judge Quinn filed a Fraudulent "waiver" omitting the above facts so she could hide the facts of her criminal group, control the trial and fraudulent induce me to allow her to be the trial judge.She approved a TRO preventing me from calling any witnesses to prove I told the Truth about her groups MORTGAGE FRAUD FOR PROFIT. Thus, I lost the trial, $825,000 cash was paid to BLACKBURN on a $215,000 total judgement. The Judge illegally allowed the SALE of our ERISA RETIREMENT property so her partnewr Blackburn could get paid and also so he could pay her Husbands Law Firm. I lost my 27 year RE BROKERS License ( calif), had to refinance my House that was almost Debt Free and pay BLACKBURN an additional $225,000 cash. The trial was in MAY-2000. The FBI and SBA-OIG proved the Mortgage Frauds in 2004. Judge Struass shared office with Judge Quinn.They have blackballed me from the courts to protect Judge QUINN. Jeff Phair my recent employer used the PERJURY CASE against me and JUDGE Meyer to embezzle over $5,000,000 in RE Profits created and earned by me. Judge Meyer circled the wagons for his fellow Associates.The District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis, is friends with the JUDGES and refuses to investigate. I cannot work anymore do to the criminal groups harrassment of my new employers. Their FRAUD and PERJURY and FALSE information given to Judge Strauss was used to Order me a VEXATIOUS LITIGANT. I can no longer sign and enforce employment or any contracts, so I cnnot work anymore. I was never "in pro per" which is the only requirement to be designated a Vex-Lit. The CORRUPTION to hide and protect the Judges is evident. I had a written employment contract with Jeff Phair to split the profits. Judge Meyer ruled that me the Plaintiff needed to DEPOSIT $208,000 in CASH to continue my lawsuit against PHAIR for EARNED & UNPAID wages / profits. I had to quit the lawsuit. Judge Meyer also against my opposition dismissed all my attorneys so I would not have Counsel. Corruption again. NO AGENCY WILL ACT against the CORRUPT JUDGES. THE TRUTH IS NOT ALLOWED IN OUR COURTS. PENAL and LABOR CODE VIOLATIONS are numerous. The CALIF. LABOR COMMISSION does not want to work and sided with the CRIMINALS to justify dismissing my CASE. The CALIFORNIA ATTorney ( JERRY BROWN) knows of the CORRUPTION and the illegal JUDGE acts concerning the VEX-LIT ORDER. He will NOT do anything either - his DAD signed as CALIF. GOVERNOR the VEX-LIT statue CCP 391 - so he does not want to do the right thing for me and embarrass his DAD's Reputation. Our LEGAL AND COURT SYSTEM DOES NOT WORK.
san diego, California
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 08/17/2008 07:42 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#3 General Comment
My Client, Jeff Phair
AUTHOR: Mark Mazzarella - ()
SUBMITTED: Friday, April 18, 2014
It was recently brought to my attention that your website has false and libelous information about my client, Jeff Phair (“my client”) referenced in Report #363905 on August 17, 2008. Please be advised as to the following facts:
- The person who made this false statement is named Craig Lanser. His post on your website did not state his last name. He did not disclose his last name because that would have allowed anyone reading his post to check his background and find out that he is not credible due to his mental health issues and track record of bad deeds and to verify my client’s position.
- Mr. Lanser has a history of mental illness and substance abuse (verified by his personal testimony under oath).
- My client was just one of dozens of innocent victims against whom Mr. Lanser filed false lawsuits over the past 20 years. Mr. Lanser did so in an attempt to extort financial settlements from his victims.
- Mr. Lanser filed several frivolous lawsuits against my client, each of which was dismissed.
- Mr. Lanser filed so many false lawsuits that the San Diego Superior Court declared Mr. Lanser to be a Vexatious Litigant. This declaration against Mr. Lanser prevents him from ever filing a lawsuit again anywhere in the United States forever. Once he lost the right to file any lawsuits, he then turned to harassing my client and his family.
- Mr. Lanser was declared a Vexatious Litigant by the Superior Court because his claims in his lawsuits were so outlandishly false and without credibility that it cost Mr. Lanser his constitutionally protected right of due-process in our country’s court system. This is one of the harshest civil penalties our judicial system can impose upon a citizen.
- During one of Mr. Lanser's false lawsuits against my client, he threatened to kill him in open court. He was put in jail.
- Mr. Lanser sent false statements about my client to several publications (print and internet). He also handed out fliers to my client’s neighbors that made false statements about him. All of Mr. Lanser's actions were intended to harass my client into giving him money. The San Diego
Superior Court issued a Restraining Order against Mr. Lanser, forcing him to stop his acts of harassment. The post he put on Ripoff Report about my client was one of those acts in violation of the court order. He was put in jail several time for violating the court order and engaging in Digital Extortion.
By this letter, you are requested to post this as a rebuttal to the post by Craig Lanser on your website (Report #363905). You can verify these facts about Mr. Lanser with the San Diego Superior Court. Thank you for your assistance in this regard.

#2 Consumer Comment
Judge Meyer - Predatory Lender's Best Friend
AUTHOR: Stephen - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, October 17, 2009
Anybody who doesn't think Meyer is on the take should talk to me. I'm picketing the courthouse every day until that crook is arrested.
I also alerted the FBI in September, 2009.

#1 Consumer Suggestion
Judge Meyer the foreclosure industries best friend
AUTHOR: Jon - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 11, 2009
I have an acquaintance who would dearly like to speak with you regarding Judge Meyer. He stated that he has turned over enough evidence to the FBI to convince them to begin an investigation into a plethora of past and present criminal acts. I'll ask the moderators here if there's a way that I can leave contact information for you.

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