Complaint Review: Sandyhookjustice Wolfgang Halbig - Sorrento Florida
- Sandyhookjustice Wolfgang Halbig 25526 Hawks Rune lane Sorrento, Florida USA
- Phone: (352)729-2559
- Web:
- Category: Unusual Rip-Off
Sandyhookjustice Wolfgang Halbig hoaxer truther scam fraud sandy hook justice FOI hearing tony mead sandyhookhoax Sorrento Florida
*General Comment: LAME Attempt to Smear Wolfgang Halbig
*Author of original report: Questions for Wolfgang Halbig
*Author of original report: Wolfgang Halbig - a lifetime of lies.
*General Comment: Wolfgang Halbig: Seeking truth and justice
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Since early 2014, Wolfgang Halbig, a slick confidence man from Sorrento, Florida has been seeking to profit off the 26 women and children slaughtered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Campaigning as a faux-defender of constitutional rights, Halbig has convinced many gullible Americans to part with their hard money in exchange for a bill of goods that he stands no chance of ever delivering. In return for their investment, Halbig has promised his marks that he will lead an investigation and file federal lawsuits in an effort to prove the victims didn’t really die and that the shooting was actually an elaborate illusion set-up by the U.S. government to scare Americans into giving up their constitutional freedoms. Using discredited conspiracy theories as a pretext and capitalizing off the fear and paranoia generated by other for-profit “patriots,” Halbig has been making the rounds on various radio talk programs, such as the popular Alex Jones Show, plying his trade on disenfranchised working class U.S. citizens. Halbig has stated that he needs at least $250,000 to accomplish his mission and has thus far raised nearly $100,000 towards that goal. Only a small portion of that money has been accounted for. What Halbig and his complicit family members have managed to keep for themselves has yet to be determined. Exaggerating his meager credentials in law enforcement (less than one year as a Florida Highway Patrolman in 1974) and as a High School teacher, Halbig has managed to amass a cult following of deranged conspiracy theorists that hang on his every word and obey his every order. Many of Halbig’s followers have been engaged in an ongoing gang stalking campaign aimed at harassing and intimidating the grieving families and others personally affected by the tragedy. Some have even acted out violently, made terroristic threats or stolen property from the victims’ families. Most would agree that exploiting a tragic event for personal, political or financial gain is something that should be considered beyond the pale in a civilized society. Yet that’s precisely what some unsavory individuals, like Wolfgang Halbig, have managed to accomplish on the backs of those who have suffered and continue to suffer from one of the most horrific crimes against humanity ever committed on American soil.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/04/2015 07:26 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#4 General Comment
LAME Attempt to Smear Wolfgang Halbig
AUTHOR: Brent T. - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, March 08, 2016
Rip-off "report" on Wolfgang Halbig, while simultaneously continuing to support the Sandy Hook MCI psyop... highlights that RipoffReport is NOT a legitimate source of TRUTH! One need only read Chapter one and Chapter two on his website>>, view the pics of a mold infested, unmaintained school (closed in 2008), peruse bogus/illogical police reports, etc. to easily recognize Sandy Hook was not only a poorly exercised hoax event, we can jump to the question..."why do "they" want to greve American's with the false slaughter of chilfren?"
The corruption, the nondisclosure statements, (including this obviously "establishment" site) the theft of tax monies and distribution to "actors" and other "players" etc.. YOUR attempt to sully this man's reputation as some con man is beyond egregious! May you all eat cat s**t and die! Every last lying maggot puke responsible for this load of horseshit on s**t and die!
f**k you!

#3 Author of original report
Questions for Wolfgang Halbig
AUTHOR: - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 29, 2015
Since early 2014, Wolfgang Halbig, a slick confidence man from Sorrento, Florida has been seeking to profit off the 26 women and children slaughtered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Campaigning as a faux-defender of constitutional rights, Halbig has convinced many gullible Americans to part with their hard money in exchange for a bill of goods that he stands no chance of ever delivering.
Question #1 Wolfgang Halbig MUST answer: You were going to high school in America in 1965 and you didn’t know that the United States had a draft? Nobody on your football team mentioned Vietnam once? How is that possible? Were you trying to dodge the draft?

#2 Author of original report
Wolfgang Halbig - a lifetime of lies.
AUTHOR: - ()
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 25, 2015
Wolfgang Halbig continues to boast about his credentials, as if they have any meaning to his so-called truth-seeking. Um, he was a Florida State Trooper in 1974 (résumé says through 1975, but he has also said through 1977). He is not a national school safety expert; he is retired! He now spends his time in retirement spreading lies and harassing people. Just look through his Twitter account: What will it take for Wolfgang to believe the truth? He has mentioned before about exhuming the dead bodies!
Wolfgang Halbig has admitted to applying for jobs he does not think he is physically capable of performing! Oh, and look at this! "We asked him if he ever reported the mold to the proper authorities because of the health hazard to children and teachers and he said, “You do not want to hear about the toxic mold because it get parents really upset and the last thing I want to do is create problems that cannot be fixed because the rule makers are the school board members and the school superintendent. The State Department of Education has no say on Indoor Air Quality and Toxic Mold issues in schools or employee work centers.”"
In addition, he has not shown one shred of evidence to support he was physically involved in the aftermath of the Columbine High School massacre, and nothing has been found to connect him to any documents pertaining to the investigation.
Wolfgang Halbig continues to blatantly lie by stating no paramedics entered the school building. If he actually read the reports officially released by Connecticut State Police, he would have realized long ago that he was wrong. He has been long debunked through Facebook messages, Twitter posts, YouTube videos, blog posts, yet he continues to spread this lie. Debunked:
Wolfgang Halbig makes a sick assumption that police were eating lunch inside the school on December 14, 2012, making it sound like a factual statement, when he only made it up himself. "How can you as a police officer with that adrenaline rush you must
be dealing with even think about eating inside the Sandy Hook" There has never been any mention, whatsoever, anywhere, stating that anyone was eating inside the school after the horrific tragedy.
Wolfgang Halbig has clearly shown he does not understand what happened that day and the investigation that took place afterward. Here are some examples!
His so-called "script" claims:
His inaccurate information he spews in an interview by Richie: Allen:
His 16 questions debunked:
Wolfgang Halbig's FOIA Report: Findings and Analysis:
Wolfgang Halbig's FOIA "Security System" Blunder!:
Wolfgang Halbig's FOI Hearing - Point By Point - Total Failure:
Some more lies from Wolfgang Halbig.
FRAMED! Wolfgang Halbig Files Bogus Criminal Charges Against Sandy Hook Parent Lenny Pozner:
Kay Wilson Proves Halbig knew months in advance of pilot's absence:
Sandy Hook Facts Debunks Wolfgang Halbig's EMS Director Claim:
Yet another person he is wrong about:
Things About Wolfgang Halbig That Make You Go Hmmm...:
Wolfgang Halbig's Sandy Hook Hoax:
Which is it, Wolfgang Halbig? Dave Gahary from American Free Press recommended Attorney Kay Wilson to you...that some of his friends at American Free Press used her for work...or (while being interviewed by Dave Gahary himself) a very, very good friend of yours recommended her?

#1 General Comment
Wolfgang Halbig: Seeking truth and justice
AUTHOR: James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 12, 2015
As it happens, I am a former Marine Corps officer and retired university professor, who, since his retirement from the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota in 2006, has been devoting himself to research and publication on the most controverial and complex political events of our time, including JFK, 9/11, Wellstone, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing. I have published over three dozen articles about Sandy Hook alone and have been collaborating with Wolfgang Halbig on solving the mystery of what did and did not happen at Sandy Hook. To verify my identity, check my curriculum vitae, which is avaiable on-line.
Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida State Trooper, US Customs Agent, experienced school administrator (with more than 35 years up to an including principal) and nationally recognized school safety expert. He became interested in Sandy Hook for the reason that he wanted to understand what happened in order to include that information in seminars for school districts around the country so they could avoid any repetition of an event of that kind. He sent FOIA requests, made phone calls, and shortly thereafter was confronted by two local homicide detectives who were there on behalf of the CT State Police.
They advised Wolfgang that, should he persist in raising questions about Sandy Hook, they (the CT State Police) would have him prosecuted. That was the wrong thing to say to Wolfgang, who began to dig deeper. He continued his research and, by way of James Tracy, who had published one of the first serious studies about Sandy Hook, I contacted him for an interview on my radio show, "The Real Deal", where our first interview was on 24 January 2014. I have interviewed him eight times: 24 January, 12 February, 9 May, 16 July, 4 August, 22 August, 22 September, 26 September, all 2014, all archived here.
The interview of 9 May 2014 with Jeff Rense is especially important, because it reports about the trip that Wolfgang and I made to Newtown to visit the Northwest Connecticut United Way, the Newtown Police Department, the Sandy Hook Fire Station and the site of the former Sandy Hook Elementary School, where we made an appearance before the Newtown School Board and explained some of the reasons why we were convinced that the public has not been told the truth about Sandy Hook, an event that was widely covered in the media, including television. James Tracy published a blog about it.
My research has produced proof after proof that the alleged Sandy Hook shooting massacre was political theater, that no one died and that the school had actually been abandoned by 2008 but was used as a set to promote the Barack Obama/ Eric Holder anti-gun agenda. We have even discovered the FEMA manual for the event, where a rehearsal was held on the 13th of December for what would be presented as a LIVE event the following day, 14 December 2012. I have done more shows about it on my new (video) "Real Deal", which are archived at the Media Broadcasting Center here. Of particular imporance in this context is "The Real Deal special MUST SEE Sandy Hook Update", available many places on the net.
My most recent articles about Wolfgang concern his recent FOIA hearing in Connecticut, "SANDY HOOK: Wolfgang Halbig goes fror the jugular in FOIA hearing", and "Lenny Pozner strikes out with obviously fraudulent copyright claim", where the present complaint to which I am responding is another in a long string of scurrilous attempts to smear the name of a very good man, who is pursuing the truth about Sandy Hook with dedication, intelligence and integrity. The person who submitted this complaint has used the name "Fetzer", which I suspect is itself a fabrication. Because I am so very well known for my investigative journalism, the name was probably chosen to create the false impression that I, James H. Fetzer, am outing Wolfgang Halbit as a fraud, when precisely the opposite is the case. His identify should be verified.
I would be willing to swear in any court or legal forum that, on the basis of my own personal experience and knowledge, Wolfgang Halbig is a man of the highest degree of integrity, honesty and candor; that the Sandy Hook event was a scam for the purpose of creating a cadre of anti-gun lobbiests with (seemingly) impeccable credentials to further the anti-gun agenda of the Barack Obama administration, where local, state and federal authorities are fully aware and cognizant of the facts as I have presented them here; and that the government of the United States has sunk to the level of a con artist in its ongoing attempts to deceive and mislead the American people in order to manipulate us for political purposes.
The complaint filed here against Wolfgang Halbit has no merit and appears to be malicious in its intent. It distorts his character and motives and implicates its own author in a scam to mislead and deceive the public through the abuse of this forum. If ripoffreports has any integrity of its own, it will ferret out the source of this despicable act and prosecute him to the full extent of the law. Americas have fewer and fewer heros these days, because it has become increasingly difficult to pursue truth and justice in a nation dominated by corrupt media and dishonest politicians, where even the highest officials in the land are acting in violation of their oath to preserve, support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Wolfgang Halbig is an exception to the rule. He does not deserve this abuse but our respect and admiration.

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