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Report: #451155

Complaint Review: Viridian Payment Solutions, LLC , Alphacard Merchant Services - Tempe Arizona

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  • Viridian Payment Solutions, LLC , Alphacard Merchant Services 80 E. Rio Salado Pkwy Tempe, Arizona U.S.A.

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Dear Merchant\Soon to be Employee,

I was just terminated from Viridian Payment Solutions LLC, dba Alphacard on May 11, 2009. Yes, you can say I am a bit frustrated. I am not aware as to why I was terminated, however I do know that it was not due to lack of performance or productivity. You see I started working as a SAE (Senior Account Executive). I soon become the top producing employee. I was number one for a few months. Meaning I set and closed the most appointments out of anyone else there. This is based upon Productivity Reports created by Lance M.. Now in his defense, I did miss about four days worth of work, over a span of about 4 1/2 months. I will also say that Lance gave me a gift card to Best Buy for my birthday.

My career at Alphacard ended with the title, Director of Marketing. In this role, I was expected to manage my group of revolving door employees, as well as maintain my previous productivity numbers. If this was not attained, I was told that I was a piece of shiz and that I am lucky I don't get my a$$ tossed out right now!

In my short time with Alphacard, I have seen over 40 employees come and go. Five of these employees were in the position that I ended with. Maybe they were a tad more intelligent that me. Here is a listing of some of my complaints:

1. Being the TOP PRODUCER, I have only been paid on 7 of my closed deals!
2. The comp plan was changed 3 times since I started, each time delaying the process of paying the employees for their closed deals. When my check was short, Lance would place the blame on accounting or basically anyone but himself.
3. Daily belittling, manipulation, derogatory words/comments and consistent mis-truths.
4. Misrepresentation to current and/or future merchants. SEE SCRIPT
5. Physical and legal threats
1.On 04/16, I asked to see a copy of my contract (you know that sort-of, kind of important packet that lists the pay structure, and keeps the company safe) Well, after speaking with the Controller of the company, she let me know that I would need to have a signed document in writing, requesting a copy. I did as she requested. Almost immediately after I submitted this, I was called into the conference room by (my then manager) and was told that Lance wanted to speak with me ASAP. As soon as I got on the line, Lance asked me, What's your F-N problem Joe? No, you cannot have a copy of your contract and if you ask for it again, I will take you're a$$ to court and drag you through the mud! You will have to speak to the man in the big black robe. Now quit F-N around and get you're a$$ to work.
2 On 04/17, all employees were required to meet with Lance at 7am sharp. He wanted to meet with us to figure out what our problem with him was. Four hours later, the meeting ended on a good note, minus many outbursts and swearing sessions. I had hope! BTW he told everybody to take the rest of the day off. Very nice Lance. The following Monday, I was given my pay stub to sign off on. Other than the normal monies not being listed, I noticed that the four hour meeting time was not listed as well. I emailed Lance about it. Uh OhJoe, you always want, want and want. You're like a F-N nat! No, I will not pay you for wasting four hours of MY time bitching at me! Yes, I know I did have to drive out to Tempe, and I did spend four hours of MY time at HIS request. Well he's right; I should just suck it up and quit b***hing. He was very quick to be precise on time that I may have missed. However, would you think that he would be careless about all the extra time I put into his business??
Joe, trust me you will get paid.
3. Being forced to stand for long periods of time. Lance would come into the office and demand that everyone stand up who does not have an appt set. The longest I stood for was 3 hours. Now I am 28 years old. Standing is not that big of a deal but when you have to do it for that long, hunched over to look at the monitor and toggle the keyboard\mouse it can be painful.

Folks, please keep in mind, that I understand that nobody is perfect. I have many flaws that need to be worked on, on a daily basis. I put my heart and sole into this company and really got nothing out of it accept for a tainted view of processing and a defensive spirit.

There is a lot of information I am leaving out concerning drug abuse, hiring practices, sexual harassment, license infringement and much more. If you feel the urge to contact me, whether you are a merchant or employee please do so.

BTW DO NOT SIGN A SCHEDULE A. with Lance. For my last few days of work, I will only be receiving $7.25 per hour. Don't the folks at Wal-Mart make more that that!

NOTE** I do have documentation and witness accounts that validate my concerns and frustrations.
NOTE** The EEOC has been notified and made aware of my situation.

- Joe B.
Gilbert, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/12/2009 02:52 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#12 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Was Lance/Tim/etc ever arrested/prosecuted?

AUTHOR: Rush - (United States)

POSTED: Saturday, November 05, 2022

I've seen a lot of comments about trying to catch up with "Lance" - I'm curious, was he ever arrested?  was his true identity ever established?  I'd love to know if anything ever happened to him.

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#11 General Comment

I think I got his mail...

AUTHOR: hagus - (United States of America)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 04, 2012

My name just happens to be Lance Morris.  I got a letter from an attorney in Orange County yesterday offering to represent me in a civil case which had been filed against me several days before.  I knew something was amiss when the amount of the suit was $8 million.  My lawyer friend looked it up for me and said that it was for Lance O. Morris.  I was quite relieved. 

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#10 UPDATE EX-employee responds

New Name

AUTHOR: Ripper8-16 - (United States of America)

POSTED: Monday, September 24, 2012

Lance goes by the name Tom Furman

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#9 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Glad I'm not the only one...

AUTHOR: RushAZ - (United States of America)

POSTED: Monday, March 26, 2012

I worked for Lance WAY back in the day when he was still operating under the 'merchant services' DBA, under another company name called Northwest LLC (how many has he gone through now? I've seen at LEAST 6-8 in google searches and listed on here).  This was back around 2000/2001 era...

I started with Mr Morris right after he relocated from Portland to Phoenix.  I quickly found out that yes, he was very verbally abusive, paid me utter crap (I was not only their system / network administrator, deskside support, but also the installation tech for their sales of Nurit terminals). 

Thankfully I only worked for him for about 5 months, when I got an offer for a better job.  When he found out, he screamed at me for going behind his back, told me to pack my s**t and get out of the f'ing building or he'd call security and have me arrested for tresspassing... whatever, I was done with him.

a few days later, I got a phone call from him.  He only asked 'did you seriously think you would get away with it?'   I asked him what he was talking about, and he said 'yeah right. see you in court.'

Found out a couple weeks later when I got a letter from AIG, his insurance company.  he'd filed a FALSE insurance claim naming me as someone who had 'keyed' his car... yeah, his $125,000 ugly as hell (to me anyway) banana yellow lexus. 

I called the police, and asked about the details of the report # I'd been given by AIG when I spoke to them.  They found the report, and had apparently been told by Lance that there was a security video from the underground parking that had all the evidence.  The police had tried following up with the parking administration and with Lance; there was no security tape from the parking admin, and Lance stopped answering their calls.  After I told AIG that I was going to get a lawyer involved to stop them putting this on my credit, they quickly stepped down, paid him off, and stopped contacting me.  I really wish I would have had the resources and the time to follow up on it, filing a false police and insurance claim would have landed him in jail earlier.

I ran into a mutual ex-employee a few months later, who told me the real story about what happened.  Apparently after I 'quit/got fired', Lance got EXTREMELY upset, took one of the younger sales guys with him down to the garage, and explained to him that he had SEEN me damage his car, and he'd testify to that in court, or lose his job.  When I ran into him, he was working as a waiter at an upper-scale pizza place, and told me he was SEVERELY more happy doing that job than he EVER was working for Lance.

I will say that back in the early days, my paychecks never bounced... we had a controller then (Brad I think his name was) that apparently tried to run the books honestly, but I don't think he lasted much longer than I did.

Just to wrap this up, yes, Lance was up to all these tricks for over a decade, probably much more when he was working out of Portland, Oregon.  I actually did checks back then, and found he had F ratings with the portland BBB from unresolved complaints, ripoff alerts, deceptive marketing and ambiguous contracts. 

I wish I could have written this report years ago, but not sure if this site existed back then, and if it did, I didn't know about it.  Please avoid working for, or doing business with Lance Morris at all costs, especially to your wallet.

.... if I just read something else i found correctly, did I find out that he FINALLY got arrested and is in Jail?

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#8 REBUTTAL Individual responds

I Think I Can Help

AUTHOR: Ill find him - (United States of America)

POSTED: Wednesday, January 27, 2010

To Meekmister: Queen Creek, AZ

I have tried to call you with some good information under the number that you left. Please let me know how I can contact you. I promise you will like it. It is urgent.

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In response to Joe B.

AUTHOR: Serious Thinker - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, August 31, 2009

To the person who wrote on behalf of Joe B. Please stop. I am in no way affiliated with this website except at this point when this post came to my attention. I did work for Lance at Alphacard. We had our differences and that was that. I have no ill will towards Lance or Alphacard.

I wish Lance all the best of luck and continued success.


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#6 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Dani I need to talk with you

AUTHOR: Meekmister - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dani Hey with the information you have and the information I have it can be detromental to Lance .. your email was somthing i use to write you emails for lance when he was out of town when we were at the office on Mcdowell ...I never realized it was Wynn he owed I know a few ppl inparticular that will be happy to Re connect with lance...

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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#5 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Lance reads this stuff and his feelings are really hurt.

AUTHOR: Danielle Aguirre - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lance reads this stuff and takes it quite personally. Want him to cry, whine, punch holes in walls, drive his car drunk or generally be 1000% of the d****ebag we know Lance O. Morris IS? Post here with more details.

Details like the community service he's had to do to get out of prosecution on booze-related charges. (Yeah, big shock, he's meaner when he drinks if you could imagine that possible!)

He thinks he's really sly by not having his name on Alphacard. - maybe Wynn won't find him to get the big bucks back, I don't know...

His present business is registered as:

It's probably still known as Alphacard.

How does it work? Numbers. Make thousands and thousands of calls to businesses in selected categories that are likely to be owned by small businessmen. Medical and dental practices are especially welcome.

There's a leasing company in collusion. MBF Leasing, that is. They don't care that the price of the hardware "sold" is 10x higher than in the real world. They're happy to extend a lease to whatever sucker Lance's callers get on the hook.

The script use is just a SHADE on the side of legal. "Yes we're calling on behalf of VISA/Mastercard?" Lots of doubletalk (read:bullshit) follows about discounts, tiers, whatever.

The process?
Hook the shill.
Sign the shill.
Run their credit.
MBF assigns a score to their credit A-B-C-D. A is highest and can be a couple thousand bucks in Lance's pocket. B, C and D are lower credit scores and lower upfront payments in Lance's pocket.
A/B/C/D credit = big kickback to Lance.

MBF is a fine, upstanding NYC-based firm :) that frequently is advertising for bill collectors.

The shill really *does* get evaluated for the opening of a new merchant account by the "real" Alphacard - a processing firm near Philly. It is impossible for the management of Alphacard to NOT realize how ethically-challenged their representatives may be.

That's PART of the way Lance makes his money.

So the formula is:
(Market Retail Price of processing machine x 10)+ (Outrageous lease spiff) - ((commissions) - operating costs) = money left over for Lance to spend on cars, @ bars... and on lawyers to keep him out (so far) of Federal PMITA Prison.

The rest of the story: employees generated those sales and they're due commissions, right?
Why, of course.
All of that "unlimited" (sound familiar) commission money can be kept inside of the shell corporation by finding ways to fire the staff that generated it.

If you've been victimized by Lance, do what I do: keep an eye on the individual states' departments of Corrections as well as the Federal Bureau of Prison records. They're online. And let's face it: it's tough being behind bars! If I were to find Lance O. Morris with DOB 4/21/66 - I'd immediately find someone with the bad luck to be locked up with Lance and send commissary. Anything to make that person's life better and help them help me to say HI to Lance, every so often.


Love, Dani

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#4 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Watch it ex-employees, you will get sued!

AUTHOR: Ex-employee Too - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Saturday, July 18, 2009

If you really want to see what a gem Lance O Morris is you should check out the following links.

This is just a taste. Lance has been sueing his ex-employees for all different reasons. The dang part about it is that no matter how much consumers and ex-employees file legitimate complaints, he continues to avoid serious prosecution or arrest from the state and federal government for his illegal business practices.

He is a crook. All of his business practices are built upon deception of the consumer with phony spreadsheets that show a cost savings that never materializes. He has bi-polar tendancies and has no problem with screaming on top of his lungs at his employees. He has made it a practice to higher young and naive women so that he has a ready supply of sex toys and at times has refused to hire minorities.

I find it funny that he has a huge debt to a well known casino in Las Vegas and yet he walks around free as a bird. At least he is losing his house at 6644 E Indian Bend Road, Paradise Valley, 85253. Idiot owes $4,450,000.

Lance is a walking soap opera and time bomb. Karma is watching him and I know he will get his. It is just a matter of time.

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#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Omg I was there too

AUTHOR: Ex-employee - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 09, 2009

I worked there when it was PSA and Aliant. I too was there for the manager assulting. I randomly decided to look him up on here to see if he was in jail yet. I could not believe he is still pulling his usual scam.

I wrote a report a while back about this place. How is Lance not in prison????

Any ex employees can contact me on here at anytime.

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#2 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Omg I was there too

AUTHOR: Ex-employee - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Thursday, July 09, 2009

I worked there when it was PSA and Aliant. I too was there for the manager assulting. I randomly decided to look him up on here to see if he was in jail yet. I could not believe he is still pulling his usual scam.

I wrote a report a while back about this place. How is Lance not in prison????

Any ex employees can contact me on here at anytime.

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#1 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Joe We need to link up!

AUTHOR: Meekmister - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I alsoworked for lance morris, However I was in a much higher position I was the sales MGR for alphacard Az when it was on mcdowell and 22nd st , All of witch joe says is true I use to work for lance at PSA processing source of america also aliant financial .. he changes company names every 8 months or so..
I have seen him literally assault a sales mgr on the sales floor..

But I have good news about 6 months ago i had FBI agents come to my house and ask where they could find Mr morris So his day is coming .

Also He owes a considerable amount of money to a casino in Vegas and they are hot on his trail thanks to ME! Joe give me a call anytime 6028242669 I run a legitimate business where we dont screw our merchants call me i have a position for you!

Steve hahn if you are reading this you cant feel good at night knowing what is going on ...

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