Complaint Review: WAUC - AWU - American World University - Dr Maxine Asher - Pascagoula, (and) Henderson NV Nationwide
- WAUC - AWU - American World University - Dr Maxine Asher 701 N. Green Valley Pkwy #200, Henderson, NV (and) 2220 Market Street,Pascagoula, Mississippi 39567 USA Nationwide U.S.A.
- Phone: 228-762-9020
- Web:
- Category: Colleges and Universities
WAUC / American World University / Dr. Maxine Klein Asher degree ripoff fraud, false representation, immoral, unethical, bogus, crooked, dishonorable, misrepresentation, lies, arrogance, rip-off, devious, confidence trickster, evasive, pretentious, Pascagoula Mississippi, Henderson Nevada
*Consumer Comment: American World University is a Virtual University for Distance Learning Worldwide
*Consumer Comment: These schools just got hooked up with the wrong agency.
*Consumer Comment: It's a diploma mill
*Consumer Comment: hoping 60 Minutes will show up
*Author of original report: Tough Response Shawn..
*Consumer Comment: Insanity is the...
*Consumer Suggestion: Putting Asher on the SPOT
*Consumer Suggestion: Putting Asher on the SPOT
*Author of original report: Update, and comment for Larry..
*Author of original report: Update, and comment for Larry..
*Author of original report: Update, and comment for Larry..
*Consumer Comment: Media
*Consumer Comment: Maxine Asher should step forward and answer the questions asked of her and the WAUC
*Consumer Comment: Why Drag Others Into It
*Consumer Comment: My opinion about the life experience degree
*Consumer Comment: The good and the bad about that order
*Author of original report: Maxine Asher AWU / WAUC, court directed refunds..
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Proven Once Again
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Proven Once Again
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Proven Once Again
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Proven Once Again
*Author of original report: Asher / WAUC fraud and Inspector Clouseau from NJ..
*Author of original report: Asher / WAUC fraud and Inspector Clouseau from NJ..
*Consumer Comment: I Know Not Why Your Are Both So Simplistic!
*Author of original report: Your observations about the differences between the theory and the practice (academic credits vs. life-experience credits) are well taken.
*Consumer Comment: Chiming in for Stephen
*Author of original report: Sorry Robert - three strikes, you're out!
*Author of original report: Please keep that promise Robert...
*Author of original report: American World University / Maxine Asher / WAUC
*REBUTTAL Individual responds: Quoting Steven Manning is an absurdity.
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Stephen T. Manning / Checkpoint Education Services
In Reference to Notification of Redress of Grievance
Dr. Maxine K Asher as President;
World Association of Universities and Colleges / International Association of Universities and Colleges / American World University
An Appeal to Current Member Institutions of WAUC / IAUC to Confirm Their Individual Institutional Integrity and to Formally Denounce the Illegal, Unethical, and Immoral Activities of Dr. Maxine Asher as Listed Herein
Updated September 2004
Background statement:
Having had recent occasion to request consideration of transfer of credits from a WAUC accredited degree course to a New York (traditional) University, I was not very surprised to hear that the NY school would not accommodate my request. I fully understood the current debate concerning U.S. regional accreditation vs. accreditation for non-traditional schools. Nevertheless, because I had previously studied at the NY school for over two years and was still in good standing there, I had hoped that the NY school would consider evaluating pertinent coursework from my WAUC degree based purely upon the standards outlined on the WAUC website and upon the policies and guidelines of the member school where I received my degree.
However, in her explanations as to why the NY school would not recognize those WAUC accredited courses, the registrar at the NY school directly accused WAUC of being a fraudulent organization. In response to this implication that my degrees were not ethically valid, I immediately set about the task of proving the merits of my degrees, and of the inherent professionalism of WAUC. Writing to Dr. Maxine Asher as president of WAUC, I was pleased to receive an initial stout (albeit generic) rebuttal of the charges, but despite repeated requests for a clarification on three specific points relating to the implementation of WAUC accreditation standards for member schools, could not secure a satisfactory response from Dr. Asher.
Although I continually and cordially affirmed my support for the principles of non-traditional education, and explained at length that I needed the information to combat the apparently slanderous allegations made by my former NY University, I was met with increasing evasiveness and disdain from Dr. Asher, which to my dismay, eventually descended into personal rudeness. Despite twelve such requests over a six-week period, promised information was never sent, and I was redirected time and again to sources that either did not reply, or sent inadequate or inappropriate responses.
First bewildered and then offended by her lack of forthrightness, I eventually realized that Dr. Asher had no intention of addressing the issues in a frank and honest manner. I then decided to investigate the accusations of fraud for myself. The following is a brief summary of my findings.
All of the following facts have been independently verified by trusted sources, and can be viewed by searching the links listed at the end of this document. As further proof of the veracity of the content, I formally challenge Dr. Maxine Asher to disprove any of the following statements and / or take legal action against me personally for libel. I for one would welcome some public clarifications'. Any subsequent airing of the supporting facts should serve as a direct warning to any prospective WAUC students or member institutions as well as to past or existing ones of the shabby, unethical, immoral, and illegal activities of Dr. Maxine Asher as the President of WAUC and of the American World University.
This warning also extends to the IAUC (International Association of Universities and Colleges) also headed by Asher, which has made its appearance on the Internet recently. The establishment of the latter is probably yet another deceitful attempt to evade responsibility for her past and current criminal activities as President of WAUC, and to extend the fraudulent activities of her operations that are now increasingly being focused under various names into China, India, Pakistan, Africa, Korea, South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East most notably in Palestine.
All current WAUC member schools will be receiving this statement. Most, no doubt are unaware of many of the following facts. It is my sincere hope that any and all institutions of repute currently affiliated with Dr. Asher and the WAUC / IAUC, will immediately and publicly declare their intention to withdraw on ethical, if not also moral grounds. There can be no possible excuse for any member school to continue affiliation with Dr. Asher unless they are involved in similar practices, those that do not separate run the serious risk of being presumed guilty by association.
Based upon the exposure of the following facts, and in conjunction with a growing dissatisfaction with Dr. Asher's methods and modes of operation, the DTMSI, the educational agency in South Africa (recognized by the South African government) which is listed as the premier authentic institution that recognizes' the WAUC is withdrawing said recognition forthwith. It is telling that despite being informed of this, Dr. Asher has not yet removed that claim of DTMSI recognition from WAUC websites. In addition, of the two current member schools of WAUC already directly contacted by me, each has expressed grave concerns about WAUC / Dr. Asher, and one of the two schools has already stated its intention to withdraw. The second is awaiting the details of this statement.
Persons viewing this statement and any related links are invited to forward the contents at will to any individuals or organizations that will benefit from a reading thereof. Any current member institutions who make it known to me that they are disassociating from affiliation with WAUC / IAUC / AWU may have the fact recorded on this updated statement which will be displayed at (under articles) for public consumption. Due to time constraints however, I apologize if I may not be able to reply personally to all postings. STM.
List of Illegal / Immoral / Unethical Offenses include:
False representation
Non-enforcement of accreditation guidelines
Breach of WAUC operational guidelines
Exaggerations, Lies, Deceptions about her own status
Misleading statements about location and status of campuses'
Misleading statements about value of WAUC degrees
Lies about size and qualifications of faculty
Failure to respond to requests for documentation either from government officials or students
Failure to pay fines for illegal activities
Misleading use of names and titles of institutions of repute
False / pretended / non-existent grading of papers
Fraudulently operating a business as a non-profit entity
(Items marked * are extracted from press articles or emails from industry professionals including some ex-WAUC schools who already withdrew on ethical grounds)
1. Dr. Maxine Asher consistently refers to herself in public and in private as being of impeccable standards; of having made substantial contributions to education; and of being personally beyond reproach, and portrays herself as a pioneer in distance-education. My reputation in education is without a single flaw says Asher. These, as we shall see, are just a few of the many deliberately misleading statements put out by Asher, designed to solicit the trust and confidence of any who can contribute financially to her increasingly suspect operations. For example, in her first email to me she stated indignantly and unequivocally; We certainly are not fraudulent in any sense of the word - I ask the reader to please read the following and then decide for themselves.
(Feb 26th 2004) Maxine Asher, the Henderson woman who runs a highly criticized college accrediting association, has been forced to shut down her Hawaii operation. A Hawaii circuit court has ordered the World University of Iowa to cease operations, refund all student tuition and pay $240,000 in penalties. Asher has been accused of accrediting mail drops and diploma mill operations in the United States and overseas.
2. Despite over a dozen written requests to do so Dr. Asher would not directly answer the following questions:
(i) By whose authority is WAUC accrediting its member universities?
(ii) Other than honorary degrees, does WAUC sanction the sale of unearned degrees?
(iii) Does WAUC practice a policy of offering accreditation to so-called "diploma mills" without checking and confirming their adherence to the standards and principles laid out on the website?
Eventually, a staffer at NOVUS University sent some belated replies that were either direct lies or skirted the issue with ambiguous rhetoric another hallmark of Asher operations.
3. The WAUC website advises informs enquirers of a list of organizations worldwide that honor WAUC degrees which can be forwarded upon request. As a graduate I respectfully asked for this list. It never arrived.
4. * A Web site for (Asher's) American World University's Latin American Division falsely claims a downtown Iowa City apartment building as its "academic headquarters."
5. * A degree-fraud expert who works with the FBI describes AWU as a "dreadful, useless, and terrible" institution.
6. * A former student of AWU says he was tricked and that the school refused to give him his money back.
7. * A former temporary employee insists that she was offered a job "grading papers" after only one day on the job.
8. * Asher's AWU students - 98 percent of whom are from foreign countries - generally fall into two categories: those who are duped into enrolling and those who hope to use a diploma to trick a future employer into believing they have an American education.
9. * President Maxine Asher almost always ran the school from California, checking in with workers in Iowa City. the campus was the site of Answer Plus, a secretarial service that merely fielded its inquiries.
10. * A government official in Brazil believes AWU is defrauding Brazilian students and operating illegally.
11. * When AWU was essentially run out of Iowa, it relocated in Rapid City, S.D. When South Dakota enacted a bill similar to Iowa's, the operation moved to Mississippi, where it resides today. AWU's affiliate in Brazil asked for a special exemption to be able to operate in Iowa this year; it was rejected in May.
12. * An Iowa City phone number from the AWU business' Web site transfers callers to an answering service in Waterloo. Workers there insist they have no knowledge of AWU and that they cannot give any information out but only leave a message for the school's president. "The only information I can give out is that I answer calls for international education," one woman said. "I know it sounds really odd, really horrible, but that's all I know." The calls are to a business called International Educators Inc., which was incorporated as a domestic nonprofit in 2001 by James Sayre, AWU's attorney in Iowa. Asher and two other AWU officials are listed as corporate officers under an address that no longer exists, 312 E. College St. No. 205 -- the old location of AnswerPlus in the Masonic Lodge Building. Workers there say they still handle quite a bit of mail addressed to AWU
13. * One Iowa City observer said: "'International Educators appears to be a phony corporation designed to allow Asher to continue operating out of Iowa and Iowa City in exactly the same way, with Iowa City continuing to be the main hub or spoke for her extensive mail fraud."
14. * Some say it's just another example of the sly way Asher does business. They describe her as a clever woman who has made a career of bending the law, tricking people, dodging authorities, and getting rich in the process. "She has had much experience in track-covering."
15* A local temp agency sent Alanna Shaikh to work for AWU in 2000 at the College Street office, where vertical blinds did not allow people to see in the windows. She says she quickly came to the conclusion that it was a "total fraud." The office consisted of three staffers, including her, and some graders who read students' assignments. Asher would call from California about once an hour to see what was going on. At the end of her first day, she says, Asher offered her a job grading students' papers, telling her "to write comments on them so that students would feel like they were being read."
16. * "She (Asher) said that the [World Association of Universities and Colleges] accredits a school in Saudia Arabia, and that she knows a member of the royal family, and that the degree would be recognized there," he said. When (ex-student) applied for the job, he found out that neither the degree nor the school were considered legitimate in the country. "In fact, they told me that I was wasting my time and money studying with that school," he recalled. He says AWU repeatedly refused to send him the books he needed, and he quit the program. Asher refused his request for a refund.
17. * When WAUC accredited LaSalle University in Mandeville, La., it was shut down by the FBI. Then, its founder set up a new diploma mill, called Acton University, from his prison cell in Beaumont, Texas also WAUC accredited. Columbia State University, also in Louisiana, was recently closed after 10 years of bilking students.
18. * Employers may not be the only victims of diploma mills. The students themselves may be deceived into thinking the colleges are legitimate. Sally St. John, a longtime drug counselor and local television personality, says she was lured into getting her doctorate in psychology. "I paid several thousand dollars. I was told LaSalle was a fully accredited college.
19. * we blew the whistle on Dr Asher having illegally re-registered what was a non-profit membership association to a share-based organization, the control of which she then proceeded to entrust with the owner of a range of unaccredited institutions against a substantial personal income. Dr Asher tried to bribe myself and a colleague to stay quiet about this
20. * I have scarcely any information, apart from hearsay, on which to base a current evaluation of what WAUC stands for. However, I would suggest that as long as Dr Asher and/or any of those involved in the re-registration and subsequent attempt at keeping this hidden from the then membership is still involved, then I would have severe personal reservations about the integrity of WAUC, its general membership and any claims or statements they may be making in any connection.
21. * I recall the time when WAUC was vigorously promoting an event in New York, sponsored by the United Nations. As I recall, Asher had hired some minor UN functionary to address a symposium, and then promoted it as if the Secretary General himself were endorsing them. They even suggested it was being held at the United Nations . . . but in fact it was at the United Nations Plaza hotel, which has no connection. When notified as to what was going on, the appropriate UN office issued a stern "cease and desist" order.
22. * a man in Iowa, who posts to newsgroups claims that Asher makes up her own threatening letters and pretends they are from lawyers.
23. * During the course of discovery in connection with the lawsuit brought against them by William Howard Taft University, WAUC was unable to provide a single piece of correspondence with the Department of Education, bylaws for the organization, or minutes of Board meetings. Most disconcerting - they were not able to provide any documented evidence they had ever conducted a site visit at any member institution.
24. * Once it receives membership fees, WAUC does not appear to do much more than host an annual convention When Asher and two other defendants made the promises "they knew them to be false ... with the intent to defraud and deceive," according to the lawsuit. The two sides reached a confidential settlement to the lawsuit, which also alleged that Asher used assets of the corporation for her personal use.
25. * There's a popular magazine called Spy, which did some very good investigative reporting, they did quite a feature on Maxine Asher and WAUC. In addition to the investigative reporting they wrote to a cross section of WAUC-accredited schools. My recollection is that every school contacted was willing to discuss or negotiate awarding an instant degree or made an outright offer of a degree.
26. * The founder of WAUC accredited Columbia State University has pleaded guilty to 8 counts of fraud and is in prison.
27. * When the founder of LaSalle University, James Kirk (Thomas McPherson) was indicted on 18 counts of fraud, pleaded guilty, and was sent to federal prison in Beaumont, Texas, within a few weeks he was running his next phony, Edison University, from the prison . . . and with full accreditation by WAUC.
28. * Experts say AWU offers little instruction and that almost anyone can get a degree -- even a doctorate -- by paying the $1,650 tuition and handing in easy assignments.
29. * Laureate University in England did not answer an e-mail inquiry, nor did Lucy Han Lee, listed as the president of the Oriental Medical Institute in Hacienda Heights, Calif. A call to her listed phone was answered by a receptionist who said she never heard of the woman or the institute. A final call to the Rev. Sandy Clark, head of the Universal Church of the Master, was answered by a clerk in a Sharper Image store in Campbell, Calif.
30. * One of Asher's favorite topics is that of accreditation. She frequently refers to a government conspiracy against schools such as hers, which she says offers the same services major universities do but at a much cheaper price. The universities feel threatened, and because their representatives sit on the boards of the major accrediting agencies, they make sure schools like hers are considered fraudulent, she argues. Officials in Washington flatly dismiss that idea with a chuckle. Lambert said Asher applied for accreditation for AWU to his organization in 1996. He said she complained about the requirements and the paperwork and challenged him to visit her in person. He recalls flying to Iowa City and meeting her in a few empty rooms that were the headquarters of AWU. After a 30-minute meeting, Asher withdrew the application for accreditation. "She has dropped off of our radar screen since then," he said. "But apparently things haven't changed."
31. * Asher lists many established organizations as if they have formally accepted WAUC degrees, but in fact it is just happenstance that people who work at those institutions have taken a WAUC course.
32. * Some member schools do not adhere to the accreditation guidelines anyway making the whole WAUC thing a faade for soliciting monies from unsuspecting students. Several of its member institutions have been closed down by state or court actions (e.g. American International University of Management and Technology, Columbus University, Lacrosse University)
33. As far as I can ascertain from reports, the value of WAUC accreditation is negative, the standards have not improved, and Asher is still very much using WAUC as a moneyspinner and a way to hold an umbrella over her own outfit (AWU). Even more interesting is doing a google search on WAUC + Asher, juicy stuff.
34. * As expected, what Maxine does is deny everything, while keeping the boat afloat in whichever jurisdiction will have her. What concerns me most is that there could be parties accredited by WAUC who really believe in the hype. One would think that the evidence brought to the surface in the WHTU debacle would show without a doubt that WAUC has no intention to do things the right way. That's a pretty significantly sized 'skeleton' to have roaming about one's closet, I should say. There are others, of course..
35. Little did we suspect that WAUC was essentially Asher's vehicle to have AWU invested with some sheen of respectability, nor that she would later sell the thing to Clayton. Once we realized how things were put together, we flew the coup.
In conclusion; considering the fact that all WAUC member schools' literature makes at least SOME mention of the accreditation issue, pointing out (in varying degrees of clarity) that students will very likely encounter difficulties' in having said degrees recognized by any reputable or well-informed establishments, then it should be clear that those students who choose to avail of WAUC affiliate degrees, do so primarily for their own personal satisfaction, fully aware of the limited applications of most such degrees. It goes without saying therefore, that the ONLY intrinsic merit that any WAUC affiliate degree can claim, is in the integrity of both WAUC and any respective member school in adhering to the stated accreditation guidelines.
If that accreditation procedure is proven to be suspect because of (a) lax enforcement (b) compromised standards, or (c) the questionable integrity of the founder and president, then obviously that so-called accreditation' is absolutely worthless. The only possible merit left in any such degree is in the individual efforts and results that occur in-and-by the individual as a result of their own personal application in earning that degree. And if that is the case, then why bother paying Asher & Co. thousands of dollars for the dubious privilege of being lied to and mislead, and then celebrate the deception by displaying one's certificate of deception' (diploma) as a testament to one's foolishness and navet? One might just as well embark upon a self-made course of study and allow the results of one's learning to speak for itself.
In a recent posting on the WAUC website, proud WAUC students are now being encouraged to pay an additional $50 for the recommended sticker of approval that will forever guarantee one's degree. Dr. Asher's contempt and disdain for those of us who unwisely trusted her and believed her many false and arrogant claims is apparently only increasing with time. STM
You are positively encouraged to contact Dr. Asher for clarification on any of these points at any of the following email addresses
701 N. Green Valley Pkwy #200
Henderson, NV 89014 - NOVUS University; Dr. Thomas Kirk - still awaiting a response
Recent articles for further information:
copyrighted article with several links exposing dubious degree-selling operations
Dr John Baer's findings on a range of education-related topics particularly diploma mills'.
William Howard Taft University
050400 WAUC Press Release.doc (21k) Taft U
You may also search and for more enlightening' references to WAUC.
WAUC heads the list of bogus' accreditation agencies as defined by U.S. Government and Educational Authorities:
There are many others, but these are well known bogus accrediting agencies that have been created by diploma mills and/or have no recognition by any legitimate organization. No legitimately accredited school would claim affiliation or membership or "accreditation" by any of these organizations:
WAUC World Association of Universities and Colleges
WWAC World-Wide Accreditation Commission
ABHE American Bureau of Higher Education in the State of Nevada
UCC United Congress of Colleges
IAAOU International Accreditation Agency for Online Universities
AOAEX Association for Online Academic Excellence
DGAA Distance Graduation Accrediting Association
CAA Correspondence Accreditation Association
BOUA Board of Online Universities Accreditation
UCOEA Universal Council for Online Education
WOEAC World Online Education Accrediting Commission
EAACHE Euro American Accreditation Council for Higher Education
S.C.A.A. Saints Christian Accrediting Association
ACEA Apostolic Council for Educational Accountability
The following is the supposed list of AWU staff as posted on an AWU Korean website which contains a statement in English that is extremely misleading about the size, credibility, and international prestige of AWU let alone the extent of its huge and esteemed faculty (see below)
Achtmann,Peretr, Ph.D - Journalism
Anso,Santiago,B.Sc, M.A - Nusing,Occupation Health,Ergonomics
Aragao,Selma, Ph.D - Lew
Baia,Loris, Ph.D - Psychology
Barros,Darcymires Do Rego, L.D - Physical Education
Beltrao,Fernanda B., Ph.D - Educational Administration
Brinker,Thomas, Ph.D - Accounting
Castanbeira,Mauricio, Ph.D - Social Psychology
Estebanez,Juan Carlos, M.A - Psychology,Sociology
Estebanez,Beatriz, M.D - Hospital Administration
Feijo,Olavo, Ed.D - Education
Frantzen,J.Dieter, Ph.D - Visiting Professor-Management
Huymans, Veronique, M.A - Law, EC Law, International Law
Kabir, Muhammed, Ph.D - Consultant: Business,Economics
Kamper,Gunter, Ph.D - Engineering
Katz, Judy, Ph.D - Television and Flim, Information Technology
Klein,James, Ph.D - Accounting
Lazcano, Amaia, Ph.D - Computer Science, Information Systems
Moraes,Jose Luis de, M.A - Education
Moustafa, Alam H.,Ph.D - Arabic and Islamic Studies
Neves, Lecy C Ph.D - Sociology
Ponte, Lowell Ph.D - English,Journalism
Prodonoff, Victor Ph.D - Mechanical Engineering
Regev, Drora,Ph.D - Psychogy.Education
Roldan,Alfonso,MD,Ph.D - Biomedial Science, Environmental Science
Rosen, Bruce Ph.D - Computer Science Consultant
Sampaio, Sergio Ph.D - Systems and Computer Engineering
Serrano, Francisco, M.A - Engineering.Mathematics
Sung-Cheul Cho, Ph.D - Fine Art
Waller, Adrian, Ph.D. - English, Journalism
Now; please read the following statement made in the Daily Iowan in December 2003 by Maxine Asher about AWU's size, scope, practices, and faculty.. see how many lies / exaggerations / inconsistencies / we can find, especially the part about having over a dozen faculty; offering degrees primarily by correspondence when in reality it is only by correspondence; the qualified instructors claim;
An unidentified "degree-fraud expert," who purportedly works with the FBI, is cited as authority for the allegations. We at American World University do not know the identity of this alleged expert, having never been contacted by him or the FBI. (Asher knows Dr. Bear and his work very well; therefore this is a blatant lie!)
Asher continues; We have been in existence for many years and do offer, primarily by correspondence, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees in certain areas. American World University has more than 12,000 students worldwide, with curriculum guidelines in all subject areas, course syllabuses, and qualified instructors supervising all work. Our faculty includes more than a dozen individuals with doctorate degrees from traditional, residential universities, and these individuals not only prepare the course work, select the textbooks and other curriculum materials, but in addition, review and grade the work of students see the rest of the misrepresentations at the following link;
The following link lists several WAUC institutions as illegal / fraudulent, including Dr. Asher's American World University, and contains numerous links to related topics:
More links to questionable or downright fraudulent operations: (same as instant degrees) (refer to Ashwood, Belford, etc) (Americus university) (instant degrees) (Americus university) and
The list goes on and on and on........
Finally, for my own comments on the debate about traditional vs. non-traditional accreditation especially in regard to the American market, please read ACADEMIC ACCREDITATION AND DISTANCE LEARNING ; Traditional and Alternative Perspectives by S.T. Manning under "articles" at:
Naha City, Okinawa
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#33 Consumer Comment
American World University is a Virtual University for Distance Learning Worldwide
AUTHOR: Challenger - (Kenya)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I read your long and detailed critique of American World University on the ripoff report. It touches on the issue of AWU and its affiliated accreditation bodies.
Even if it does not meet your expectations as many other institutions in Africa and Asia, AWU is still a good purveyor of distance learning as a virtual university.
My points are:
1. How many people who studied in virtually unknown universities in Africa and Asia that have very few reputable staff(if any) and less expertise than AWU, work for the USA government, International Organisations and the United Nations - it is overwhelming probable, that they are very many people. They probably earn hundred thousand dollar salaries and make international policies yet they are from unknown universities, which are not vetted by the United States of America Department of Education affiliates
2. You have to be specific, AWU experts work for many other institutions and universities in that are accredited in the USA and other countries, and they are able to make the same decisions, they make elsewhere. Their works are published in the same refered journals as other experts, they attend the same conferences and belong to the same professional bodies.
3. It is common knowledge, that getting a visa to attend a USA based university, is not easy or otherwise impossible. AWU and Dr Maxine Asher offers the world an alternative.
4. Though the fees charged by AWU seem very low, it is still a challenge to pay it from a developing country - hence AWU's low fee is an indication of its target regions and not a sign of bad practice
5. The problems that AWU faced with authorities in countries like South Africa, can also be attributed to issues such as protectionism and defamation in the Internet, and not necessarily the good judgement of those authorities.
6. Many people who criticise AWU are not willing to disclose their real identities or hand over their evidence to the authorities and to give AWU an opportunity to defend itself. They choose to remain anonymous, though websites like Ripoff have channels for sending information to those concern while remaining anonymous - vendatta, and bad faith in their actions cannot be ruled out.
7. AWU and its affilitated bodies are not perfect, they seek to improve like other organisations and universities worldwide, any suggestions on how it can improve and win greater recognition and more accreditations are welcome via its contacts on its website

#32 Consumer Comment
These schools just got hooked up with the wrong agency.
AUTHOR: Robbie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, February 18, 2006
I agree with you to a point. I don't believe all of the schools associated with the WAUC are diploma mills or bad schools. I do agree most are though. These schools just got hooked up with the wrong agency.
My question to the federal government is, why do they continue to allow agencies such as the WAUC to operate for 13 years if it is a fraud?
I have made inquiry about this agency with the FTC several times and only getting that the information will be sent to the "appropriate" department. It has been over 7 months and nothing from the many complaints and inquiries I have made.
If you read the US DOE laws/guidelines about university & colleges and accrediting agencies, they are all operating "legally" and it is up to the individual states to oversee the postsecondary education institutions in their state. So if you look at it from this point of view, when it comes down to it, if someone does "buy a degree" from a school operating in a state legally, despite lax laws, then it is a legitimate school. This is why I believe that the federal government [USDOE] should have standard criteria for all states to follow in regards to any school operating within their respective borders.
I can't understand why the WAUC continues to operate if it is a fraud. ??????? Why??????
In my opinion, it is a fraud, but it is operating legally. The USDOE states that accreditation agencies do not have to be recognized by the Secretary of the USDOE and schools do not have to be accredited. That is why we are in the mess we are in.
The facts are the facts. The WAUC and some others do have standards, offices, etc. and are listed as accreditation agencies. Just not recognized and not being recognized does not in the law automatically make those agencies a fraud. Understand my point? I am one for closing up these loopholes in all fifty states. Then no one would have to worry about a school that is state approved, such as the ones in California, Alabama, New Mexico, New York, and a couple of others that have high standards for state approved schools.
There is one credible nonrecognized accrediting agency I have found in my research for distant learining schools. That is the National Association of Private Nontraditional Schools and Collegs out of Colorado. This agency is trying to gain recognition and it should be pretty close. This agency does what they say there are going to do. Not like Asher's outfit. Onsite visit, maybe maybe not.
I would recommend to all of those schools associated with the WAUC , the good ones, pull out and seek other accreditation. Until Maxine Asher changes her tune and brings her self down off that high hoarse and start working to put the WAUC back on baord as being a credible agency, it will be nothing but a bottom of the bottom cess pool for that agencie. I may start writing all of her school members and give and ear full and see if they would like to pull a real legititimate accreditation agency together.
Maxine should have a application review board for schools applying for accreditation. This board could be made up from many well qualified individuals all across the nation.Have the meetings on the net in a chat room. We could develop our own standards, policilies, reviews, onsite visits, etc. Really do the work to get a school accredited.
Andres, what is going on with this stuff? What about Columbus University and the teachers who earned a Master's with no work. Even though I don't like this, for all intent and purposes under the federal laws as they are now, those two teachers have legal degrees. What is so stupid about it was that the two of them bragged about they had to do nothing. YOU HAVE TO DO something in an education program to learn somethging.
Madison University is letting its ties with the WAUC slip away. The people there fanilly found out the the WAUC is a poor quality although legally operating agency are beginning to leave and distance themselves from the wAUC. The shcool I attend that is associated with the WAUC is there flagship school. It is one of their best.MU is removing itself from that badly operated WAUC. Until Maxine gets it up and operating like an accrediting agency should work, then all schools should dump it. The FederalTrade Commission needs to let all americans ank all of those people in other countries no that the WAUC is government sham. I give us permission to stick this on the government. They want to any thing about it. IT is their fault. Anyone getting a degree from such a place and then you are turned down as not having a degree, all or us should sue the FTC and the USDoE for letting this go on for so many years. Realisticly, if the WAUC has been operating for 13 years and out in public, then wou would have to assume that it the real thing.

#31 Consumer Comment
It's a diploma mill
AUTHOR: Andres - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm a government investigator. American World University is a diploma mill and all it's accreditations are false. It's listed on Oregon's diploma mill site here:
The accreditors are just made up organizations meant to fool people who don't know anything about accreditation. For a list of Department of Education approved accreditors look here:
The use of diploma mill degrees to obtain federal jobs and some state jobs is currently being investigated on the federal level and has resulted in the firing of several individuals. The ethics of one who will knowingly use a false degree to obtain employment come into question and can cause permanent damage to one's reputation.

#30 Consumer Comment
hoping 60 Minutes will show up
AUTHOR: Robbie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 09, 2006
I sent 60 Minutes an email about the WAUC's annual conference in Miami, FL. I thought it would be a great follow-up to their recent stories on "diploma mills" and "suspicious" accreditation agencies.

#29 Author of original report
Tough Response Shawn..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 29, 2006
Whilst I respect your right to an opinion Shawn, I would like to clarify a couple of points, mainly because I feel your judgement in this matter to be somewhat harsh, and maybe not fully informed.
Firstly Shawn, on the personal comments; let me respectfully clarify that I was an immigrant to the US, and therefore had no understanding of the unique American accreditation debate until I took a moral stand on the issue (to my own considerable cost both financially and in terms of reputation - as you have just demonstrated). Maybe it was foolish; but I had presumed that formal legislation was in place (as in most civilized countries) to protect the prospective consumer-student, and that any institution calling itself both a 'University' and 'Fully Accredited' formally registered and doing business from US territory simply MUST be bona-fide... especially when read in conjunction with the ambitious claims of Mrs. Asher on the WAUC website.
Secondly, before I started on my distance-learning degree, I was enrolled at a formally-accredited NY University (not NYU by the way)... where I completed 2.5 years and 54 residential credits at the Masters level with a GPA of 3.6. I still stand by my declaration that those formally-accredited studies were easier to complete, and the standards notably laxer, than those I personally applied to myself in my distance-learning degree. (This is in my statements I believe).
Thirdly; in regards to "getting something for nothing Shawn"; I paid several thousand dollars and worked very hard for nearly two years before completing the WAUC degree... almost completely on my own cognicance, usually studying between 10 and 16 hours a day. And whilst you might argue that such effort was not required perhaps... and maybe even not expected... I can say with confidence and a clear conscience that I 'earned' that d-l degree.
And finally, my PhD dissertation (now in book form) was, under request, ratified by a sitting PhD at another US accredited University when I raised the matter of my WAUC Univerity's potentially-questionable credibility. (Not AWU by the way either).
It may be true that I lacked some judgement in the matter Shawn, but I believe that any lack of judgement on my part was greatly facilitated by an absence of protective federal legislation, and the lies and deceptions of Mrs. Asher and Co.
Please don't forget that once I saw that Mrs. Asher was engaged in deception, I immediately called her to task, and have since spent a great deal of time doing whatever I can to help resolve the issue for the betterment of education in general.
We all have different views on 'value' Shawn, but what value is education... if there is no personal integrity acompanying it? The fact is that the education industry in America is riddled with 'values' problems that most people have choosen to ignore. As long as money is being made and jobs are secure it is unlikely that we will see any real reforms. But with the matter of WAUC and the like threatening the established schools' source of income, we are at last seeing some activity.
Perhaps this debate here on this website will help resolve some of those questions and problems if we all maintain a strong, objective, and unified perspective. But may I equally suggest that labeling those of us who are actively seeking reform as either 'idiots' or 'fools' does little to promote mutual respect or encourage a unified solution.
Hoping you will now read the full text of the statement above and the associated docunments Shawn, I meanwhile wish you the best in your own efforts to clean up the education business in the US.
Kind regards; Stephen.

#28 Consumer Comment
Insanity is the...
AUTHOR: Shawn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 28, 2006
...Sane response to an insane world. First and formost-- Stephen. If you attend a "University" from a "WUAC Accredited institution", you deserved to get completely scammed. You were surprised that NYU would not accept credits from "American World University"? Do you know how hard the admissions people at NYU were laughing when you sent them your "grades"? I would have loved to been a fly on the wall for that one.
The point is... You don't get something for nothing in this world. If you want a real degree, you have to earn it by attending class, going to the library, writing research papers, etc. It amazes me that we've become so lazy that we need "On-Line Universities" because we can leave our homes and sit in a classroom for three hours a week. This woman is obviously a scam... But as the saying goes, a fool and their money are soon departed.

#27 Consumer Suggestion
Putting Asher on the SPOT
AUTHOR: Robbie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 27, 2006
some time in February or March 2006 (I will have to revisit the WAUC site), the organization is having its annual meeting in Florida. Does any one have any ideas and specific suggestions to have 20/20 or some other national news agency to drop in an interview her. She will be there and a lot of representatives from member and accredited schools. It is time hold her down in the water and not let her up until she comes clean. I will be more than happy to send copies of my letters I sent to her and the two I received back from her. In addition, copies of email communications with her.
Any takers? Power in numbers.

#26 Consumer Suggestion
Putting Asher on the SPOT
AUTHOR: Robbie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 27, 2006
some time in February or March 2006 (I will have to revisit the WAUC site), the organization is having its annual meeting in Florida. Does any one have any ideas and specific suggestions to have 20/20 or some other national news agency to drop in an interview her. She will be there and a lot of representatives from member and accredited schools. It is time hold her down in the water and not let her up until she comes clean. I will be more than happy to send copies of my letters I sent to her and the two I received back from her. In addition, copies of email communications with her.
Any takers? Power in numbers.

#25 Author of original report
Update, and comment for Larry..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006
Thanks to all who are giving their views and opinions. Larry made a comment above about making broad sweeping statements that include other 'bogus' accrediting agencies. In fairness, that particular comment and the list of organizations beneath it was taken from one of the aforementioned watchdog websites, and so I cannot personally substantiate their findings. But if any of those listed organizations have indeed been listed in error, then please name it along with the reasons why it should be removed, and we can thus minimize any negativity created by their presence on this site.
As regards Mrs. Asher and her latest "stirling efforts in education", she seems now to have focused her attention on the emerging Arab world where presumably, they will be more easily duped into handing over the cash. Community leaders such as her friend Yasser Arafat was awarded a free doctorate from AWU... Known to oversee her operations by long-distance phone calls, a report I received recently identifies Mrs. Asher as the mysterious "Dr. Gold" (an appropriate name?) who ocassionally resides at a Beverly Hills Hotel.
As for sending in reports to the News media... if anyone can give me a solid contact, I will happily forward all the relevant information and / or share my experiences. The sooner she is stopped from doing business, the better for all of us. If anyone else has a story, then please don't be shy.. let others know..

#24 Author of original report
Update, and comment for Larry..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006
Thanks to all who are giving their views and opinions. Larry made a comment above about making broad sweeping statements that include other 'bogus' accrediting agencies. In fairness, that particular comment and the list of organizations beneath it was taken from one of the aforementioned watchdog websites, and so I cannot personally substantiate their findings. But if any of those listed organizations have indeed been listed in error, then please name it along with the reasons why it should be removed, and we can thus minimize any negativity created by their presence on this site.
As regards Mrs. Asher and her latest "stirling efforts in education", she seems now to have focused her attention on the emerging Arab world where presumably, they will be more easily duped into handing over the cash. Community leaders such as her friend Yasser Arafat was awarded a free doctorate from AWU... Known to oversee her operations by long-distance phone calls, a report I received recently identifies Mrs. Asher as the mysterious "Dr. Gold" (an appropriate name?) who ocassionally resides at a Beverly Hills Hotel.
As for sending in reports to the News media... if anyone can give me a solid contact, I will happily forward all the relevant information and / or share my experiences. The sooner she is stopped from doing business, the better for all of us. If anyone else has a story, then please don't be shy.. let others know..

#23 Author of original report
Update, and comment for Larry..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 26, 2006
Thanks to all who are giving their views and opinions. Larry made a comment above about making broad sweeping statements that include other 'bogus' accrediting agencies. In fairness, that particular comment and the list of organizations beneath it was taken from one of the aforementioned watchdog websites, and so I cannot personally substantiate their findings. But if any of those listed organizations have indeed been listed in error, then please name it along with the reasons why it should be removed, and we can thus minimize any negativity created by their presence on this site.
As regards Mrs. Asher and her latest "stirling efforts in education", she seems now to have focused her attention on the emerging Arab world where presumably, they will be more easily duped into handing over the cash. Community leaders such as her friend Yasser Arafat was awarded a free doctorate from AWU... Known to oversee her operations by long-distance phone calls, a report I received recently identifies Mrs. Asher as the mysterious "Dr. Gold" (an appropriate name?) who ocassionally resides at a Beverly Hills Hotel.
As for sending in reports to the News media... if anyone can give me a solid contact, I will happily forward all the relevant information and / or share my experiences. The sooner she is stopped from doing business, the better for all of us. If anyone else has a story, then please don't be shy.. let others know..

#22 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: S. - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 15, 2006
If the orinal complaint here is correct, contact ABC News 20/20, CBS News 60 Minutes and other national investgative news programs with your information.

#21 Consumer Comment
Maxine Asher should step forward and answer the questions asked of her and the WAUC
AUTHOR: Robbie - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, January 13, 2006
I had many communications with Stephen in 2004 and early 2005. At the time, we discussed the WAUC. I was interested in earning an online degree and very supportive of such because degrees offered on the net open education to many in isolated areas.
I was interested in an university that happened to be accredited with the WAUC. I did enroll with that school after lengthy conversations and a little detective work about the school. The school does offer a quality education. I continued to research accreditation, substandard schools, and diploma mills. I exchanged several emails with Maxine Asher in support of the WAUC. However, once I started asking specific questions about why the USDoE wouldn't recognize the WAUC, she gave me a very vague answer. I continued with my questions and even sent two certified letters to the WAUC in Nevada. I received two very nasty and unprofessional responses from Maxine Asher. I will note that her signature appeared to be rubber stamped. I still have the two letters.
I have no professional respect for Maxine Asher. I do believe she is sly and not honest with her business endeavours. I sent the two letters to the school I attended and urged the school to pull out of the WAUC due to, one the poor response I received directly from Asher and two the bad press about the WAUC and the schools associated with it. The school pulled its public ties with the WAUC for a while. Then after a few months it reappeared. I was told the school was not going to renew its accreditation with the WAUC. The school is looking into other accreditation at the current time.
As long as Asher is President of the WAUC, I believe it will have bad press and its creditability is questionable at best.
I have filed a request with the FTC to enquire about the legitimacy of the WAUC. The WAUC is in the jurisdiction of the WAUC as it is operating per the internet and based in Nevada. I have received receipt of my enquiries to the FTC but no actual information.
I have also enquired about the WAUC and its failure to achieve USDoE recognition in the past. It has been over six months and no response from the USDoE. Asher responded to me that the USDoE would not recognize the WAUC because it is a global accreditation agency. ????? Other recognized accreditation agencies accredit overseas schools.
In closing, Maxine Asher should step forward and answer the questions asked of her and the WAUC.

#20 Consumer Comment
Why Drag Others Into It
AUTHOR: Larry - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 14, 2005
To complain about Maxine Klein and her degree through WAUC is one thing. But you shouldn't drag other organizations in implicitly by listing a large number of accrediting bodies.
To say these organizations are, "well known bogus accrediting agencies" without giving any reference to where you got that information is not very convincing. If it is so well known that they are bogus you should be able to list at least one source.
If you cannot validate and give sources for that long list of slanderous content, i suggest you delete it.

#19 Consumer Comment
My opinion about the life experience degree
AUTHOR: Sherf - (Egypt)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Actually I believe that the education isn't just a certificate or official document. How many people were very educated without any official degree.
Official degree, means that the graduated individual studied the required curriculum then passed examinations. "Hours of assignments and receiving instructions".
It's possible that someone get's the curriculums by himself and study on his own, and this is close to the distant education, but without supervision. He would also learn about theories and ask the professionals like he was in that organized educational system exactly.
I think the life experience degree could be a good option if it would work on that next part. I mean if it would make sure that the individual really studied required curriculum for a speicific degree 'out lines should be made about that'and solved the given problems they gave and may study more credits. The concept here is the educational credit. If they would honestly and hardly verify the educational credits, then I think this is good.
I'd like to know the others opinions.

#18 Consumer Comment
The good and the bad about that order
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, January 03, 2005
Unfotunately, Stephen, that judgment only covers activities in the State of Hawaii. Residents of other states are not covered by that particular order.
This was a decision by a state court, and the decisions of such courts cannot cover conduct that occurred in other states or make defendants liable for things they may have done in other states (see BMW v. Gore).
There are two positives here for all victims, however. First, this was a summary judgment, which means that WUAC was not even able to defend itself against the charges in the slightest. When a summary judgment is handed down, it means that the evidence in favor of the victor is so overwhelming, and so uncontested, that no reasonable jury could find otherwise and thus the victor wins as a "matter of law" as opposed to a "matter of fact."
The second "universally" good thing about this judgment is that, even though its actual authority only reaches the borders of Hawaii, it provides "persuasive authority" in other jurisdictions, thus making the job of plaintiffs' attorneys in other states much easier.
Personally, I would like to see the FTC bring a federal claim that would have nation-wide effect.

#17 Author of original report
Maxine Asher AWU / WAUC, court directed refunds..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 02, 2005
Thank you to those of you who have emailed privately with your support for this expose - and Tim above too of course.
As for "Joe": Hopefully "Joe" will now keep HER word and leave this post in 'peace' as promised. It seems that this last post from "Joe" was actually sent from the 'Owner of the Company' as indicated in red above. Mmmmmm - I wonder when exactly Joe the policeman became the CEO of Asher's American World University? I do hope that Asher fans or any prospective AWU students will apply a little more detective savvy when reading these posts than our phantom policeman from New Jersey. I must admit that I was fooled for a while though. Ah well, I told you she was good at this smoke and mirrors stuff..
A brief update: It may interest any AWU students to know that if they enrolled on degree programs between July 1999 and May 2003, then they are entitled to full restitution from Asher and AWU as ordered by the First District Court in Hawaii in Feb 2004. Asher was directed to write to all AWU students offering them a full refund as part of the penalty for fraud and malpractice there. Please see the following link for the court documents:
The court was apparently informed that she had complied with the order, so if you are a disgruntled current or ex-AWU student, who somehow missed that all-important letter... Asher is still court-directed to return your money in full within 20 days of your notification. However, she was also directed to pay $250,000 in fines as well, and according to my records has not yet paid a cent, and apparently has no intention of doing so... hence ONE small reason why the FBI might be interested in having a chat with her in between her high-priced diving tours to the site of the lost city of Atlantis... funded in large part by those $50 - $65 'special' seals which all WAUC students are now 'REQUIRED' to purchase; in order to "Forever Guarantee" their diplomas. May I respectfully suggest that anyone who falls for this latest one is merely certifying their gullibility with a 10 cent sticker. If you do posess a WAUC diploma, it is certainly more credible WITHOUT Asher's final gesture of contempt.
If anyone can get a refund as per this court order, please let us know.
More updates soon...

#16 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Proven Once Again
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 24, 2004
I think a basic principle has been proven here.
By using strong language, sometimes insulting and inflammatory, that one resorts to their premordial instincts. In this case, you have been reduced to resort to name calling, simply by my use of little verbal entities to "start the ball rolling." When the civil, logical approach had no impact on you, this alternative was used in order to show how obsessive one could be. If you do not see the error in your ways, just by virtue of what you have written here from a standpoint of decency... then so be it! To opine is a great human right. One that is sometimes taken for granted. I never questioned your right to do so,but merely disagreed because of the worth and acceptance of a degree from AWU in business circles in my state and others. I have conferred with other students and they agree unanimously.
I intentionally made a faux pas every now and then, knowing fully well that you would pounce on them.... because your argument, in my eyes, was overzealous and inadequate at best. That is my honest opinion! I must say, in my haste to answer you, I completely lost sight of the season at hand. I do believe in the spirit of Christmas, along with the attributes of of peace and brotherly love. In that spirit, it is about time that I "cease and desist," as nothing more can be accomplished here other than sparring fruitlessly. I just leae you with one word .... Peace.

#15 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Proven Once Again
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 24, 2004
I think a basic principle has been proven here.
By using strong language, sometimes insulting and inflammatory, that one resorts to their premordial instincts. In this case, you have been reduced to resort to name calling, simply by my use of little verbal entities to "start the ball rolling." When the civil, logical approach had no impact on you, this alternative was used in order to show how obsessive one could be. If you do not see the error in your ways, just by virtue of what you have written here from a standpoint of decency... then so be it! To opine is a great human right. One that is sometimes taken for granted. I never questioned your right to do so,but merely disagreed because of the worth and acceptance of a degree from AWU in business circles in my state and others. I have conferred with other students and they agree unanimously.
I intentionally made a faux pas every now and then, knowing fully well that you would pounce on them.... because your argument, in my eyes, was overzealous and inadequate at best. That is my honest opinion! I must say, in my haste to answer you, I completely lost sight of the season at hand. I do believe in the spirit of Christmas, along with the attributes of of peace and brotherly love. In that spirit, it is about time that I "cease and desist," as nothing more can be accomplished here other than sparring fruitlessly. I just leae you with one word .... Peace.

#14 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Proven Once Again
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 24, 2004
I think a basic principle has been proven here.
By using strong language, sometimes insulting and inflammatory, that one resorts to their premordial instincts. In this case, you have been reduced to resort to name calling, simply by my use of little verbal entities to "start the ball rolling." When the civil, logical approach had no impact on you, this alternative was used in order to show how obsessive one could be. If you do not see the error in your ways, just by virtue of what you have written here from a standpoint of decency... then so be it! To opine is a great human right. One that is sometimes taken for granted. I never questioned your right to do so,but merely disagreed because of the worth and acceptance of a degree from AWU in business circles in my state and others. I have conferred with other students and they agree unanimously.
I intentionally made a faux pas every now and then, knowing fully well that you would pounce on them.... because your argument, in my eyes, was overzealous and inadequate at best. That is my honest opinion! I must say, in my haste to answer you, I completely lost sight of the season at hand. I do believe in the spirit of Christmas, along with the attributes of of peace and brotherly love. In that spirit, it is about time that I "cease and desist," as nothing more can be accomplished here other than sparring fruitlessly. I just leae you with one word .... Peace.

#13 REBUTTAL Owner of company
Proven Once Again
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 24, 2004
I think a basic principle has been proven here.
By using strong language, sometimes insulting and inflammatory, that one resorts to their premordial instincts. In this case, you have been reduced to resort to name calling, simply by my use of little verbal entities to "start the ball rolling." When the civil, logical approach had no impact on you, this alternative was used in order to show how obsessive one could be. If you do not see the error in your ways, just by virtue of what you have written here from a standpoint of decency... then so be it! To opine is a great human right. One that is sometimes taken for granted. I never questioned your right to do so,but merely disagreed because of the worth and acceptance of a degree from AWU in business circles in my state and others. I have conferred with other students and they agree unanimously.
I intentionally made a faux pas every now and then, knowing fully well that you would pounce on them.... because your argument, in my eyes, was overzealous and inadequate at best. That is my honest opinion! I must say, in my haste to answer you, I completely lost sight of the season at hand. I do believe in the spirit of Christmas, along with the attributes of of peace and brotherly love. In that spirit, it is about time that I "cease and desist," as nothing more can be accomplished here other than sparring fruitlessly. I just leae you with one word .... Peace.

#12 Author of original report
Asher / WAUC fraud and Inspector Clouseau from NJ..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 23, 2004
I put a new title on this one Robbie-boyo so that even more visitors will read your comments and marvel at your AWU-certified genius (and exemplary spelling too of course).
I'm genuinely amazed at you Robert. You actually seem to believe that you have something of value to offer this thread.. you do don't you? Go on, admit it. Well, I have some news for you 'Mr. Detective'.. you are doing a much better job of exposing the supposed 'value' of an AWU / Maxine Asher degree than I could ever do. Thank you. Talk about the Three Stooges - have you heard of the Keystone Cops or Inspector Clouseau? Tim made some very valid points, but you apparently don't think it necessary to read the facts or show respect to anybody. I do hope you are as proud of yourself as I'm sure Mrs Asher is. You two really deserve each other..
Please do yourself a favor Robert and ask just ONE person you know who can read and write to review your posts on this site, and then ask THEM if they actually believe you have a degree in anything other than knuckleheadedness?
How many times must I ask, or how much do I have to pay you to make you go away Robert? Thanks for the entertainment so far, but please go away now. If you want to contact me directly you have my email, and I'll happily engage you in a private discussion on the issue - which incidentally is NOT about YOU for the last time... but about Maxine Asher's criminal and fraudulent activities - which you obviously still haven't investigated even in a cursory manner.
Shame on you Robert for pretending to be something you're not. Now, stop being silly; show everyone what a man you really are and write to me directly or simply keep your rude and unqualified opinions to yourself instead of embarrassing yourself more on this thread. An "experienced sleuth" like you should really know when you're beat, don't you think?
You're out of your depth Robbie-boy. Your rudeness and ignorance has lost it's novelty...

#11 Author of original report
Asher / WAUC fraud and Inspector Clouseau from NJ..
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 23, 2004
I put a new title on this one Robbie-boyo so that even more visitors will read your comments and marvel at your AWU-certified genius (and exemplary spelling too of course).
I'm genuinely amazed at you Robert. You actually seem to believe that you have something of value to offer this thread.. you do don't you? Go on, admit it. Well, I have some news for you 'Mr. Detective'.. you are doing a much better job of exposing the supposed 'value' of an AWU / Maxine Asher degree than I could ever do. Thank you. Talk about the Three Stooges - have you heard of the Keystone Cops or Inspector Clouseau? Tim made some very valid points, but you apparently don't think it necessary to read the facts or show respect to anybody. I do hope you are as proud of yourself as I'm sure Mrs Asher is. You two really deserve each other..
Please do yourself a favor Robert and ask just ONE person you know who can read and write to review your posts on this site, and then ask THEM if they actually believe you have a degree in anything other than knuckleheadedness?
How many times must I ask, or how much do I have to pay you to make you go away Robert? Thanks for the entertainment so far, but please go away now. If you want to contact me directly you have my email, and I'll happily engage you in a private discussion on the issue - which incidentally is NOT about YOU for the last time... but about Maxine Asher's criminal and fraudulent activities - which you obviously still haven't investigated even in a cursory manner.
Shame on you Robert for pretending to be something you're not. Now, stop being silly; show everyone what a man you really are and write to me directly or simply keep your rude and unqualified opinions to yourself instead of embarrassing yourself more on this thread. An "experienced sleuth" like you should really know when you're beat, don't you think?
You're out of your depth Robbie-boy. Your rudeness and ignorance has lost it's novelty...

#10 Consumer Comment
I Know Not Why Your Are Both So Simplistic!
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 20, 2004
This rebuttal is addressed to Stephan from Japan and Tim from Indiana aka: "Moe and Larry"
Since brevity is the soul of wit, this response befits both of you: "Professional jealousy is your charge and guilty is the finding." I haven't responded more expeditiously because, unlike both of you, I have a life...and attended to business out of the country. As far as your comments made by your sidekick Tim, your need for an alliance is evident to me.
Let me just say to both of you self proclaimed detractors that I am defending my qualifications and will match my proficiency with any professional in my field. I have worked some high profile cases that I am not at liberty to disclose (not conveniently but by by ethical and legal considerations)with highly favorable results. So I disagree with "Timmy's" assessment regarding college attendance for 4 years?
You want to talk criminology? Well, it just so happens I have experienced the why's and wherefores of why crime is committed;(you guys know... the socio-economic, psychological, and other issues) and have established modus operandi... and most importantly, solved both felonies and misdemeanors... too numerous to mention... because of knowledge and expertise,FELLOWS! So you can sprout your pompous nonsense all you want.Further, BS your friends and neighbors....
they'll believe you. But don't overindulge as you do here.
Oh...say hello to to Curly for me!

#9 Author of original report
Your observations about the differences between the theory and the practice (academic credits vs. life-experience credits) are well taken.
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Monday, December 13, 2004
Thank you Tim..
Thanks for your support and insightful comments Tim; hopefully Robert can accept some advice and feedback from you if not from me.
Your observations about the differences between the theory and the practice (academic credits vs. life-experience credits) are well taken. Here in Japan for instance, most experts agree that from an international perspective, the under-18 education system is basically defunct. As a result, many people work for years ostensibly as 'teachers' without ever being exposed to modern education theory. Furthermore, and despite many years of hard work and devoted service in the schools, many of them never actually learn how to teach effectively.
My personal feeling is that if a person with 'life experience' in any particular job - say a policeman in New Jersey for example - can show that they do have a sound grasp of academic theories and principles, then it is okay to award life-experience credits in proportion to their knowledge. But the problem is that Maxine Asher uses the life-experience option as an excuse to allow anybody and everybody who has the cash into her degree programs; which in turn are rarely, if ever monitored at the same level and intensity as traditional degrees. In fact, there is considerable evidence in my report above to suggest systematic deception by Asher in this specific area.. using unqualified assessors, and inventing ghostly 'PhD experts' who, for some strange reason don't appear to exist anywhere but on Asher's websites.
If individuals work hard for their WAUC / AWU degree then that is to THEIR merit.. but as far as I can tell, any serious requirements to meet high academic standards are only 'written in' on the marketing material by Asher in order to give the appearance of credibility. Meanwhile Asher continues to tout the conspiracy theory; that dark conservative forces are threatened by her 'vision' and are therefore colluding to silence her... when in fact, the only reason she draws bad press in the first place is because of HER OWN lack of personal and professional integrity. All this 'David and Goliath' stuff that she feeds to unwitting listeners is just a smokescreen for her deceptive manipulations. She appears soooo indignant when asked of the truth of these issues, and makes so many loud claims about her 'impeccable credentials' and 'historical contributions to education' that most are convinced that she really is who she says she is. But, just like the Atlantis scam that sold so many books and videos where Asher presents herself as the "female Indiana Jones".. she never, ever, produced ONE single piece of irrefutable evidence for her claims. There was a "great dark conspiracy" against her there too. World governments and secret spy agencies no less... what a handy excuse for not producing the promised goods eh?
She's an entertaining figure no doubt.. but it all depends how funny we think it is to be taken for idiots. Probably the greatest shame of all is that Asher has basically hijacked the distance-learning idea for her own suspect motives, and has now given plenty of ammunition to those who continue to raise questions about the quality of non-traditional degrees. This is undoubtedly setting back the cause for reform of the traditional degree system.
So we can see that in contrast to her claims to being "a historical force for innovation in education", she is in fact proving herself to be without scruples or principles in her ungainly and increasingly embarrasing quest for personal fame and fortune.... at the expense of anyone who is foolish enough to trust her.
Best wishes Tim, and thanks again for your thoughtful response.

#8 Consumer Comment
Chiming in for Stephen
AUTHOR: Tim - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 11, 2004
I have monitored this report with great interest, and would like to come to Stephen's aid. Not that I really feel that he needs it - he has presented sufficient evidence to back his claim and has done so in a very reasoned and eloquent manner. But I know what it's like to be completely without assistance on a report, so here's my two (or three) cents.
I have visited Stephen's links above, and conducted some (albeit brief) independent research. The evidence supporting Stephen's claim is abundant, trustworthy, and highly probative: results of investigations by journalists and government administrative agencies; a seeming consensus among respected educators; judicial opinions; inferences based on corporate activity, etc.
In the defense of WUAC, I have seen a rebuttal by Ms. Fischer urging us not to listen to Stephen but failing to rebut anything, and anecdotal evidence of one student's satisfaction.
By clear and convincing evidence, I think Stephen has more than adequately supported his claims, and nothing he said has been effectively refuted.
Robert, I don't doubt your claim that you have received a fine education from this institution, and that the standards to receive a degree are high. However, I can see from your reports why this institution has not garnered much favor in academic circles. Academia will accept "life experience" as a valid educational accomplishment up to a point, but to forego two years of a four year degree based on life experiences is a bit much. The bachelor's degree represents a theoretical understanding that is not achieved through life experience. You may have a wealth of experience that enables you to do your job very well, but doing a job well is not the porpose of a bachelor's degree. Rather, the education behind a four year degree is supposed to give you the theoretical background that you won't achieve on the job so that you not only know how to do the job well, but will be able to recognize how it can be done better.
In the field of criminal justice, for example, twenty years of police work will not expose you to the abundant criminological theories that suggest that modern American justice policy is highly inefficient. You may be able to do your job quite well under the dominant paradigm, but such entrenchment invariably denies you the opportunity to see the changes in discretionary application of your duties that could better serve the ends of justice and crime control. You may be a pro at busting kids smoking pot after school, but without a thorough understanding of the labelling theory, you are probably doing more harm than good by indiscriminately enforcing the law.
All that aside (and I'm not even going to touch the viability of distance learning) the crux of Stephen's complaint was misrepresentation, not malpractice. The "quality of education" issue is certainly open for debate, and my above comments are but one argument on one side of the fence - equally valid arguments could be posited in the other direction. But whether or not this organization has repeatedly misrepresented itself is not an academic question, it is a question of evidence. And, as I said above, I have seen a mountain of evidence supporting the claim, and no evidence effectively refuting it.

#7 Author of original report
Sorry Robert - three strikes, you're out!
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Friday, December 10, 2004
Fortunately for you, a longer response that I had prepared somehow went astray, so let me simply say this Robert: YOU are not the subject of this post. Maxine Asher and her crimes are.
Furthermore, you have already proven your ignorance in sufficient detail for everyone to see, so please refrain from distracting potential viewers from the matter at hand - my factual report above - which apparently you still have not checked in any detail whatsoever 'Mr Detective'.
I always give everyone three chances to prove their merit. You, like your object of devotion Mrs. Asher, have been struck out as far as integrity is concerned. So if you want to waste your time with more inane sillyness Robert, may I respectfully suggest that you get your own website.
So long, and good hunting.
Just in case it isn't abundantly clear Robert; you do NOT need to reply any more thank you.

#6 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, December 04, 2004
Believe me, I'm not the one who's paranoid. You are the obsessed one here as evidenced by your writings. Overzealous would be a euphemism. Tactless and even libelous would apply. " Your information, for the last time, is subjective.Allegations are born every minute by people like you; but that little entity that means nothing to you... known as proof, is the criteria by which our system of jurisprudence and criminal justice is based. Another thing, "PROFESSOR"...the word "avarice" has more than one meaning. Aside from the greedy definition, here are two synonyms for you: "pigishness and graspingness." That describes you succinctly as well. It was said in that context. And.. I think my english gramar is fine..thank you! No complaints from any attorneys or judges in the last 30 years. Oh...yea...and pray tell, where did you get your degree? It soulds like the "University of Adversity" or perhaps a degree mill, or even better..."University of K Mart." (I like that quip)
It may interest you to know, that my only affiliation with AWU was an academic one.
As I have stated previously, the courses were challenging and I had good rapport with my instructors and Dr. Asher. And most importantly, the degree was earned. I admire her accomplishments, dedication, and contributions to distance education, which obviously is the wave of the 21st century. I am not her "press agent."
In closing, I think we too are getting kind of personal--but sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword.I really stongly suggest you loose some of your pomposity and get back down to earth and pursue something worthwhile.

#5 Author of original report
Please keep that promise Robert...
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, December 02, 2004
For the sake of those who may happen upon this exchange, I will risk yet another unprovoked, unwarranted, and rather paranoid attack from our friendly local policeman; 'Robert the detective in New Jersey', who so proudly presents himself as a sterling example of a hard-earned AWU education...
I am going to take you on your word Robert and presume that you do indeed exist, because even when Maxine Asher constructs false or misleading documents she does usually manage to get the spelling and grammar right - but sadly, not the true facts.
You, on the other hand Robert, are taking your AWU education to a whole new level. I'm sure Maxine Asher is very proud of you. Just like her, you are unnecessarily aggressive, arrogant, and opinionated, and are exposing yourself as anything but a reasonable-minded person.. let alone an educated, professional law enforcement officer. Somehow, I seriously doubt that latter claim, but please email me with some proofs of your credentials, (other than your questionable AWU degree) and I can then ponder the rather disturbing question of why a "professional law enforcement officer" with 28 years experience does not check his facts before launching an unqualified attack on someone? (My private email and website are listed above).
For your information Robert, I was actually quite sincere about inviting you to check the facts correctly - in the hope that you would save yourself the embarrassment of publicly protecting a known criminal. But sadly, you have chosen to rant on about my report WITHOUT actually checking the links provided. THAT is not being ethical Robert is it? - especially considering your claims to being an experienced detective.
If I were interested in being malicious just for the sake of it (not "avaricious" Robert), I COULD ask you (as a proud AWU graduate) to explain why your spelling and grammar is so poor, and why you try to use words that you obviously barely understand. Not too convincing overall I'm sure you'll agree? But I'm sure the people of New Jersey are now sleeping easier in their beds knowing the caliber of those amongst them who have earned a prestigious AWU degree in Criminal Justice. I hesitate to suggest that any degree with Asher's name attached to it is probably better entitled "Criminal INjustice".
Look Robert; I am not interested in arguing with you over the so-called 'integrity' of Maxine Asher. For anyone who bothers to check the links above - (90% from government documentation and professional media reports) - the facts speak loudly and clearly for themselves. She is a fraud - plain and simple. This doesn't mean that you and many others did not put in some honest hard work into your degree, but it does mean that you have been 'taken' in one form or another by a professional con-artist.
I'm genuinely sorry that you have somehow fallen under her spell Robert. That's her trademark after all; misleading and manipulating people into trusting her - and parting with their cash. She's truly an expert at it. Even I was suckered at first. New to the USA, I did not know the ins-and-outs of accreditation issues, and was totally taken in by the hype and lies on the WAUC website. So I was a 'victim' too... at least until that time when I did the right thing, which is to try to warn the public about scams like this.
To prove my point, why don't you tell those who will read this post how much you paid for that degree? Also, how much did you have to pay for the diploma, and the graduation ceremony? And have you also been hit for the "prestigious gold seal" from Asher's WAUC website that "will forever guarantee your AWU degree" for 'only' $50!!!
C'mon Robert. Check out the links in my report. Take the time to check the facts. I don't get any joy in exposing her - or embarrassing you. After all, I too spent thousands of dollars and many months of hard work before needing to check a few facts about the "immaculate" Dr. Asher.
I really wish you could see the contempt in which she holds those who have placed their trust in her Robert. As a prime example, why don't you contact her directly and ask her to refer to me (or address me) by my formal title of "Dr" - seeing as I was actually awarded a PhD from another WAUC-accredited University? She never has conceded to do that despite many, many formal requests to do so during our written exchanges... Why not eh? Where's her professional respect for her WAUC graduates? Please think about that one long and hard Robert.
Finally, in answer to a couple of other points you raised:
Firstly; in regards to FBI investigations; you are right in assuming that I don't have a direct line to the FBI.. but I do have an indirect one precisely because of my efforts to expose Asher and Co. I was asked to forward information both to a major network in the USA, and via a contact for an "ongoing investigation" (by the FBI). Naturally, I am not going to divulge any other details, but as a security expert, you will of course understand this.
Secondly; I wouldn't presume to lecture you on professional ethics Robert unless you were willing to pay me to do so. (I taught a course on business ethics at the college level) - so technically, I am actually qualified to do so - if you really want me to.
Thirdly; you remark about Asher's credentials as if they were something to be proud of.. but I have recently been informed that at least one of her two claimed PhD's is from a 'University' which at that time was operating as a diploma mill. Research is ongoing about other questionable claims about her so-called "impeccable credentials" and contributions to education. Keep your attention here Robert, and I will post my findings as and when I receive credible information.
Lastly Robert, in spite of my frank and maybe somewhat provocative remarks above, I hope you now realize that I am in fact one of the 'good guys' and it is actually persons like Asher and Co. who would be better served by your professional crime fighting skills.
So, if you do in fact take the time to check the links above Robert; and if your next message begins with some sort of open apology.. then I warmly invite you to respond to this post once again. However, if your intention is to continue to berate me in this rather hollow defense of a known criminal, then I must respectfully ask you to stick to the promise you made above to make this your "last attempt" to communicate. After all, we mustn't forget that dialogue with 'someone like me' is way beneath you.

#4 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Let me make one thing cleal, Stephan, from Japan.
I am indeed a true person with credentials cited as true. They can all be verified. I am licensed in NJ Jersey as a Private Detective and have a 28 career in law enforcement-nine of which as a detective. I have investigated major crimes including homicides, and on the downscale even frauds; or as we call them thefts by deception. All of your so called links are your "subjective" attempts to discredit Dr. Asher and AWU.I really feel that to debate issues with you is beneath me-because of your hateful, obsessive behavior.But this my last attempt to do so.

#3 Author of original report
American World University / Maxine Asher / WAUC
AUTHOR: Stephen - (Japan)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, November 28, 2004
In the statement above Maxine Asher proves once again that she is willing and able to lie blatantly and consistently - apparently without even a twinge of conscience.
She and I had several email exchanges - some of quite some length spanning nearly two months before I realised there were no honest answers forthcoming. I have all the evidence needed to support the facts contained in the report above, and I will happily forward the text of her emails to any interested parties. Indeed, anyone who has any doubts about anything I reported above - please view the links attached or email me directly at and let the facts speak for themselves.
I applaud the owners of this website for not buckling under her veiled threats and insistence to remove this content. The "numerous letters" from her supposed attorneys actually consisted of only one letter which I seriously doubt originated in any lawyer's office. When I replied to them for example; asking them to PLEASE sue me so that everyone could see who Asher really is... only silence!
The plain fact is that Maxine Asher is a well-practiced confidence trickster. At best she is criminally delusional, at worst manipulatively corrupt. She is being actively pursued by U.S. Government authorities for unpaid fines (for AWU-related criminal activities) and is currently under investigation by the FBI. The fact that she is not already in jail is simply a testament to her somewhat enviable ability to evade responsibility for her fraudulent activities, and to convince trusting individuals of her supposed 'sincerity'.
Finally; a short note to Robert of New Jersey. As an ethical dective Robert, I am sure you agree that it is always wise to first check the facts before passing judgments? With respect to your enthusiastic rebuttal Robert, it is clear to me that you did not check any of the links provided before listing your comments above. But then again... could it be possible that 'Robert the detective'.. just like the aforementioned 'high-powered attorneys' are just another pseudonym for Maxine Asher?? Sadly, nothing would surprise me anymore. But if you are indeed real Robert, then please put those hard-earned detection skills to work, and email me with your findings. Somehow, I don't think we'll have anything to argue about.

#2 REBUTTAL Individual responds
Quoting Steven Manning is an absurdity.
AUTHOR: Maxine - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Your disparaging remarks about American World University on your website must be removed. Quoting Steven Manning is an absurdity. Mr. Manning is not known to me. He was a student with one of the WAUC schools, Cambridge State University. He never had any contact with American World University or with me. Suddenly he engaged in writing diatribes against AWU and against me which were without cause and completely untrue. Our lawyers sent him many letters to decease and desist from making such erroneous material available to the public. Please make the needed corrections on your website. Thank you.

#1 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 17, 2004
In responsed to Stephen:
Okinawa, Japan
I am a 2003 graduate of American World University, earning a B.A. in Criminal Justice.
It might interest you to know in order to ener the program at AWU, a detailed resume, certifications, licensures, and prior studies proofs, extensive professional learning proofs(28 year career as a police officer/detective, 8 years as a licensed private detective)
were submitted and evaluated by the Uiversity.
If incomplete in certain areas, I had to supply the proper information before they would equate to college credits. I then had to take liberal arts courses in addition to my major subject area. I had a 2 year program in which I earned my B.A. It was arduous and challenging. It required extensive reading and research from prescribed books and some elective books. It required frequent trips to the local college library as well. Before completion, I had to take a challenging final examination including my authored work: Private Investigations
I had contact with Dr. Asher and her staff whever I had a question and received a satisfied answer within 48 hours. I also spoke to and had contact with my supervising Professor.
I attended a graduation exercise in London, England and received my diploma. I also attended a meeting of the W.A.U.C. and was impressed with the discussions regarding progressive distance learning education technology & acceptance.
*Your claims are unwarranted because you should have known that credits from a an agency not recognized by the US Dept. of Education are NOT transferable, Nor can one apply for and receive studentloans. Just because you did not get what you wanted, you conducted your biased, "half-assed" investigation, which served your needs. And now you want to play crusader for the rest of the world. Not only are your comments biased & self serving, they may only have a modicum of truth. At best, you may sight some alleged bad business practices! But who among us is perfect? Are you Stephan?
I rest my case.
I believe Dr. Asher has proven her sincerety in the field of education pursuant to her number of PhD. degrees and her life's accomplismnents in the area ofTeaching, Archaeology, History and Atlantis research, and more. No mention of that has been

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