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Report: #1267510

Complaint Review: applied bank - Internet

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  • Reported By: leo — Beaverton Oregon USA
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  • applied bank Internet USA

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I applied and received over the internet a business visa for small

tiny business I am trying to start up.. 500.00 credit limit

minus 125.00 just to have the card.. so already I am in a hole

then I took out 360.00 cash advance from my bank with their card..I got charged 18.00 for doing this

plus xtra fees which were later reversed..

So I owe   360.00 plus the 125.00  and any interest right?
well that being close to 500.00 but not over the credit limit.. the fees later in the month after I made a payment.. fees they attached? placed me over the 500.00 limit..

they charged me 38.00 for over the credit limit.. by fees they charged me later on that placed me now over the limit.

they reversed the 38.00 last month waved it..

but I just made a payment on the 3rd of this month and I saw yesterday I was down to 495.00

with 5.00 available?

today they are requesting by december a 73.00 fee with a 53.00 over the limit amount plus 10.00 main fees, 10.00 interest, plus adv. fees which is still a separate charge?


 no matter how they explain their fees over the phone?

this is not right..

pay monthly, minimum amount, by or before due date???
and their we have 50 60.00 in fees again? I am ready to pull my hair out..

  they will not work with me.. they seem to be satisfied with all the fees

and I wished I had never applied for this card

I am rebuilding my credit.. and no other card or place charges 29 percent interst

and has fees that drag a person back  over their credit limit each month.. I want out or fees to dissapear so I as a good person

can go on with my life

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/12/2015 11:33 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#5 Author of original report

once again applied bank

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Wednesday, January 20, 2016

the bank sent me this email.. suspending my use of card though payment

is less than a week late and they refused to allow me  a  no late fee amount for jan..

and this pushed me over my limit so there is the other fee and here is their email to me.. today

well I could not copy or paste it here.. but they want now 146.00 when payment due in jan.. as most months is a min payment of 35.00 so even though they sounded like they would work with me in december? I

see now its all about their fees.. and keeping a person in this can.. so I am tearing up this card, paying it off as quick as I can.. and running not walking away from this bank and their fees...


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#4 Author of original report

applied bank called me at home today

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Wednesday, January 20, 2016

they called me at home.. letting me know I was being recorded

said they read the report which is the same on here from bbb

and said they wanted to work with me..

I said to work with me? would be to wave a one time late fee which placed me also over my credit limit, which you

  are also charging me an over the limit fee.. before the late fee I was under the limit.. I said, as I wrote here.. letting them know because of funeral and family we had to postpone this january

payment.. but would be making the february minimum payment of 35.00

she said must make the 146.00 I now owe.. to bring it all currrent

I said as on here... I was under 500.00 which is my credit limit. until all the banks fees got tacked on..

she was sorry but they were not willing to wave a late fee.

so I said well

I will make a payment in feb.. and cut up the card and never use this card again

it will be paid off as quickly as possible.. and asked her not to call me at home again

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#3 Author of original report

applied bank thanks but no thanks

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Thursday, January 14, 2016

well I finally got my big fat payment into the bank..

 and after that dec came.. family member passed away so had to fly midwest

anyway.. its been hard.. contacted applied bank beginning of dec.. letting them know

I could not make january payment but would be back on board in feb.. since then

now I got charged another late fee, and also an over the limit fee..

they are not willing to work with anyone.. I called and tried, crying..I could have sworn

someone there was brushing their teeth and gargling as I tried to get thru the phone call. so

I said family urgency, thought they were going to waive fees for january? so their fees would not put me over my limit again...

no.. nothing they can do for me.. and the payment which is supposed to be 35.00 minimum for january

as I had it below my 500.00 limit? because of their fees I am over the limit and again with more fees..

 cannot get them to work with me... family has been up and down with funeral arrangements and missing the family member we so adored..this bank applied bank? you cannot reach them over any weekend, or evening. mon thru friday business as usual..

the gentleman there on the phone said well what do you want to do? cut up the card and make payments?

I said yes.. I will make whatever payments I can.. and consider this card cut up..

I  have some credit thank goodness slowly rebuilding as I go.. but this bank saw me coming..

and now they say its my fault if I did not read their story and paper work more closely.. gauging ones eyes out.. and still wanting me to see  so I can make an x on the spot they want me to sign?? this is not because I

 want somone to tell me about what I should have done.. who needs that? I am grateful for what I have, where, I have been who I am and people who are there for me.. hoping I can always be there for others.. I just wanted you all to know.. the interest and fees with this card, and no one to work with you when there is a crisis.. ishorrible.. so be careful.. 

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#2 Author of original report

applied bank thanks but no thanks

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Friday, November 13, 2015

I never asked what to do in taking care of the matter from others, just wanted to share my experience and totally floored when the fees cropped up telling me what to do and how lame it is to get a card or a cash advance like I did.. is not something I had expected to see. people from all walks of life come into different things in their lives and sometimes when the only emergency money, there is a cash advance.. you have to go with it. payday loan? really? so every week or month? you have no money and you are there with your pen writing a check to them> I have credit.. I just wished I had never applied for this card.. their interest and fees, for having the card and fees for using your debit card to make your payment thinking that would be a faster way to pay? then you get charged an additionel 10.00 for paying them that way? so when their fees put you over the credit limit? even after you made a payment, early and on time? they charge you another 38.00 for being over your limit... after they placed all the fees on there.. so thanks for the advice.. not asking for any actually.. just wanted others to know.. when you are looking for cards, make no mistake some card companies, see you coming. easy to get a card? harder to get away from their cards.. so in peace everyone and appreciate this time to reflect, and move forward not ever going to get another card, without more research.. applied bank may be dust in the wind to me, but I am sure there are worse cards out there. for me? this is the worse go in peace

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#1 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Robert - (USA)

POSTED: Friday, November 13, 2015

As you have found out there are concequences for your actions.  In your case, your bad credit history is now causing you to go with "Sub-Prime" cards that have higher interest and fees.

EVERY fee and the interest rate was disclosed when you got the card.  Yes, those pages of "fine print" are very important.  Now, whether or not you read it is another matter.  But they were disclosed to you, because that is Federal Law.

The second you got the card you took out a Cash Advance.  This is the worst thing you could have done as it is the most expensive way to borrow money on an already high interest credit card.  What ever you needed the money for you could have paid that company directly with the credit card.

If you want to get out of this, the first thing you need to do is make sure you are well under your credit limt.  So you need to add up the amount you are over your limit, the fees, and interest.  You need to then pay at least that amount or your minimum due(which ever is greater).   But that will just get you to your credit limit, you then need to add additional funds to get the balance down even more so you don't keep hitting your limit.   Just based on what limited numbers you gave, I would think you need to pay at least $150-$200(but it could be more depending on if you are currently over the limit).  You then need to work on paying down this card like this every month and getting it to a minimum balance or balance on the card.

As for "no other card or place" charging 29 percent interest, that is 100 percent false.  29% is actually a standard rate for Credit Cards.  Now, yes there are cards that charge less interest, but those are for people who have proven they can handle credit.  But one then must ask if they were the only ones who have this interest rate, why didn't you go with another card?  The answer is obvious to everyone else, so why not you?  The reason is because you had bad credit and no other company will touch you with a 10 foot pole.

You could have also gone with a Payday loan, but those have interest well over 100%.


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