Complaint Review: Clickbank - Boise Idaho
- Clickbank 917 S. Lusk st, suite 200, Boise, Idaho United States
- Phone: 2083454245
- Web:
- Category: Internet Marketing Companies, Customer Service & Support
Clickbank Account Terminated After Being Falsley Accused of SPAM Boise Idaho
*Author of original report: SPAM defined.
*Consumer Comment: SPAM
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I've been an affiliate with Clickbank since 2009, I love them. They helped me pay my rent and bills for almost 10 years, but a few weeks ago I was treated very poorly by one of their reps, after my account was suspended for a SPAM complaint.
The rep said someone complained that I was spamming Youtube, so my account was suspended until I removed the videos.
I assured the rep, this was probably a competitor, since my videos were flagged a little while back, but I submitted them for an appeal, with Youtube reinstating the videos, meaning they met the Youtube T.O.S.
I was told by the agent, Youtube's approval didn't matter in this case. So, in this case, the word of a stranger supersedes Youtube's word, even though I'm being suspended for Youtube SPAM.
The agent also told me SPAM was against the Clickbank client contract. I then searched the contract, SPAM, according the contract, only includes email, telemarketing and text messaging, not uploading Youtube videos.
I mentioned this to the agent and she just responded saying it doesn't matter because I violated Youtube's T.O.S.
I responded reminding her of how she said Youtube's approval didn't matter in this case, but now it's all about Youtube's T.O.S., which I can prove I haven't violated.
She just continued to say I had to remove all of the videos before my account can be reinstated.
I then told the agent, half of the channels in this SPAM complaint don't even belong to me. I'm being falsely accused of someone else SPAM. But the agent wouldn't respond to this point. The accuser falsely assumed that I was stealing videos and reuploading them to Youtube using multiple Clickbank IDs to cover my tracks.
In all actuality, multiple affiliates were stealing MY videos and reuploading them, but I was being held responsible. This showed me there was no investigation to the SPAM claim. They just took this person's word and suspended my account.
I mentioned this to the agent, and asked her to remove the channels that don't belong to me from the report. She didn't address this in her response.
I then called Clickbank, because at this point, it had been about two weeks of emailing this agent back and forth. there were 2-4 day gaps between each response, costing me $100+ a day, over a FALSE accusation. You could imagine how hurt I was that I was being treated this way.
Unfortunately, the only way to speak to someone in this department is thru email, so I was forced to call another department to try and reason with someone. After explaining my case, I was told by the supervisor of another department to ask the agent to escalate the ticket to her supervisor.
I asked her, and she responded "I mentioned your ticket to my manager" that was it.
I responded telling her I had spoke to a supervisor in another department and he told me to ask you to escalate the ticket, I ask her once again.
This time she responded saying my account had been terminated!
I responding asking if my account was now completely closed? She responded, yes.
She them stated I had a high refund & chargeback rate, but this was never mentioned as the original reason my account was suspended, so it seemed a bit off, but I couldn't even log back in to my account to respond to my support ticket. I was heart broken. How could they just kick me out after 9 years of spreading their gospel to all of my students, without even doing a proper investigation?
Then to make things even worse, I was able to contact one of the affiliates in the SPAM complaint and her account is STILL OPEN!
This really makes me curious. Why was my account terminated and hers was not, IF they really thought our accounts were owned by the same person???
She said some of her channels on Youtube are gone, but her Clickbank account wasn't even suspended!!!
This makes me feel like it was some sort of personal attack, which happened ironically, after I posted a Youtube videos documenting my recent Clickbank success, than a week later this happens?
I lost $4,000 in income, because I was FALSELY accused of SPAM. Not SPAM according to Clickbank, not SPAM according to Youtube, but SPAM according to some guy named Jason that emailed Clickbank a report with multiple affiliate's Youtube channels, claiming they were all me.
What did Clickbank do? Did they investigate? Did they escalate my ticket when I asked? No, they left me hanging.
Did they close all of the accounts in the SPAM complaint? No
What's going on here?
Who do your affiliates talk to when WE have an issue?
Why did this agent have some much power over my families livelihood?
I've submitted a video of my conversation with the rep, so you can see it for yourself.
I hope we can fix this.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 05/25/2018 06:10 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#2 Author of original report
SPAM defined.
AUTHOR: olusegun - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 04, 2018
Everything you mention is spoken about in the video I included in the complaint.
The first thing I address was the SPAM complaint. The main point was, how can my videos be SPAM if Youtube doesn't consider them SPAM?
The second point, how does it violate Clickbank's SPAM policy, if it doesn't violate Youtube's T.O.S.?
I mentioned this to the agent, and asked her to remove the channels that don't belong to me from the report. She didn't address this in her response.
- So even if she did that would there still be ones owned by you remaining? If so I think we have our answer as to why you got suspended.
- You're missing the point. The account's with the mass uploads of stolen duplicate videos DON'T belong to me. The account's that DO belong to me have been marked as being in GOOD STANDING by Youtube, while the channels with the mass uploads have since been deleted by Youtube, mine have not.
She them stated I had a high refund & chargeback rate, but this was never mentioned as the original reason my account was suspended,
- So what was your Refund/Chargeback rate? Had it increased recently?
- Yes, because my sales had been frozen. Refunds are normal, but when I'm not able to continue making sales, the refunds don't balance out. So if I make $1000 week 1, then my account is frozen, the refunds I get from the sales in week 1, will not be balanced by the sales in week 2, and so on and so on. That's 3 weeks of refunds vs 1 week of sales.
But back to the Video's. The fact that you have several Video's pulled or channels closed on YouTube(even if they are later reinstated) seems to be an indication you are already trying to skirt the system.
- If you were an affiliate marketer for Clickbank, you'd be familiar with how despearate a competing affiliate can be for your spot on Youtube or Google. People flag videos all the time for the wrong reasons, this is why Youtube has an appeals process, and I'm grateful for it. One of the videos in this report was flagged as inappropriate for minors. It was uploaded at the beginning of this year. 100% original content by me. It has 15K views and was at spot 1 on Youtube and page 1 of Google, for a VERY profitable keyword $2K a month. I put in an appeal, and Youtube reinstated the video about 3 or 4 days later. So if Youtube didn't think the video was inappropriate, why did the viewer flag the video? Because he wanted my spot, and for a second he had it. Now my video is back.
Then to make things even worse, I was able to contact one of the affiliates in the SPAM complaint and her account is STILL OPEN!
- You mean one of the ones that stole YOUR video and reuploaded it?
- Yes, one of the affiliates that stole my videos and reuploaded them.
You claim that people are dowloading them and reuploading them on their own. So why haven't YOU filed an actual complaint to have those video's pulled. After all this is your property, posted without your permission...right?
- I wasn't aware of the videos until the SPAM report. Duplicate videos can't show up for the same keyword, so the original always maintains it's position. If the videos had begin to cut into my profits, I would have been forced to take action, which I have before, when someone swiped by CPA training from my main channel.
If the answer is...well I actually want them to do this because (insert any reason here). Then you also have to take responsibiliy for what ever they do with those videos. Even if this includes them sending out SPAM.
- No, actually I don't, my videos weren't uploaded as creative commons, so no one had permission to use my content.
Businesses take work. If you have invested 9 years of your life in this, it seems as if you may be thinking of this as just "easy money", and not actually work. I bet there is a lot more to this story here.
- I'm well aware of this, which is why this hurts so much. I've increased my earnings with Clickbank every year. This year I was on track to double what I did last year. What I did was, made the mistake of sharing my success on my main Yotube channel.
Good luck. Perhaps you may get your account reinstated at some point by following the rules and taking more responsibility.

#1 Consumer Comment
AUTHOR: Robert - (United States)
SUBMITTED: Monday, June 04, 2018
Your entire posts talks about YouTube and uploading videos. The one thing you did not address was the actual "SPAM" complaint.
"SPAM" is defined as unsolicited messages sent over the internet for the purposes of advertising. It is generally consdered SPAM when it is sent to a large number of users. But technically it could still be SPAM if even one is sent out.
I mentioned this to the agent, and asked her to remove the channels that don't belong to me from the report. She didn't address this in her response.
- So even if she did that would there still be ones owned by you remaining? If so I think we have our answer as to why you got suspended.
She them stated I had a high refund & chargeback rate, but this was never mentioned as the original reason my account was suspended,
- So what was your Refund/Chargeback rate? Had it increased recently?
But back to the Video's. The fact that you have several Video's pulled or channels closed on YouTube(even if they are later reinstated) seems to be an indication you are already trying to skirt the system.
Then to make things even worse, I was able to contact one of the affiliates in the SPAM complaint and her account is STILL OPEN!
- You mean one of the ones that stole YOUR video and reuploaded it?
You claim that people are dowloading them and reuploading them on their own. So why haven't YOU filed an actual complaint to have those video's pulled. After all this is your property, posted without your permission...right?
If the answer is...well I actually want them to do this because (insert any reason here). Then you also have to take responsibiliy for what ever they do with those videos. Even if this includes them sending out SPAM.
Businesses take work. If you have invested 9 years of your life in this, it seems as if you may be thinking of this as just "easy money", and not actually work. I bet there is a lot more to this story here.
Good luck. Perhaps you may get your account reinstated at some point by following the rules and taking more responsibility.

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