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Report: #1464411

Complaint Review: CRI Genetics - Santa Monica California

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  • Reported By: Robert — Hauser Idaho United States
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  • CRI Genetics Santa Monica, California United States

CRI Genetics Dr A. Fedorov - Geneticist, Alexei F. CRI Genetics, Various and Assorted Assistants for instance 'Lea' or 'Rea' Ancestry DNA Testing w/ Generic Results Santa Monica California

*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Reponse to : Robert — Hauser Idaho United States

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FAKE!   I went to one review site that reported Dr Fedorov is the Dr Fedirov of Toledo, Ohio University. There is no connection as Dr. Alexei Federov of Toledo College. I do find one in Russia this could be if they even have a Dr Alexei Fedorov at CRI. What they promise and what they deliver are two different things. They promise you separate DNA tests, including Autosomal, mtDNA, 'Y' Chomosome and Famous People. Now they are hyping 'Health' Reports for additional $99 and telling you for you it's Special for only $99 Extra a year you'll get all these worthless reports.

First off let's start from the beginning:  I thought I'd researched these DNA Testing sites online well enough and came up with 'Living DNA' as the best choice. Why? Because they offered better and more detailed results apparently. But they are located in Denmark and I did not want to wait so long for DNA Results to be available. That was my first mistake..... thinking that because a Testing Facility was supposedly in America and would be faster was a bad idea. So this is how they Rip You Off. 

They give you the impression that they are a team of Professionals and you are being personally served by one Dr Alexei Fedorov...... only he's now located in Santa Monica, California, with this fine team of professionals who'll be running your DNA sample Raw Data through some unique DNA Testing he invented. Seems official right..... and I'm talking about when you search for this Dr Fedorov you get this;

Only you can't back up they are one and the same person. Plus when you begin the ordering process, you are hit with 'Infomercial' Type Tactics that have you thinking if you don't act now.... you'll miss out on all these deals. By the time they've finished, you bought each FAKE Promise and spent $100's of Dollars for what you could have gotten from 'Living DNA' for $89 and they actually give you useable information on your genetics. CRI ends up giving you ONE PAGE Results obivously Copied from other online sites. 

Is the Whole World From 'FINLAND'?  I don't think so, but that's what you get.... until you tell them where your ancestry is really from. That and China, India, Pacific Islands, and guess what? Yes.... Europe!  You know where everybody's Ancestors are from. You are also told your ancestors are from South America and Mexico???  How can that be when, you know all four sets of grandparents were off the boat imigrants from Europe. Only where they are from in Europe aren't in the reports they give you. Like I said.... these are all generic results that could be reported for anyone in America almost half right..... BUT NOT.... Exactly What You Spent All that $100's of Dollars for!!!

Mine and my Son's Autosomal Tests were a joke. He remained primarily 'Finnish' and mine got changed after I complained twice. Now that's teh first clue you're Getting RIPPED OFF!  .....when where you're from gets changed to what you tell them you are!!!

But.... again you see no Autosomal Haplogroup testing and nothing close to specifically Identify what your Genetics might actually be. Plus.... (and this is a big one, because other supposedly more reputable sites offer you 'Raw Data' Downloads. So you can take that Raw Data Results to another site and you can get much more information fro FREE that CRI wants to charge you for. So now it's telling me I'm French. Which is only partly Right and it's just another 'Spit in Your Palm Over a Map' SLAP to get your Genetics Results. 

I've now dug up more information from my family and online than what I've paid $100's for and my son is still a percentage of Finnish and East Indian? Like everyone that's gotten results from them and not complained. Get real!  ....there a young girl on YouTube who got a Gift of CRI Autosomal Testing and guess what? She found out she may be may be more closely related to me (before my results were changed and my son. They might even be Twins and I and his mother just don't know it! 

Now I could go on and on and give you links to various reviews.... like the one that told me they were so great (which may be a 'Shill' site), but I'll give you one link to a Top 51 Review Site. That rates CRI in the bottom 10 of online Genetics DNA Ancestry Websites.... and they should be lower;

Now we get to the Meat of their mtDNA that you would think would get you closer to where you are really from genetically. Guess what folks? Your Mother's DNA says you are from... guess where? Somewhere in Europe and you are told some Generic 'Palm Spit' tracking of a  Haplogroup like 'H' or 'T' and isn't that nice? At any of the top sites on this list (if they do offer you more than Autosomal of a Wild Guess) and they'll tell you not only your basic somewhere in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, North America and China.... (remember everybody has some Chinese, East Indian and especially 'Finnish' in them). 

Your reports for Subclades (which are what you really want to know, if they were actually doing just a mininal amount of Acutual Sequencing) of any Haplogroups on both mtDNA and 'Y' Chromosome Paternal Testing are non existant and you finally find out how ridiculously generic the information they give you (if it's even True) ends up being. AND... that Famous People you may be related to... you stupidly paid for? Nothing you couldn't find if you searched yourself on Wiki or the Internet!  Don't Waste Your Money and for sure don't listen to their 'Infomerical Sales Associates' who are most likely were on their way from giving plasma and having just put their application in for CRI Support Representative Telemarketing Fly By Night Warehouse.

Where you are forced to reading 'Art of the Con' or some other FAKE Sales Technique and the DNA Test Results? Well Russia and China both love getting all that information about YOU!!!  

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/13/2018 02:41 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#1 REBUTTAL Owner of company

Reponse to : Robert — Hauser Idaho United States

AUTHOR: Irene - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, April 25, 2021

 I, too, did a search of the University of Toledo. Surprisingly, on their webpage I found the following: Alexei Fedorov, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine & Life Sciences Vice Director, BRIM/BIPG Program Course Director, Bioinformatic Computation and Applications of Bioinformatics Co-Course Director, Biomarker Discovery, Validation & Implementation

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