Complaint Review: HSBC Mortgage Services - Carol Stream Illinois
- HSBC Mortgage Services PO Box 5207 Carol Stream, Illinois U.S.A.
- Phone: 800-333-7023
- Web:
- Category: Mortgage Companies
HSBC Mortgage Services They harrassed us so much that we had no choice but to leave our home Carol Stream Illinois
*Consumer Comment: How to get together
*Author of original report: Change In A Life
*Consumer Comment: Change In A Life
*Consumer Comment: So this statement is actually about your own family?
*Consumer Comment: So this statement is actually about your own family?
*Consumer Comment: So this statement is actually about your own family?
*Consumer Comment: So this statement is actually about your own family?
*Consumer Comment: Let Us Not Be Judged
*Author of original report: HSBC Mortgage Services They harrassed us so much that we had no choice but to leave our home
*Consumer Comment: Why would you foreclose because of phone calls?
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Me and my husband got financed with a company on a home and they sold us off to HSBC Mortgage Services within about a month. Everything was going good with them until they put a Feb. payment into someone else's account. Me and my husband tried working with them on this matter,
and they asked me to get copies of all of the payments from the bank and send it to them.
I done what was asked of me and shortly after that they started calling and harrassing me about where their money was at. This went on for about 6 months and the calls kept getting to be more and more each time.
They were calling me several times a day up to 10 times a day,7 days a week demanding their money and as
time went by my health started to go down. Some time had passed by and they sent a letter stating the mistake that they made and that's how we found out about the Feb check being put into someone else's account. But even though it was their mistake they just kept calling
and harrassing me.
I wasn't the only one that they harrassed, they called my husband's work phone and was harrassing him, they called my husband's boss and was harrassing him also, they even called my sons friend and what's funny about it all was that my boys didnt even know his phone number
and anyway the phone was under his mother's name and me and my sons didnt even know what the mother's name was,Now you tell me how they got their phone number?
HSBC did send another letter in Sept of 2006 stating that it all was their mistake but the letter got to us on the same day that we was finishing on moving out of there, we figured that if they wanted that house so dang much then they could have it. About 2 months or so ago
we had to go to our lawyers so that we could all do a 3-way phone thing, not really sure what it was to be about but we showed up and my lawyer called HSBC's lawyer and guess what...
they wouldnt answer the phone.
You know I see alot of companies out there in the world just doing people over big time and what gets me is that no one seems to want to do something about it. I'm here and trying to do something and if I can get some money from it, that would be wonderful but right now I'm more into nailing them for doing this to me and my family, there is no reason on this earth that people have to go and steal other people's hard earned money and I'm sick and tired of it.
For once in my life I would love to see people stick together and help each other out, this is why these companies are doing what they are doing because they know that they can get by with it on stealing your hard earned money and nothing is said about it except for people complaining about it. I say stop your d**n complaining, pull your heads out of your butts and start getting involved with some a lawsuit and get others involved that are having the same problems that you are having and when some of these companies see that they are being sued for several millions or billions then they will either go out of business or they will straighten up and stop their stealing from people. You have to get involved to get things done, dont let them keep stepping on you and destroying your life.
With all of this said, I am asking for anyone or alot of you that has had problems with the mortgage area of HSBC to please give my lawyer a call or write to him or email him and if anyone here needs help I will get my lawyer to fax whatever is needed for your case against them. I thank you all for reading this and I hope that you will be more into action then verbal, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT OUR FAMILIES AND HOME AND WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE
pomona, Missouri
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 10/17/2007 11:32 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#10 Consumer Comment
How to get together
AUTHOR: Marlo - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, January 03, 2008
First I want to say I am a victim of this company as well and have filed a report myself. I also want to let the 2 of you, and others as well, know that on the main page of this website, is a way to contact each other. You must contact them to let them know you want that. If you get something going, please update so I can keep informed and possibly join in.

#9 Author of original report
Change In A Life
AUTHOR: Wendy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, November 30, 2007
Hello T..I couldnt have said it any better than what you did but when I sent off the first one I actually had put my lawyers name and all of the info that was needed...but this site took it all off even my email addy. The only possible way that I can think of on you getting ahold of me is going to and type in my name and or where i live. I am listed in the phone book but I really dont know or think that these people will allow my last name to be on here but Im going to try to put it on here again. They have me listed as W Parrish and I'm the only one in the pomona missouri area that I know of. But actually I wish that they would allow for the lawyers numbers and names to be on here, it would be alot easier for everyone. But I really thank you from the bottom of my really understood where I was coming from and I have read many things about companies on here and what people have gone thru with them and it just breaks my heart. It sounds like also that you have had some ordeals also with a company...Im so sorry about it if you have. You seem like a really nice person and I hope that everything works out for you...oh and my lawyer has been working on this ordeal with HSBC for over a year now and the company keeps coming up with useless stuff just to prolong the ordeal. It's not about the money...I'm doing this more of trying to get these companies to stop treating people like they were nothing but to suck money from. And if people would band together when companies do them bad, and companies have to pay out alot of money for it...then I do believe these companies would start changing. I know that when people read this they are going to say "yeah its the money is what she is after". Well you know what...yeah your right...but if I get enough of money I'm going to be helping my fellow man...around here in this area there are alot of poor people living in poor conditions and when I see kids involved...I cry about it.
Me and my husband has struggled for over 20 years to just have something...and to have people like them to just destroy that. But I still thank God for what we do have and its not much but at least we do have a roof over our head and its more than what I have seen others live in. But anyway I'm going off track...I'm a rebel fighting a losing battle but I have to fight for what I believe in and I will continue to fight with my last breathe. But T...I do Thank You for your comment and I hope that we can find each really are a caring individual...THANK YOU...take care.

#8 Consumer Comment
Change In A Life
AUTHOR: Lynn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Bart,please allow me to tell you that number1,when a bank steps in some-one's
life and attempts to take their home from them,it can cause alot of issues in a
family whether you want to believe it or not.Example:I knew a man down in Dover,
Ohio who had paid on his home for 32yrs.He re-fied to put siding on it.His loan was
sold to a Predatory Lender claiming he'd fallen behind on 7 payments,(which he did
not).All of the battling and fighting in the courts drove him to drink,his wife end-
ed up divorcing him,and he lost his 2 boys.The pressure that the courts put on a
person is horrifying and can really change a person,whether you want to be-lieve
that or not.Number2,if a person is already suffering Family Issues at the time a
bank does this,whether you want to believe it or not it just makes it worse.And
number3,some-thing like this can really affect one's health depending on the sit-
uation whether you want to be-lieve that or not.
Either way you look at it,some-thing like this causes
problems for the person or persons in the home.This is NOT about drama.If you
don't know what it's like to spend $Thousands of dollars on a home,and then
have some so-called bank take it from you,than please,we don't want your
comments on this site.Taking one's home can Change Your Life!

#7 Consumer Comment
So this statement is actually about your own family?
AUTHOR: Bart - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"dont let them keep stepping on you and destroying your life."
Because it seems that this is where all your excuses lead. Are you going to sue them as well since they cause you far more grief than the mortgage company?
The mortgage company is not the one causing you internal family issues.
They made a mistake and it took awhile to rectify it - and I agree too long and too involved - but all you are crying about really is your family issues.
Nikki has a legitimate question and this is your only answer? You're right though, a house is way too much responsibility for someone who needs all kinds of drama to survive.

#6 Consumer Comment
So this statement is actually about your own family?
AUTHOR: Bart - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"dont let them keep stepping on you and destroying your life."
Because it seems that this is where all your excuses lead. Are you going to sue them as well since they cause you far more grief than the mortgage company?
The mortgage company is not the one causing you internal family issues.
They made a mistake and it took awhile to rectify it - and I agree too long and too involved - but all you are crying about really is your family issues.
Nikki has a legitimate question and this is your only answer? You're right though, a house is way too much responsibility for someone who needs all kinds of drama to survive.

#5 Consumer Comment
So this statement is actually about your own family?
AUTHOR: Bart - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"dont let them keep stepping on you and destroying your life."
Because it seems that this is where all your excuses lead. Are you going to sue them as well since they cause you far more grief than the mortgage company?
The mortgage company is not the one causing you internal family issues.
They made a mistake and it took awhile to rectify it - and I agree too long and too involved - but all you are crying about really is your family issues.
Nikki has a legitimate question and this is your only answer? You're right though, a house is way too much responsibility for someone who needs all kinds of drama to survive.

#4 Consumer Comment
So this statement is actually about your own family?
AUTHOR: Bart - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"dont let them keep stepping on you and destroying your life."
Because it seems that this is where all your excuses lead. Are you going to sue them as well since they cause you far more grief than the mortgage company?
The mortgage company is not the one causing you internal family issues.
They made a mistake and it took awhile to rectify it - and I agree too long and too involved - but all you are crying about really is your family issues.
Nikki has a legitimate question and this is your only answer? You're right though, a house is way too much responsibility for someone who needs all kinds of drama to survive.

#3 Consumer Comment
Let Us Not Be Judged
AUTHOR: Lynn - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wendy, you're absolutely right! In more ways than one. People are so quick to judge a person before even considering the situation. And if they haven't been in our shoes, they have NO right at all to judge. I agree.
Any-way, for now, call me T. You stated in your report if any-one else involved with these theives,(HSBC), to notify you. Well, both
me and my husband are disabled and our loan was sold to these so-called bankers. The story goes on, but to make it short, we're searching for all of the help we can get, and we would Love to get to-gether with some-one and bring a suit against them. What is your lawyer's name and number? Would you like to stay in touch with us? Again, just call me T. for now. People have a right to fight for their homes. I feel like, if Americans go out and buy homes, and these Predatory Lending Practices (banks) can just be allowed to pick what-ever homes they want and steal them right back, WHY SHOULD WE BUY A HOUSE
IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I better stop.
I want to stay in touch. Hope to hear from you.

#2 Author of original report
HSBC Mortgage Services They harrassed us so much that we had no choice but to leave our home
AUTHOR: Wendy - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, October 21, 2007
Please do not judge me until you can walk in my shoes...why did I give them the house back...ok I will tell you and please really give this some thought before condemning someone for doing what they think is right....To start off I have high blood pressure and so far there is NOTHING out there that can keep it down to where it needs to be...I'm in alot of pain cause I have arthritis not only in my joints but also another type of arthritis in my muscles...I cannot sleep...I sleep maybe 2 hours a night if Im lucky...the doctors had me on all kinds of meds to get me to sleep, to keep my blood pressure down, to keep me from being in pain, meds for stress and lord alot of other meds for things going on with me at the time.
I had a daughter-inlaw who loved conflict and she was keeping me and my sons fighting not to mention she was trying to get me and my husband to divorce. Her grandmother and mother (whom are devils from hell) they have tried to get me arrested for all kinds of things, and of course, I tried to do something about them but the cops in that town couldnt be bothered with the matter.
Of course my son whom was married to the conflicting witch always stood by her side on everything even though he knew better but just couldnt live without her. And so you take that and add constant harrassing on the phone which was almost 10 times a day, everyday,for about 6 months or so, I started to lose what sanity I even had left and also in the meantime, my stress level was getting so out of hand that my doctor said that I needed to do something about the situation that I was in or I was going to die.
My husband loves me enough and didnt and wasnt ready to lose me cause he always told me that the house wasnt worth my health and so we both talked about what to do and the only conclusion that we came up with was to let them have the house back. If they would have worked with us and not done what they did do, we would have still been in that house because I was somewhat handling the problems with the witch and her grandmother and mother.
And after reading this, you or anyone else thinks different, then the problem is with you all cause you cannot judge or condemn people for trying to do whats right with the best of their abilities and that is all me and my husband was doing.

#1 Consumer Comment
Why would you foreclose because of phone calls?
AUTHOR: Nikki - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 18, 2007
Why would you allow the home to be foreclosed upon just because of a bunch of phone calls? Why would you do that to yourselves and your future? I understand that HSBC Mortgage may be sleazy. However, what's hurting your family more? Being foreclosed upon or the phone calls?

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