The First Amendment (Amendment I)
Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression
Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Check It! >>~>…
My “TEAM” built a Multi-Million-Dollar + business with Melaleuca, Inc. Truth is – I grew very tired of the [Complication- Plan™] and-The-Culture” Then, I documented* Melaleuca’s- [Residual Income Claims] i.e. Check Copies/Commission Statements – Here’s what I proved, ‘with documents, .. i.e. Check Copies. If you don’t “PANDER”.. to the “Recruiting-Requirements” Your [So-Called] “RESIDUAL INCOME” of your Matrix, MLM-Group, downline~tree, will go to “0” Yup… a BIG FAT “0” My check’s went from around $7,500.00 monthly – to-Well-Under $200 hundred! In other words “If you STOP- RECRUITING… your mela-checks may not even cover your product orders – regardless of the size of your business. CHECK IT!… Check your >>~> (TRI™)TRUE-RESIDUAL-INCOME. Here’s how you, CHECK IT! Stop recruiting for “90- days, I dare ya!” And if you “CHECK IT!…please come share…!” I coined it…”NoRecruitNoPay™” However, you may be paid on “Personal Enrollments” [Capped at $100.00 without leadership points] Seriously!
Wait, there’s more…!
After I documented Melaleuca’s [TRI™] “True-Residual-Income” I got canned with a phone call from “alan pariser”… get this, then, “pariser”- had the NERVE to – Threaten me with a Restraining Order! Symbolic of Melaleuca..again, don’t take my word for it… CHECK IT!
Google >>~> Melaleuca Restraining Orders<~<< don’t be shy – go for it!
So, for our 16 years of loyalty……………. I got canned with a phone for “alan pariser” my Mela-enroler…. well, after my first enroller quietly went away…”Dave Rizzo, ‘Went away…. hmmmm” SMH! I picked that one up from a Wise Man.) And, O’ so many go away… reminds me of that tune – “One Way Or Another” Integrity, Check it.. Check it twice!
Melaleuca, Inc. Continued hitting my account for BOGUS fees relating to “The Business”. Does melaleuca, not understand digital DNA? “FACTS”
So.. I called my bank, which happens to be Melaleuca’s bank i.e. Wells Fargo, filed a complaint….Wells Fargo, sided with me and credited my account. However, Melaleuca. Inc. hit my account a third time! ‘So of course, I had to jump through all the hoops a second time. You can’t make this stuff up.. ‘Ridiculous’ “All *Documented With “Wells Fargo” “CHECK IT..CHECK IT TWICE!. ~e~
“I think The Feds need to concern themselves with what’s really going on at Melaleuca,Inc.” ~KK
“People say you can get in – but, you can never get out. Think about it…. ~e~ Google >>~>Checkout Melaleuca,Inc.Melaleuca-Lawsuits <~<<
Google >>~>Checkout Melaleuca-Complaints<~<<…
Update “Melaleuca, lies” When “pariser terminated me… with [The Phone Call].. I was on speaker phone… and “I” borne witness) to his words… and our conversation!” Just a another ~White Wash~ “I swear to god – no letter ever.” See Melaleuca’s lame, ridiculous, SLOPPY… response to the BBC, regarding my complaint!” I do admit to the earnings – However, albeit huge expenses and cost of doing business and PANDERING to the “Complication-Plane™” tell less of a grand story… “Stellar is less then common practice in the mela-camp.” ~KK
I think “The FED’s need to depose “alan pariser… and put him on a “Lie Detector Test.” He’d lighter up! “Ponder this… Why would anyone walk away from 16 years of work .. and a multi-million dollar business? “make-believe, fictitious; sham.” Besides, we always enjoyed the products. ~KK:)
The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.
William S. Burroughs
“#NoRecritNoPay” “Go sell your residual income tales”
” *Ask Frank VanderSloot and/or the management team about the “LGBT” couple
in our downline from “Northern California” – “every year for years…. in tears because they were denied the ‘RIGHT’ of onbeing stage together becauses they are “LGBT” You can’t make this stuff up! >>~> Check it, Check it twice<~<<…
February 2, 2015 <~<< Melaleuca Response<<~<< THE RESPONSE
Better Business Bureau
Attn: Samantha Gillihan
420 Memorial Drive
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Re: Ken Klocke, Case #10405883
Dear Ms. Gillihan:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by Ken Klocke.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us the opportunity to respond.
Mr. Klocke enrolled as an Independent Marketing Executive in January 1998 and remained a Marketing Executive until his voluntary resignation in 2014. During that period, Melaleuca paid Mr. Klocke a total of $2,176,861 in commissions. Melaleuca’s Independent Marketing Executive Agreement entitled Mr. Klocke to receive commissions as long as he abided by Melaleuca’s Statement of Policies.
In May 2014, Melaleuca received allegations and documentation that Mr. Klocke was attempting to recruit Melaleuca Customers and Marketing Executives to another business venture, which is a violation of Policy 20 of Melaleuca’s Statement of Policies. On May 22, 2014, Melaleuca’s Policy Administration sent Mr. Klocke a letter notifying him of the allegations and requested his response to those allegations. To date, Melaleuca has never received a response from Mr. Klocke about the allegations. Instead, rather than respond, on June 18, 2014, Mr. Klocke simply submitted his voluntary resignation. (A copy of Mr. Klocke’s resignation letter is attached for reference.) Melaleuca complied with Mr. Klocke’s request and cancelled his account.
In light of Mr. Klocke’s voluntary resignation, Policy Administration did not proceed with any investigation of potential contract or policy violations. Mr. Klocke’s customer account has remained inactive since June 2014. To our knowledge, Mr. Klocke has never tried to contact Melaleuca since then. Until your notice informing us of his complaint, we were unaware that Mr. Klocke had any concerns. Since receiving your notice, Melaleuca has tried to reach out several times to Mr. Klocke to learn more about his concerns. To date, he has not answered or returned any of our calls.
Some of Mr. Klocke’s allegations in his complaint to the BBB are puzzling to us. For example, his assertion that Alan Pariser terminated him simply cannot be true. We know Mr. Pariser. Mr. Pariser is an Independent Marketing Executive in good standing with Melaleuca. But Mr. Pariser has never been an employee of Melaleuca and could never have had authorization to terminate Mr. Klocke. Since Mr. Klocke has not returned our phone calls to date we have been unable to learn any more about that allegation. To our knowledge Mr. Klocke simply resigned.
3910 South Yellowstone Highway * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003(208) His voluntary resignation was the only response that we have received to the allegations that he
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His voluntary resignation was the only response that we have received to the allegations that he had breached Melaleuca’s policy. Had he disputed the allegations, Melaleuca would have done a complete review and investigation of the facts before taking any disciplinary action.
We have reached out on several occasions to contact Mr. Klocke to discuss any potential resolution to any legitimate concerns he may have. To date, Mr. Klocke has failed to respond to us in any way. If you have any further questions, you may contact Melaleuca at 208-522-0700.
Sincerely, “Wayne Billman”
Director of Customer Care and Business Development
I KK personally called Melaleuca, yesterday 02/02/2015 … just to check it.. asked the line agent if anyone has been reaching out to me? and/or tried contacting me. After a extended hold she returned and said; Can’t find anything here,… well, well, well! SMH!
Note: I did terminate my customer account a month or two later after “anan pariser – terminated me “ONLY BECAUSE OF BOGUS, continual charges to my account for – International fees, monthly report fees.. I stated in my termination letter that I was resigning my customer account under duress and without prejudice!!
>>~> Go Sell Your Dream<~<< “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.”
Albert Einstein
*[The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” – Winston Churchill]
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” – John Adams quotes
alan pariser, promised “Build it once and walk away…. RIGHT!…. Walk away residual income…RIGHT!
“All You “Mela-Dream-Peddlers” Go sell your, ‘Residual-Income-Tales’ ~ “Respectfully,
“One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning”. —James Russell
Tip Of The Iceberg ^/.
Treasures ~ KK©2015
All Rights Reserved.
[Whistleblower Protection Act]
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
~Albert Einstein