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Ripoff Report | Primerica TRUSTED Review - Somerville, Kentucky
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Report: #123508

Complaint Review: Ripoff Report | Primerica - Somerville Kentucky

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  • Reported By: Louisville Kentucky
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  • Primerica Somerville, Kentucky U.S.A.

Primerica TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Primerica offers excellent business opportunities & stands behind its products & services, feel confident & secure when doing business with Primerica, backed by Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.

*UPDATE: Primerica offers a good business opportunity & stands behind its products & services - Company Executives have told RipOff Report that Primerica pledges to resolve complaints & address any inquires from the past, present & in the future.

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REVIEW UPDATE: December 19 2019 Ripoff Report re-evaluated Primerica Financial Services and finds that the company continues to offer a business opportunity that is well worth considering. Thru our experience with Primerica, we continue to find that they maintain a high level of commitment to treating consumers fairly and in most cases they have gone way beyond the call of good customer service. Since Primerica became a member of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program almost 2 years ago, Rip-off Report has continued to monitor Primerica and work closely with home office executives to resolve consumer and agent inquiries and concerns.

Rip-off Report is pleased to report that Primerica continues to show outstanding commitment and dedication to respond and resolve issues promptly, many times going over and above the expectations of consumers and this website. To our knowledge Primerica has responded to all legitimate inquiries we have forwarded to them, and to inquiries the company has received directly. We at Rip-off Report believe that Primerica is a solid, reliable company that stands behind their agents and its products. If you think that becoming a Primerica representative or buying a Primerica product is right for you, we would urge you to give the company careful consideration.

Primerica is Rip-off Report Verified
Ripoff Report Verified .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

*UPDATE Ripoff Report REVIEW:

EDitor's Comment: Primerica gets a POSITIVE RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. Primerica pledges to resolve complaints and address representative issues. For a long time this EDitor had concerns about Primerica because of the number of Reports about them. For many months Rip-off Report was looking into the company, even before they contacted us to resolve any issues and mostly misunderstandings being posted by competitors. With over 100,000 representatives and 6 million clients, Primerica is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about improper agent conduct, as well as product and administrative complaints.

Rip-Off's investigation found such complaints, but importantly also found that Primerica is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its clients. It also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is small when put into the context of its enormous size. Most big companies would never commit themselves like Primerica has.

Read our investigative Report and Primerica's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction.

Primerica provides products and services through independent representatives. Primerica has more than 100,000 licensed representatives who serve more than 6 million clients in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United Kingdom. Through a Financial Need Analysis the company's representatives provide a snapshot of a family's financial picture and suggest a strategy for financial security via Primerica's products and services. Primerica's business opportunity is attractive to people from many different backgrounds, including women, African-Americans , Hispanics and, young adults.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. The author of the Ripoff Report below never responded to our offer to help them


Primerica defines the word Rip-Off Somervile Kentucky

Primerica is the biggest Rip-off in the world. I've lost two hundred dollars and have gain nothing from it. I'm glad that I didn't drag any of my relatives into this. Primerica focused on recruiting people. When I first joined this BullSh** company, they wanted me to list 25 people that I know. Does anybody want to take a guess at why they wanted you to list these 25 people? That right they want to recruit these twenty-five people so that they can recruit twenty five more people from each of the previous twenty five people. This is how Primerica works. This is the honest truth; Primerica cares more on recruiting people then helping them. Don't tell me that this isn't a Pyramid scheme. I do want to apologize for dragging my friend Moana into this Pyramid Scheme. Since this experience my friend who introduced me to the company, Moana, and I all dropped out of Primerica with in 2 months, each of us made nothing and all of us lost $200 and valuable time. We all agree that Primerica is a Pyramid scheme. I suggest that if you really need financial help go to Wachovia, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, or any other financial institution that's creditable. Be aware any company that will hire you with no experience and required you to fork over money is a rip-off/Pyramid scheme. Also be aware of US Financial Services and Pre-Paid Legal I HATE PRIMERICA!! How Louisville, Kentucky

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/18/2004 04:04 PM and is a permanent record located here: https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/primerica/somerville-kentucky-40202/primerica-defines-the-word-rip-off-somervile-kentucky-123508. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#7 Consumer Suggestion

Rebutting Joe from Chicago

AUTHOR: Stuart - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 18, 2005


"When I was a kid I stole a ring from some set up at a flee market, it was kind of an accident. I tried it on, and it got stuck, I had no choice but to walk away quickly because I didn't have the money to pay for it. Now, I've never stolen since then(lol, that I can remember), so I don't think that that one incidence makes me an evil individual. Right?"

Every time you go into someone's home you're stealing a family's future. I quote Paul from Anaheim:

"Submitted: 9/13/2005 10:53:42 PM Modified: 9/13/2005 10:53:42 PM

Fraud, investment scams, plus plenty of false information designed to get your money. Avoid these crooks at all costs.

Primerica worms their way into your home by using a friend or relative to get you to drop your guard.

An agent comes in, bringing your friend along, under the pretense of teaching you about your money.

Instead, they run a Fraudulent Needs Analysis (FNA) sales pitch designed to convince you to buy their phony financial products.

Right now, their scams include telling you to change your life insurance, refinance your home, and change all your debts over to Citibank.

They claim to offer you a way to pay off your mortgage early and get out of debt quicker. This involves having you pay an extra monthly payment. That effectively allows you to pay off your mortgage years earlier. But, many banks will offer you this option, for quite a bit less in interest.

Citibank takes advantage of people who don't know about this type of loan and charges them a helluva lot more than other lenders would.

Right now, primerica is also on a constant recruiting binge. They do this in order to generate leads to sell their trash. You see, normally people won't buy their garbage because it clearly is such a bad value. So, primerica recruits new members in order to exploit their list of friends and relatives.

People tend to drop their guard when a friend is involved in the company. So, that way, primerica gets to convince people to buy their garbage. Normally, without the friend, they wouldn't stand a chance in hell of finding anyone to buy their nonsense. But, by constantly recruiting and then using the recruit's friends and family, they have managed to make quite a bit of money.

Don't be their next victim. Either as a customer or as someone they recruit.

Beware! If you get involved either way, you will only lose good money that you could put to better use paying for the things that you and your family needs.

Paul - Anaheim, California

Another quote Joe:

"Now, I'm not the smartest guy, so if my grammar is off, ignore that."

Sorry Joe I'm not letting you off the hook. When I'm dealing with an agent, he or she d**n well be
thoroughly professional which includes grammar
because I have needs that better be taken care of
properly which includes drawing up a policy correctly, doing correct math, making sure that
the information is communicated correctly and completely to the home office and being well versed in insurance law and practices." You can
make the effort on taking lessons to improve your
grammar, hire a secretary who can proofread whatever you write up and you can download a spellchecker for free from off the internet - plenty of business has been lost due to bad grammar.

"I will graduate with a bachelors degree soon in february." No accredited college would let you graduate with your poor grammar (which college is

"Maybe some other companies have better inssurance, I don't know who they are though."

A professional agent will know who his competition
is and what they do. Why don't you? (I would walk
out on you in a heartbeat if you tried to sell me).

"I don't know how we mess people over with our products." Review Paul from Anaheim's postings as
he gives you a full explanation.

"If we advertised ordinarily we would have to charge more for advertising." That's because Primerica is too cheap to spend money on advertising instead depending on their slaves to do free advertising for them.

"...and lowered her immediate monthly payments by $100." I'll bet her monthly payments will skyrocket later on.

"Also, we do have good products, maybe there might be better ones out there,..." Ridiculous statement to make since you don't know about your competition so how do you know that you have "good

"and as far as myself and my office is concerned, if there is something better, we'll help you get it." How do you propose doing that since you only work for Primerica?

"Our company saves lots of money in advertiseing by doing it this way, otherwise our products would be much more." Primerica's website admits their
products are very expensive, that's why Primerica needs an army of slave drones to get free word-of-
mouth advertising.

"all I can say is that each office is privately owned." This doesn't let Primerica off the hook since business is still done under the Primerica name.

Joe, my advice to you is to get educated. Learn the grammar, learn the insurance and learn from this website by reading the reports.

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#6 Consumer Suggestion

At primerica, all the apples are rotten to the core. They started out bad, and just got worse. They need to be thrown out before someone gets sick.

AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 18, 2005

First, let's look at the recruiting. Primerica lies in most cases. This site is filled with one complaint after another that all say the same two things. Office manager and hundred-grand income. There is no office, you're not a manager, and you'll have a hard time making back your fee for the license, much less the hundred-grand they claim.

But, primerica continues to do this recruiting day in and day out. Why? It's the only way they can get sales leads. Going up to people in parking lots and shopping centers will never amount to anything.

They must use new recruits to help get the company in the door. When you join primerica, you are forced to give out a list of your friends and relatives. Primerica then arranges to meet with them, using your name to set up the meeting.

Once an agent is in your home, they will try to sell you as many financial products as they can. They use a considerable amount of deception to do that. First, they pretend to educate you about money and investments. The truth is they tell you only what you need to hear in order to buy their garbage products.

In most cases, the things you get from primerica and citi are far higher in price and provide way less value than other products from competing companies. But, the agent will conceal all that. You don't get any real education about money. All you get is a hustle to buy their trash.

They won't give you time to compare or shop around. They can't do that. If you check, you'll see that others have better things for less money. So, the primerica agent has to push for a quick sale, before you can figure out that you're being cheated.

And, worst of all, they will use your friend or relative to help them make that sale. The friend or relative is sitting there, right beside the agent, telling you to buy the things too. Because the person is new, they have absolutely no idea what they are helping to push you into. And then, once your friend has given up all his leads, they will simply toss him aside, unpaid, so that that they can go on and do the exact same thing to the next recruit.

This is how they sell their trash. Not honest, side by side comparisons with products from other companies. And, certainly not by giving you a true education about what it is they are trying to sell you. Instead, they hustle you into a quick sale before you realize what you are buying. And, they use your friend, for free, to help pressure you into making that buy.

Nice people, huh?

Let's clear up one last thing here. Their funky mortgage. I think they call it a SMART loan. It'll turn out to one of the dumbest things you ever get involved in.

You see, all you're doing is making an extra payment each year. When you pay every two weeks, you make 26 individual payments. That's the same as 13 normal payments. In other words, an extra monthly payment each year.

That one payment is responsible for completing the loan in less time. Citi isn't offering you any break on the interest. Hell, many other lenders will give you this same mortgage, but for a much lower interest rate.

Citi takes advantage of the fact that most people don't know about this loan. They use that to make it sound like they are giving you some great deal. But, they're no great deal. At least not for you.

Just look at the parent company here. Citigroup. This is a company with the morality of a child pornographer. Just where do you think they got their trillions of dollars? Do you actually think they went out and earned it the old fashioned way, by offering good value and considerate service in the community?

The best thing you can do is avoid both citi and primerica. If you know someone who is involved or about to become involved, show them this site. Let them see for themselves what their future holds.

And, if you actually need some of the products or services that primerica and citi sell, do yourself a favor. Call around first. Compare rates and prices. Chances are, no matter where you look, other companies will offer you both more value at a lower price.

You have to ask yourself here, do you really have any extra money to hand over to a company that already has trillions of dollars?

When you take a good look, this apple is moldy on the outside and rotten clear through, right to the core. These apples won't keep the doctor away. Instead, they'll send you to your grave. Dead broke.

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#5 Consumer Comment

There are bad apples in everything, right?

AUTHOR: Joe - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Sunday, September 18, 2005

Alright, so Primerica isn't Jesus out ot save the world. I might even add that I am somewhat discusted when I see other offices and sometimes my Regional Vice President Friends praising people for focusing on recruiting. However, I don't think people have the right to judge an entire entity and everything involved as being negative. This site tries to get youto sign up for all kinds of extra junk e-mail, but you aren't bashing their entire operation. When I was a kid I stole a ring from some set up at a flee market, it was kind of an accident. I tried it on, and it got stuck, I had no choice but to walk away quickly because I didn't have the money to pay for it. Now, I've never stolen since then(lol, that I can remember), so I don't think that that one incidence makes me an evil individual. Right?

In defense of Primerica, "Please don't judge the entire company as being the way you say it is, simply because the office you went to gave you that impression. McDonalds in the ghetto is gonna look run down compared to McDonalds down town Chicago. Now, I'm not the smartest guy, so if my grammar is off, ignore that. COme-on the purpose of this site is a great purpose you let our business know why we are bad and we get a chance to fix it. So, as a Primerican I say thank you to those who are stepping forward to complain. My office, has a focus on recruiting also, but not because we want a bunch of people to come and sell so that we make money off of them or anything. The point of me getting people to join under me, and I don't even need alotjust a few, is so that I can open my own office later on. They are my employees later on. Also, to get promoted, you must have people on your team to work with. YOu work together to get promoted and you take them out and train them to work on their own. You only take them out until they feel comfortable, once they feel comfortable, you only are there for support, you don't have to attend the kitchen table meetings with them. This is not a job, and I think a big problem people have on the angry party side is that the offices you went to weren't straight out with you. Well, at my office everything is out on the table. We take every effort not to let people think that it is a job, it is what we say a business opportunity. If you go through to get the necessary licenses and get trained, then you hire or recruit some teammate, you go and open up your own office. That sounds like a business opportunity. It's a marketing franchise, for financial services. Think about it though, McDonald's asks for half a million to open up a franchise store. I will graduate with a bachelors degree soon in february, but I dn't need to use large gramar and such to make my point. We should be on here trying ot insult each other, I'm glad that those of you that saw it wasn't for you from the beginning saw it like that, because I'm glad you didn't lose money on it. Those of you that left, that's okay it's not for everybody. But, your licenses you can take with you, you can take them and go work for ALL State, well you'll probably need a few more, but the idea is that you can switch around. Fitness clubs also try to get you to bring friends, and banks, and restaurants, right? They give you special package deals, I'm not saying they are bad, all I'm sying is that Primericans see something good, and they want people to join them so they can be successful, as well as the other person, because if your recruit isn't rising along with you then you don't rise. I know many people make lots of money with this thing, but not me. I'm not worried about the money. All I care about is getting out there and helping poor and middle income families invest. Maybe some other companies have better inssurance, I don't know who they are though. Did you know that no insurance companies paid out on 9/11 for life insurance? We did. What does that say? Not that we are perfect angels, but there is evidence that we do the right thing. Now, there are bad apples in everything, so yeah some of us will lie, citi group was involved in Enron, but that was only a few people that represented Citigroup. That wasn't everybody and the entire company and it's subsidiaries. You can't hold all of us responsible for what a few wheelers and dealers do. I don't care about recruiting, and it sickens me to see so many others obsessed with it. My purpose with this company is to help break the cycle of poverty, I don't know how we mess people over with our products, the worst I've seen is jerk reps that don't call clients back, or they neglect their duties for recruiting. I feel that that is wrong. But, the recruiting isn't itself an evil. If we advertised ordinarily we would have to charge more for advertising. I wish I could put something on t.v. to tell people not to file bankruptsies. Bankruptsy, is a terrible thing tons of people trust you and you cheat them because of bad luck or your own spending hunger. That's not fare for them, and what is a man whom cannot honor his debts? I mean, my mom I took 10 years off of her mortgage, and lowered her immediate monthly payments by $100. I say immediate, because now she's investing and in 3 years she's gonna be able to hit that mortgage with a huge nest egg, which will shoten the time even more. I don't know of any other company that will invest your money for as little as we do either. I've compared Life insurance costs and rates with lots of people that have life insurance with other companies and I always have a cheaper option with more coverage. However, the FNA is a great it's a little tool that we can use to help you get out of debt. My mom spoke with the Christain consolidation network and they told her that they cna get her out of debt if she could come up with an extra $280 per year, in 4 years. A half hour into the FNA, we showed her how to get out of debt, with no extra money, with out our help in 2 years. My office does care about money to an extent, because we need to servive and we want to retire too, but we need money to do that. Yes we have big bank accounts, but if you ask around you'll bind that millions and millions of dollars has been put toward charities, and we are looking for every excuse to pay out in Louisiana. We are relying on expectors to "save us", we want to pay out because we know that the money is there and the people need it. Also, we do have good products, maybe there might be better ones out there, and as far as myself and my office is concerned, if there is something better, we'll help you get it. We don't get commission off of that. The thing is this is also straight commission, and if you join you have to understand that in the begginning, and if they don't tell you, I've very sorry and I apologize for their practices. However, come to my office for an hour, we aren't gonna try andc sell you if you aren't interested, what we will do is leave you witha business card encase you need some advice or help with something. Hey we've got ex cook county sherrifs, accountants, lawyers, truck drivers, computer techs, working with us. You can work part time. This is what i personally do, I go about my business, I go to school,a i do my homework, I check up on clients (and my office has many phones), and I go to the office maybe two days 3 at most per week. I get the education on finances, because my office get's as much as possible for those who are interested. Now, how do I make money if I am there so little(when I go it's like for 3 hours)? When I see a family that is struggling with a mortgage, I see somebody that needs financial help in general, I look. What have yo got friend? Okay, let's plug some data in, and if I can help I offer it, if I can't I try to get some info that does help them. I will never abandon a client, but I will call them because they are my friend, and every other week or once amonth I will call for business and make sure they are alright. Our company saves lots of money in advertiseing by doing it this way, otherwise our products would be much more. Right doesn't that make sense. I do have a problem with people that are helping others, but hey, when they aren't eating they'll have to help eventually. I don't know if anything makes sense in this letter, all I can say is that each office is privately owned. So, each office is run a bit differently. So, could you all please report wich office you went to, by stating the town, stat e and part of town. Some of the things you have said, if reported to corporate will get these other individuals fired. Lieing and any other inethical conduct is not tolerated, but if it's not reported and I can't report them if you don't tell me who they are, then they aren't punished and they may financially hurt somebody. Please don't think that we are vampires, biting to recruit and sucking oney like blood. There is a method to the madness, but please continue posting complaints about the office you went to, so that I can learn and not be like them. I want to help, not destroy. Thank you if you read through my mess here, I'm sorry, it was spurr of the moment. Please comment, so that I can counter comment let me know if you understand where I 'm coming from,and please correct me where I've made mistakes. Thank you again for letting me know that there are issues, I'll work not to do those. P.s. i the future when I open my own office I plan on having more of a frontline atmosphere, more of an all state setting. We will still recruit, but it'll be more of a scholarship thing. So, i'm working to make this a little more acceptable to the common man. Thanks

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#4 Consumer Suggestion

Let's get the facts straight here. After all, new readers to this site deserve the truth. Especially if they are planning to buy something.

AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 05, 2005

I found several mistakes on this page. Let's clear them up.

First, primerica is not the biggest ripoff in the world. That honor goes to the parent company, citigroup. Primerica is just one smaller company under the citigroup name. If anyone cares to debate that, just search citi+enron or citi+worldcom on google. See for yourself the fines they have paid and the schemes they are involved in. Certainly no ethics or integrity in that company!

Primerica does not just focus on recruiting people. Yes, they do recruit. In fact, many of the complaints here are about the deceptive recruiting practices. Primerica calls you and offers a management position with a business office and a six-figure income from their business opportunity in order to suck you into the scam.

What do new recruits actually receive? No salary. No job even. They are independent contractors. Any office they use must be paid for entirely by the agent. Primerica offers nothing but a small commission that is split by many different people. That's where the pyramid comes in. You always hear the word pyramid with primerica. Whether you call it a pyramid scam or multi-level marketing makes little difference. And, to the consumer, it makes absolutely no difference. It's the individual agent who has to split his or her commission with many other people.

If you're thinking of becoming an individual agent, beware. You will be expected to go up to families in shopping centers and restaurants. Primerica does not have any phones for you to use and, ask yourself, when is the last time you ever saw a primerica ad on television? Nobody and nothing will be sending any business your way. It's all up to you, pal. Word of mouth. Your connections on the street and in your community. That's how you are expected to drum up business.

The MAIN goal at primerica is to sell financial products. Not just to recruit. In fact, recruiting costs them money. They would stop all this recruiting if their agents would just stay with the company. Unfortunately, over 90% of them quit after they see how little money they make. It usually works out to about $5 an hour. A helluva long way from the six-figure income they were promised.

One man was correct. The $200 fee goes to buy the license necessary to sell the insurance products. As a long-haul truck driver, I need a commercial driver's license. In this state, that costs $64. That fee has absolutely nothing to do with any company that hires me.

The reason that you are asked to give out a list of personal contacts is so that primerica can sell them something. They will call and use your name to get their foot in the door. Without your name to use, the contact would not be interested and would not let an agent into their homes.

Many citi people come here and blame the failed agents for not working hard. Well, there's working hard and there's working smart. Almost any other company in the insurance business will offer you a better package. They pay bigger commissions. Some will provide an office and training in financial services. Many offer other benefits as well. That's why other companies don't churn through hundreds of thousands of people every year. They can afford a stable, better trained sales force.

That's something you should think about as a consumer. Will the agent that sells you today be there for you next year, or even next month? As you see here, with primerica that most likely will not be the case. Most of the agents make $5 an hour for a few months, and then leave the company. Is that agent somebody you want to plan your future?

Primerica does not run a classic pyramid scheme. In a pyramid, all income is derived from fees paid by new members. With primerica, the main emphasis is on selling term life insurance. As I said, the fee that is paid is for a license, not to support a pyramid scam. Primerica runs many schemes and scams on the American public, but a pyramid scam is not one of them. As I explained, they have a multi-level system. The person who recruits you gets a commission on every one of your sales. For the handful of people at the top, those commissions can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. That's the six-figure income they brag about. Of course, new agents never get that. They pound the pavement for $5 an hour.

The reason people feel that citigroup is not credible is because their name is always associated with some kind of scam. They were in worldcom and enron. But, so were a lot of other banks too. So, you can tar many financial companies here. What's that tell you? They're all scams. Every one of them will cheat you in a New York second. You always need to have your guard up and watch what you're signing.

Primerica is real big on their business opportunity. They show contempt for the working people who buy their insurance. They have a saying. Job equals just over broke. But remember, the front-line agents average $5 an hour. Is it better to be in a $20 an hour just over broke job, or is it better to be in a $5 an hour business opportunity? Clearly, any business is no business if you can't make enough to survive. That's all part of the deception that primerica uses on its agents.

Citigroup is NOT the most respected financial group in the world. Feared, yes. People fear a big company with billions of dollars in assets. But, respect is different. Nobody respects citi. Every time you turn around, citi is involved in one scam after another. Plain and simple, they look exactly like street corner hustlers running a three-card monte scam on the world. Of course, they're d**n good at all their cons. Just look at all the money they stole from people all over the world, not just Americans here at home. Nobody respects the people who steal from working families like that. I doubt that citi will ever be able to earn anyone's respect. For them, that's OK. Respect and trust aren't the least bit important to them. Income and earnings are.

The articles in magazines telling you good things about citi are most likely false advertising. The federal regulators have fined this company billions of dollars. To them, citi is little more than a disgusting parasite that brings shame and embarrassment to an industry that all Americans must depend on. They really should accept a little less income and clean up their act. After all what's a few hundred billion to a big company like that? But, to them, cash is king. Income is the only thing that matters. Money over morality. As an American, you really need to ask yourself if you want to support someone like that? Would you stand by and watch your neighbor parade groups of small children into their home if you knew those children were being used to make child pornography? Of course not. You'd do something to stop it. And, you certainly wouldn't help the neighbor buy a new camera to take the pictures, right? Same thing here. If you don't like the way a fraudulent company behaves, cut off all your money. See how long they get to stay number one that way?

If you are in the market to buy either insurance or any other financial product, I suggest you call around and compare costs very carefully BEFORE you buy. Chances are, that will leave primerica out in the cold. Their term life insurance rates are higher than most other companies. That's why the company needs to have someone come in and sit down with you in your home. They pretend to educate you. At the end, they expect you to cave in and buy the products they offer. Don't do that. Make a side by side comparison with a dozen different companies. You pick the policy or service that offers you the best value. Don't let any agent push you into something, regardless of whether they have come in and spent time with you or not.

That goes for all products, not just financial ones. People always have a motive to sell you something. It's always up to you, the consumer, to analyze and compare. Clearly, any company that pushes you into a quick sale is probably doing that because they know they have less to offer than everyone else. Anyone who makes a side-by-side comparison probably won't buy, so that explains the push to keep you away from doing that.

Remember, unless you hit the lottery or are sitting on top of an oil well, you only have a limited amount of money available to you. You must think carefully in order to spread that money out so that it covers all the needs that you and your family have. The only way that I know to do that is to sit and think. Analyze and compare. Sometimes, you need to sleep on it too. Remember, once you hand over your payment, that money is gone forever. So, choose what you buy wisely.

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#3 UPDATE Employee

$200 is not paid to Primerica

AUTHOR: Brett - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, September 05, 2005

Something else that people fail to realize, is the $200 is not paid directly to Primerica. What they are referring to is a STATE REQUIRED license to sell insurance, close on mortgages and do investments (securities, mutual funds, etc).

If you did not have this license, you would not be able to work for any of the financial companies listed above.

Also keep in mind that $200 is a highly subsidized fee... not only are the costs kept down so any average Joe or Jane can get the license easily (normal class costs are around $1000 plus book costs; that fee covers the class, books, instructor fees, online test prep, 1-on-1 tutoring), but Citigroup gives you the opportunity to have that $200 reimbursed.

If you don't work hard, you will not succeed. This is true with any business, and PFS is geared towards everyone owning their own business.

If this was truly illegal, don't you think someone would have noticed by now? PFS is ranked the No. 1 service company, and Citigroup is the largest financial company in the world, lasting more than 200 years.

Those out there bad-mouthing Primerica have had sour grapes, as the previous PFS employee mentioned, they had not worked hard at building any sort of business. They have the attitude to fail, so they will fail.

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#2 UPDATE EX-employee responds

Rebuttal to Paul from Brooklyn, you're giving out more lame advice and dribble, send over documentation to Rip-off Report

AUTHOR: Stuart - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Paul, I see you're giving out more lame advice and
dribble. I see you like to quote so now I turn the
spotlight on you and do my own quoting:

(1) "Two things here. No matter how many times you state something that is false, it doesn't become true. This is not a prymirid scheme. Second, you obviously though you would make a lot of money right away. That cannot be done. It takes time and effort. All of you quit before you could make money. So whose fault is that?"

Not a pyramid-scheme Paul? If it walks like a duck
and talks like a duck..., well I'm sure you can
figure it out Paul. To help you along I'm going to
excerpt from Primerica's own website (the link is

"A 24-Year Track Record of Success"

$2,000,000 - $4,999,999 11 reps
$1,000,000 - $1.999,999 24 "
$100,000 - $999,999 1,522 "
$50,000 - $99,999 3,653 "

Primerica goes on to say that these are the top
earners for June 2001 out of more than 100,000
reps. What I find interesting about this is this
is gross income before business expenses and
Primerica isn't saying that the gross income is on
an annual basis, but suggesting that the income
is what was accomplished over "24 years." So it's
extremely clear that at best, only 1.5% is earning
over $100,000 a year (which is doubtful based on
what I noted in my prior sentence).

I've yet to see you Paul (and any other Primerica
shills) send over documentation to Ripoff Report
proving that Primerica has successful frontline
agents Paul.

In regards to Citigroup, you've said "Therefore Citigroup is not credible?" suggesting Citigroup
is credible. At last count I see 59 Ripoff Reports
filed against Citgroup Paul. My final comment is
in an earlier report, you falsely accused me of
being with HBW as you didn't know how to read my
report. If you can't do something as simple as
read a report, why should we trust your shill
words? Enjoy the holiday.

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#1 UPDATE Employee

It appears that you and your two friends didn't make it as Primerica representatives.

AUTHOR: Paul - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, December 20, 2004

It appears that you and your two friends didn't make it as Primerica representatives. Well a lot of people don't make it as doctors either but that doesn't make doctors ripoff artists (even though I could argue that one myself). I make that analogy simply because this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time and a lot of hard work to make it. If you do not have the time or the work ethic to make it here, whose fault is that? Primerica? Or yours?

You stated: Primerica is the biggest Rip-off in the world. To you who didn't make it, it may seam that way, but it is not.

You stated: Primerica focused on recruiting people. When I first joined this BullSh** company, they wanted me to list 25 people that I know. Does anybody want to take a guess at why they wanted you to list these 25 people? That right they want to recruit these twenty-five people so that they can recruit twenty five more people from each of the previous twenty five people. This is how Primerica works. This is the honest truth; Primerica cares more on recruiting people then helping them. Don't tell me that this isn't a Pyramid scheme. Well I am telling you that you are wrong. Pyramids are illegal. This is a MLM and we help you by directing you to people you know to get started. Do you really believe that Citigroup would put its ranking as the #1 financial business in the world at risk with an illegal scheme!!!! Come on get real!

You stated: Since this experience my friend who introduced me to the company, Moana, and I all dropped out of Primerica with in 2 months, each of us made nothing and all of us lost $200 and valuable time. We all agree that Primerica is a Pyramid scheme. Two things here. No matter how many times you state something that is false, it doesn't become true. This is not a prymirid scheme. Second, you obviously though you would make a lot of money right away. That cannot be done. It takes time and effort. All of you quit before you could make money. So whose fault is that?

You stated: I suggest that if you really need financial help go to Wachovia, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, or any other financial institution that's creditable. Therefore Citigroup is not credible? See below to see how absurd your statements are. And, I do suggest you go to some of those listed with only a small amount to invest. They want the $100,000 plus investor. So much for looking out for the little guy and gal.

You stated: Be aware any company that will hire you with no experience and required you to fork over money is a rip-off/Pyramid scheme. Here I agree with you. You must be very careful as there are many schemes out there that won't exist 5 years from now. But we are talking about Citigroup. Do you think they won't be around?

You stated: I HATE PRIMERICA!! Well that is your choice. I hope you will be happy in whatever you do, earning a meager wage as someone's work slave.

Here is some truth about Primerica:
If Primerica is such a fraud and borderline illegal, why would Citigroup, the most respected financial company in the world (BusinessWorld, December 2, 2004), allow Primerica to be under its umbrella (no pun intended)? In fact, that report, cites also that, "Overall, Citigroup was ranked eighth among all companies, up from 31st place last year. It is Citigroup's highest ranking since the survey started seven years ago.

"The Financial Times summed up Citigroup's rise in the survey by stating that respondents found Citigroup's scale and financial success as the most impressive: [Citigroup is] the biggest bank the world, which has shown durability, stability and continuous growth over the decades, and is now the most global company in the world."

"Respondents highlighted Citigroup's "responsible" business practices, its "reliability" and its "reputation and quality." A large number also cited its "excellent customer services" with one CEO saying despite its globality, Citigroup continued to "stay in touch with local customers." It also scored highly for being a "pioneer" and having "innovative products."

"Citigroup also ranked 12th in the survey's categories of good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility."

Why would Smith Barney, the #2 investment firm in the country choose to do business with PFS, and even hold special update meetings between Primerica leaders and the fund managers who have 10-30 years of experience in the business?

Why would Direct Selling News, one of the top magazines for Network Marketers allow Co-CEO John Addison to write an article for them, if they're all crooks?

And, yeah, you know what, 1000 is only, like 10% of the people in the company. Of course, 53 of them are earning over $1-million. But I ask you, how many people at HBW or Nationwide, or State Farm, or Thrivent, or Guardian, or Prudential are making 6-figures, and have a guaranteed retirement? How many people at any major company are making 6-figures? I would wager to guess (since I don't have actual numbers in front of me), based on my experience in the corporate world, the percentage is far less than 10%. In fact, the companies I've personally worked for, the percentage is 1-3%, with only 2 people I know making more than $1-million - and only one of those cared about talking to people below him. I know, personally, 7 people making in excess of $100,000 a year, one of them making almost $2-million a year, and they're still willing to talk to me and help me make the same money, if I'm willing to work hard. What is so illegal about that?

My thanks to Paul - Cape Coral, Florida for the above

Allow me to add that Primerica is the largest client of the NASD. We have more licensed securities representatives than another firm in the world.

TO ALL READING THESE THREADS. Most of the negative threads where written by those who have failed to build their business. In some cases they have resorted to name calling and in other cases, fabricated issues. PLEASE read the positive postings. For the most part, they are down-to-earth rebuttals. Make up your own mind. Weight the fact that there are only a few negatives which tend to repeat and repeat. Yet there are many positives that keep refuting and explaining. And finally, some postings might be posted by insurance agents from other companies because they don't want Primerica to succeed. Think about that. We are converting their cash value policies every day. And I hope you make the right decision.

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