Complaint Review: Knight Transportation - Phoenix Arizona
- Knight Transportation Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
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- Category: Shipping Companies
Knight Transportation Whatever you do don't go to work for this company Phoenix Arizona
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Knight
*Author of original report: Just as I figured....
*General Comment: Get a job at Wal Mart, please.
* : I thought you quit Knight?
*Author of original report: Thank you!
*Author of original report: Thank you!
*Author of original report: Thank you!
*Consumer Comment: Congrats, man!
*Author of original report: FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
*Author of original report: FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
*Author of original report: FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
*Author of original report: FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
*Author of original report: Everybody DOES owe me something? How do you make $$$$$?
*Author of original report: Ken, I am a professional, But.....
*Consumer Comment: Name-calling...very professional.
*Author of original report: Drivshaft...No Wonder?
*UPDATE Employee: You have no appreciation and think everyone owes you something
*Consumer Comment: Ya know what's funny here....
*Author of original report: To Driveshaft....
*Author of original report: To Driveshaft....
*Author of original report: To Driveshaft....
*Author of original report: To Driveshaft....
*Author of original report: You have been drinking the Koolaide!!!!!
*UPDATE Employee: are you kidding me?
*Author of original report: Update!!!! Things getting even worse
*Author of original report: Update!!!! Things getting even worse
*Author of original report: Update!!!! Things getting even worse
*Author of original report: Update!!!! Things getting even worse
*Consumer Suggestion: I hate to tell you this
*Author of original report: I can't agree with you more!
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Work for anyone but Knight Transportation.
*Author of original report: Another Update!
*Author of original report: Knight continues being idiotic!
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Well, I am finally done with Knight. I was an excellent employee that did my job very well. I have just had it with this company constantly stealing money from me and all me fellow employees.
Let me explain.....
First off the push the heck out of per diem. They steal .02 cpm from you which they say is for administrative costs. Well, figure if you run 130,000 miles per year that's $2,600 for administrative cost. A little high to me. What they won't tell you is that their payroll taxes and their workers comp insurance is reduced because it is all based on their payroll. Just think of it this way....If the company is pushing something that hard who do you think it is benefitting? Not you.
Next, they will short you at least 10% on miles paid on EVERY load. Even if you follow their routing exactly on a typical 600 mile trip you will run at least 660 miles to get it there. Therefore you are running 60 miles for free.
Next, used to give stock options as a benefit after 2 years employment for drivers. They don't do that anymore.
Next, they will do everything possible to make sure you will never see a savings bond for safety or customer service no matter how good of a job you do. Even if you qualify you will have to constantly beg for it and if you are lucky you might get it 9-12 months after you earned it, but don't hold your breath.
Next, Knight will tell you they will get you home whenever you need to be, but after you come aboard they will tell you that your hometime needs are not their 1st priority.
Next, Keep all your paperwork....You will need to watch them like a hawk. They purposely forget to reimburse you on tolls, scales, etc. hoping you won't catch the mistake.
Next, If you refer someone make sure you get their name. Because they will NOT give you your $300 referral bonus unless you happen to see the guy you referred and then inquire about it. Chances are you will never see him and they will not pay out the referral.
Next, Knight is going after short haul stuff that pays big bucks. They tell dispatch they have extra money to offer the driver but don't offer it unless the driver asks.
Next, Get used to being forced to run illegal by your dispatcher and then get in trouble or probably fired by safety because they can't communicate.
Next, No matter how much notice you give them that you need to be off on a certain day you can all but guarantee it will not happen.
New Safety Director in PA is an idiot that has no clue of the DOT regulations. He only cares about one thing......Missing logs. He lets everything else slide.
I wonder what the trophy looks like for being the best for lowest amount of missing logs? He will also look you right in the eye and lie right to your face.
Don't trust him no matter what you think.
In closing.....Knight Transportation brags about how they are a debt free company. But if you have to steal from your driver to get that status I wouldn't go bragging about it. So do yourself a favor and take my advise....Steer clear from Knight. And this is from a driver with quite a few years of service in with them. I am not your typical driver that was here 3 months and then quit.
My plan for my last load is this.....Lets say it is a load that pay 600 miles. I am going to drive exactly 600 miles and park the truck. I am then going to call dispatch and tell them to send someone out to unload me. When they ask why, I will tell then, "this is what you paid me for" Wouldn't that be hilarious/? I can't wait.
Abbottstown, Pennsylvania
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 04/08/2009 11:10 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content
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#33 UPDATE EX-employee responds
AUTHOR: Former Knight Terminal Manager - (USA)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, February 15, 2017
I am no longer with Knight, but I was a terminal manager for several years with them.
First of all, you left out the part that they reimburse you the per diem. If you calculated the miles with per diem vs without per diem, you would find that every driver would take home MORE money WITH per diem. Yes, it helps the company with tax breaks, but it is also beneficial to the driver. Simply ask any of the hundreds of Knight drivers that are currently using per diem, or sit down with one of the terminal managers and they can show you on paper how it comes out. You will find that it benefits BOTH the driver and the company.
Second, they pay by 'practical mile' which is zip code to zip code, so yes, there are times when you may drive more than what the dispatched miles are. Many companies do that.
Third, they have 3 different bonuses for each quarter. When I was with them, we had tons of drivers receive all three bonuses (safety, miles, mpg). Many of these drivers earned $1500 to $2,000 per quarter. Many of the terminals have the bonus amounts posted on the boards so you can see who's getting the big's not only possible, it's likely for those that remain accident free, take care of their truck, and work hard. We had drivers that were home every 2 weeks for 3 days at a time easily get their's not across the board, but it's very achievable.
Fourth, nobody at Knight will ever tell you that your home time is not their priority. That is 100% false. I've been in Phoenix in meetings with Kevin, Keith, Dave Jackson, Adam Miller, and they preach that the driver's home time IS the most important part of our job. It's trucking, there are times when they're not able to make it happen. Sometimes a load cancels...sometimes there is weather. I can tell you this: I've FLOWN drivers home before to make sure they got to see their families and Knight backed me 100% in doing so.
Fifth, nobody at Knight would "purposely forget to reimburse you on tolls, scales, etc. Not sure when you worked there, but the fuel card works for tolls and scales, so I'm not sure why you were paying for them out of pocket in the first place. Knight encourages drivers to use their fuel card for those things.
Sixth, yes, obviously there are times when a shorter load pays more for obvious reasons. Most terminals will throw the driver some extra money on the load. Sometimes they don't. I can't speak for every terminal, but I made sure my dispatchers took care of our drivers (within reason) in those situations.
Seventh, nobody at Knight will force you to run illegally. If that's the case, report it to the terminal manager and it will be taken care of, but I know for a fact, hours of service are a huge deal to Knight. I have refused to bring someone to orientation because they had too many HOS violations. That's something the company takes very, very seriously.
There are positives and negatives with every company and Knight is no different. I am no longer with them, but I have a lot of respect for them. I've personally listened to the top brass at Knight talk about how important our drivers are, and if you knew them, you would know they are sincere people. With a company that big, there are going to be drivers who are upset about one thing or another, and there are going to be times when things don't go as planned. That doesn't mean they are a bad company. I know many, many drivers that have been there for years and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm sorry that you had a poor experience with Knight, but what you posted about them is completely false. Hopefully you're somewhere having a better experience. Best of luck to you and be safe out there.

#32 General Comment
Get a job at Wal Mart, please.
AUTHOR: Brian - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, November 02, 2009
"I constantly break my 11 and 14 hour rules, overspeed, over idle, etc."
Your total lack of professionalism will/can someday cost a family their lives, punk.
You think a 4 day layover is bad? How about 12-20 in a craphole prison where you get to be in the barrel every nite all because your garbage attitude killed someone? And all the money your wife and kids will be out, since you'll be sued for everything you own and will own.
Get a grip. If you whine about out of route miles, I'm guessing you are still a rookie. Ever heard of Household Movers Guide? Zip code to zip code. THAT is why you drive over your dispatched miles. Sure it sucks, but it's been that way ever since I started back in 1990.
Some companies don't pay PC Miler. Some do. Yours doesn't, either does mine. Deal with it.
I can't understand why you would spend so much time at a company you claim to hate... over a few hundred bucks. If you're such a great driver, then go get that awesome job you can't wait to get, and quit bawling. You'll make the money back you lose in no time.
However, if the truth is, you're a below average driver with a bad attitude, no company is going to work with you on anything, and they will all "screw you over". Your attitude cost you all this, I'm sure. Most of your complaints are either part of the industry, or proof of your inattention to detail. Grow up or go hand out shopping carts.

I thought you quit Knight?
AUTHOR: Driveshaft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 17, 2009
I thought you quit? wuss

#30 Author of original report
Just as I figured....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 09, 2009
I cleaned out my truck yesterday at home and drove to the PA terminal to turn in the truck. (Knight thinks I am on vacation) Figure I might as well get as much money as I can out of them before leaving.
I bet I never see my vacation pay, because they already had my card to get in and out of the terminal turned off. No suprise to me. This is how their #1 driver in the terminal is treated on the way out. Whatever?
All I can tell you is that whenever I finally parked their truck and drove out of there for the last time it felt sooooooooooooooooo good! Never again will I work for a company like Knight again.
As I write this letter I am still waiting for my $500 savings bond for customer service (due last November), still waiting for $149.00 in re-imbursements for tolls (due since July 1st.), and also expecting my vacation pay. (yeah, that will happen)
So to me Knight will end up owing me about $1,700 that I will NEVER see. To me it's a small price to pay to get away from these crooks.
Good luck you Mormon a-holes with your magic underwear!!!!

#29 Author of original report
Thank you!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 07, 2009
Thank you for your kind words and wellwishes.

#28 Author of original report
Thank you!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 07, 2009
Thank you for your kind words and wellwishes.

#27 Author of original report
Thank you!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, August 07, 2009
Thank you for your kind words and wellwishes.

#26 Consumer Comment
Congrats, man!
AUTHOR: Ken - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 06, 2009
Like I said, I've spoken to a lot more than one dissatisfied Knight driver of late...glad you were able to get out of that situation.
Be careful out there, and best of luck to you!

#25 Author of original report
FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 06, 2009
As you can see....I have the proud honor of posting this as an EX-EMPLOYEE of Knight Transportation.....YeeeeeHAAAAA!
I have finally found a company that appreciates what a "professional" driver has to offer. To all you prospective Knight Employees and present employees I say best of luck to ya! You're gonna need it. I am now 1 of 6 company drivers and am known as a person and not a steering wheel holder.
For now I bid syanora!!!! I am so happy I could bust! See you in the trenches.

#24 Author of original report
FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 06, 2009
As you can see....I have the proud honor of posting this as an EX-EMPLOYEE of Knight Transportation.....YeeeeeHAAAAA!
I have finally found a company that appreciates what a "professional" driver has to offer. To all you prospective Knight Employees and present employees I say best of luck to ya! You're gonna need it. I am now 1 of 6 company drivers and am known as a person and not a steering wheel holder.
For now I bid syanora!!!! I am so happy I could bust! See you in the trenches.

#23 Author of original report
FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 06, 2009
As you can see....I have the proud honor of posting this as an EX-EMPLOYEE of Knight Transportation.....YeeeeeHAAAAA!
I have finally found a company that appreciates what a "professional" driver has to offer. To all you prospective Knight Employees and present employees I say best of luck to ya! You're gonna need it. I am now 1 of 6 company drivers and am known as a person and not a steering wheel holder.
For now I bid syanora!!!! I am so happy I could bust! See you in the trenches.

#22 Author of original report
FINALLY....I'm OUT!!!!!!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, August 06, 2009
As you can see....I have the proud honor of posting this as an EX-EMPLOYEE of Knight Transportation.....YeeeeeHAAAAA!
I have finally found a company that appreciates what a "professional" driver has to offer. To all you prospective Knight Employees and present employees I say best of luck to ya! You're gonna need it. I am now 1 of 6 company drivers and am known as a person and not a steering wheel holder.
For now I bid syanora!!!! I am so happy I could bust! See you in the trenches.

#21 Author of original report
Everybody DOES owe me something? How do you make $$$$$?
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 03, 2009
Of course everyone owes me something. How are you supposed to pay your bills if whoever owes you money doesn't pay you? I don't want something I haven't earned....But if I rightfully earned something and someone steals it from me is makes me mad.

#20 Author of original report
Ken, I am a professional, But.....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 03, 2009
But in this day and age, being called a "professional" isn't what it used to be. You are correct, I did post on a CR England thread, but that was in reference to why someone would ever want to do a Flease/Purchase deal. And I "used" to make $50-$55,000 per year just like I stated on a previous response here. The main reason I am taking such a pay cut now is because Knight is ripping drivers off. Sure the economy is not as good as it was.....We have our government ripping us off too.
Let me give you a little example:
Knight pushes the heck out of per-diem. Why? Because it saves them money because their payroll is lower therefore they pay less in taxes. And they also take and extra .02 from every driver on it.
Then they will purposely short you between 8% and 10% on miles for EVERY trip. I don't even need to explain how much money that equates to.
Then they get extra "premium" pay for the short haul crap we have been hauling and then try to sell to the driver that Knight isn't getting any extra. Yeah right!!!
For your information I have been part of the "morning meetings" when they lock the doors so a driver can't come into the dispatch room and hear all the lies that they are spewing. I point blank heard "Man, we are making a killing on this short haul freight. Let's do our best to NOT have to pay the drivers ANY extra $$$. If we can't get it hauled then I guess we'll have to offer up some extra $$$, but start out as low as possible." This is what is heard at a typical "morning meeting"
Think not? Don't be stupid.
So take the .02 cpm, plus the 8-10% mileage shortages, along with they extra pay they won't pass along, multiply it times 3,500 drivers and you a able to stuff Millions of $$$$$'s every day in your pockets.
All let me add the rideculous $2.00/HOUR they pay you to lay over for 24 hours. And then you have to beg to get that.
Let me add the safety and customer service awards that you have to beg to get. If you are lucky to every get them. That's why I don't do the Salt tests anymore. Why bother. This way I don't have to act like a pauper and beg for money earned.
Yeah, I'm unfortunately still employed by Knight, but I have a week off and hopefully will find employment somewhere else and never have to go back again.

#19 Consumer Comment
Name-calling...very professional.
AUTHOR: Ken - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, August 03, 2009, it wasn't a Werner thread you were bragging about the money you were making and your home time. It was a CR England thread.
Now you're upset because freight is down all over. I'm in no way defending fact, I've spoken to a number of their drivers lately who are in the same situation you are and worse. 800 miles a week....1000 miles a week...sitting for up to four days at a time with no load. I'm not disagreeing with you, man.
I just question your credibility because of your posting in the CRE thread. Which is it...are you making over 50K and getting home every weekend (which I doubt anyway...just my opinion), or only making 40K?
Now calm down and quit the namecalling. Act like a pro if you want to be treated like one.

#18 Author of original report
Drivshaft...No Wonder?
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, August 02, 2009
No wonder you love Knight so much! You can't even do simple math! How can you say you make the same on a 501 mi. load as you do on a 299 mi. load? When I do the math it comes up at about $70 less to do the 299 mi. load. By the way, the other thing they are doing is taking the crap short haul stuff and then saying to the driver,"sorry we can't pay you extra on the load, because the customer isn't paying extra." Yeah right!!!!!! They are getting extra, it's just another way for Knight to rip off the driver. And to the other dipshit....No I am not on a Werner thread bragging about what you said. So good luck finding that.

#17 UPDATE Employee
You have no appreciation and think everyone owes you something
AUTHOR: Driveshaft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Friday, July 31, 2009
So you say your Division Manager thought enough of you to offer you an opportunity he thought you would be interested in? And you think they did this because they don't care about you? GET REAL! Do you really think they don't want you to make 50 or 60k per year? Come on buddy - think - the more you make the more the company makes. Here's the deal as my boss explained it. Remember when Swift cut rates and everyone was talking about it? We all said someone needs the balls to strike or quit hauling cheep freight. That is exactly what Knight is doing. They backed out of the longer haul freight as the rates dropped. They opted for the medium haul market where the rates are higher. They have a sliding pay scale so they pay us more for the short stuff because they make more on it. You make just as much for 299 mile run as a 501 mile run. So think about that. You can make a days wages in 6 hours work or 10 hours work. 6 is better any way you cut it. It sounds to me like they are going out of their way to try to help you out and keep you happy. I know they do for me so quit bashing my company or move on.

#16 Consumer Comment
Ya know what's funny here....
AUTHOR: Ken - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009 that Paknightdriver is bragging in another thread about a different company that he gets home every weekend, makes 55 to 60K per year, and things are terrific....
If I can find it, I'll mention it here....I think it may be a Werner thread...

#15 Author of original report
To Driveshaft....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Being you like the company so much....What was your last job? Minimum wage.....maybe homeless. Of course a job paying $40-$45,000/yr. seems good to you. For me I have never made less than $55,000 here at Knight. But this year I will be lucky to make $42,000. Not enough cash for me to stay here. If you are going to make the sacrifice to be away from your family and live in a truck it's gotta pay more than 50 grand a year.

#14 Author of original report
To Driveshaft....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Being you like the company so much....What was your last job? Minimum wage.....maybe homeless. Of course a job paying $40-$45,000/yr. seems good to you. For me I have never made less than $55,000 here at Knight. But this year I will be lucky to make $42,000. Not enough cash for me to stay here. If you are going to make the sacrifice to be away from your family and live in a truck it's gotta pay more than 50 grand a year.

#13 Author of original report
To Driveshaft....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Being you like the company so much....What was your last job? Minimum wage.....maybe homeless. Of course a job paying $40-$45,000/yr. seems good to you. For me I have never made less than $55,000 here at Knight. But this year I will be lucky to make $42,000. Not enough cash for me to stay here. If you are going to make the sacrifice to be away from your family and live in a truck it's gotta pay more than 50 grand a year.

#12 Author of original report
To Driveshaft....
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Being you like the company so much....What was your last job? Minimum wage.....maybe homeless. Of course a job paying $40-$45,000/yr. seems good to you. For me I have never made less than $55,000 here at Knight. But this year I will be lucky to make $42,000. Not enough cash for me to stay here. If you are going to make the sacrifice to be away from your family and live in a truck it's gotta pay more than 50 grand a year.

#11 Author of original report
You have been drinking the Koolaide!!!!!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Everything I say is true! And as far as my driving ability....I am always one of the top performers every month at our terminal. Usually 1st or 2nd every month. I am probably the best driver in the entire fleet, but that's my own opinion....Maybe because I have nearly 2 million safe miles behind me. Any company with common sense would kill to have me as an employee. Problem is that companies don't care and don't know how to treat a good employee. The only drivers getting miles these days are the "new hires" that they are bringing in at .31 cpm. Why would Knight pay me .375 cpm to haul freight when they can get it hauled by a newbie for .31 cpm?
Here's a good one for you. My terminal manager offer me a "dedicated" run out of DE running mainly northeast and NJ and NYC. Knight is paying a flat rate per day....It is driver unload, could be one stop or it could be 10 stops on a trailer. Still pay a flat rate. Just another way to rip off the driver. I said no thanks, then he asks if I can run it until we can find someone else to fill the position. If it's such a great deal they should have no problem filling the position.
Oh well, keep drinking the Koolaide......

#10 UPDATE Employee
are you kidding me?
AUTHOR: Driveshaft - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
You have got to be kidding me. You say you did everything possible to get fired! And you call yourself a professional truck driver? You should be ashamed of yourself. I have worked for Knight for over 8 years and they have always been fair and honest with me. It's true, times are tough but my dispatcher and I always work it out together. I know of many other trucking companies and I talk to many other drivers out there and I wouldn't consider leaving. Especially in this economy. That Debt Free stuff you complain about is my security that I will have a job tomorrow and my paycheck won't bounce. I want my company to succeed and I want to be a part of it. You have been whining about them for months now and i can only assume that #1 - you really aren't that good of a driver or you would have found other employment by now or, #2 - things at Knight really aren't that bad and you really don't want to leave.

#9 Author of original report
Update!!!! Things getting even worse
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Well, I am still here unfortunately! I have been looking for another job but right now the trucking industry is bleak! I think it's time to find another career choice.
Just a little information on what's been going on lately....
Took a load fro PA to MT. After empty in MT I sat for 4 days waiting for next load. While I sat I took a 34 hr. reset. Knight says being I took a reset I wasnt going to get layover pay for all 4 days even though I was going to be sitting there anyway. What a load of crap!
Finally got a load from MT to southern CA. After delivering in CA I sat for 2 more days waiting for another load. After 2 days I finally got a p.u. right across the street from where I was. I could actually see the place. Nice right? NOOOOO! I first had to take my empty trailer 70 miles away and spot it at another shipper and then try to find another empty trailer. Another load of crap!
Well, picked up load in CA and delivered in Weatherford, OK and guess what? Sit for another 2 days waiting for next load. Finally get dispatched on load picking up in Oklahoma City. Get to shipper and he start screaming at me that I was supposed to pick the load up yesterday. I told him I could have easily picked it up the day before because I was sitting for 2 days waiting for a load. He said that this was going to be the last load Knight every pulls out of there. So they lost the account because of mis-communication. Nothing I could do about it. Another load of crap!
Anyway, picked up load in OK going to Kansas City, MO. Doesn't deliver till midnite. Delivered load and go back to KC yard. Guess what? No loads available! So here I sit again.
Meanwhile, I have noticed that Knight conveniently forgets to reimburse you for tolls, lumpers, etc. more and more lately. Seems funny that the first couple years here I hardly ever had a problem with payroll. Now it's just an everyday thing of having to watch them like a hawk and having to beg for every penny.
They are counting on those drivers that don't keep good records and usually throw their paperwork away after transflowing them. Just imagine how much money they are stuffing in there pockets of people that arent catching the mistakes?
I just have to laugh I guess.....I am so tired of them blowing off about being a "DEBT FREE" company on their advertising of the radio. Again, I wouldn't be bragging about it if the reason you are "DEBT FREE" is because you constantly steal from your drivers!!!!!!!
So if you like being lied to, stolen from, and love living in a truck for free....Knight is the place for you. God, I gotta get out of here. McDonalds is looking better everyday!

#8 Author of original report
Update!!!! Things getting even worse
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Well, I am still here unfortunately! I have been looking for another job but right now the trucking industry is bleak! I think it's time to find another career choice.
Just a little information on what's been going on lately....
Took a load fro PA to MT. After empty in MT I sat for 4 days waiting for next load. While I sat I took a 34 hr. reset. Knight says being I took a reset I wasnt going to get layover pay for all 4 days even though I was going to be sitting there anyway. What a load of crap!
Finally got a load from MT to southern CA. After delivering in CA I sat for 2 more days waiting for another load. After 2 days I finally got a p.u. right across the street from where I was. I could actually see the place. Nice right? NOOOOO! I first had to take my empty trailer 70 miles away and spot it at another shipper and then try to find another empty trailer. Another load of crap!
Well, picked up load in CA and delivered in Weatherford, OK and guess what? Sit for another 2 days waiting for next load. Finally get dispatched on load picking up in Oklahoma City. Get to shipper and he start screaming at me that I was supposed to pick the load up yesterday. I told him I could have easily picked it up the day before because I was sitting for 2 days waiting for a load. He said that this was going to be the last load Knight every pulls out of there. So they lost the account because of mis-communication. Nothing I could do about it. Another load of crap!
Anyway, picked up load in OK going to Kansas City, MO. Doesn't deliver till midnite. Delivered load and go back to KC yard. Guess what? No loads available! So here I sit again.
Meanwhile, I have noticed that Knight conveniently forgets to reimburse you for tolls, lumpers, etc. more and more lately. Seems funny that the first couple years here I hardly ever had a problem with payroll. Now it's just an everyday thing of having to watch them like a hawk and having to beg for every penny.
They are counting on those drivers that don't keep good records and usually throw their paperwork away after transflowing them. Just imagine how much money they are stuffing in there pockets of people that arent catching the mistakes?
I just have to laugh I guess.....I am so tired of them blowing off about being a "DEBT FREE" company on their advertising of the radio. Again, I wouldn't be bragging about it if the reason you are "DEBT FREE" is because you constantly steal from your drivers!!!!!!!
So if you like being lied to, stolen from, and love living in a truck for free....Knight is the place for you. God, I gotta get out of here. McDonalds is looking better everyday!

#7 Author of original report
Update!!!! Things getting even worse
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Well, I am still here unfortunately! I have been looking for another job but right now the trucking industry is bleak! I think it's time to find another career choice.
Just a little information on what's been going on lately....
Took a load fro PA to MT. After empty in MT I sat for 4 days waiting for next load. While I sat I took a 34 hr. reset. Knight says being I took a reset I wasnt going to get layover pay for all 4 days even though I was going to be sitting there anyway. What a load of crap!
Finally got a load from MT to southern CA. After delivering in CA I sat for 2 more days waiting for another load. After 2 days I finally got a p.u. right across the street from where I was. I could actually see the place. Nice right? NOOOOO! I first had to take my empty trailer 70 miles away and spot it at another shipper and then try to find another empty trailer. Another load of crap!
Well, picked up load in CA and delivered in Weatherford, OK and guess what? Sit for another 2 days waiting for next load. Finally get dispatched on load picking up in Oklahoma City. Get to shipper and he start screaming at me that I was supposed to pick the load up yesterday. I told him I could have easily picked it up the day before because I was sitting for 2 days waiting for a load. He said that this was going to be the last load Knight every pulls out of there. So they lost the account because of mis-communication. Nothing I could do about it. Another load of crap!
Anyway, picked up load in OK going to Kansas City, MO. Doesn't deliver till midnite. Delivered load and go back to KC yard. Guess what? No loads available! So here I sit again.
Meanwhile, I have noticed that Knight conveniently forgets to reimburse you for tolls, lumpers, etc. more and more lately. Seems funny that the first couple years here I hardly ever had a problem with payroll. Now it's just an everyday thing of having to watch them like a hawk and having to beg for every penny.
They are counting on those drivers that don't keep good records and usually throw their paperwork away after transflowing them. Just imagine how much money they are stuffing in there pockets of people that arent catching the mistakes?
I just have to laugh I guess.....I am so tired of them blowing off about being a "DEBT FREE" company on their advertising of the radio. Again, I wouldn't be bragging about it if the reason you are "DEBT FREE" is because you constantly steal from your drivers!!!!!!!
So if you like being lied to, stolen from, and love living in a truck for free....Knight is the place for you. God, I gotta get out of here. McDonalds is looking better everyday!

#6 Author of original report
Update!!!! Things getting even worse
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Well, I am still here unfortunately! I have been looking for another job but right now the trucking industry is bleak! I think it's time to find another career choice.
Just a little information on what's been going on lately....
Took a load fro PA to MT. After empty in MT I sat for 4 days waiting for next load. While I sat I took a 34 hr. reset. Knight says being I took a reset I wasnt going to get layover pay for all 4 days even though I was going to be sitting there anyway. What a load of crap!
Finally got a load from MT to southern CA. After delivering in CA I sat for 2 more days waiting for another load. After 2 days I finally got a p.u. right across the street from where I was. I could actually see the place. Nice right? NOOOOO! I first had to take my empty trailer 70 miles away and spot it at another shipper and then try to find another empty trailer. Another load of crap!
Well, picked up load in CA and delivered in Weatherford, OK and guess what? Sit for another 2 days waiting for next load. Finally get dispatched on load picking up in Oklahoma City. Get to shipper and he start screaming at me that I was supposed to pick the load up yesterday. I told him I could have easily picked it up the day before because I was sitting for 2 days waiting for a load. He said that this was going to be the last load Knight every pulls out of there. So they lost the account because of mis-communication. Nothing I could do about it. Another load of crap!
Anyway, picked up load in OK going to Kansas City, MO. Doesn't deliver till midnite. Delivered load and go back to KC yard. Guess what? No loads available! So here I sit again.
Meanwhile, I have noticed that Knight conveniently forgets to reimburse you for tolls, lumpers, etc. more and more lately. Seems funny that the first couple years here I hardly ever had a problem with payroll. Now it's just an everyday thing of having to watch them like a hawk and having to beg for every penny.
They are counting on those drivers that don't keep good records and usually throw their paperwork away after transflowing them. Just imagine how much money they are stuffing in there pockets of people that arent catching the mistakes?
I just have to laugh I guess.....I am so tired of them blowing off about being a "DEBT FREE" company on their advertising of the radio. Again, I wouldn't be bragging about it if the reason you are "DEBT FREE" is because you constantly steal from your drivers!!!!!!!
So if you like being lied to, stolen from, and love living in a truck for free....Knight is the place for you. God, I gotta get out of here. McDonalds is looking better everyday!

#5 Consumer Suggestion
I hate to tell you this
AUTHOR: Lambmit - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 01, 2009
I hate to tell you this but if they fire you for breaking the rules you will not be entitled to unemployment. If Knight is as tight with their money as you say they are I will garentee you they will fight the unemployment claim.

#4 Author of original report
I can't agree with you more!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 30, 2009
You are exactly right! Knight is definetely becoming the "Bottom of the Barrel".
All while bragging they are "Debt free". Whoop dew dooooo! Sure they are debt free.....only because they are stealing from the drivers.
I too am an excellent driver that was due safety bonuses that I never received. They will do everything possible to screw you out of money you are due.

#3 UPDATE EX-employee responds
Work for anyone but Knight Transportation.
AUTHOR: Truckernomore - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, June 21, 2009
First, let's discuss their orientation pay. They don't pay you. You pay them. That's right. If you leave before your 90 day probation period is up they charge you something like $250 for orientation.
What many drivers have discovered is Knight will do anything to avoid paying benefits rightfully owed to them. This is why after that 90 day probation time is up
you'll get screwed every way they can think of. And they've had a LOT of practice.
One of their drivers I know was due a $2500 safety bonus. He had more than 25 years OTR and not a single ticket. They went back into records 10 years past, before Knight even existed. They found that someone had struck his vehicle and the police report even stated "Driver of commercial vehicle not at fault." Knight cheated him out the bonus with the excuse, "Well, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
No matter what you do though, they won't fire you. They don't have the backbone.
And yes, when I drove for them it was every day they tried to coerce me into running illegally for them.
But they also can't keep dispatchers. Perhaps one reason is the pay. Dispatchers in Gulfport, MS are paid as little as $9.00 per hour. That's actually below the federal poverty level for an individual who is employed.
Something that seems to be a common phenomena with lousy employers is they try to screw you over when you get fed up and leave them. Fortunately, I've worked for far better companies and their documentation strongly contradicts reports from Knight. This is why Knight Transportation is quickly replacing even Swift as the laughing stock of the industry.

#2 Author of original report
Another Update!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, May 17, 2009
Well....Unfortunately I am still employed by Knight. I have been trying to get fired so I can at least maybe file for unemployment, but no matter what I do they won't fired me. I have broken all rules I can think of and they still won't fire me. I constantly break my 11 and 14 hour rules, overspeed, over idle, etc.
I am not proud of doing these things, but Knight has given me the I don't give a crap attitude. For the first 2 years I work here I always went out of my way to do the best job possible. I never turned down a load, had 2% idle time year round, and always followed the rules.
Now because Knight doesn't give a crap about it's drivers, why should I care about them anymore?
My first 2 years here I made an average of $53,000/year. This year I will be lucky to make $40,000. I don't know about you, but I can't take a pay cut like that and still survive. I talked to our terminal manager Marat in Carlisle, PA and he keeps saying "we need to get more money on your truck". It's not that I am not willing to work, there is just not enough freight to keep me moving.
For instance.....I am currently setting in the Joliet, IL yard for the last 3 days waiting for a load. I spent the entire weekend here away from my home and family in the hopes to make some more money, only to sit here with my thumb up my butt. Now I will have to beg and plead for layover pay that I will probably never get.
I used to consistently get 3,000 miles per week, but now I am lucky to get 1,500 miles per week. Why? Because Knight has taken over the crap freight market. They have gobbled up all the freight that nobody else wants to haul. All short miles going to inner city locations paying the company big bucks. Meanwhile the driver is told, "sorry we can't pay you any extra pay on this because the shipper didn't pay extra." This is all lies! I have been in the office when this was all discussed during a morning management meeting. It was said by the terminal manager that "Knight is getting big bucks for hauling this stuff and we have extra money to offer a driver to take the load but do your best to not give the driver the extra money." No wonder Knight can brag they are a debt free company. How? They steal it from the driver....That's how!
Hopefully I can get out of here within the next couple weeks. I have applications in around home for jobs that are out of the trucking industry. I have been lied to and cheated enough. It's time to move on and do something else.

#1 Author of original report
Knight continues being idiotic!
AUTHOR: Paknightdriver - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Sunday, April 19, 2009
Well. I am still working for Knight right now. Just waiting for the right opportunity to come along. Although I don't know how long I can afford to stay. They are into me now for Amost $600 in awaiting reimbursements. It's amazing how hard it is to get monay back rightfully owed to you. I think it would be easier to try to rob Fort Knox.
They make it sound so difficult to get it done when in reality it's just a couple key strokes on the computer.
I am kinda between a rock and a hard place. If I leave now I know for sure I will never see my money. If I stay, I could go even further in the hole.
I will keep you updated.

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