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Report: #1258070

Complaint Review: TOYS - Nationwide

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  • Reported By: Gmarkxs — Erie Pennsylvania USA
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  • TOYS Nationwide USA

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I happen to see this article online and feel it is a down right shame these companies can screw the hard working American people for company profits. It is a slap in the face to all who go to work everyday and try to support their families. I feel the American people need to stand up to these greedy corporations and finally say enough is enough. I am asking (((ALL))) Americans to think TWICE before shopping this Christmas at Toys "R" US or buying insurance from New York Life Insurance. They do not deserve your hard earned money. How would you like a foreign person coming to America to shadow you, then go back to China, India, Brazil or wherever, and take your job with them and the company lays you off? Hard enough to find a good job these days let alone only having 26 weeks of benefits. These greedy corporations will change your life and the bad thing about it is, THEY DON'T CARE. You are expendable... I blame Washington for this miscarriage of justice. I would love to see people shadow Congress and farm out their jobs. Let's see how they feel about that or why can't we bring a foreign person in and shadow the CEO'S then take their jobs? That would be a good one..... The way Washington lets these employers get away with this stuff is really RIDICULIOUS. Thank you.......... American Worker--Proud of my union!!!!


"US companies are using temporary visas to ship jobs abroad."


Some US companies are using temporary visas to train foreign workers in the US and then ship them back overseas, according to a new investigation by the New York Times.


According to the Times, the companies — which include Toys "R" Us and New York Life Insurance — bring foreign workers into the US to train them on jobs held by those at home offices in the US.

Then, once the worker has learned how to do the American employee's job,  the American employee is laid off and the foreign worker returns to his or her home country and starts working from there.

The investigation sites the story of a former Toys "R" Us employee who says that for four weeks this spring a young woman on a temporary visa from India sat with her as she performed her accounting job in the Toys "R" Us headquarters in Wayne, New Jersey. 

"The woman...studied and recorded the accountant’s every keystroke, taking screen shots of her computer and detailed notes on how she issued payments for toys sold in the company’s megastores," according to Julia Preston, the New York Times' National Immigration Correspondent.

The Indian woman worked for the outsourcing company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), who were hired by Toys "R" Us. The Times says that the TCS employees shadowed the Toys "R" Us employees and created intricate manuals for how to perform the jobs of 67 different workers. They then returned to India and trained other TCS employees how to do those jobs. The Toys "R" Us employees were subsequently laid off.

Most of these foreign workers are in the US on a visa program known as H-1B, which allows American employers to hire foreign professionals with "highly specialized knowledge" to meet their needs. According to federal guidelines, employers must sign a declaration that the foreign workers “will not adversely affect the working conditions” of Americans or lower their wages," the Times reports. 

The American workers being laid off at Toys "R" Us and New York Life say the foreign workers did not have highly specialized knowledge. In addition, the Americans were instructed to teach the foreign workers how to do their jobs. If they refused, they were asked to resign. 

Life insuranceFlickr/werkmens


“At the very least, those are violations of the spirit of the law,” Christine Brigagliano, a lawyer who advises companies on obtaining visas, told the Times.  “Those contractors are signing on the bottom line, saying we will not undercut the wages and working conditions of Americans. But, in fact, they are.”

Toys "R" Us and New York Life both defended their outsourcing practices to the Times by saying it will lead to future growth in the US.

The staff reduction was a part of "designing a streamlined, more efficient global organization to make it fit for growth,” Toys "R" Us spokeswoman Kathleen Waugh said, adding that the contractors were required to comply with  “any and all immigration laws” and that the outsourcing “resulted in significant cost savings.”

“Our decisions are centered on keeping the company competitive, keeping it in the United States, keeping it growing,” New York Life spokesman William Werfelman added. 

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#4 Author of original report

last response to you.. other things to accomplish..

AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I did not get on this site to get into an agrument with you. You are entitled to your opinion about a union just as I am regarding a union! I would rather be in one than not!!!! I could go back and forth with you all day about the pros and cons, but that was not my intention when I said, "I am proud of my union.? Employers are out of control here in America. At some point the workers need to say enough is enough. Having some foreign worker come to America and train for a job, then the company sends that job overseas and lays the employees off. Well  ... thats a huge issue! Ps.. I really have not paid all that much with my union dues over 27 years. I'm prob close to 18k, but look at what my gross has been over those 27 years. Hell .. I make 80k a yr. Have made over 100k as well. You tell me where I am doing bad belonging to my union? Good Luck to you.. Remember we are stronger in numbers...

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#3 Consumer Comment

Typical Union Spin...

AUTHOR: Robert - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, October 06, 2015

You can try and deflect your true motive as a smokescreen, but most people see right through it.  You see you can try and say this isn't about unions, but that is not what you believe or were trying to pass off.  Because if that was the case why would you put anything about your union in this post at all? 

 I mentioned NOTHING in my article it was any unions fault

- Of course not because YOU are a member of a union.  In your mind Unions do no wrong, and because of that huge blind spot you can't connect the dots.

This actually is not the fault of the union. Last time I knew, Toys R Us and the New York Life Insurance is not unionized.

- And that is your problem.  You are instead infering that if they were in a union this would not have happened.   I would bet dollars to doughnuts that you heard about this story through some communication from your Union.

Now, don't get me wrong.  At one time many decades ago Unions were a good thing and needed in several industries, and I am not going to get into the debate of what things unions brought to the workplace.  However, due to many factors they have long outlived their usefullness.  Or do you really think that a 16 year old working a few hours a week bagging groceries at the local supermarket needs to be a member of a union and give up a significant portion of their pay check to pay for the union dues?

Also, don't get me wrong.  I actually am against "offshoring"/"nearshoring" and do think that some things need to change to make the US more "business friendly".  So on that I am right with you.  However, I also know that Unions are not the way to do it.

By the way, while I know you won't do it you should go through and calculate how much in "dues" have you paid the union over your 27 years.  Then take a good hard look at your compensation in what you are getting, and compare it to non-union equivalent jobs in your profession.  Just forewarned, you may be in for quite a shock.


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#2 Author of original report


AUTHOR: - ()

POSTED: Thursday, October 01, 2015

First off, all I said at the end was that "I am proud of my union!" I did not say that to have any union bashed. This isn't JUST a union problem... Now that you mention them, I have been in one for 27 years now. I would not do it any other way... People--employees are stronger in numbers. Yes, I am in a union and yes I am proud of them. Do I blame them for what these employers are doing? NO!!!!! Employers who are not even unionized are doing this! Sir ... open your eyes. This is not just a union problem, It's an American one.  I mentioned NOTHING in my article it was any unions fault. I get so sick of people like you blaming a union for the cost of jobs here in America. This actually is not the fault of the union. Last time I knew, Toys R Us and the New York Life Insurance is not unionized. These companys want more profit and they dont care about the employees. So please keep my story to how I meant it to be read! Blame the greedy companies that wont stop wanting more, more, more in company profits. Thats the issue here pal... Thank you.... And .. AGAIN. I am very proud of my union.

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#1 General Comment



POSTED: Wednesday, September 30, 2015

 And YOU have the answer to your complaint RIGHT THERE!!! unions are out for THEMSELVES!!!! NOT the employee!! Oh sure they DO things but in general unions are there to screw over EVERYONE!!!Yes by joining a union you have "protection" and greater wages. Wages FAR ABOVE what normal people have to work for. WHY is a company, whos job it is to MAKE MONEY, going to go out of its way to LOSE MONEY by dealing with a union??YOU WOULD DO THE SAME AS THEM!!!! Dont sit there and pound your chest about being an American and THEN WHINE that Americans are losing thier jobs!!! Unions are FORCING businesses to seek CHEAPER employees elsewhere. Its about MAKING MONEY!!!!!

WHY is it such a SIN for a company to do the EXACT same thing YOU are trying to do?? What makes YOU so much better then THEM?? I'll tell you the difference, NONE!!!!!Maybe instead of complaining about the lost jobs the American Citizen can WORK HARDER!!! And DO BETTER!!!! And do it at an ACCEPTABLE wage. Yes prices go up, but dont expect that just because YOU have showed up for work and pay some dues each month is going to AUTOMATICALLY put you in for a 30-40$ an hour job when THEY can pay someone MINIMUM WAGE to do the SAME JOB!!!!JUST LIKE YOU, THEY ARE IN BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY!!! STOP attempting to play the victim when the REAL victims are the ones that are stuck ONLY getting minimum wage. How about fighting for THOSE AMERICAN CITIZENS??

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