Complaint Review: Geico Auto Insurance - Woodbury New York
- Geico Auto Insurance 750 Woodbury Rd, Woodbury, New York U.S.A.
- Phone: 800-645-7550x 7689
- Web:
- Category: Car Insurance
Geico Indemnity Company ripoff drop the policy contract when they wanted to but meanwhile still take my money Woodbury New York
*Consumer Comment: They Can Cancel for Non-Payment
*Consumer Comment: GEICO cancels your policy when you don't want it cancelled and refuses to cancel it when you do want it cancelled
*Consumer Comment: something your son is not telling you.
*Author of original report: Geico has the right to swith days after days when they wanted to?
*Consumer Comment: Son's experience with Geico
*Consumer Comment: Son's experience with Geico
*Consumer Comment: Son's experience with Geico
*Consumer Comment: Your bill
*Consumer Comment: Make your payments on time
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Geico indemnity company had the auto policy contract with me for over 2 years, i have always paid my bills, there was times i was late for the payment, but i always paid, i guess that's why they still do business with me, otherwise they would drop me long time ago.
at the end of december of 2005, i have received new policy contract from geico for the year of 2006. and the payment date always is the 18th of everymonth. i have set up the payment dedut from my checking account directly. on the date of 2/11/2006, i received letter from Geico, telling me that they have not received my payment yet, if i have already sent the payment, disregard this letter, if not, please send my payment.
So, i contacted them on the date of 13 of feburary, 2006, and all of these report have writen statment to proofed them. when i spoke to one of the representative on the 13/2/2006, she told me i was being canceled, i was so angery why they did not notified me, and of course they said they did. however, she said they have no problem to put me back on the policy, and i gave them my checking account number again. from the report i have received from geico stats that they kept switching the effective date of my policy, from the 13th t0 14th, then to 15th and 16th untill 17th. that made me do not understand how can a insurance company can just changed the policy date when they wanted to.
Now, the truth reason is, the 15th of feburary, my vehicle had gotten towed and smashed, and geico has tried their best to walked around that date to avoid the claim for that incident.
Can someone tell me that is that legal for a insurance to change the date of policy when they wanted to change. from 13th all the way to 17th. then they can say, i don't have coverage on the 15th, so they are not going to cover anyting happen on the 15th. when i called them ask them why they kept moved the date behind, the answer was they did not got my checking account number right, what a joke, commen sence, anyone didn't get pay with a wrong checking account number, they will call for the correct one at once, am i right or am i just crazy?
it just so clearly that geico, did a good job on how to avoid their responsbility to a small civilian's auto policy.
geico, what a big ripoff you are.
Elmhurst, New York
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#9 Consumer Comment
They Can Cancel for Non-Payment
AUTHOR: Jennifer - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Geico, or any insurance company, can and will cancel for non-payment. They will then notify DMV that you no longer have valid insurance. Even if you re-instate your insurance, you will receive a letter from NYS DMV and you will be required to hand in your plates for a period of time equal to the period of time that you had no insurance. You will then have to re-register your car at the end of this suspension. If you choose not to re-instate your registration, you will be required to permanently surrender your plates. There is a definite link between the DMV and the insurance companies.
Here's what happened to us sometime last year. My husband, who has Nationwide (I have Geico), forgot to pay his insurance. We got a letter from his insurance company and immediately paid and re-instated the policy but technically we were without insurance for 30 days. We got a letter from the DMV telling us we had to surrender the plates for 30 days. They were vanity plates so they held them for us. At the end of the 30 days, we were able to re-register the car. Our only other option was to pay an $8.00 a day fine. Luckily, we had two other cars so we were able to keep this one off the street for 30 days.
The reason NYS implemented this policy was because of the high rate of uninsured drivers. These drivers were causing accidents that they did not pay for which in turn would cause higher insurance rates. What people would do is buy a policy, show their insurance card to register the vehicle and then drop the insurance. Since many renewals were done by mail or via the web, you never had to show your insurance card again unless you were stopped. By putting this policy in place, they are able to keep some uninsured motorists off the road. To me, it's worth it if it keeps rising insurance rates in check.

#8 Consumer Comment
GEICO cancels your policy when you don't want it cancelled and refuses to cancel it when you do want it cancelled
AUTHOR: K - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Monday, July 24, 2006
Hmm, I think you should have told them that you still have your license plates and will not surrender them to the DMV; therefore, GEICO can't cancel your insurance whether you pay or not. :-) See the opposite experience I had:
Seriously, this is ridiculous. One customer pays a little late but doesn't want his insurance cancelled, and GEICO doesn't hesitate to cancel his insurance. The next customer gives notice of intent to cancel and not pay the premium after the policy expires, and GEICO refuses to cancel the insurance.

#7 Consumer Comment
something your son is not telling you.
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Thursday, May 04, 2006
On a side note
For Anna in NY. They can not just drop two vehicle off a policy for no reason or because they receive a letter that the person will not be renewing.
There's obviously something your son is not telling you.

#6 Author of original report
Geico has the right to swith days after days when they wanted to?
AUTHOR: Dan - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 02, 2006
ok, my bill payment was late, fine, i eat that, even then was when my father in catherine cancer center having a lung cancer operation. no excuse, who cares who is gonna live or die, just pay me. right? america way's business.
please focus on the detail of if they had already canceled my policy, on 2/1/06, why they still sending me a letter on 2/11/06, demanding payment? wow, conincident right? i called geico on the 2/13/06 asked about my insurance policy, in my mind i was thinking i am already out of geico. they are the one who's on the phone invited me back in to the geico policy, 1,2, 3, just like that, no question ask, no any hassel. i thought that was because i had almost 2 years business relationship with them. once again, focus on the daitl, on 2/13/06, they asked me for my checking account number again, and the lady on the phone even can tell by the account and routing number that my account was commerce bank. the last word i got was, you are fine mr. wu, everything back to normal. thing happens in life, do you think i wanted to have my car got into accident? in my whloe life driving history, i just had 1 time no fault accident. i still do not understand how they just can swithed from the 2/13/06 policy date to the 2/18/06, without letting me know everyday about the prolonging. until i confirmed them? wrong checking account number, are you the one doing business when you can't collect your money, you just gonna sit there and wait till i call you? do not make any sense for me. however, it's happened already, geico still are the giant insurance company, and everyday there are countless people will purchase insurance from them, of course they don't have to pay any mind to me. tell you what, you never know, what goes arond, comes around. when you treat your own citizen and who has alwasy paid his due, just that month cause my dad in the hospital and i did not pay, then the outcome became such a sad ending. i know i can not be a cold blood business organization like that.

#5 Consumer Comment
Son's experience with Geico
AUTHOR: Anna - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My son had Geico Insurance for many years while he was in the Air Force. After moving back to NY he sent them a letter telling them that he would not be renewing his insurance after the expiration date, because they kept raising his rates for no reason (No tickets or accidents). Unknown to him they cancelled his insurance immediately on two vehicles. In New York State it is very serious to drive without insurance. They never sent him a cancellation notice and he drove for several weeks without insurance. He and his wife are extremely careful to pay all bills immediately and always abide by the law. When he found out he had no insurance he was extremely upset and went to Motor Vehicle immediately. Fortunately it did not cost him a lot of money to get things straightened out but none of us will ever have GEICO Insurance again.

#4 Consumer Comment
Son's experience with Geico
AUTHOR: Anna - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My son had Geico Insurance for many years while he was in the Air Force. After moving back to NY he sent them a letter telling them that he would not be renewing his insurance after the expiration date, because they kept raising his rates for no reason (No tickets or accidents). Unknown to him they cancelled his insurance immediately on two vehicles. In New York State it is very serious to drive without insurance. They never sent him a cancellation notice and he drove for several weeks without insurance. He and his wife are extremely careful to pay all bills immediately and always abide by the law. When he found out he had no insurance he was extremely upset and went to Motor Vehicle immediately. Fortunately it did not cost him a lot of money to get things straightened out but none of us will ever have GEICO Insurance again.

#3 Consumer Comment
Son's experience with Geico
AUTHOR: Anna - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My son had Geico Insurance for many years while he was in the Air Force. After moving back to NY he sent them a letter telling them that he would not be renewing his insurance after the expiration date, because they kept raising his rates for no reason (No tickets or accidents). Unknown to him they cancelled his insurance immediately on two vehicles. In New York State it is very serious to drive without insurance. They never sent him a cancellation notice and he drove for several weeks without insurance. He and his wife are extremely careful to pay all bills immediately and always abide by the law. When he found out he had no insurance he was extremely upset and went to Motor Vehicle immediately. Fortunately it did not cost him a lot of money to get things straightened out but none of us will ever have GEICO Insurance again.

#2 Consumer Comment
Your bill
AUTHOR: Tanya - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Tuesday, April 11, 2006
First Geico and other insurance companies are required to send written notice of pending cancellation for non-payment. You have acknowledged receipt of the notice. On that notice is a specific date that the payment must be received by in order to avoid cancellation. Remember you are in a contract. A company insures and you pay for that insurance. If you do not pay then you are not entitled to insurance. No contract works where you can ingnore a bill and continue to benefit from the policy. Also, if you read the bold print on the enrollment form for GEICO's Direct pay it informs you that you must continue to make your normal payments until you receive a confirmation letter notifying you that you have been successfully enrolled. You have only three ways to enroll in direct pay (automatic draft); 1. enroll by paper form 2. sign bill stub/include voided check and 3. enroll online at There is not another way to enroll. So what does this mean to you. It means that whichever way you choose to enroll you have to enter the checking routing and account number.
On the changing of the dates. Lets say your policy runs from 10/11/05 to 4/11/06 and you are on a payment plan where your bills are due on the 11th (the effective date of your policy). If on March 11th you receive a bill (which you will) and you do not pay then a cancellation notice is sent (like the one you got). This gives you time to make your payment (ah, a second chance). If you do not pay then the policy cancels and you are no longer insured. So lets say the notice gave you until March 30th to make the payment (just an example, not a grace period or anything) and it cancels for non payment, then on March 30th at 12:01am you have breached your part of the contract therefore an insurance company is no longer legally bound to the contract. If you do not call until April 4th to make the payment then you have a lapse of insurance for that time period and any accidents during the March 30th to April 4th date are not covered because in effect no contract existed between you and the insurance company. That means you are responsible wholly for any damages or injuries to you or third parties as you chose to not pay your insurance premium therefore reliquishing your rights to coverage. Remember you were given notice of the pending cancellation!! Now on April 4th you call and make a down payment to restart your policy. You are now entering into a new 6 month contract with the insurance company. It does not backdate and cover you through a lapse of insurance (caused by non-payment or any other reason) and your new policy effective dates would be April 5th 2006 through October 5th 2006. Hence the new coverage dates. Its a brand new legal contract that you are entering into anew and agreeing to pay for the upcoming 6 months. So lesson learned. Pay heed to the pink notices that come in the mail and adhere to the contract rules; you pay then your insured, don't and your not. If for some reason you are having extreme difficulty making a payment most of the time something can be worked out in advance before the due date and before the cancellation notice is sent but if you do not contact your insurance company and they contact you (via written cancellation notice) then you are at fault for the lapse and any accidents during that time. I am sorry that you had an accident and it is unfortunate that it happened during an insurance lapse but that does not make Geico a bad business. They have very strong rules and procedures that they follow all approved by the individual states they insure with, and they have no room for unethical behavior from their associates. Customer service is a number one priority so much so that calls are constantly montitored to ensure professional, friendly and courteous service.
An agent who is state licensed (all geico agents are) would not risk their own hide to change an effective date on a policy to avoid paying a claim. Beside extremly illegal they would be caught and fined severly as well as lose their license and position with Geico. Geico is a great company to work for and to insure with. There is not one company out there that does not have some dissatisfied customers but Geico goes out of their way to try and make the experience pleasant and painless for the policy holder. We value all of our policy holders and their opinions. If after reading this you have additional concerns regarding your dates of coverage then I encourage you to call Geico again and have another agent explain exactly what happened with your policy so that you can full understand the reasons why. We encourage you to call for a review and to discuss your concerns.

#1 Consumer Comment
Make your payments on time
AUTHOR: David - (U.S.A.)
SUBMITTED: Saturday, April 08, 2006
If you make your payments on time, stuff like this doesn't happen.
They had not received your jan 18th payment, correct? Did you not notice the payment was not made?
You said you were angry when they didn't notify you, but in the paragrapgh before that you wrote I received letter from Geico, telling me that they have not received my payment.
What a coincidence that something happens to a vehicle a day after someone starts a policy or someone tries to start a policy back up that was cancelled due to something not paying.
Like insurance companies don't see this every day.

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