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Report: #1474300

Complaint Review: GM Financial - Florida

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  • Reported By: Maricela — Port Charlotte United States
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  • GM Financial Florida United States

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Let's start with the non stop calls, which I had to block each one of them. Then, calling my office (and I work for 4 attorneys), thank you but no, they won't call my office again. 

Well, they repo the crappy vehicle that I had at my workplace. It didn't matter that I begged them to give me couple of hours to retrieve the money, they told me NO. (Of course not, they want to make you pay all the fees, which means more money for them). After I cried to them and they insisted that they will be taking the car, I had no choice than to let it go. Later that day, someone from GM Financial Dared to call and asked me if I still wanted the car!!! Seriously???

I told them to give me couple of hour to get the money and they refused to help me!  So I told them No. I told them that I no longer want the vehicle. The representative told me that I had certain days to get the car back after making a payment and I still said No. Well, weeks after they called me again and notified me that the car was going to be up for Auction, and I told them that it was ok with me, because I no longer wanted this car. After all the headache and depression from the day they repo the car at my workplace, I was done. 

Months after, I received a letter on the mail, telling me that they sold the car BUT that they didn't sell it for the amount the car was worth, so they are charging me $7,000.00. Yes, that much money after they sold the vehicle. I am talking to 2 different attorneys who are experts with these type of cases. What upsets me is that I begged these people to  give me couple of hours to get the money, and they told me NO. Then I spent so much money renting a car until I was able to get an used vehicle, which I have no problems making payments. These people will harrass the hell out of you, so my advice is to hire an attorney. 

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 02/26/2019 10:07 AM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#9 Consumer Comment

Denial isn't just a river in Africa

AUTHOR: Robert - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

You can continue to repeat things to yourself and you may eventually believe them. But the people commenting are giving you the harsh reality of your true situation.

But let's say: No. I wasn't behind for "a lot of payments", only 2 months and they were Aware of my financial situation At That Moment
- Not sure what your idea of a good payment history is, but 2 months behind is NOT a good thing or something to boast about as being "only" 2 months behind.  And contrary to what you seem to think you are entitled to..your current financial situation does not matter.

Two: I did Asked for couple of hours to retrieve the money and make a payment, and they said No. I can prove this.
- I have no doubt that you asked for a couple of hours, or that they denied that. However, per your own admission you were already late by 2 payments,  why would they think that if you haven't paid them in 2 months that 2 hours was all of the sudden going to change anything? If it was going to change anything why didn't you take that action ealier?  The answer, while you won't admit is actually a very simple and common one.  You like may  "Sub-prime" borrowers try to gamble and hold off paying as long as possible figuring that you aren't "that" late and they would surely give you more time if you just asked and give them a sob story. But as you found in the end when you gamble the house will always win.

They are money hungry.
- If they were REALLY "money hungry" they would continue to keep asking for payments, adding interest and additional late fees. 

In fact, I was able to purchase a vehicle and I'm very pleased with them, Never missed a single payment.
- Well a "gold star" for you. If you want a valid comparison though, become two months late with this finance company and see how nice and wonderful you think they are then.

Can't post everything, but a general explanation. GM are the Only negative item and All my bills are paid on time.
- That is a lie. If all of your bills were paid on-time you wouldn't have been 2 months behind on your car payment and they wouldn't have reposessed your car.

Good luck and I hope those attornies can get that amount reduced for you.

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#8 Consumer Comment

Typical WHINING Deadbeat!

AUTHOR: The Dog - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

 YOU defaulted on the contract...that's a FACT by YOUR own admission. YOU turned on the collections machine and YOU caused the repo. Those are also very obvious FACTS. In very typical deadbeat fashion, you're ONLY purpose in being here is because YOU just can't stand the consequences YOU brought upon YOURSELF!

So go ahead and continue to stomp your feet in your temper tantrum but remember YOU caused it ALL! Here's how "smart" you're here whining and wailing about how all they want is money. Anybody with half a brain knows that's what you are contracted with them for! Keep writing back.

We all need the laughs and yes, I'm damned judgemental when it comes to you sorry whining, crying, wailing deadbeats who just can't stand what you brought upon yourselves!!!

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#7 Consumer Comment

I want in on the party

AUTHOR: voiceofreason - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It doesn't look like you're laughing at all the comments. On contrary, it feels like you're very aggravated by them. Well, I'm going to add to your aggravation. If the finance company DOES forgive your deficiency, guess what happen? You end up with that forgiven amount as income you'll have to declare on your next tax return. They will send you a 1099 to that effect.

You might be better off getting a reduction negotiated.

As for "hush now". YOU hush! You posted in an open public forum where anyone else can choose to weigh in, and we all have so chosen.

In fact, not everyone was attacking you. The very first comment anyway was giving you sage advice.

I think we can all well deduce what kind of attorneys you work for too, given that they indeed have you working for them.

I think we'd really like to know how a gainfully employed legal staffer got so in over their head on a financed vehicle. Did you simply WANT a tricked out high end ride you were in no way reliably able to pay on?

As for us all working for GM, I guess I need to make a ripoff report of my own on them for not sending me my paychecks.

If you look up all latest reports here that have the blue rebuttal link and go in, you'll find many of us in those comments, so by your definition, we call work for a lot of companies.

If you look well, you'll even see cases where we tear the COMPANY apart. This obviously isn't shaping up that way.


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#6 Author of original report

For those working for GM

AUTHOR: - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

 I took my time to read through some other complaints. And surprise surprise: I don't know how many times I read: "And I don't work for GM...". Right! One more time: I have all the details and I'll keep fighting them. All of the negative comments will be ignored from now on.

You were not there, you know Nothing. You can't based your negative and oh "harsh" comments on what people report because us consumers Can't post everything, but a general explanation. GM are the Only negative item and All my bills are paid on time.

Stop judging the consumers, because is not your case. And GM can stop sending their people to harass the consumers who are reporting them. You're very quick to do that. Still laughing at the comments..

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#5 Author of original report

For all of those judging

AUTHOR: Foryourinfo - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

 I didn't specify All the details. But let's say: No. I wasn't behind for "a lot of payments", only 2 months and they were Aware of my financial situation At That Moment. Two: I did Asked for couple of hours to retrieve the money and make a payment, and they said No. I can prove this. Last, I don't sweat it.

They are money hungry. I did talk to 2 different attorneys and I'll go forward with my complaint. You can give your opinion and say whatever you want to say, I stand by what I think of them. They have hundreds of complaints. Mine is one more. They deserve the poor reputation that they have. And Yes, this didn't affect me when it comes to my job. Why it would?

In fact, I was able to purchase a vehicle and I'm very pleased with them, Never missed a single payment. And if you all want to keep talking trash, GM is the only negative item on my report, and I'm taking care of it. But I still had to leave my complaint. So hush you all.

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#4 Consumer Comment

Try again

AUTHOR: Stacey - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

You failed to make payments on a contract YOU signed with GM therefore all the boohooing and tears will get you nowhere. YOU were LATE, failed to make arrangements and lost the vehicle because of your negligence. IF an attorney would touch this then he/she is a fool. IF you had no problem making payments then how come you did you not make your payments??? And NO I do not work for them. 

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#3 Consumer Comment

Ha Ha Ha!

AUTHOR: The Dog - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

 Right, sure. Hire an attorney when you don't have money to make car payments! Tell us some more jokes! YOU failed to make payments on time. YOU failed to stay in contact with them by blocking their calls. Now you expect them to kiss your rear end to give you time? The fact they did a repo, does not make the contracted balance go away.

If you actually talked to two lawyers, they would have told you that. They sell the car at auction and YOU are on the hook for the deficency. They will probably due you for that amount. This is STANDARD PROCEDURE in a repo. If you talked to two lawyers, they would have told you that as well.

Since, as you "claim" they wouldn't give you a few hours, which also is doubtful, my guess is you were past due much more than once and perhaps several months this time. Remedy? Pay your bills on time and YOU would cause a repo. Oh yes, now's the time to write back saying, "you must work for them".

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#2 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Robert - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

No let's start with how you got into this situation.

You didn't get into this situation by making your payments On-Time. You got into this situation because you FAILED to make your payments and defaulting on your loan agreement with them. Once you defaulted they used their legal right(which you agreed to), to reposess the car. Then they followed the law and auctioned off your car, and are now charging you for the deficency balance. If you fail to pay that balance they can(and probably will) file a suit against you in Civil Court.

There are certain realities. Reality 1, you made a legal agreement to make a certain payment on certain dates in exchange for them to finance a vehicle for you. Reality 2, there is NOTHING in that agreement that says you only had to pay when or if you could. Reality 3, they are under no obligation to make any sort of arrangements for you. But every day you are late that they don't take the car they are "working with you". Reality 4, It is not "harrassment" to try and contact you to collect on a debt you owe.

As for your attornies that are looking into this, don't be shocked if they tell you basically the same thing. Be sure to ask them what happens when you lose in court..I am sure you will not like their answer.

Now, as for them not giving you the two hours to get the money together. Anyone who sees this can see right through that and see how laughable that claim  is. As let us not forget, that you probably had weeks if not a few of months to get the money and make your payment(s)...which you FAILED to do.

This though was probably your funniest line...
Then I spent so much money renting a car until I was able to get an used vehicle, which I have no problems making payments.

- If you have no problem renting a car or making payments, why didn't you do this before they reposessed it?

Oh and don't think that any other finance company wouldn't be doing the exact same thing.


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#1 Consumer Comment

You STILL Have A Job With These Attorneys??

AUTHOR: Jim - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Most attorneys wouldn't even hire, let alone have an employee in their midst with this sort of thing going on.  But I digress.

Can they charge you for the difference between the residual value of the car and what they received at auction?  Technically, they can.  Will they?  I suppose that depends on the attorney you hire.  They'll negotiate the amount downward a bit.  However, I suspect you will still be left with a smaller amount due.  Now, whether you actually pay that amount, or get a 1099 from it, is hard to say.  Their collection efforts were pretty ridiculous though - I mean you lose the car, you've resigned yourself to its loss, and they still call you?  Pretty dumb if that's how it went down.

However, consider yourself fortunate.  You have access to attorneys who will negotiate your exposure downward.  You will likely pay very little for their services, and you get to keep your job. Most people don't have that sort of access for the price you'll end up paying.  Just saying...

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