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Report: #803940

Complaint Review: GMAC Mortgage Company - Waterloo Iowa

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  • Reported By: Tired of the lies — Des Moines Washington USA
  • Author Not Confirmed What's this?
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  • GMAC Mortgage Company Waterloo, Iowa United States of America

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GMAC Loan Modification
HEMP Modification (FHA)
Loan Number 0602466724
To Whom It May Concern:     This letter I am writing to you is a hardship letter to GMAC it will explain why I need my loan modification.
In April of 2010 my wife and I split up and we got a divorce and at that time I filed for this loan modification because of a financial hardship in as much as when I bought this home it was done so with two incomes and ever since the divorce there is only one income and that would be the hardship in which I filed for the loan modification. I got a hold of GMAC and I ask many questions as to how I go about filing for the loan modification and I followed all of their instructions to the letter. The First papers were filed in June 2010   when I faxed over all of the papers that were required of me by GMAC, waited a few days and then called them of the phone to make sure that they had everything that they needed in order to go forward with the modification of my loan.
 I called every week to make sure that GMAC had everything that they needed and I was given the name and number of a representative of GMAC that I could call to inquire about my modification.  Every time I called I left a message with my phone number and I asked if there was anything I could do to help or to assist in any way with my modification , I called at least 10 or 12 times and I never got an answer to any of my calls I made. I finally called to find out why I had never gotten a call back from this individual whom I was leaving messages for, at this time I found out that I was calling the wrong number but I never received a call from GMAC telling me I was calling the wrong person even after it was there system that gave me the number to call in the first place. This is when I was told about the HEMP program. During all this time I also wrote a letter to Senator Patty Murray and she even contacted GMAC in my behalf.
In the later part of September I learned from GMAC that I was not eligible for a loan modification because I have a FHA loan which I could not understand why they had lead me to believe that I was eligible  when in fact I was not and then I was told about the HEMP program for people that wanted a loan modification that had an FHA type of a loan , so then on October 4, 2010 I faxed in all new papers to GMAC HEMP division because the date on the first papers was older then 90 days and they had to be redone with a new date on them.  So now here I am calling every week to make sure once again that GMAC has everything that they need to proceed with the HEMP modification on my home and then I learned that I should file a complaint with the Attorney Generals office because they want to know how many families in Washington are trying to get loan modifications and if they are having any problems with the process.  So now I file with the Attorney Generals office and with in two weeks I receive a notice from The Attorney Generals office that my case has been forwarded to the State Of Washingtons Department of Financial Institutions and that they would contact me very soon.  I waited about two weeks and then I called the Department of Financial Institutions and I was told about their process and that I would be hearing from them as soon as they got caught up on all of the cases they had in front of them. While all of this is going on GMAC contacts me by letter and tells me that I am going to have to get a quick claim deed to take my wifes name off of the title of the house, if I want to get my loan modification. I then went out and hired an attorney to get my quick claim deed and do as GMAC has asked me to do which cost me another $250.00 that I did not have but I was forced to do so by GMAC. In the mean time it is getting close to February 12Th when the new 90 days will be up so on February 16, 2011 I call GMAC and I am told that the loan modification through the HEMP program has been denied because of lack of financial and not being able to afford to make the payments on my home. I have never been late on any of my payment to GMAC and I have made them on time every month since my divorce so my track record means nothing to GMAC. I have expressed my desire to keep my home and that I needed their help with this modification to be able to do so.

In September 2011 I hired an attorney to represent me in another attempt for my modification and in November 2011 I was denied for the third time and the reason that I was given was that I could not afford a lower payment but that I could afford a higher one. I have finally contacted HUD and now they are looking into the reality if I was treated correctly or not. I would love to be a part of any class action against GMAC in regards to these modifications that they are lying about to avoid using the money they were given for this purpose.
Thank You,

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/01/2011 08:08 PM and is a permanent record located here: The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report. READ: Foreign websites steal our content

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#19 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (United States)

POSTED: Friday, December 10, 2021

is only available at this site. Just type in 560128 and it appears in the comments section at Ripoff Report #560128.

Thank you

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#18 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Thursday, December 05, 2013

is available at this website. Just type in 987602 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #987602.


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#17 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Thursday, November 28, 2013

Don't forget to give us an update when you get a chance.


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#16 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Saturday, November 16, 2013

An encore presentation of 'Goons Have Destroyed Our Country' was posted in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #987602 on November 14, 2013. Just type in 987602 and that will take you to it.

Good luck to you, and make sure to expose your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook every day!


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#15 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Please feel free to give us an update to your Ripoff Report and let us know how things are going when you have time. Thank you.

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#14 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Thursday, April 04, 2013

Are you now realizing that the United States of America is a country whose foundation is solidly built on lies, deception, fraud, manipulation, greed, trickery, deep corruption, and the constant pursuit to financially injure the innocent people living here and all over the world?

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#13 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Friday, March 29, 2013

Are you beginning to understand that the banking cartel is ultimately in control of the U.S. government and that is the main reason that so many Americans are not receiving the help that they were promised in regards to their mortgages?

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#12 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - ()

POSTED: Saturday, March 16, 2013

Feel free to type in 284134 at this website and scroll down to Consumer Comment #1 at Ripoff Report #284134 and read it for important information. Here is one of the things that was stated in that consumer comment-

QUOTE: "Events don't cause corporations to collapse. It's the OPINIONS of the events that trigger the collapse." - November 13, 2007.

FACT: Ten months later, in September of 2008, Lehman Brothers collapsed and the stock market crashed. On September 29, 2008, the Dow Jones lost a record 777 points and the financial system in the USA collapsed and had to be bailed-out by the American people. Several large corporations were also on the verge of collapsing, including Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG, General Motors, and Chrysler. You can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that documentary on the web for proof.

Have a great weekend, and make sure to spread your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter and Facebook!

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#11 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, February 25, 2013

You can send a copy of your Ripoff Report to FRONTLINE and to Democracy Now! Maybe one of them will contact you and do a story on TV.

The addresses are available at this website. Just type in- MOYNIHAN CEO SHAME, and click on Ripoff Report #555030 and scroll down to Consumer Comment #28 and both addresses are listed.

Good luck to you, and make sure to spread your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter and Facebook!

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#10 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If you would like to know where the highest concentration of the wealthiest individuals in the world reside between the months of November and March, simply stay at this site and type in- STOP RUNNING RIPOFF, and go to 'Consumer Comment #3' at Ripoff Report #269041, entitled "Blame it on a Lawyer" and read what is posted at the beginning of paragraph six for the answer.

Make sure to keep spreading your Ripoff Report all over the web at sites like Twitter and Facebook so others can read it.

Good luck to you and your family!

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#9 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Thursday, January 10, 2013

You can stay at this site and type in- ONE BIG LIE, and read the Ripoff Reports from people all over America.

Good luck to you and your family!

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#8 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, January 07, 2013

The biggest lie in the history of the world was exposed on the worldwide web on May 31, 2008 at 9:13 PM.

You can 'Google' this- MELISSA WOODS BUSINESSWEEK, and click on the BusinessWeek link and then click on 'View All 1001 Comments' and go to 'Page 10' in order to find the answer.

FACT: Four months later, in September of 2008, the banking system in the USA collapsed and the stock market crashed. On September 29, 2008, the Dow Jones lost a record 777 points and the American people were forced to bail-out the failed banking system and several Wall Street firms with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer's money from the TARP.
You can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that documentary on the web for proof.

Conclusion: That comment is no longer a theory. It is a fact.

Have a nice day.

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#7 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't forget to give us an update to your Ripoff Report when you have time, okay?

Happy Holidays!

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#6 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, October 22, 2012

Please give us an update to your Ripoff Report and let us know if HUD was able to provide you with any help. Thank You

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#5 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Monday, January 30, 2012

is available in the consumer comments section at this Ripoff Report.

Thank You

***NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE ALERT: Make sure to 'Google' the following three videos and watch them on the web for important information if you have a mortgage in the USA-


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#4 Consumer Comment

some hard advice to you

AUTHOR: Daniel - (U.S.A.)

POSTED: Monday, January 30, 2012

i have read your report, iam sorry to say yeah gmac is right  fha  no refinance for you.  heres what you can do   SELL the house before they take it ,right now a lot of foreclosures are on hold because of all the foreclosure mills and the robo signed doc. this is a hard nut to swallow guy but it will save your a*s in the long run. you can also try a short sale if the house is upside down as it seems to be , i was lucky with my case i sold my house and was able to have the foreclosure dismmissed three times. my attorney fees were 30k do you have that ? GMAC is a b*****d company they need to go down ,try me at iam working on a case again against gmac .

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#3 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Sunday, January 29, 2012

is the title to a song that is available in the consumer comments section at this Ripoff Report.

Thank You

***NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE ALERT: Make sure to type in 481508 at this site and read St. Clair's Ripoff Report for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA.
Then type in all of the following at this site and read the Ripoff Reports for additional information if you have a mortgage-


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#2 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Sunday, December 04, 2011

(Please sing to the tune of "Dancing Queen")

Anyone can 'Google' this- ABBA MIDI FILES TRIPOD, and click on 'Dancing Queen', and then sing the following lyrics to that tune, right?

Here we go- 1, 2, 3, 4....

They will scam, they will lie
Screwing up so many lives
They're the mob, they are mean
It's time to occupy!

Sunday night, temperatures are low
Denver's cold and it got some snow
Wall Street is a big lie
Stocks are low, not high
It's a BIG Ponzi scheme.

Government doesn't do its job
Working for bankers called the... mob
What is going on
Something sure is wrong
It's time to occupy!

'Cause all the goofballs lied
We are now mortified, petrified
Many vilified!
Yes, they lied, cannot hide
Many people cried, oh yeah!
What the hell is going on
Can't you see that the mob's in control
See that street, it's a lie
Go there and occupy!

Sunday night and it's very cold
Banker goons really got quite... bold
Thought that they were real sharp,
Taking billions from TARP
All of 'em should be fried!
It's time to occupy
'Cause every leader lied
People cried, many teary-eyed
Yes they tried, still stocks slide
Corporations died, oh yeah!
When will they ever learn
That corruption and fraud are a crime
See that street, it's a lie 
Everyone occupy!
It's time to occupy!


Anyone can 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that video on the web for proof that the bankers control the U.S. government and Wall Street.

Thank You

"Knowledge is power."


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#1 Consumer Comment

Tired of the Lies,

AUTHOR: Karl - (USA)

POSTED: Friday, December 02, 2011

The truth is this: GMAC was part of General Motors, and General Motors had to file for bankruptcy not too long ago, remember? I believe that a company called Cerberus Financial acquired 51% of GMAC in 2006. Cerberus also had an 80% stake in Chrysler Corporation, which filed for bankruptcy a few years ago too.

Both General Motors and Chrysler Corp. received Tens of Billions of dollars from the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), which was taxpayers money. Believe it or not, both General Motors and Chrysler Corp. are part of the Federal Reserve, according to information available on the web.
Just 'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and go to the site with the 5 charts. (Both companies are listed in 'Chart 3'.)

So, to sum it up in a nutshell, the American people are bailing out the Federal Reserve, which is a private corporation owned by a cartel of bankers, who also control the government of the USA and the governments of Europe. These same bankers also control Wall Street. And we know that these bankers were the ones who ultimately allowed the ARM's (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) and 'Interest Only Mortgages' to flourish in the USA, right?

Look what has happened. Millions of homeowners in America have gone into foreclosure. Millions of homeowners are 'underwater' with their mortgages. Home prices all over America have dropped in the past few years. Even people who never took out an 'ARM' or an 'Interest Only Mortgage' have seen their home values decline, right?

The Federal Reserve should be abolished, in my opinion. The Fed, and its decision making, are the root causes of the financial problems all over the world, in my opinion. Americans and Europeans are being punished by bailing-out the failed system known as the FEDERAL RESERVE, correct?

Make sure to 'Google' the following videos and watch them on the web to learn more about the Federal Reserve-


Since the Federal Reserve obviously controls the U.S. government, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the politicians in this country will not be on the side of the people, wouldn't you agree? The politicians, almost all of them, work for and serve the Fed. That's why things will continue to deteriorate in the USA and in Europe in the months and years to come. 

Make sure to 'Google' this- 9WANTS TO KNOW STARTS WEEK-LONG PUSH TO HELP HOMEOWNERS, and watch that video on the web and read the article. You can contact the Investigative Reporters at all of your Local T.V. stations, and maybe one of them will contact you and help you.

Good luck to you, and Happy Holidays!

***NATIONWIDE MORTGAGE ALERT: Don't forget to type in all of the following at this site and read the Ripoff Reports for valuable information if you have a mortgage in the USA-


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