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Report: #1480485

Complaint Review: GM Financial - Fort Worth Texas

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  • Reported By: CJS — Marco Island Florida United States
  • Author Not Confirmed What's this?
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  • GM Financial Fort Worth, Texas United States

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I went to purchase a new Suburban yesterday and the dealer ran my credit. It was destroyed. From a 760 to a 515. Because of GM Financial Reckless attack against the American tax payers.

For several years GM Financial has sent us mail and emails on our Chevy. We turned in the car at lease end in March of 2019. We never received any communication, no mail, no phone call and zero emails regarding any additional charges due.

Rather than contacting us as they had in the past for years (I would have arranged payment timely) GM Financial chose to place a serious delinquency in litigation on all my credit reports. Irreparable damage for years to come.

GM Financial course of action has not only trashed my credit but they have lost me, my children and my children's grand children and are going to be loosing tens of thousands of more customers as I shall continue to voice how they are conducting business with the American consumers that bailed them out. To add to their self infliction I shall be persueing a large sum of punitive damages. No matter to me of a loss. I will create a massive mountain of litigation so they will have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars with their legal teams. Costing me nothing but time and my mutilated credit reports.


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#15 General Comment

30 yrs in finance

AUTHOR: John - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Been in the finance game for 30 yrs.  Your telling us that 1 30 day late from GMAC on an auto lease caused, Wells Fargo, Capital One and so on to all run your credit at the same time and all make a decision to lower your available credit by $29k?  No, not possible.  They are not monitoring you or anyone that closely.  But nice try with that line.

So curious, did you get it up to a 520 yet?

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#14 General Comment

Are you even capable....

AUTHOR: John - (United States)

POSTED: Friday, June 21, 2019

Of posting about your situation without trying to make it into an indictment of some political or economic system?  Again- the Big Bad Commies aren't going after your credit score.  Put your tinfoil hat away before commenting again, please.  You're such a ridiculous little nut I suspect that you blame Hillary when Starbucks gets your order wrong.

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#13 Author of original report

The Credit Effect

AUTHOR: CS - (United States)

POSTED: Friday, June 21, 2019

Attached the GM Financial letter or error, if you can call it that.

To all you meat headed know it all’s claiming to be credit experts. Understand when GM Financial issed the reckless report to the Bureaus it immediately hit my FICO. Creditors connected crushed my credit limits. They were adjusted immediately as in went down the toilet!

Home depot was 18,000.00 dropped to 7600, Capital Bank 22,000 dropped 10,000, Wells Fargo 8000 to 1400 and put a freeze on my floor plan. In total reversing my available credit by -$29,000.00. NONE of them will do a dam thing until 30 days pass.

A double ended BF from GM Financial. And too all the know it all’s spewing garbage from their red party pipes claiming to be the oracle…..your the true non American Idiots. AND not surprisingly most likely connected to GM, covering up lies and paths of destruction.

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#12 General Comment

Self-Important twattle...

AUTHOR: John - (United States)

POSTED: Friday, June 21, 2019

Seriously, all this talk about "pinkos" and "Socialists" and "laissez-faire capitalism" and "Bernie" is just a mountain of sad distraction from the simple fact that you didn't do your due diligence and want to project that failure on to a much larger screen.  Let me make this really clear to you:

1.  Your credit score is not a symptom of the collapse of the American economic or political system.

2.  GM's handling of your debt is not a violation of the Constitution and it does not signal the coming of Democratic Socialism.

3.  Your problems are not the result of Millenials, the death of Responsibility, Participation Trophies, Snowflakes, or the LGBTQ Community.

Your problems are your own. You screwed up.  Put down the American flag and get off your soapbox.  And pay your bills. And leave your broadbrushed political comments out of it.  YOU AREN'T THIS IMPORTANT. 

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#11 Consumer Comment

More to the score

AUTHOR: Robert - (United States)

POSTED: Thursday, June 20, 2019

While you were under no obligation to it was your own self-entitlement and self-important attitude that apparently compelled you to post details of your credit reports. Unfortunately, instead of your goal in helping to prove your point, you actually showed why your claims are invalid in how much this affected your credit score.

One major factor in credit scoring is credit utilization, in fact for FICO scores it accounts for 30% of your overall score. The only thing that accounts for more is payment history and that is 35%.

In looking at your revolving account balances, you owe a little over 17K with total credit lines of around 19K, giving you an available of only $1,660. This puts you at around 91% just about every standard you are considered "MAXED OUT" and that has a very derogatory. In general you are considered "Maxed Out" at around 85% utilization, and yes it is really only your revolving credit lines that affect this.

Am I saying that this 30 day late didn't affect your score..NO. I am saying that by your own proof, you has shown you have other issues that are also a major contributing factor in the lower score.

As for the original issue...
GM Financial choose not to send us anything to our mailing, email or call us. All they did was to report a serious delinquancey as a loss on my credit reports.
- How do you know they "chose" not to do this? Perhaps they did and you either just ignored it as a spam call or tossed out the letter. These letters and phone calls are computer generated automatically. There isn't some person in a back room who is randomly deciding to ignore you. By the way due to security issues it is rare(if ever) a bank or finance company will communicate any (even remotely) private financial information by e-mail.

At all lease turn-ins typicaly you get a letter or communication from the manufactures leasing department within 30 days of any associated fees that need to be paid.
This didn't answer the question that was asked...did you receive a statement or letter showing you were paid in full?

Individuals that believe its OK for GM Financial trash consumers credit without any recourse are the true un-amercian wackadoodles
- No one is saying that. What we are saying is that YOU have shown nothing that they did anything wrong, in fact you did the opposite showing other reasons for your credit score drop outside of this 30 day late.

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#10 Consumer Comment

Look in a Mirror

AUTHOR: Jim - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Who we are is unimportant.  What I know is you are a pseudo-conservative; I see people like you all of the time.  You don't care about the American worker and you care about nothing except yourself.  Guys like you wear a MAGA hat but secretly wish for free stuff.  But I digress....

The only one entitled here is you.  Let's review your narrative: 

  • You believe that as a hard working American, you should not have been dinged so hard on your credit.
  • You failed to follow any of the policies the dealership set for you with regard to end of lease, but that doesn't matter....because clearly the rules don't apply to you (a progressive viewpoint BTW).  
  • You want GM to give you a break because as a hard working American, you deserve it. 
  • You come to a public site and complain about it, only to find the site believes in the 1st amendment, and surprise....the public tells you that you were wrong and people question your credibility. 
  • You can't believe anyone would disagree with you - much like a progressive can't believe...
  • You assign fault everywhere except where it should be placed....much like a progressive would...

You could not have expressed your entitlement and self-interest any clearer than that.  If you wish to find fault in this - then look in a mirror.  Take some responsibility....

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#9 Author of original report

Narcissistic Entitlement

AUTHOR: CJS - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Seriously who are you guys unauthorized Immigrants with Criminal Convictions. Zero support of your American working brothers. Stating I need to sacrifice what takes years to build. Your comments are focused in on self interests deprecating the benefits of exploitation in favor of your benefits of mutual cooperation.

Communism demands that individuals "sacrifice" this outcome and instead end up with mutual cooperation. You guys are right on track.

Your choice c'est la vie

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#8 Consumer Comment


AUTHOR: Jim - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The point I was making (moron) is that your score didn't drop from 760 to 514 because of this situation.  It dropped from maybe 640 to 514 because of this.  Your credit score will only drop about 120-130 points for something like this.  It won't drop 260 points idiot.  If you seriously had a score of 760, it dropped for reasons other than this.  Moron.

You give conservatives a bad name.  How about taking some personal responsibility you fool?  It's amazing how an idiot comes here, claims he's a conservative, and then acts like a progressive when it comes to credit....  You and Bernie have a lot in common.

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#7 Author of original report


AUTHOR: CJS - (United States)

POSTED: Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Individuals that believe its OK for GM Financial trash consumers credit without any recourse are the true un-amercian wackadoodles……... Walking around with blinders on you mistakenly assume that supporting laissez-faire capitalism “let do” oh just leave it alone is seriously undermining true capitalism and small business.

GM Financial is a chief sources of danger with this type of action. If being responsible for American working people is a Self-Importance then you belong on the same ship as Berce and his implanted Suburban.


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#6 General Comment

Thanks for confirming....

AUTHOR: John - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 18, 2019

...that you are just a bizarre loon so overcome with self-importance that you think a bad experience with a car dealership is some kind of Communist Conspiracy to destroy America.  You seriously are a wackadoodle who needs to get a grip. 

You aren't being targeted by Hillary, Pinkos, Leninists, Anarchists or the Illuminati.  And people who point out your silly hyperbole aren't employees of GM or the New World Order.

Seriously, get a grip, Mr. Businessman Patriot. 

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#5 Author of original report

La-di-da approach

AUTHOR: CJS - (United States)

POSTED: Tuesday, June 18, 2019

FYI: Gm Financial has been paid for their disposition fee, taxes imposed, wear and tear and excess mileage. They stated I would receive a letter in 24hrs disclosing an error was placed on the credit reporting. No Letter Yet and I do not expect one as we have contacted them over and over nothing. Matter not it will take months for any adjustment of my score and it will not go back for years to where it was prior.

La-di-da approach from Mr. "I doubt It" is a non conservative pinko response and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a Representative of GM Financial. Attached is proof of only one negative item on my credit report, the score noting it was from one serious delinquency and a snp shot of the reporting from GM Financial. The deep score drop is caused from how GM Financial reported as "Loss Mitigation in Litigation status". A total mutilation and damaging for years to come FROM ONE FALSE DELINQUENCY. Again no regard for Americans that have a solid long term track record of integrity.

Being a business owner I have a responsibility of a dozen employees. My credit report score carries the weight of inventory floor planning, credit lines and insurance rates. If we can not acquire inventory, competitive rates, etc. this is a direct blow to our business and it's employees.

The damage is done to more than one individual. GM Financial could care less if I come up 50 points short for years to come from their reckless extortion methods.

Mr. Daniel E. Berce Chief Executive Officer, GM Financial can take that Suburban I was going to take delivery of and shove it up his *** and request to ship both of them off to a Marxist-Leninist society where they belong.

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#4 Author of original report

Response "Receipt?"

AUTHOR: CJS - (United States)

POSTED: Monday, June 17, 2019

The car was delivered to a GM dealer. The leasing manager completed a walk around on the vechicle and yes we recived a recipt. At all lease turn-ins typicaly you get a letter or communication from the manufactures leasing department within 30 days of any associated fees that need to be paid.

GM Financial choose not to send us anything to our mailing, email or call us. All they did was to report a serious delinquancey as a loss on my credit reports. And YES there is somthing wrong here and now Im paying for GM Financials error.

Look at the consumer reviews online .........they are self destructing and taking the Amercian working people with them on the path.  

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#3 Consumer Comment

I Doubt It

AUTHOR: Jim - (United States)

POSTED: Monday, June 17, 2019

I shall be persueing a large sum of punitive damages. No matter to me of a loss.  If you are going to actually pursue them for damages, you are actually going to need a case first.  The fact you have a credit score that went from 760 to 515 isn't because of a bill that's 2.5 months after the car was turned in.  There would have been an amount due at the end of the lease for a number of reasons, including:

  • Excessive use of the vehicle over the lease term
  • Dents, scratches, etc...
  • Cleanings, detailing, etc..
  • Other

Now, all of that would have been settled sometime in April, which means that any amount due from you would have been billed to you at that time.  Should they have contacted you?  Yes, and maybe they will evidence suggesting they did.  Should you have known there were additional charges?  Yes because there are always additional charges due after the end of a lease.  It means the reduction of your credit score is also partially your fault, at a minimum.

I will create a massive mountain of litigation so they will have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars with their legal teams. Costing me nothing but time and my mutilated credit reports.  It won't really cost them much of anything.  The company has in-house counsel - they don't farm out their lawsuits unless they actually plan on litigating, which they won't do in your case.  Even in a case in which they have to litigate, GM would simply submit their bill to their insurance and subject to a deductible, the insurance company would pay, not GM.

The best thing to do at this point is settle up with the dealership for the outstanding amount and secure the closing document on the lease.  Then speak to someone at GM Financial and get something from them in writing indicating the entry on your credit reports was a mistake and why.  Then, write to the 3 credit reporting agencies and ask that they remove the item and attach a copy of the letter to your correspondence.  They agencies will remove the item from your credit history, and your score should return to whatever it should be - it may not be 760, but it will be whatever it should be without that item. 

That would be a much more satisfactory and productive use of your time.

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#2 Consumer Comment

Still Another Reason To Never Get Into Any CAR FLEASE!

AUTHOR: The Dog - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, June 16, 2019

 What was this extra, unpaid amount for? Was it for a COMPLETELY BOGUS back end fee called "Termination"? Was it for the GROSSLY EXAGGERATED "Excess Wear and Tear" where they extract money from you and just keep it rather than do any of the repairs they are charging you for?

A CAR FLEASE is NEVER a good deal for the customer, but it's an excellent deal for the dealer. That's why they push a FLEASE so much. There's much more profit in a CAR FLEASE than in a purchase and that profit comes from you. Never, ever get into a CAR FLEASE again. It will be YOU who gets sheared!

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#1 General Comment


AUTHOR: John - (United States)

POSTED: Sunday, June 16, 2019

Didn't you get a Paid in Full contract from GM when you turned in your car and the lease ended?  Something's wrong here- why don't you have a piece of paper declaring the lease terminated on good terms with both parties?

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